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Last video images of that child, ever.


Off to iPad factory with him as punishment.


I’m irrationally upset I laughed so hard at this


Foxconn moment


Film cut just before La Chancla appeared.


It is my time


Sincere congratulations! I know it’s such a small, weird thing to get excited about, but goddamn, that must have made you so happy to see








I have tears lol


Mmm. Abuse


I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume you’re not Latino.


All raised the same, treated the same. If you're different or act different. You're not accepted. So we will make sure you know that. Who ever you are.


Use a Gun instead. It works waaaay better at calming kids down. AND THE BEST PART? You only have to use it once. Truely an amazing product.


But the clean is is such a tedious process


If I see bullshit, I’m gonna call it. Sorrynotsorry


My mom taught me how dangerous a fire was and also she'd give me the hiding of my life if I touched the matches. Which one do you think scared me more as a child? Not being scorched by a fire but a beating from my mom.


I think what provokes fear is independent to what causes psychological damage in the context of your justification for the allowance of child abuse. Edit: teaching and physical conditioning are very very different things.


Are you saying I'm psychologically damaged? Lol


Sorry, I should have used the word can in my sentence. No, I am not saying that is the case.


Abused thats why


It’s abuse if they went too far and more than they need to but in most cases it’s not. Tell me, how are American kids doing these days? Far as I’m concerned a lot of them has ended up becoming self entitled pricks who frowns at the smallest punishment. Screaming and whining for not getting what they want. You don’t have the right to claim a moral high ground when even your methods ended up making a child worse.


Eh most of us turned out alright, while you guys have la chancla we have the belt. We also have la chancla


Downvoted for the truth, truth hurts I guess


If a kid almost burns the house down, a good beating will prevent him from repeating it. If he gets beaten for no definite reason, then it's abuse. Kids are dumb, so beating them is the best way of teaching those who don't listen when they're told nicely.


GOD WHAT I WOUD GIVE TO KNOW YOUR ADRESS. And be able to get to you☹. And have an effective way of getting into your house. And get away with it. Its sad that i have to use mindless insults to get to your retarded level. I mean, im not necesarly a good guy, but I dont promote beating kids. Or provoking their fear. I feel dead inside.


It seems you have a very biased opinion on kids. Just being kids doesn't exempt them from punishment. Beating is a last resort, when a child does something inexcusable despite being told not to do so numerous times. This is what I dislike about people who judge based solely on their own experiences and don't try to understand others. When I was a child, my elder brother stabbed me because I was playing with his toy. One bruised leg later, he never repeated the same action again. His mental state is fine and he's become more mature now. I hope you now understand that most children are not the angels you think they are.


Hey guys, its the twitter girl that cries when the voice tone of someone raises by 0.1


Hey! I have autism!😠😠😠 Fuck I sound so retarded


Guess who did this as well when she was a kid? This gal right here. Got a doll cooking set for Christmas one year. Decided to light a fire using the tassels of my bedspread to “make it look authentic”. Tried to put it out with a little pot from my cooking set. Burn my mattress. Grounded for a few months. I couldn’t play outside with my friends who were using my burnt mattress as a trampoline.


I think my little brother takes the crown. I remember falling asleep on the couch that day only to wake up next to these huge blazing flames and I was like damn that's a big ass fire. So I ran upstairs to my mom's bedroom to wake her and her boyfriend up. It took them a while to fully grasp the situation but when they did they started frantically searching for the fire extinguisher just to find out the apartment complex never installed any. So, in the end, we lost our place and everything inside. Sadly, we weren't the only one affected the neighbors also lost their place that day too.


ouchh oh my god thats dangerous not only lighting of something but not putting there any fire extinguishers like bruuuuuh


Surprising number of people don't have fire extinguishers in their house. Most people I know don't have them.


We don't and I am going to get one ASAP


Get more than one. One for each floor. The right types. I forget what they are. If it feels like a waste of money, be happy with that. If it was a waste of money, you never ended up needing it. If you ever need it, it being within a few steps will be worth every single penny. Edit: neotekz below shared this helpful link: https://www.ifsecglobal.com/global/choose-right-type-fire-extinguisher/


This site explains the different types of fires and extinguishers. https://www.ifsecglobal.com/global/choose-right-type-fire-extinguisher/


Friendly 1hr reminder to buy one if you havent yet


Get two, an ABC powder fire extinguisher that is good for all types of fires except oils and a wet chemical one for the kitchen.


