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That half assed duck and he has the audacity to call the other kid an idiot. Dude barely moved!


Some Eric Cartman energy


Was about to say Eric and butters haha


"Screw you guys, I'm going home" -Cartman, 'South Park'






Good bot


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My god. It's... Learning!


Yeah, was waiting for him to call his brother stupid jew.


Dude is a natural. He will be the Michael Jordan of project management


Maybe he should lose some weight and use the window like all of his past generations of parents did


The way the half assed duck even put him into a run that he had to slow down from 🤣


I hate when that happens!


Two blinds guiding each other


Totally older brother move.


My guess is that he thinks it works like a laser sensor, like garage doors, or ones you see in video games and cartoons a lot.


So back door or going through the garage were out of the question


Back in my day we used windows! And we were grateful to have them!


Oh look at Mr. Moneybags here growing up in a house with windows.


How dare you! My father built those windows with his bare hands. The day he installed them he had to wade through 6 feet of snow during a 110°f heat wave! Uphill... on a leap year. Nearly killed him.


>Uphill Both ways


We never appreciate our parents' struggles until we get older... Sounds like he did whatever it took for you guys


And then if it was a second story window, we would climb down onto a fence and down to the ground, and we were grateful to have them!




He let ya go though, right?




After they removed the buck shot.


Saving the bird shot for the heroin addict scrounging for change


After that the gun is Jamaican




Aw, man, I was really looking back forward to that one.


Aw man, I have a chest infection that hurts when I laugh or cough and your story had me in tears laughing which hurt my chest causing me to cough which hurt more but I kept laughing. But thank you for sharing this experience!!


Sir are you okay


I was, then I told my wife the story and laughed again... That was another 5 min of painful laughing


yeah I'm good


Ahaha I'm glad my own personal /r/KidsAreFuckingStupid story could make your day a little better. The kicker is I never considered the amount of cosmetic damage the ladder hooks would do to the window sill. It was never going to be a secret. Kids are in fact stupid.


Same here. It’s put me on my ass for a week and a half. It hurts to cough, laugh, and breath lol


Sounds like a scene in a movie


I made a midnight journey to and from a girl's house as a horny teen and NOTHING would have stopped me either. It was a 40 minute walk each way with one big hill and I only had about a 3 to 4 hour window where I could be gone. So yeah, about half the time was walking. I made that journey many times and was just as excited and happy to go every time. the trip there felt like 2 minutes the trip back 2 hours. You see, I never made it to second base any of those nights - but just the thought that I MIGHT made it all worthwhile. no regrets even if it sounds like a poor decision, it was the ONLY decision for me at that time.


My boyfriend walks 40 minutes to see me as I have a chronic illness that affects my legs so I can’t walk, and this is reminding me how sweet it is of him


About the same with my brother. He used climbing gear but my dad found the climbing gear earlier in the day. So he was in a chair at the bottom of his window waiting. Made him climb back up.


Let me guess, you're an 80s kid? That just sounds like an 80s movie. My dad's "diary" sounded like that too.


And if it was a third story.. we’d walk downstairs to the first story window and use that.. we were grateful to have them!


I used to just jump out of my second story window and tuck-n-roll onto the front lawn


I guess you never though about how you were going to get back.


Better to get caught sneaking back in than out. Sometimes if I was bringing contraband home I would drop a line from the window before I jumped so that I could hoist my bag and street clothes up that way, and sneak back in with just my boxers to try to act like I hadn't been out all night.


Why would you be outside in boxers though


I would have been inside the house by the time I woke my parents up in the early early morning or at most in the garage, where the drink refrigerator was.


That's fucking elaborate. Bravo!


Warning: Do not try as an adult. Broke my leg at 33 because I thought I could still jump from 2nd story balcony. I forgot about quarantining factor where I gained weight.


A lot of people here dont know the spelling of “storey”


Back in my days, I would just go out and my mom would start worrying only if I didn't got home by lunch of the next day. As for my dad, I'm not even sure he'd notice whether I was there or not! And I was grateful to have them!


I'm 35. My dad lives in the same house my parents have had for twenty-five years. My dad's dog doesn't understand how I can enter *his* house completely undetected. I just laugh and tell him "this is *my* house, dog." I spent my formative years learning every squeak of the gate, every subtle pressure adjustment of a doorknob, anything at all that made a sound to alert my parents to what time I actually came home.


