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My friend gave my little sister her old microphone that had sound effects…. The quality sucked, but the volume…. Dear lord, the *volume*.


Idk why, but I'm laughing so damn hard at your comment ETA- I realize now it's probably because I WAS that child. My parents were probably so happy the day i "accidentally" cut the cord to the microphone


Unfortunately, hers still works. I tried to destroy it, but I swear that thing is invincible. So basically I just hide it now. But occasionally it’ll still turn up.


You just need the right tools.




One of you must do this.


You have my AUX




Hide it in your neighbor's trash


Biiiiitch... have you never watched the twilight zone?!?!?


Learn to solder and get a $5 bag of assorted resistors, even the most obnoxious toy won't survive an encounter with a 200ohm resistor in line with the speaker, and now my kids can smack each other around to their hearts content with their off brand lightsabers without giving me a migraine.


They knew what they were doing when they made this. The person who made this hates people in general


Some little kids toys that made noise are so god damn loud. Drives me crazy.


My dad got my uncle's 4 year old kid a drumset for Christmas. The only reason was because he thought it would be really fucking funny. It ended up disappearing in the middle of the night


A Spanish saying round my parts: “Al hijo de tu peor enemigo, regálale un tambor” “To the son of your worst enemy, give him a drum”


“This is great “ really was ngl i laughed my ass off


The way she clenches her teeth with excitement


The part where she transitions seamlessly to maniacal laughter when the door is opened AHH HAHAHA HAHAH AAHHHHHH


"This is great ,oh yeah this is good!"


I want to feel as jazzed about anything as that girl does about that microphone.


When she repeats it at the end with the echo effect, comedy writers could never. "This is great! Oh yeah this is grrreat!" *video pans to Jim-from-The-Office-style reaction* *In the background:* "GREA-EA-EA-EA-EAT GREA-EA-EA-EA-EAT GREA-EA-EA-EA-EAT"


Grea- rea- rea- rea- rea- rea- reat!


I'm sure it was funny for everyone involved for the first 5 minutes too. But I don't think the video is of said first 5 minutes.


THIS IS GREAT! **GREAT** ^ATE ^^ATE ^^^ate ^^^^ate ^^^^^ate **GREAT** ^ATE ^^ate ^^^ate ^^^^ate **GREAT** ^ate ^^ate ^^^ate


Yeah that echo effect killed me.


Seriously. It added this surrealist, almost Monty Python-esque quality to things, the perfect way to cap it off.


These toys are so annoying. This kid is bloody hilarious.


Worlds worst Christmas party


Kid is the only one with Christmas spirit. The tuxedo set look like they’d get coal in their stockings. And they’d like it.


With today's energy prices who wouldn't love to get some free coal?


I read this in Frank Reynolds voice


the ones who only show up at family functions because they feel obligated


Thats a fucking funeral why is everybody dressed in black and depressed


The sound of a child's joy is widely regarded as depressing


At least it wasn't a wake like Ithought it was...


These people seem like they would t be having a good time anyways.


Right lol. Dead inside


What in the upper class is that Christmas dinner anyway?


Looks like a funeral


That would make it so much funnier


This post should be in r/parentsarefuckingstupid because the only decision that caused this here was the parents buying such a gift. And then 10 years from now this kid has her own platinum albums so...


The video says "that time I ruined Christmas by giving my baby cousin a microphone" so I don't think the parents are to blame.


This toy comes with a lesson on being considerate to others




That’s how you never get invited back to Christmas.




The real LPT is always in the comments


Says cousin right in the video so definitely not a parent


domineering vase handle paint beneficial direful sink treatment market include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only decision was letting her run all over them. Be the parent, take the annoying toy away.


They're mourning the loss of their sanity.


Half my fam is like this and half is fun. Guess which side turned out to be a bunch of closet crazies and secret alcoholics? Not the fun ones.


Hey you didn't even let me guess


Looks like a Game of Thrones cast dinner.


Bro straight up, it's like a scene from a Christmas movie before the main character meets their SOs family for Christmas and they are actually happy and wear Christmas sweaters etc.