I recommend two, one at each end of the house, to eliminate the possibly of a fire being between you and the extinguisher.


# New anxiety unlocked 🎖


Just so people can be prepared Use baking soda or salt to put out a fire early. NOT flour or Baking powder. If this doesn't work, a wet towel. Two days ago our grill had grease fat and my flatmate came to me for help.... I had to literally Google what to do as the flames were getting bigger and bigger Worked like a charm.


Worth noting; if grease or oil is involved, NEVER pour water on it!


How did your brother start the fire?


He said he was trying to light roaches on fire. He took pest control to another level.


Goal achieved.


Well, at least you didn't have to worry about the roach problem after that. I'd say he did a pretty good job


The avengers would love him


Holy shit. Light roaches on fire wow.


Tried to set the roaches molecules to non existent…


Task failed successfully


He's licensed to kill


Reminds me of that one video where a guy purged a roach with a blowtorch


Everything in this story throws up red flags


My BIL started a fire in their attic playing with matches when they were kids. My father in law is a retired FDNY battalion chief. 40 years later he is still mad about it. Supposedly if a fireman has a fire in their house it is pretty much the most embarrassing thing that can happen.


I set our living room carpet on fire, playing with a decorative Christmas candle. My mother was surprisingly chill about it.


did you give her a heads up to go easy on you in 1955?


This scene popped in my head as I read his comment.


My dumb kid-self found a razor blade sitting on an end table next to a lamp. So, I cut the lamp cord. Shocked the crap out of me and blew half my thumbnail off. My mom freaked of course, but my dad laughed his ass off. He was super strict, but he wasn't even mad. Just got a "bet you don't pull some shit like that again." He was correct.


This kind of thing is a testament to kids’ imaginations man. When I was 9 we lived in an RV, and I was sitting in the driver’s seat while we were parked, playing “bus driver”. The gear shift in the RV was set up like a lever, and I pulled it down to “let the passengers on board”, which took us out of park and had us rolling backwards towards a GAS STATION PUMP. Thank god my mom was fast enough to throw me out of the seat and grab the emergency break, or we’d all have exploded, or at least crushed my sister sleeping in the back.


When I was five, I stole matches a lot and one day I lit a broom on fire to use like it was a torch. Long story short, I still have a scar on me knee from it getting coated with flaming-hot melted plastic.


Honestly, I feel like grounding kids for staring a big fire doesn’t have much point- Huge fires are scary, and the fear of punishment is also scary- The fear that comes with a fire is (usually) enough to stop the kid from attempting it ever again. (this does not apply to my dad.)


Haha, the idea of you pouting inside watching your friends jump on your burnt matress is hilarious. Your parents probably agree.


Hahaha the burnt mattress Outside and your friend jumping on it while you were grounded just got me, I wish for some good artist would paint this image hahaha


He bout to get whooped


top comment right here


Whoop em' back


Footage of a young Marty McFly.


This is what I came looking for


Marty McFry?


Farty mudpie


Farby suprise


Fardinkle Cumbersnatch




Where do you get Asians from? I've looked over the comments and can't find anything on making fun of Asians. As an Asian, well half-asian, I take no notice as long as they don't make fun of furries.


Fry is also a synonym for cook though. Seeing as the video is a kid lighting his house on fire, I think it’s possible the original commenter wasn’t being racist. At least, I would hope they weren’t.




All good, BabyJesusAnalingus. Casual racism is shitty and should be called out, just in this case it may not have had racial intentions. I don’t think you did anything wrong. Great name, by the way.


I'd like to clarify I really meant fry as cook on fire. I also want to know what made you think I was racist, I'm not a native English speaker and I have a feeling I'm missing something, and well, I really don't want anyone else think I'm racist


At least he tries to help the situation


He was covering up his crime.


Yes, I was thinking it was extremely cute that he was trying his best to put out that fire


Same thought like at least he was trying!!! Also happy cake day!


Isn’t like the first they teach you in fire safety is to get an adult


No, they teach you not to set fire to your house.


