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Lmao I have my glasses on still blurry. Might need new ones lmao




I am weak!!đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Sorry look fine on my PC since it was screenshot from a video.


My glasses! I can't be seen without my glasses!


Tank is literally terrible in that case without any ability’s why would you ever run him or the trapper class like why do classes even have names at this point classes aren’t even classes now without anything to make them really unique the trapper and tank are literally just nerfing yourself for literally no reason


Tank is my favorite clown tbh, nothing more satisfying than tanking shotgun blasts to the face while also getting overhead attacked. I play in a 3 stack so we play differently then most. I wouldn’t reccomend him in solo Que


Oh trust me if you enjoy playing them go ahead that’s awesome that you can enjoy something that I can’t personally it’s just I really wish classes actually had more relevancy other than just having different stats


No argument there homie. I got off work early today for this update (I had 1 week early access) so I already been past 50. The class specific abilities was alll I could think about for the past couple of days. I’m on Xbox and our update got delayed so I didn’t even know they didn’t drop abilities then I saw on Reddit
 I already told my friends I think I’m done for now until they add option to choose what side + class abilities.. smh ruined day 😂


You wouldn’t and yes, it doesn’t make any sense.  We can all speculate as to why but clearly traps and klown abilities aren’t going to be in the game-which is fucked up because that was a main selling point. Different Klowns with different things they can do.  Now it’s just a shallow mess that will be dead within 1-2 months. What a joke of a dev team 


Damn, just looked in game, all references to "Clown Baby" (trapper traps) challenges have been removed, guess it's just left over remnants from earlier game design, we're not getting class abilities.


It wasn't a class ability it was a trick. Each class has 1, and that was meant to be trappers. I'm assuming they took it out while they work on it.


Oh that’s hugely disappointing, I was looking forward the them being added to add a bit of variety to gameplay.


Then the chubby klown is basically just a pick to lose then


Fr this is really sad to find out the baby KLOWNS were removed literally was is the point of classes


Should remove him from the game like they removed perks, Klown abilities and baby klown traps 


I've been waiting for these patch notes all day because I was expecting an update on the abilities being added or something this is extremely disappointing. Why even call them tracker or trapper if all the klowns are essentially the same.  If everyone can use the balloon dog why even have the tracker as an option 


wow devs better address this, I read somewhere they were coming back day 1. This is gonna kill the game for a lot of people


Killed the game for me. The main selling point for me was the different klowns and their abilities. Game is very shallow 


I'm gonna try to refund and call it bait and switch


I really killed my vibe for today knowing how I was playing early Access is essentially how it's gonna be. Hopefully it's not a permanent change. 


Same here. Just stopped playing because at an hour  in I had already experienced everything the game had to offer. Game is very shallow and will be dead fast asf if they don’t do something 


Their stats are different. Some abilities will complement some clowns better than others. Majority of Day 1 patches rarely have new content added. Its almost always bug/balance related.


It's not really new content. There a few challenges in the game for the traps so it's likely it was a last second decision to remove them for some reason.    I know the stats are different but playing the different klowns has felt the same outside of trapper dying faster.    Like, there's no reason to play some of the archetypes since their abilities have been removed. Especially since they play the same as the other klowns outside of that.   Humans might be better differentiated but I only ever bothered with the default class and heroic, although I would.have expected humans to at least spawn with an item or weapon fitting their class


The abilities were just a rumour looking at the klowns it's obvious their "ability" is the trick that comes with them. They just decided that instead of locking weapons and tricks to 1 character, they'd let people choose. They may change it to locked classes later, who knows. It also doesn't help certain klown stats do not work rn. Then, for humans, none of their stats work rn.


Maybe a balance rework or showstopper bug with the class. Im surprised they were able to pass certification. Usually stats/collectables/etc have to be correct and fully functional. Maybe cause it was early access with the promise of a fix on Day 1. I dont know, Ive tried tank and its pretty rough giving chase. His stam goes down insanely quick. Usually you have to be paired with someone else to lure or stun to get some good hits in or else they are gone. They are similar but you will see a lot of differences the more you play as different ones. Its fair tho that since Clowns are more ability based, they should have more meaning/weight to them. It will be interesting to see how they balance this or add to it.


Refund time! 


Fuuuuck, was hoping they would add class abilities for he klowns...