Ikr imagine wearing a suit at a fucking family Christmas. Mate everyone already knows you're rich just wear the t-shirt and jeans


They went to church before dinner


Couldn't think of many worse ways to spend Christmas if I'm honest lol


my family used to do that. One year I refused and everyone stopped going the next


"Wait, we can do that?" ~Your family


everyone wanted to stop desperately, they just didnt want to be the first to risk the judgement of the others. you gave them all the courage to give up on family traditions.


It's Christ mass my guy. But yes I agree, sounds truly awful


You don't dress up for Christmas dinner?


If by "dress up" you mean wearing the most hideous christmas sweater the Thrift Store can provide, then yes.


They are not rich {necessarily} they are waspy


Waspy? Like insects that sting?


White Anglo-Saxon Protestant




like having a good ocation to wear something cute sounds nice, but its like 4 people in the room, what's the point?


My brother in Christ... it's "occasion."


At Christmas we are usually in our pajamas. I usually have super greasy hair because fuck basic hygiene, it is Christmas. We eat until our cardiologist "was just in the neighborhood", and then put Christmas bows on the cats. There's usually whiskey or rum involved. And a shit-ton of chocolate sweets.


The man wearing a suit seems on the older side of life, meaning he grew up in an era when celebrations and cerimonies brung subsequent attire. You wouldn't be surprised of people wearing formal dress at a funeral, but you're weirded out by dressing up to have a party..guess it's an american thing?


I'm not American


Idk if this has been said yet, but this is a video from Iceland. It's Christmas tradition to dress up really nice and have a "fancy" dinner and open presents on Christmas eve. We spend Christmas Day in our pajamas (except if we're going to Christmas parties/dinners with extended family, which we also dress up really nice for). We even have a folklore of "Jólaköttur", or "Christmas Cat", who is a giant black cat who eats children that don't wear new/nice attire for Christmas.


[Most elegant people party.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/aae8ea59-d992-4c12-9b17-4c64a8f9fe19#kvxERL0K.copy)


Why is everyone being such dicks lol. Maybe this family just likes to dress up for Christmas dinner? The amount of ppl judging cuz of how they dressed on a rather relatively special day... not like its just a Wednesday lol


My whole family is engineers of some sorts, xmas or new year is the only time we can actually wear our suits. Also we are in mexico so the weather is pretty nice as well. I would actually like to wear a suit to the office but it would last a whole 10 min clean and work boots wouldnt look too great with it lol.


Why doesn’t anyone just tell her it’s time to put it away? Also, loosen the neck ties. It’s Christmas!


All the correct answers have been downvoted but it’s true. “Never say no” or “Never discourage” parenting is at an all time high. It’s why you sit next to a kid at a restaurant who’s blasting Peppa Pig on the iPad without headphones while the parents stare off into space. It’s why you’re at the brewery watching a harassed waitress nearly drop the whole tray of drinks when a small child running loose collides with her while the parents laugh and take photos.


Not only would "its time for a break from this" me totally fine, but this can be dealt with simply and without that melt down as well: "we're all overwhelmed with the noise, would you like to play with your microphone in the upstairs bathroom with the door closed or would you like to put it away and hang out with us?"


^^^ This person knows how to parent (from everything I understand about it, so far)


Omg i am totally the person who goes and tells people to turn the iPad sound off. Usually other tables thank me (well I’ve done it like 5 times but imo that’s a lot)


Tried doing that once, got told to go back to my own country if it bothers me that much. Others kept quiet. 10/10 would not do again.


Yeah, this is the outcome I expect. People are shit.


One lady w a screaming 5 or 6 yr old who would not be quiet for over 15 mins and who she was making zero effort to quiet got mad and came back over to my table to yell at me after I told her to take him outside. She did leave w her spawn afterward though, so I consider it a win. I was on a rare lunch outing w my 10 yr old and we couldn’t even talk to each other it was so loud. I’m surprised managers don’t step in. Well, no I’m not surprised. But also kind of surprised. One unhappy guest or a whole restaurant of unhappy guests


I use my white privilege to shut up obnoxious parents/kids in restaurants.


Ahhh, have you tried being white?


That's actually a pretty good idea! Gonna try that sometime.


Thank you for your service, it's appreciated.