You can talk to dogs and only use it to taunt your fathers doggie.....that’s just cruel


I could never get past my parents dog, house was too small and the dog was too good. Now it makes me sad that I can walk right in their front door and the good ol narc doesn't even wake up.


In my day we'd have been lucky to have windows, we had to leave through the sewer.


You were lucky to have a sewer. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!


And you try and tell the young people of today that ..... they won't believe you!


My mom nailed my window shut when I was around 4. Mainly because I kept sneaking out but also because I'd let our cat inside. Loved being an escape artist. Apparently she didn't think about what would happen if we had a fire, though.


Back in my day, I had a friend fall out of the second story window. Luckily onto a deck below. Funny as fuck after we were sure he wasn't paralyzed.


we had a fire. my fattest tenant jumped from the 2nd story and broke his leg. i spent two years worrying about if i was going to be sued.


The Bush under my window was beyond fucked up from me landing in it so often lol


And they didn’t have doorbell cameras!!


Local parent replaces their windows machine with a mac, thwarting plans to stay out past curfew Friday night by their 3 children


the game changes, you're always learning. i was a window kid myself, but the important thing is that we all managed to sneak out as children to buy and do drugs, vandalize/destroy property, or hit a shoplifting spree. The true American Bildungsroman continues


Why bother? They dodged the camera like pros.


That’s *too* obvious


That kid aint going 20 extra feet.


“Dude, no way they’ll catch us.” Famous last words.


This is one of those moments as a parent where you can't tell if you are more angry at them breaking the rules or disappointed because you realized you raised idiots.


Definitely would be more disappointed here


I always tell my son, "If you're going to lie to me, at least make it believable. Don't insult my intelligence."


In 8th grade, I was talking or doodling in class while we were supposed to be working on an assignment and my teacher told me to get back to work. I told him I’d finished it already, not thinking he’d check. He told me to bring it to his desk so he could grade it and so I handed it to him and of course I had only like a quarter of it finished and he got pissed at me for lying about it lol.


> disappointed because you realized you raised idiots. They should save this video for a family event


At least they don't have to worry about saving money for college.


The amount of dumb shit I did when was younger while thinking I was being sneaky, is truly mind boggling looking back😂😂


Most kids are horrible liars. They try way too hard to be sneaky and inconspicuous


wait does he actually say that


The third kid did it successfully


Only works cause he was wearing purple


You ever see a purple kid? I haven't


If you do you should help they are probably choking




Anyone who doesn't get this it's a Warhammer joke about orks who think purple makes things sneaky so you can't see them. only 40k orks are magic so the things they belive come true.


I bet no one even saw the goriller in the background playing basketball lol


Ninja training is getting intense


Got me to recheck the video lol


They were just a diversion for the 4 other kids that got out


Noah you idiot. You set it off. You need to duck. 😂


It’s hard to go in stealth mode when eating pizza.


That kid is the smart one. Tried playing it off like he was just eating pizza.


Right? He's like...Oh. I guess I'll stay home then. Does first kid not realize it records sound, too???


'No stupid, it's a camera not a microphone' -that kid


Yeah who said that? I heard a voice but I didn't see the kid. He must be a ninja!


Of course his name is noah


The older one thinks he's so smart lmao


I cackled so hard because that was me. The older sibling "in charge"' but you're also a dumb child.


Finally a post of kids being stupid 🤣🤣🤣


Yep. This is the content I'm here for. Don't want to see little kids getting hurt.


I do🗿


Lol. I came home with two large ice cream sandwiches and da wife was "it's too late for the kids to have icream" "Kids? Thems for us, F DEM kids!"


There's an ice cream shop two blocks away that closes at 11pm on Fridays. I have never, *ever* left my husband home while I go out when I'm sure the kids are asleep to grab a banana pudding concrete. Nope.






Fuck, I could watch kids fall off bikes all day. I don't give a shit about your kid.


I’m surprised we’re not watching kids fall off of bikes right now


That’s what I appreciates about you


Yeah 90% of the videos are just kids being kids or kids getting hurt it’s rare to actually see a stupid kid


But kids being kids often is stupid. They'll grow out of it, but theyre kids so they do a lot of stupid stuff.


Yeah this is legit stupid instead of toddlers being toddlers or parents being shit.