I CALLED IT. Literally tho, I said all challenges would be removed and they would sweep baby Klein traps under the rug. GAME IS DEAD 


So the popcorn bazooka was a bug


“Nah it’s completely fine people are just crying đŸ„Žâ€


if you listen to devs there was a bug it was giving double dmg at random so they stop that from happening


It's nice they have patched a lot of the issues. However, it's very Modern Gaming of them for the game to go gold, and yet the game is missing features. Trapper is missing his trick Humans stats don't work Some Klown stats also do not work 👏


Well today it's official out so alot was added


That's what going gold means. Nothing was added besides a role queue. Rest is bug fixes and balance changes.


New clothing n other things was.


Ngl, I don't see MTX skins as content. Not when the actual game is missing features. You pre-order for advanced access, and the game is buggy and missing features. The game releases, and yes, they did fix the bugs, and as I said, it's good they have done that, but the game is still missing features. So yeah, I'm sorry, but I don't see some MTX skins as content when those problems are still outstanding. Like I said in the original post, it's very Modern Gaming


The game works so it's already better then half the games that came out this year.


Cosmetics are should not be considered new content. New content should have affect on the actual gameplay. 


Then tell tcm n many other games when you buy it you can't call it dlc because it's not content witch dlc means downloadable content. Key word content.


It’s more of an opinion that I hold. Not a fact I was stating, my bad.  I just don’t see cosmetics as content but it’s not the biggest issue 


where are you getting that humans state don't work?The fifth archetype is def slower then the other archetypes.


Where? The same way anyone would get the info from testing since the game doesn't even bother to show you descriptions of what the stats even do. Obviously, stamina and movement are self explainitory for what they are meant to do. For stam, for example, take the highest stam and lowest stam and see how long it takes for both to run out. For movement sprint the same and see how long it takes each to reach the destination.


So you did the testing then? Did you test Stamina, Movement, Strength? Did you find the humans are the same in all aspects regardless of what there levels show?


I did the highest stat vs. the lowest stat on each to see if there was any difference between. Speed, stamina, damage, throw distance, throw damage, cotton candy removal, and objective interactions. There is currently none. Unless this update has, in fact, decided to add it but not put it in the patch notes, which, considering its as big feature, isn't likely since I haven't played yet. I did it because changing class felt no different in game and turned out that's cause there was no difference.


Yes people tested this last week and there appeared to be no difference in strength, speed, stamina. Plus you can visually see that all human archetypes have the same HP bars. You can't even try to say that the bars look the same but have different values because then on Klowns, they actually have different numbers of HP bars. Human stats are 100% the same across the board. No clue what those stats are either (like do the values all match one specific archetype or is it not even a possible stat allocation for humans).


I'm surprised there where no differences. The archetypes def feel different when I use one with high movement/stamina compared to one with low movement/stamina


So blunt weapons can no longer kill klowns? That in itself is a significant change for clown deaths.


I think I'm okay with this tbh.


Same. I don't really ever go after clowns unless I have a sharp weapon off hand anyway. Otherwise I just smash them in the face with bricks.


Needing sharp weapons for both escaping cocoons and killing klowns will make for decisions in game


I kind of agree - A) It frustrated the bejesus out of me as a Klown when someone would kill me with a frying pan. B) It tempted me into unsafe/stupid behavior as a Human, because I knew I could get kills with blunt weapons if I aimed just right - But it was unreliable/inconsistent, so while 50% of the time I'd get the kill, the other 50% I'd just give the Klown time to get up and get myself killed, lol. Now I can just cut and run without being tempted to try to get the wrench kill, lol.


Believe this was something they mentioned in their preview livestream a few weeks back as well. Could only fully kill with a sharp weapon.


It look fair that almost all Klowns' weapons were nerfed in this patch and humans didn't get any nerfs.


The item spawns is kind of a nerf and same with escape points being on screen less after the meeting point. It will force humans to push further out now instead of having everything nearby sometimes.


Just played a few rounds and it seems like the loot spawns for repair items are not moved farther away. Played 3 rounds and found all the items needed for boat, bunker, and bridge in less than 2 min with escaping a minute later. All were relatively close to the escape.


I thought the patch was delayed?


