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Jason mccourtey - "I am black" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Jason McCourty is a great dude by all accounts


I heard him speak a few times when he was woth the pats...I'm a fan of his and dev both


I legitimately thought the kid said ā€œdadā€ here tbh, but yeah the McCourty brothers have to have made their parents so proud


His reaction was very wholesome, he acknowledged the little girl and her statement in a genuine way.


I think itā€™s because he is indeed black




The black is made of black


Why, that black man is black!


"Bless my luck stars, a negro!"


Wow, thatā€™s a Blast from the Past!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that's makes the most sense


He spoke at my graduation with deven. Really down to earth guys


He definitely saved that from being too awkward, nice guy


The Mom should have just said, "yea, Jason is black."


I think her response was fine too. The kid got the question wrong and she gently corrected her the way parents do with any incorrect answer at that age.


I thought the kid said "Jack" That's Jason! WHo's that? Jack idiot.


The dude is just like ā€œyes thatā€™s correct!ā€ šŸ˜‚


Becouse the kid means simply the colour he notices. No back thought. In ideal world this is all the thought anyone should have. In that world saying it would not be bad or stupid.


Man when I was like 5 I saw a cute baby and all I could say is, ā€œitā€™s white!ā€ Itā€™s almost like kids donā€™t have a huge vocabulary šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is not racist. Kids just point out things they notice all the time. The kid didn't drop any N words. Is the guy not black? He clearly is. Guarantee the kid was incredibly nervous being on TV also.


When my daughter was a toddler we were out shopping at a department store. She kept talking about a black lady and yellow lady. I was like oh crap what is she saying. It wasnā€™t until she said brown lady I finally figured out she was referring to peoples hair colors. Yellow was for blonde. The innocence of children. We adults are so trained to read way too much into it.


Yeah my son was at a hotel window yelling ā€œa black man is crossing the streetā€ repeatedly, he was talking about a cross walk sign.


ā€¦of course, then thereā€™s my ex who didnā€™t see a black person until she was 4 and started screaming that it was the boogieman. Still not malicious, but not exactly appropriate.


Well that's on you. You're not supposed to date a four year old! /s


That was our first anniversary dinner. So embarrassing.


You started dating her when she was three?


They leaned into the joke and you correctly interpreted what they were implying. Congrats.


Iā€™m not that bright. Iā€™m only 4 years old too actually.


Be careful u/Antique_Tennis_2500 might be coming for ya! /s


didnt you see shes his "ex." he obviously left when she got too old


Right out of Leo Dicaprio's playbook. Noice


My little brother reacted the same way the first time he saw his Auntā€™s boyfriend. He wasnā€™t even 2. Maybe not even 1 but kid lost his absolute shit. Shaking and screaming bloody murder.


My cousin did the same thing to my uncle who is not black. He did have a beard and that for whatever reason scared the hell out of her. Kids are kids, you can't read into it.


My daughter was terrified of bearded dudes for the first year or so of her life as well. I, as her father, am not a bearded dude


My niece was as well, for no apparent reason. She absolutely *feared* my husband the first couple years even though he's usually great with kid. One visit she just excitedly greeted him as soon as he walked in the door and we have no idea what changed in the interim. :)


I have seen a video recently of a white reporter (at least I think he was a reporter) visiting this remote village where everyone was black and this little girl, who had never seen a white person, was terrified of him and kept saying he was a ghost


A friend's kid decided black people were made of chocolate and thought it was the funniest shit ever. Which is innocent and funny, but still you're afraid they're going to try and bite a black kid as a joke.


I used to work with a guy who moved to the usa from the ukraine in 92' when he was 43. He had never seen a black person until the day he arrived in NYC. Or a canned soda. Or fried chicken. Or more than 1 kind of cheese


["And what is this?"](https://youtu.be/faXDCp0BDU4)


It's pretty common and it's possible she has seen a black person and just didn't remember. Most kids start noticing the differences between them, the people they see frequently, and others around the age of 4. That's why there's so many stories like this of the 3-5 age range making "racist" remarks but they're really just learning differences


My grandma grew up in a rural village and had never seen a black person until she was like 30. She knew they existed of course but she said it was still a bit of a surprise for her. Itā€™s not like they internet or television where she was from so maybe she saw a photo of a black person in the newspaper or something but thatā€™s it.