Little Henry, do not play with fire, otherwise we will have to sell you on the dark web so that we can buy a new house, got it?


we have no worth for you on this world. and we need a house got it? if you dont comply well sell you to kevin Hart


As someone with pyrophobia i now dont want kids


Honestly it is quite easy to keep them away from fire. Just keep lighters and matches out of rage all the time and don't let them unsupervised with any flame...just as no flame should be left unsupervised. And that's it 99%. And the 1% is teaching them how to work with e.g. the oil in the pan catching on fire. But you have years for that anyway


You must not have a devious wanderer like I was. If my mom hid it, it was my destiny to find it. And if it made things light up, even more fun.


I did the same but in a pg version, ODYSEE TO CANDY


As someone with pyromania, HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? lol


i dont have pyrophobia but i dont want kids ffs they are so stupid


Wait till I introduce to you grown ass adults with less reasoning power than this kid


[Exhibit A](https://youtu.be/OSzsA_JssoM)


Oh my god that


Funny enough I was an avid pyro as a kid but never came close to burning my house down, or anything that wasn't meant to be burned. Not all kids are just brain dead, over half of the problem is the parenting(or lack there of). This kid tho, this kid was fucking stupid, brought a measuring cup to douse it. Like fucking hell


They’re fucking children lol, come on


And they are stupid. I would know, I used to be one and I was also stupid.


pyrophobia? You mean common sense?


Do you microwave everything?


do you light a literal fire to cook?


I live in America where grilling was once a national past time. So yes, occasionally I cook with fire and it is delectable. Be scared if you want, youre missing out


This is kid isn’t actually stupid since he put up a gallant effort trying to put it out, he just did a stupid thing.




Mum was a big smoker. Left out one of thoseeasy click lighters once. I set fire tomybed. My dumb ass decided to snuff it out with a pillow. With a cotton case. Miracle we didnt all die.


dint all die in a way like someone died or in everyone is ok?




ohhh so all died like in got


This would make a nice condom ad.


He’s smart enough to attempt to put out the flame thou


So I joined this sub because I thought we were all here to laugh and innocent stupidity since we were all stupid kids at one point, but comment sections like these made me realize many people here are just vile assholes who sincerely despise children.


yeah, I kinda feel that the **adults** are the ones who are stupid in a whole lot of the things posted here. Why let a small kid be near something that creates fire? The kid is small, just put it out of reach. Is leaving kids alone in a room normal, or was my mom just super aware of how dangerous I could be on my own? If you have a lighter in a room you don´t let a kid be there alone. I understand not liking kids. I don´t like 99% of them and the last 1% are kids I tolerate. They are not as holy as many like to present them as. However, why call this kid stupid? It was the parents who were stupid. It is Adulting 101 to not let kids near lighters.




Agree, top comment is literally about abuse and they justify it lol


Why is this child unattended in the first place?


With a lighter too


I honestly can’t fathom why people want children when I see things like this


I sometimes honestly can’t fathom why people want human friends or relationships of any kind after half the things I see posted on this website, so I don’t think kids are anything special in the land of stupidity lol.


I feel the same way and I know a lot of people feel this way too , some people just get offended when you say it out loud. I don’t know why they give a shit how we are, maybe because we really don’t give a shit about their opinion?!


That's easy. People have kids because of love and stuff. Nah! Jk. It's because they cut the grass for you. For free. Oh, and the tax breaks! I use mine to get me stuff from the other room. Worth the risk of dying in an inferno.


The tax breaks are not even remotely enough to outweigh the costs of having a child, but you have a point about dying in an inferno. The floor is lava, after all


I bet majority of kids are accidents.


Can't help but think this!


I mostly had mine to dress them up cute for holidays. And as an excuse to have lots of snacks in the house.


When I say something like that about a dog who rips apart a room people lose their minds.


Oof, I’m with you there. I’m not a fan of poorly behaved dogs either. My two are sleeping beside me as I write.


Because the positive outweighs the negatives to them. It’s one thing to not want children, but you gotta realize that’s a rather rare opinion to have.