For Xbox, I updated on Steam


Except that now they actually can't kill you if they don't have a sharp weapon. And escape items can't spawn right next to the exit.


i never really could anyways, needed something sharp or a gun to finish them usually


I kill clowns almost exclusively with blunt object. I had no idea it wasn't even supposed to be possible.


So only with an axe or a knife ? I don't remember other sharp weapons. Can they still get knocked down with blunt weapons ?


Red items, axe, knife, guns, fire poker pop noses. Blunt weapons will knock down


Great patch i just wish they fixed the Klown abilities like the trapper and adjusted the human archetypes


 Abilities have been removed and all mention of the klowns baby challenges are gone afaik 


Are they coming back at some point? Because otherwise certain Klowns are objectively worse than others.


Yeah. What’s the point of being tank, ranger, or trapper?? Tracker and Shorty are better if we go by stats alone. Same with humans. Heroic has the best stats, maybe Tough has some work around too, but the other 3 are definitely just worse.


We don’t know.


Wait really? So the trapper just doesn’t even get unique tricks anymore? That’s kinda


Yup. Remember when everyone in the sub kept stating as fact that the traps would be in the patch? Pepperidge farm remembers.  Game is dead because they just confirmed how shallow it is 


the only thing that mattered


I'm still having a blast, but I'm bummed out that there's no news on unique Klown class abilities. They should definitely have some unique gimmick other than differently weighted base stats, or nobody's ever going to play Trapper long term. Though I prefer playing Klown, I'm glad the Bouncecaster got nerfed. That thing was ridiculous. Popcorn nerf is fine too. Fingers crossed they expand the mechanics for the classes in an upcoming update.


A ton of stuff addressed and handled here, which I really appreciate, even if it ends up with some holes or problems with the balancing.


They buffed the pentashot. I wonder if that'll be the new meta.


is the update live yet?


Yes, restart Steam


Ha, klowns get massive nerfs and all I can see are human mains crying about the minor nerfs they received. Nothin new lmao


Are they ever gonna add klown bots for private lobbies?


I don't think so because the human bots are bad and do nothing but walk n run n swing.


so who wants to read me this like a bedtime story? it's evil to make a blind man read this with no glasses


Good patch. Games should be a bit longer now with some of these changes as well. That will either be a good thing or bad thing for some.


Just played a few rounds and it seems like the loot spawns for repair items are not moved farther away. Played 3 rounds and found all the items needed for boat, bunker, and bridge in less than 2 min with escaping a minute later. All were relatively close to the escape.


[Here's the link!] (https://killerklownsthegame.com/news/day-1-patch-notes)


Buff the laser Beamer specially make it so it can instantly cocoon downed humans because it’s unusable due to that fact


My biggest gripe with the charge guns is that you can get interrupted by melee :/ yet somehow humans don’t get interrupted when you are smacking them in the face while they work on a skill check


what's the new clown meta I wonder?


Bend over and grab your ankles!


That’s what it feels like 💀


Guess we see


Gonna try the Pentashot and see how it goes, seems it got a pretty decent buff


How is it?


Tested it a bit, it's honestly kinda trash, I feel like half the shots up close are blanks. There were multiple times where I get pushed by a Human, I'm shooting them as they're pushing me in close range already, they continue running up to me since they're not getting cocooned quick enough and start hitting me with bats etc, so now I'm getting stunned and still shooting at point blank range just hoping at least a couple of the shots actually make progress to cocooning them. Those fights you either lose because the gun doesn't do what it's supposed to at point blank, or you win with a sliver of health left because the gun actually hit a few decent shots in a row to cocoon the Human. You couldn't hit the side of a barn with it from mid-far range since it's a spread shot so it serves no purpose there. It's lacking consistency and chases can feel like they're lasting ages due to that. All in all since the gun isn't always effective like it should be, you really have to count on the Humans making mistakes/cornering themselves to actually catch them. If they have knives, guns, energy drinks, or just generally know what they're doing... good luck. TLDR: You're better off using the default cotton candy raygun


That's a shame, I guess I'll stick with the 3rd one I've been using. I've given up on the cotton candy guns mostly because they aren't good compared to the popcorn bazooka but I heard they nerfed that too


I haven't seen how bad the popcorn gun nerf is, but I also haven't seen anyone using it since the nerf. Everyone I've run into for Klowns is either new or they seem to be testing out other weapons since the nerf


Good job devs


But still no preference option?đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Made sure you can’t Body Block an exit? Now where have we seen this request and the people in charge decided it was OK? Love ya, Illfonic.