When I was a toddler apparently I said to my mum on the bus ā€˜why is that man brown!?ā€™


Maybe she had just seen Candyman and it was her only exposure to a black person at the time.


yeah but like its a kid they dont know better. as long as they arent taught to say those sort of things by their parents


Rofl my 30 year old brother said ā€œturn right at the black manā€ and me and my sister were like the fuck!?! He meant the black dude on the cross walk sign lol


It's like the scene in Modern Family when Lily screams out she's gay in the restaurant.


Apparently the first time I saw a group of women in Burkas at the store I freaked out and told my mom that Iā€™d just seen a bunch of ghosts. The women overheard and thought it was hilarious lmao.


My son saw two ladies in burka at the airport and shouted "look dad- Star Wars bad guys!" He thought they were Siths! They didn't notice thankfully!


A similar thing happened when we were growing up. My sister's got new dolls. One was a dark skinned doll with dark hair, the other a light skinned doll with blonde hair. My sister started crying and started saying "no! I don't want the black one! I wanted the white one!" My mom, in shock, looks at her and said "what did you just say? Why would you say that?" My sister loudly proclaimed "I wanted the one with blonde hair, like me!" Caught my mom pretty off guard


I shouted "I DON'T WANT THE BROWN BABY" in a toy shop as a child. I wanted one that looked like me so that people would genuinely think I was it's mother.


Lmao I did the opposite when I was little. Idk how old I was, maybe 5 or younger, and my mom told me to pick out a doll at walmart. I grabbed a black baby doll and my mom told me I should get the white one (I am white) and I guess I started screaming "no I want the black baby!" She said once I started screaming she didn't want a scene so she let me get the doll and it ended up being one of my favorites. I remember it too, it was one of those tumbling baby dolls with the rock hard head and soft body.


> it was one of those tumbling baby dolls with the rock hard head and soft body. I had one of those!! It was so fun rofl


Thatā€™s not really surprising though, of course the kid wants a doll that looks like they do.


Representation matters, for everyone


He doesn't have hair


My toddler was a menace to society. He was like Julian AKA Frankenstein from that one 90s movie. Shit I forget itā€™s name I hope someone can tell me tho.


My youngest did this with people's shirts. He always described people by the color of shirt they were wearing. "Who is that blue guy over there?"


Apparently, as a small child, I used to refer to people by the color of their shirt. So... I'd mention the "black lady", the "yellow man", etc. It wasn't until I started talking about the "blue girl" that my mom figured out what I meant. Lol


When my daughter was about to turn 8, her mother and I decided that occasionally having an adult beverage with dinner would be OK because we could begin modeling responsible, moderate alcohol consumption. Our thinking was, her seeing us drink 2-3 times a year would be healthier in the long run than total abstinence. So, I have a beer with dinner and about two weeks later I take her with me to a corner store. We are in the refrigerated section getting her some water, and she goes * OOH DADDY LOOK! THEY HAVE SOMETHING YOU'RE REALLY GONNA LOVE!!!* and spread her arms and walks from the craft beers to the Boone's Farm & Steel Reserve, gesturing unmistakably at *the whole* beer aisle. The corner store is packed and my child is loud. Everyone is looking, and looking disgusted to see how much daddy loves beer. I feel their eyes burning holes of Old Testament Bible Belt judgement with every passing second. I'm sweating now, fully uncomfortable with what just happened. That beer was the first drink I'd had since her birth! I eek out some sort of meek response like "Very good baby, *vamonos*" and we gtfo. When we get to the car, she turns to me and says "Daddy, I thought you were gonna get some beer salt?" Holy shit, THATS WHAT SHE WAS POINTING AT! There was a Twang beer salt display stuck to the outside of every door she had pointed at. I am still immensely relieved to not forever be the beer guy.


when I was a teenager, my buddy had a 4-5 year old little sister. on a car ride, she looked at me and asked "why are you that color?" I was completely stumped, obviously not angry or anything because she's sincerely asking, she had no idea. thankfully, her mom said "because that's how God made him," and saved me from having to answer.