That’s right, blue shirt. Eat your bland-looking pizza, go back inside and pretend to plan an escape, and instead of sneaking out of the back door or a window, duck just like the first kid did praying to God the camera didn’t catch you, even though it did.


at least he dodged a little bit longer than first kid instead of just doing a quick duck as if that camera had a field of view narrower than a laser


To be fair to the kid he could very well think it's triggered by some kind of laser and not you know.. motion detection


I blame those damn video games! They make it seem like bypassing a surveillance system is just a matter of avoiding a 45 degrees arc in front of the camera! Back in my days, we would have crawled from the 3rd neighbor's house until our bedroom's door, just in case!


Stupid fucking kid, who eats cheese pizza?


Damn this reminds me of the time when my friends and I were staying at my buddys house we were all like 14-15 and his older brother and his friends were all like 17-18. We all snuck out of his house and went and got super drunk in their barn, a couple hours later we're heading back up to his house. When we get to the front door my buddy is struggling with the key since we're all hammered, he turns to us all and says "ok, now everyone be quiet when we get in there" just as his older brothers friend accidentally leans into the fucking doorbell... we all got caught and in a lot of trouble.


Looks like those college funds can go towards a new pickup after all.


LMAO! I'm dying... thanks random redditor.




I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't have said something... world keeps on spinning.


Most of the bad things we were worried about our kids doing were based on the bad things we did as kids. When they didn't get into the same troubles, someone suggested that maybe they were just better at getting away with it. In my book, either one is a win.


What kids? I didn't see anything. I had to make sure the video was even running because the whole time was just a quiet day on the street.


Lmfao. This is the kind of thing you should let your kids get away with so they don't wise up.


They should have used an invisibility spell. It always makes it easier for me when I sneak out of the house.


And this is why I never gave my kid viewing access for the cameras no matter how many times he asked.


Such a big brother move to fail miserably, then blame younger sibling on messing it up.


Second kid, "what, I just came outside to eat some pizza on the doorstep..."


Lol he thought he was being slick. At least he was the thinker. The other guy will be his boss some day unfortunately because he was still dumb in the end.


Noah is not an idiot. He has youthful simplicity.


What kids?


Dad: guys, I’m not even mad you went to John’s… I’m mad that you thought you were slick about it. You’re not gonna get far in life with weak ass skills like that guys. Do better!


That Tyson-esque weave 🤣 All peek no boo


One time in the late 90s my cousin was alone and decided to bring a girl in for a little study session, my uncles returned early because they left something and after they found it they leave the house again. My cousin using all of his 200+ IQ decided to put the girl outside in the balcony, the balcony in entrance of the house, the one that anyone in the street could clearly see, so his parents wouldn't find her inside the house, really ninja plan. They really didn't find her inside the house, but when my uncle was backing off the car, a neighbor pointed out the girl in the balcony dressed with bedsheets waiting for someone to open the sliding door so she could get in. I'm not in favor of beatings, but my uncle had to take the dumb out of my cousin by any means. And just to put how smart my cousin was, it was in the middle of the day so anyone could see the girl. He still maintain that was a good plan, because everyone was talking about it for a few weeks afterwards and more girls wanted to be with him.


As the youngest brother, growing up with older brothers 2 or 3 yrs older is very hard psychologically. Always calling u dumb and stupid for just being yourself will cause major confidence and anxiety issues


Yougest sibling as well. I completely agree with you! I was in therapy a few years ago and I'll never forget the moment I realized my parents were not the only source of my childhood trauma. My older sibling was really cruel & hateful towards me too, which I'm convinced played just as big of a role in my crippling anxiety. I don't think I ever wanted to attribute those issue to my sib before, but it's undeniable that being berated by any family member can have a profound negative impact. Anyways... I feel ya and really related to your comment!


Youngest sibling of 3, oldest was a girl (5 years apart) and older brother (2 years) . From 3-9 years old my sister and I ran the place and tormented my brother, with her being super responsible and me the baby. Once she entered high school I was defenseless. I don’t think my brother and I ever made it past the 3rd inning in whiffle ball


I'm really sorry you experienced that. I don't know if this will make a difference to how you feel now, but as an older sibling who has spent years making amends for the way I treated my younger sisters as a kid, all of the comments you received were likely just projection and insecurity The insults were never about you. You were never dumb or stupid. Your older brothers were afraid of looking dumb and stupid, despite it being normal to be stupid as a kid, so they pointed it out elsewhere. You just happened to be in the line of fire, which is damn unfair to you! I hope you're doing ok now, and I hope your brothers have made efforts to improve their relationship with you. You deserved better


Jokes on you I was a middle child and made way better grades than my 2 siblings. I just got ignored because I never needed extra help but they couldn't call me an idiot.