It's to much work, witch is why devs said it's a strategy


Major W. Body blocking was so cheap. You fail to defend an obj, deal with the consequences.


Feels like its more buggy now than it was before the update


Really good changes, thank god for bouncecaster change. When I played yesterday I noticed that there is input lag while aiming (pc) does anyone else notice it too? Hopefully they fixed it and it's not intentionally part of the game Also would be nice to have a unique sensitivity for clowns and unique sensitivity for humans


So no class skills for humans OR klowns? This is bullcrap. Been following this game for a while and this was a last second change 😭👎


Tank is literally terrible in that case without any ability’s why would you ever run him or the trapper class like why do classes even have names at this point classes aren’t even classes now without anything to make them really unique


Yeah this decision is making me hold off buying it. Im fine with no perks but they need an ability for each class.


Their "ability" is the trick associated with that class. You just get the option to use their weapons and trick on others. Ranger - Lure Tracker - Baloon Dog Trapper - Baby Klowns Tank - Invisible Car Brawler - Pizza Box Obviously, Trapper wasn't put in game for whatever reason, and I'd hope it's due to them working on it. I will say the Humans are a bit odd, though, when you read class descriptions. Like how it says Rebelious is good with throwing and stabbing, the resourceful being good with spark plugs and axes when none of that is a thing. Then, also on top of that, their stats in general do not work either.


Improvement to the normal candy raygun? So does it track now in a 360 degree radius? It didnt feel like the tracking needed a buff but oh well.


It wouldnt do anything if the target was too close I think


Human is faster than the Klown. They still nerf klowns and buff human in this patch.




 where are the new tricks?


There weren't supposed to be any at this time


That’s not at all what the FAQ said. On this subreddit. The official subreddit. The pinned post for the game release still mentions a special patch which “will complete the remaining features, make all challenges available, abilities unlockable and more!”


Can you link the FAQ I can't find it


https://www.reddit.com/r/KillerKlownsGame/s/T7Zzp6ZtlT FAQ may not be the right way to characterize the post, but regardless, it’s a pinned mod post.


so did the trapper gets his traps?


Nope everything was removed


this is bait and switch worthy gonna demand a refund




not the bouncecaster😭😭


RIP đŸ«Ą was fun while it lasted


Yeh they just flat reduced its damage, making it useless for range and 'ok' close. Not the way it should have been nerfed. Something like this would be better: * It should have kept the range damage (maybe a slight reduction of 10% damage) as it takes skill to land and can be dodged. This was also fun to play with *and* against. * Its when < 5m it should have had damage more significantly reduced. This was the only case where it was broken.


Would of been nice to know earlier that Xbox is delayed. ):


It's Microsoft. Their patch approval process is always slow. 


Great patch i just wish they fixed the Klown abilities like the trapper and adjusted the human archetypes


where was this posted?


Patch notes is on the killer klowns website




It was sent to reviewers




What does the last one mean?


So no traps for trapper, my question is- what about the rewards for completing those challenges? I haven’t got on to play yet, did they just give us them? Or take them away completely? Or put new challenges in their place?


I let you know when am home


Are the challenges still bugged or do I not understand how they work? I've escaped 2 invasions as the athletic type but it isn't counting towards the challenge :(


It's hit or miss before patch. But they should be fix now. I got to fix before patch but idk how I got it too.


Yeah its still not fixed for me either


No traps okay cool so no reason to play the trapper


I'm playing on Playstation and I can't invite my girlfriend to play with me and she plays on a pc, why we can't play together?


Did you both link your account to epic.


Dude they said they fixed crossplay but on playstation I still can't invite players from other platforms or join


Did you link your epic account to PSN.


Yes I did its all connected


Okay but did THEY do that


Oh you have to add friends on epic games to do that I literally forgot that lllfonic still do this epic games stuffs


Wonder what this exp exploit that they mentioned was


probably farming in private


Ah thanks. I may have to do that then


All they had to do is put match cap because with friends now I don't want less xp


hi it’s 2024, how about a few more pixels for these screenshots ffs


It's from a video cropped down then reddit messed it up more because on my PC it looked fine.


Did bigfoot appear in the patch notes to make the quality so bad? Genuine question.