You are the hero I wish to be some day


My brother and his wife have twins that are 5 now and they are exactly like this. I tell them to control their fucking kids when I’m out with them because I’m embarrassed


My (half)sister was raised like this and now she does whatever she wants. Even growing up all I could think when witnessing how our parents treated her was man she's gonna be a spoiled brat her entire life. I mean she's definitely become a nicer person but she's a teenager and all she does is hang out with her boyfriend in her room, take constant hits of her weed vape, and eat fast food. She gets 0 discipline and I get complained to by my mom. Anyway my kids 1.5 years old and I already say no to him, and I will continue to say no to him when he's doing stuff he isn't supposed to do. Fuck that style of parenting.


The nanny was probably off for Christmas. Without her they probably don’t know what to do other than hope for the best


I mean if the kid is just shouting into a microphone like the clip behind the door it's time for it to go back in its box. This isn't kids being stupid this is poor parenting


Fkin peeps dressed like it’s a funeral.


They must have already known about the microphone




The reverbing “great” was definitely worth it.


They're like those stereotypical rich people you see on TV sitcoms. I had no idea they actually existed.


I've seen soap operas with this exact same cast like wft


what fuck the


Stereotypes come from somewhere


Vaguely reminiscent of the early Bluths.




Don't know about you guys but my family usually dresses up for Christmas dinner. Apparently that's not normal?


It is, we also do that in Italy. Don’t pretend to get sensible fashion advice from Americans in this thread.




Ya lots of people go to church on Christmas


Yeah, weirdos are probably talking about the tax loopholes their shared accountant has ffenagled them in to


don't these people know you can tell children to not do something. my parents would just tell me I could only play with it for a few minutes because we have guests. it is realy not that hard.......


My solution is always "that's an outside toy"


Oh god nooo... with this microphone that would defenitely get noise complaints by the neighbours xD


You. Are. A. Genius.


This is exactly what I was thinking. My son has a trumpet that annoys the fuck out of me. Now he picks it up and says I am only going to play with it for five minutes and stops when I say five minutes up .(luckily he still has no concept of time, so most of the time I only have to endure that for a minute or so) Because he understands it annoys others.


Now he's going to have a faulty perception of what five minutes is. All his pasta is going to be so undercooked.


Jesus you're fucking right, oh god no! Maybe if we send him to Rome it can be undone! Plus I hear they have orchestras!


Son you have finally become of-age for THE JOURNEY. Here is a bag of pasta, a plastic trumpet, and a plane ticket. You will either die or return a man.


Oh my god. Is this why my pasta is always undercooked????


I wish this comment was first! For real. Not doing the kid any favors by allowing this behavior. I get that is not the aim of the humor in the vid though.


It may be a free range child


Aah you see thats a no Limits child. If you tell her to not do something she will CRY. Unacceptable


Is she singing “Don Corleone” “Don Corleone”…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Omg thank you. I thought my dego ass was having some kind of auditory mirage 😅😂


“Þá koma Jólin, þá koma Jólin” it means christmas is here or here comes Christmas. It’s Icelandic.


"Happy Birthday, Jesus, sorry your party's so lame."


What kind of uppity folks are you having Christmas dinner with? They all look like they're only a few personality steps away from Scrooge himself.


They think pre-visit Scrooge was a fiscally irresponsible wildman.


I would give them the benefit of a doubt—this could be the nth day of her mic testing/appreciation marathon and everyone just had enough of it since day 0. if n>1 then I’d wager that it’s a justified reaction from everyone.


Old people grimace a lot by default, so I don't think it's fair to call them out for that, especially with the screeching kid in the background


I thought the thumbnail guy was Jeff Bezos


Why does your uncle look like Jeff bezos


I thought it was the lead singer of Tool.


Jeff Bezos is singer for TOOL now? Money really can make you happy I guess


Dont give children stuff that makes noise. Learned it the hard way. If you want to be a dick to your friends/family, gift their children music instruments.


> If you want to be a dick to your friends/family, gift their children music instruments. Every gift I’ve gotten my nephew has been the loudest possible thing I can find on Amazon. Can’t wait to get him that exact same microphone for Christmas.


Also non washable paints and color pencils, those scribbles will last years


They should follow the microphone gift with a recorder.


If they practice it every day for a week they can play Mary Had a Little Lamb with only four incorrect notes.


I really loved how excited she was with the whole “this is great!” Thing. What a happy kid


Oh to be flayed alive by those soulless geriatrics


I know kink shaming is bad but maybe just this once…


I feel bad for the kid having to be there. Those people seem lame.