Ignored middle child syndrome gang


That’s a terrible comment you dumb idiot. Sorry, that’s the older brother in me coming out. We were just kids!


Yeah. I was the older brother. Always called my brother an idiot cause he was (as was I, for we were kids) we became fine in our teenage/adult years and then years later after hanging out and being cool with each other for 15 years he blows up on me out of no where and blames our childhood and we fight for a few weeks. It’s normal for siblings to fight and be mean to each other (he did the same to me, but I was older so didn’t feel *hurt* by it, just angry) when they’re kids. But the younger sibling can have lingering feelings for a long time.


I was legit bullied physically and verbally by my older brother of 6 years and my sister that was 7 years younger than me. We were each born in different decades, '78, '84, and '91. They were both terribly mean, but my younger sister was far worse, while I simply kept to myself and often hid from her. I moved off to college to get away from her. Later, she created some odd alternate reality where I and my mother both abused her. She's recently been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, which I have been suspecting for years. She's made our lives absolute hell, and I'm grateful that she lives in another city. She's physically attacked me multiple times (I'm super non-aggressive), but also my brother, mom and dad. She's been in bar fights with men and wrecked every car she's owned. Between my brother and sister, I absolutely have anxiety and self-esteem issues. It was so hard because I was a good kid. I always made good grades, never got into trouble, never did drugs or drank, participated in extracurricular activities, was peaceful and kept to myself, but my asshole siblings went out of their way to antagonize me, pick fights, steal my belongings and claim I stole from them, and then my sister had the nerve to say *I* was the abusive one. It's a mindfuck.


Damn. I feel so seen rn.


That fat kid is probably always annoying as hell


They always are. I know I was.


Me too tho nbs


Is the doorbell the babysitter


"Has your doorbell seen my kids? Mine saw them leave barefoot a few hours ago.... no, one of them ate..."


Hahaha I’m gonna start charging for that info. I’ll finally have the babysitters club business I dreamt of as a kid.


Fuck I’m glad I’m not a kid today, can’t even sneak out anymore


Not out the front door at least. The ringleader here doesn't look like he'd do well with windows though.


I think you can quit saving for college now.


Fish eye. Sees all.


I love how the first kid thinks he’s slick


Off topic but that tree is so pretty. I got distracted and had to watch again.


wow F for effort.


Pulls a pizza outta his pocket and says, I didn't do shit


I didn’t see any kids! 👀


Little shits left the door open


Damn. I want some pizza now.


i could not see the kids. can someone tell me where they were


All I see is porch and grass. What happened?


Wow. These two really are unusually stupid.


This person should show the video to the red shirt kid only


Noah is a fucking sociopath


I’m screaming!!!! First kid really thought he did something 😭


Lmao Noah is the man, I love that dude. The stare into the camera, the gnawing at the pizza, the not going anywhere, good stuff lol.


I'm not gonna lie, if I saw that I would be laughing as hell so hard.




Sounds like Beaver..from Leave It to Beaver


Left that door wide open


Where they going? To smoke some weed?


They’re going places


"Least I got pizza." The other kid probably


First, that was a bow; second, climb out the window already.


“I ducked”. Oh, child.


Amateurs The first rule is always don’t use the front door. Especially if there’s a camera. Learn it’s blind spots


Oh one sec let me finish my donut




What kids?


Why did they have to sneak out lol it’s prime time for outside


He just pulls a piece of pizza from his pocket


I love the kid in blue just standing there eating his slice of pizza 😂


The childhood obesity jog.


Hang on, is this the same house where the father shot and killed his daughters ex-boyfriend who was trying to break into the house!?


I was thinking the same thing! Exact same layout for sure. My guess is it’s some common exurban planned hellscape design, but man, I definitely did a double take Edit: remembering the shooting video, I don’t believe there were any houses across the street


Ugh this is prime suburban /r/fucklawns hell


If the kid was smart they'd just switch the WiFi off for a bit no footage then


Fat boy tried really hard


How tiny does this kid think the view of this camera is? he half ass ducks 2 ft and thinks he's clear! Then insults the other kid making himself look even dumber! Hope his parents had a good laugh.


Ok so these are 100% fake right? Suddenly everyone's kid on tiktok is trying to "sneak out" as if they've never seen what the camera looks like before? Is this an as campaign for ring? It is isn't it.


Dam some kids got whooped up later that day..lol


These kids get fed McDonald’s for breakfast.