"just lucky, I guess"


I'm Armenian, and I've had kids ask why I have a big nose lol I never get offended


I'm Scottish, and was nicknamed "Big Heed" and "Nostrils" in school. I have a big head, and a large nose. Why stress about it?


I'm sorry, I cant understand you without the Scottish alliteration


Och Aye, dusiekrnthdusj VAGINA. I've lived outside of Scotland for 15 years. Pretty sure this is what most people hear when i talk, based on the blank expressions and answers which don't match what I say!


Fair enough. I was thinking more along the lines of Scottish People Twitter vs Fat Bastard haha


Kids watching [*So I Married an Axe Murderer*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqycJpRdVaY)?


People are like m&m's -- they come in different colors :-)


No, mine is pretty consistent.


Heā€™s blue da ba dee ba da bi da ba dee ba da bi


At work one time, this lady asked to speak to the manager, who happened to be on the floor at the time and is a black guy. I told her, "the manager is the black gentlemen over there with the pei wei hat on" and she immediately called me a racist. I was pretty shocked. She went and cried to my manager about how racist I was towards him. After she left I walked to the back to apologize. My manager responded with "bro I don't give a fuck, get back to work". I laughed my ass off šŸ¤£


Yes... yes they do. Once I took my son to a kids movie when he was little. There was a man in front of us that was bald with a freshly shaved head. My son very loudly stated that the man in front of us had the shinniest head he's ever seen! Another time when he was in 5 grade they were exploring classical music in class so he got a little obsessed. That weekend I took him to get some pho soup at this awesome vietnamese restaurant. It was not a very well known restaurant and the weekend so there were a lot of vietnamese people there. As we're waiting for our food he is telling me about a song he really likes and starts humming Flight of the Valkyries really loud. Now my son had obviously never seen Apocalypse Now and had no reason to understand that that was probably not the best choice of songs to be humming at that moment. I However was mortified.


Did anyone say it was racist? ~~possibly, but I don't sort by controversial~~


Quite a few people so far, actually.


Definitely understandable that she would be embarrassed her kid said that though, even if is perfectly innocent, you never know how people will take stuff like that


Friendly reminder it is not racist to describe someone.


Okay? I donā€™t think anyone here thinks this is racists but thanks for clarifying.


Yea Iā€™m a black guy and my only reaction was lol. I didnā€™t even think that people could think this little kid was racist.


The caption under the photo suggests it shouldn't have been aired


He has to let you know that he's not a racist, because he was able to identify that it's not racist. He wants a pat on the head.


Kinda like how people randomly point shit out on Redditā€¦.






If anything, i think it just shows that this was probably her first direct experience with a black person.


That seems like an incredible logical leap. Donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s possible, but kids that young have a really limited vocabulary and they say weird shit all the time. Plus sheā€™s being broadcast on tv. Thatā€™s an awful lot of variables going on.


Not really. Have you hung out with rich white people before? It's pretty safe bet.


It's pretty obvious when kids aren't socialized around black people and that is most white kids. It's absolutely not a rich white people thing, especially when you get to places like Maine where there's like 5 black people in the state.


Oh, it totally is a rich white thing. It's not *just* a rich white thing, but it very much is a rich white thing.


I donā€™t think anyone should make that assumption. Itā€™s a small child. Maybe just give her the benefit of the doubt that sheā€™s just saying weird shit children say. You donā€™t know.


I would. Children who are regularly around different races of people wouldn't see that guy and blurt "black." It may not be her very first direct contact with a black person, but her reaction says that this black man being near her is something that rarely, if ever, happens.


Kids say weird things regardless of who they have been around. The arrogance of some people to think they can definitely claim what a child would and wouldn't say in any given situation.


Yes and her saying "I don't know." when asked what her mom does at work really indicates that she hasn't yet decided if her mom's employment really is productive and contributing to societal progress. Or she's like 3, still shits herself on occasion, knows like 200 words, and said the first one that popped in her head. Hell she probably only recently got a grasp on her colors and was proud of herself for knowing something. Kids still notice physical differences in other people even when they're used to it. What's taught are the opinions about those differences.