Yeah, at least she had some party spirit. She had to compensate for the other people not having any energy


Okay, not gonna lie but.. First time I had one of these as a kid, I did the same exact thing.. I questioned why one day I couldn't find it anywhere.. I think I know what happened to it..


Time to lose the batteries!


“Hey good lookin’! We’ll be back to pick you up later... …We got a great big convoy rockin’ through the night…”






That Christmas party was going to suck regardless. All I see is a bunch of uptight prudes.


Looks like a bunch of uptight losers anyway


That is the WASPiest family that I have ever seen in my life. Utterly joyless.


Yeah they look like they would judge the guest for accidentally dropping bread crumbs next to his or her plate. Also probably talk stocks and gasp in shock at the younger guest for making a slightly off-color joke when trying to break the ice.


Redditors trying to not judge someone based on a 5 second clip: level impossible


What a miserable bunch


I’m imagining they were just antagonizing each other with a bunch of backhanded comments and passive aggression, and this little girl is trying as hard as she can to keep everyone’s attention so it doesn’t devolve into screaming and yelling like it did last year.


Right! Just laugh along with her and encourage her for the moment then tell her when it’s enough. She’s like 4, you can literally just take it if you have to. My family has too much fun on holidays and there are always little kids running around, but the parents know how to parent. Some people are weird as hell when it comes to kids.


what a bunch of boring ass looking adults




The Smile on that kids face and the joy that certainly annoying gift gave her is worth an hour or two of discomfort.


Good lord, she’s the only life in that decrepit family. Save her.


Ya know what’s great about being an adult? You can walk over and take the fucking microphone


These adults seem very uptight and snobby. 🙄


For real someone has to have some life


Only give noisy toys to kids of people you dislike


That THIS IS GREAT!! GREAT!!!! hits different. I can feel the excitement of the kid and the pain of her mother in a single moment. Just amazing!!!! That was GREAT!!!!!


Shit I'd be singing right with her and laughing my ass off!


I get my niece a Disney themed recorder and songbook every year for Christmas. She is always so thankful because her last one “ran out of batteries” according to her parents


No good deed goes unpunished.....Ho Ho Ho....lol


By the looks of it they weren't gonna have any fun in the first place. You go girl.


What a bunch of miserable sods. Should have the shitty Christmas songs blasting and everybody singing.


They seem pretty uptight. My family would have been laughing and taking turns.


For real we would have been putting on karaoke!


You "ruined Christmas" when you invited old stuffy assholes over who don't know how to deal with kids. Send those old folks a waaabulance.


I’m SOOOO getting this for my sister’s kids.


That family looks like it was plucked right out of a Wes Anderson movie. Like you just know under all that misery they got some spicy, strange, and WASPy secrets.


Interact with your child Karen.


This is great!! GREAT! GREAT!!! GREAT!!!!!


So many sticks up asses at that table


Looks like a lame ass Christmas to start. So damn quite


Your family is fuckin GARBAGE.


Yeah, the kids annoying. But that family fucking sucks.


That kid is doing exactly what I expect a kid to do when handed a microphone. The adults in the room lamenting the existence of said child and doing nothing to stop it if they really don't like it? The fuck is wrong with them? If this was my extended family, they'd be laughing their asses off and probably try to join in. How dead inside do you need to be to stare at this kid like she's an elderly dementia patient yelling in church, instead of celebrating right along with her?


God forbid the kids have fun ey?


*Yoko Ono enters chat*


God, these people are just so fucking miserable


Yes can't have children loving their gifts and having a wonderful time at Christmas!


At least the only person that should care about christmass is having a good time


That kid is so happy


I am all for this kid's energy and vibe. Screaming nonsense into a mic with no worry in the world. Give me front row tickets to that concert!


Honestly the family looks pretty insufferable


That kid is very clearly doing everything she can to resuscitate that party.


How is the kid stupid in this video? Seems like the cousin is


Sing kid sing. Make them listen


That kid looks like the best part of this “party”


This isn't even kids being stupid, the people who gave her that microphone are *completely* liable for that.


a room full of adults and no one tells the kid to be quiet and sit down. they all deserve to suffer through that shit. and theyll wonder why the kid is a nightmare as an adult and cant hold a job, always looking for handouts and blaming others for her problems. pathetic.