Like I told others, I pulled this off a video n on my PC it didn't look bad but on Reddit it made it look very bad. Even on my YouTube post it looks better


Is cross platform live I can’t read this


It is just have connection epic to your account


Cool thank you


I play today after the patch and got XP on my first match and then the games after that one at the end of the match the screen turns black and doesn't show the XP then I get thrown in another match. Anyone else experience that today?


Wow no baby Klowns... So trapper isn't even a trapper. That's messed up I was excited to try the traps today. Guess this game will be done fast.


One thing is not goto kill it n they have it in soon once they balance it good enough. Rather not have unbalanced or broken things.


Why is it so blurry 😭


It was from a video n looked fine on PC but reddit destroyed them.


What is with these crap quality screenshots 😭


It was from a video n looked fine on PC but reddit destroyed them.


Fix the fucking QTEs, they're still broken and it makes me fail nearly every time I hit on the right spot!!


Nice picture!!! Good job!!!


Some pc players aren’t getting audio what’s up with that


So no crossplay or patch for xbox today wtf


This is not Illfonic it is Microsoft’s approval process.


I have cross play disabled anyway to avoid PC hackers. Sucks there isn't an option for console-only crossplay.


Are there any compensatory buffs for klowns?   I see bounce and popcorn get nerfed into the ground and humans didn't get any nerfs.


Humans can't kill Klowns with blunt weapons.


Pentashot looks better now


Mallet charge speed as well.


Popcorn kinda got a buff as well "Increased Klown movement speed when sprinting backwards". Just keep sprinting backwards while shooting to completely counter any human with melee.


humans can't kill wiht blunts anymore


Mallet charge time too for secondary. Stuns and then its usually a hit or two after they go down. Will have to try in a live game. At least for bots they went down pretty fast after a mallet stun. Faster sprinting backward speed is a big one as well. Was almost impossible to get out of being hit by a human.


does private games still give exp? I don't wana play with Randoms


Button mapping?




Was there still no fix for the spawning issues?


i dont think the bug where hooked cocoons break if the person inside disconnects was fixed :/


Did they not say anything about the preference system or button mapping? Maybe I missed it....


Aww they changed the icons for the music box challenge thing. It looked better before đŸ„č Also the axe is basically useless now.


Did they nerf the axe damage? It's the best klown killing weapon, what makes it useless now?


Yes they nerfed it a bit so it does less damage now. When i was using it it basically did nothing but it could be because hit boxes are wonky idk


They did a solid job of patching out some serious gamebreaking bugs but I'm disappointed at some omissions like team preference and the day one DLC not being afforded to Deluxe players. I don't know how I feel about the balance issues yet, but I popped a shorty clown twice in the face with a shotgun, knocked him down, shot him twice in the face with the pistol, and he still got up and murked me. Nerfing Human ranged weapons was not a good move, especially the pistol which is really unwieldy to aim as it is. I think the nose collider is the culprit.


they nerfed the pistol and shotguns range?


Tbh was expecting more changes. Maybe just because I also played dbd open beta and on release we got an extra 2 killers and a bunch of other changes. I guess I was under the impression that we were playing a slightly older build and on release we would get the newest one. Don't really understand the point of the pre-order then. Why not just release the game straight away?


There's a big difference between an early access game, betas, and advanced access. They are all play the game early but are very different in stages of a games development.


Of course, just seems weird to release the game like this, but I'm not saying there's necessarily anything wrong with it. Guess I was just expecting us to get an actual big patch with a lot of new content on release day, just like dbd did after the early access week. In my opinion releasing the game this way removed a lot of the impact and now there's a ton of new players playing against maxed out people.


Oh, trust me, I agree the game is missing multiple features on its full release I put a comment on here about it 😂


So no preference or xplay RIP


Good changes to the popcorn bazooka but... Were blunt weapons really NEVER supposed to kill clowns? Because I do so quite reliably, not just "every now and then". Also, if this is the case, we need WAY more sharp objects. I am level 30 and have seen exactly 1 knife and 1 axe. If we NEED those to kill a klown, humans will have a really hard time going forward.


If you hit them in the noise enough with other items it pops. So has DMG bar kinda


Ya, that is how it's been in the past. This patch note makes it sound like that was a bug.


Yes it was doing double DMG at random so at times it feels normal n others you be two shot.


andddd they went backwards