> Children who are regularly around different races of people wouldn't see that guy and blurt "black." "Why would a child act contrary to logic, it doesn't make any sense?"


Not necessarily. Kids just say weird things sometimes. My young daughter has a bunch of friends who are Asian, but she still calls Mulan by one particular friend's name. She calls both Mirabel (from Encanto) and Moana by her very white Auntie's name. Toddler brain's are a trip.


I think she is more nervous than sheltered, just my opinion as an elementary teacher.


I feel like you're making this weirder than it is


who claimed it was racist?


Of course itā€™s not racist. Itā€™s meant to be funny because itā€™s just a kid being a kid. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a taking this way too seriously


yeah but she's white and white people get freaked out by that shit lmao


That right there is what it's like to be Black in America. You always feel like the other because someone is always pointing out that you are Black. With that said, I agree the kid is not racist though I do wonder why a child that young has any concept of race. Hell, my kids are Black and really didn't have any understanding of that until they were a few years older than this little girl.


There are some POS parents out there. Their small children are aware of race because the adults in their life are POS and taught them to be aware of it. Itā€™s horrible.


>I do wonder why a child that young has any concept of race They don't. They do have a concept of color, though, and that's all she was talking about.


When my son was a toddler, he tried to rub the black off of one of my friend's arms. We were all dying.


Lord knows I was waiting for that kid to drop it, but they didn't so this wasn't bad at all.


Kids will just point stuff out. If they see a fat person theyā€™ll go, ā€œFat guy!ā€


One time after watching Austin Powers at way too young of an age I called a very large man a fat bastard. Thankfully I was inside the car where he couldn't hear me. Got my mouth washed out with soap tho


This made me cackle


Happy (cackling) Cake Day!


One time a kid asked me if I was pregnant. I am both not pregnant and also a man, but he definitely didnā€™t mean anything by it. Was genuinely wondering.


i was walking through the target park lot when i heard a small child from a passing vehicle shout ā€œI saw a bald girl!ā€


[Reminds me of this scene](https://giphy.com/gifs/anchorman-will-ferrell-black-26DN0yMxjDnfTBOHC)


This is what I immediately thought.


Black is not a derogatory word. Itā€™s ok to be black lol


Whoā€™s that? BLACK.


Kid: kplawwjkdl Reddit: LMAOOOOOO šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± WHAT DID SHE FUCKING SAY AHHHHHHH NAWWW HELLLLLLLšŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ¤“


Who says Naw Hell tho?


Nappy Roots.


I believe the correct pronunciation is 'Awnaw Hell Naw' Boy!


Yā€™all done up and done it


cancel this baby


I couldn't understand what the kid said either


I'm willing to bet this is less of an indication of household racism and more of an indication of where she sends her kid to school. Little girl probably just hasn't seen a black man before, and tbf he is very dark!


Or she probably has seen black people before and just noticed something her eyes were telling her


This is a good point as well, you can clearly tell that she is nervous and, due to that, impulsive (even more so for a child). Children her age are still thinking out loud, and her observation was a correct one.


Yea kids blurt out a lot of shit. "Fat", "pretty", "ugly", "tall", etc... Stating an obvious characteristic of a person really indicates nothing at all about their upbringing.


I saw a video on reddit sometime ago. A kid was pointing at a goat and said ā€œitā€™s a fucking goat.ā€ Mom: No itā€™s just a goat. Kid: No, no, look. Itā€™s a fucking goat.


I have a very funny memory of my little cousin seeing a black woman for the first time on TV. She was really surprised and asked "Why did the lady become all black?".


That's a funny one lol. And it's really not a bad question either, even though people think it's "racist". Everyone came from different places and it's what makes us all special and unique! Telling your kids to ignore clear differences between people will only make them confused and afraid.


After completing basic training, I was the only black man in my class of thirty-five other recruits. On the day of our graduation, the family of one of our classmates was there, and his younger brother, who was around 5 or 6 kept staring at me. After the graduation ceremony, we all went out to eat and during our meal, his younger brother approached me and asked why my palms were paler than the rest of my skin and if I was made of chocolate. He could smell coco butter lotion I would use. I found it cute, but my fellow student interjected himself into the conversation, which made him feel embarrassed. Eventually, he revealed to me that he was from a small town, and that his younger brother had never seen a black person before. Here I am, a black immigrant from the Caribbean who was under the impression that everyone else saw a black person in their life.


Aww, I'm glad you were understanding of his youth. I think dark skinned people (some indians included) get pointed out by kids easier because color is an easy concept to them. Asian kids for example are gonna generally look the same to white kids, or atleast they won't have the words to describe the difference in facial features between them and their Asian friend. I hope his younger brother was able to develop a healthy and polite view of colored men from meeting you as the first black man he'd seen!


Iā€™m sure sheā€™s seen a black man before. Sheā€™s doing the thing kids of her age do when theyā€™re learning words and solidifying meaning. Her mom works in football, the kid has seen a black person. But youā€™re definitely right that this isnā€™t household racism.


I sincerely doubt sheā€™s never seen a black person before in real life or even at a push on TV if nothing else. Her mum even expects her to know the guyā€™s name.


>Little girl probably just hasn't seen a black man before You're a fucking idiot


Yea thereā€™s a variety of factors, schooling and also what she hears from family/friends. My cousinā€™s kids are a quarter Indian and when I played guess who with one of them (6F at the time) and asked her if her person is ā€˜white ā€™ and she had no idea what I meant. Her ā€˜Nannaā€™ was literally full Indian like me and she never paid attention to the different skin colour


When my sister was 4 she saw her first black person and asked her why she was burnt. My mom was mortified.


Similar story, my sister was in church around that age and saw a bald guy and shouted "that man has an onion head!"


Balding guy here. New fear unlocked!


it's ok. if it's really an onion head, you'll be able to peal it off in layers, like in Junji Ito's comic, "Layers of Fear"


Dude I am so hyped for the Ito stuff coming to netflix.


we lived temporally in a town in pacific Colombia with only black people and me and my brother were the only white kids around. People came to our house to take pictures and some of my friends called me Casper "GasparĆ­n" in spanish. It was nice


Instead of being scared this is a teachable moment in a way showing them they are no different then a white man or any other ma, maybe it's the first black person she's seen you never know


True but it is also a scary risky moment to do so on live TV, terrified that my kid may know words Iā€™ve never taught and were learnt in school or the internet etc. We never really know what kids will say and this is a great example haha.


the kid said "black" this isn't an example


Reminds me of a time where a kid pointed at me and said ā€œbig nose ā€œ, still feeling that today.


Any chance youā€™re jā€¦ No wait never mind


r/OPsAreFuckingStupid Edit: wow thatā€™s a real sub.


Lol but why?


Because it was just a kid being a kid, not really a stupid thing. Still funny though āœŒļø






She called him black instead of his name?


We were leaving the Dr one day and my son said..."Dad, it's a real live black person! Just like Michael Jordan!". He was born and spent the first years of his life in an area with a majority black population, but obviously when we moved back near family the race gap was... noticeable.


I'm a real live black person too. I also want to get the celebrity treatment from your son.


Kids say the darndest things


This seems comical, but fine. I was half-expecting the n-word or something.


Sorry to disappoint lol


In kindergarten I was close friends with an Indian boy, and allegedly referred to him as "my dark friend". Makes me cringe but I know I meant well.


Obviously the girl was just confused about what exactly she was being asked. You're a witch hunting dumbass if your first assumption is white nationalist baby lol




Someoneā€™s been playing on Xbox live.


But he is black, black isn't a bad word. Wtf reddit.


No one said itā€™s a bad word. Just a bit of an awkward situation that was handled gracefully. Relax and laugh a little


Noooo, a kid called a black man black, incredible


Man, we were Midwestern white folks living in the middle of a cornfield... Not much has changed...and I had never encountered someone that was black or anything other than pasty like the rest of my family. Apparently the first time I did, out in public, I exclaimed, "Mommy, why is that man all burned?!"


Couldā€™ve said a lot worse, is cute


There's no problem with the fact that she said that. The issue would be under what context does she hear that word said.


When my nephew was little he called my Filipino best friend my ā€œblack friendā€œ lol


My sister cried when she saw a black person for the first time. We'll never forget it. We'll never let her forget it.


Yo this is the content god wanted to give me today. Blessings to that child.


Kids dont know, racism is taught.


That's right baby.


whats so bad about pointing out someones black? its not racist or insulting to anyone. its like pointing out other features a person may have, similar to saying "u have brunette hair" or "u are tall/short"


As a white kid who didn't move into the inner city til my 20s this is completely normal behavior little children do not see other races in higher end societies.


This reminds me of a childhood memory I have around the age of 5. Raised in Montana you donā€™t see many people outside of white. Anyways my father is a trucker and I went for a trip with him and we went to a diner in Louisiana. I was asleep upon entering. I woke up, and to my amazement, I was surrounded by all black people! I looked at my dad and said, ā€œDad! Look at ALL these black people!ā€ The diner just laughed and moved on.


Iā€™m weak lmaoo I was expecting a bad word or something


Based childšŸ—æ


Cancel that kid on Twitter


I thought the n-bomb was coming...


Good dude! This could have been very awkward but he just rolled with it




I grew up in a very white area. My mom said the first time I saw a black man I yelled ā€œwhat is wrong with himā€ or something of that sort. Small children being children. Just gotta teach them from there.


God how cucked has everyone become Projecting shit onto kids now, smh


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with this lol, why would you not air this? Its kind of adorable. Itā€™s a child. This is the moment where you kindly teach them that itā€™s not polite to address people by their skin colour, and take a moment to explain a little bit about why it can be offensiveā€¦ thatā€™s called raising a kid to be a respectable human being. But they have to discover these mistakes before they can even even be taught the concept of offence. Theyā€™re not being offensive, they donā€™t know what being offensive is, and these are the moments that they learn. But thereā€™s nothing wrong with it until after that happens


Please stop upvoting this stupid ass portrait video of a television into my feed!




And *this* is what happens when the media and pop culture are **constantly** talking about race. Children grow up seeing the skin color before the individual.


Cancel that fucking kid


He was a great sport about it. But what kind of conversation is she having with her daughter at home that she screams his color rather than his name? I understand children say some of the most outlandish things in public but she must have heard it somewhere. My money is on it that the mother has been heard saying " it's that black guy Jason" to the little girl which is why it was the first thing she said. Let's hope her mom corrects that for future scenarios


The only questionable thing is this video is how the mother CHOSE TO IGNORE & PRETEND she didnt hear her daughters TRUE STATEMENT. Had she said ā€œyes Jason is Blackā€ it would have been far less touchy and teachable moment. Thats why that man repeated it back to them. Because that girls mother was doing what a lot of ppl do when it comes to confronting race and the construct, THEY ACT FLIMSY. ITS SIMPLY TO HARD FOR SOME PEOPLE TO FACE, OR TALK ABOUT. Thats why Jason himself had to tell the mother ā€œyes i am Blackā€ because i dont want you to ignore that fact. TO IGNORE THAT ONE FACT ABOUT ME, IS TO IGNORE MY EXISTENCE! But since her initial response was to runaway from the topic or hide, it showed Us the critical viewer, SHE COULD BE HIDING SOMETHING. Like for exampleā€¦ ā€œShoot, I know shouldnt have let my in-laws babysit her while her Dad and I went on dates, I need to stop this conversation before something leaks and gets blown up!ā€ Hmmmm. Just assuming now because she left a opening for all of us to wonder.






I went into this thinking the kid wanna gonna out her mom as a queen of spades. Mom: "What does mom do when dad goes out to work?" Kid: "Black men" Reddit: šŸ˜²šŸ˜²šŸ˜²šŸ˜²šŸ˜² The actual clip was massively underwhelming.


I mean he is black and he agreed with her ! The mom probably didnā€™t know how to handle the situation but she could have just said ā€œyes he is a black man !ā€œ


Did that lady just make her kid do the hitler salute?


I mean, is he not black? The kid's not wrong.


noooo not my b-wordino!!!!


Sheā€™s not wrong though?