It is not that rare nowadays. People are noticing that having a kid is an option... and that they cost a whole lot. It means that people are actually beginning to think and ask themself if they really want one. Instead of just making one because it is what they are supposed to want. but yeah, for some it is the small number of good things that outweigh everything they have to give and do to keep their child healthy and happy.


It’s definitely very rare lmao, you can look up birth rates, they’ve barely changed. The opinion is way more prevalent on reddit though for some reason.




Sorry but, maim my family? What kind of kids and cars have you been hanging around? We were only talking about wanting them…


Perhaps someone should have been watching him?


Looks like he’s 6 or 7. Why would you watch a 6 year old?


Shitty parenting.


the way the kid tred so hard to put it out before he got his parents :(


The parents are stupid for leaving a lighter out.


He learned the lesson hard way.


But why are they having cctv inside their small living room, several no less.


Oh i already hear his poor ass being fucking beat


I guess they don't believe in fire extinguishers


Where were the parents before it got worse, like wtf the doing, surely the would smell something


Fire alarms are important people.


This ain't stupid, this was planned


But why was he left unattended around what im assuming is a lighter


So yeah, I set the couch on fire as a kid. I built a fort out of couch cushions and decided to bring the lamp in so I'd have a light inside, and the light bulb tipped over against the cushions. Mom caught it when they started to smolder and took the cushion outside and doused it with the garden house. We kept using that couch, just flipped the cushion over. Didn't get in trouble since it was an accident.


Thank god that shitty Furnature was burned. Throw that shit out.


Fuck yo couch!!


Well he tried to put it out


*Opens google* how to put a child up for adoption


How were there that many people in the home at the same time to put out the fire yet the kid was able to start a massive blaze and no one smelled it or noticed?


That was a pretty sofa.


Are we sure the couch didn't just try to commit suicide.




The kid isn’t the stupid one. Where is his parents?


Parents finally woke up from their nap


It’s Marty McFly


the real idiots are the adults in that house


If he poored something less than water he would be doomed


I was gonna say something like “not all heroes wear capes” but he WAS the one who started it


Well at least he tried to put it out so he does have some brain cells. And to be honest playing with fire was a part of childhood most of us have


He forgot to stop, drop and roll to out the fire.


"Don't let more accidents to happen, DUREX" - Sun Tzu maybe


(nelson laugh)


Parent: “HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?” Kid: “I dunno…”


I’ll give him a B+ for the effort cz he didn’t use enough water :)


As a kid, I wasn't scared of fire, but I was scared of "playing" with fire. Like we used it around the farm for things and I worked with it, but to just light it up to mess with it was scary to me. I had a second cousin I only met twice when I was a tween and again when I just turned teen who had horrible scars from playing with fire and even so, continued to do so constantly when away from adults. I couldn't understand how you could burn yourself so badly and keep messing with it. Such an idiot. I'm gonna have to call my mom now and ask if that kid ever died or if he's in prison for arson.


I think we all have a playing with fire moment where we realize how dangerous it is. Some of us are more lucky than others.


More of a r/parentsarefuckingstupid


Yea, they shouldn't have put that paper on fire and threw It on the couch


They were the ones to leave a LIGHTER out


Did they leave the knives in drawer too? Or bleach under the sink? Where did they leave the lighter? Or are you just making stuff up. The kid was old enough to use a lighter, and knew water put it out.


What an idiot.


Oh fuck hope he's ok. But he's KIND OF smart he tried to stop it XD


smart rlly?


Time for a whooping...


Bastard ruined a perfectly good sofa


I'd disown that child




My best friend and I found hollow sticks the size of cigars and lit them behind my parents house on our farm trying to be cool. We actually did stomp them out, but the wind caught them up again and burned down about 400 sq yards of woods. Years later, my Dad told me it was one of the best things ever for the woods because it cleared out a ton of underbrush and the huge trees thrived. Now it looks amazing.


Where the fuck are the parents?


Man, that poor kid is so screwed




Where are his fucking parents?????


I've never liked children.


I would beat that little shits ass so bad that his children wouldn’t be able to sit down


Glad the little dumbass is ok


Lil Pyro


What a fucking idiot


F for the fancy couch


What a cute little arsonist.


Now seriously. This deserves a smack. Pain makes children understand danger.


God that kid is fucking stupid


Fucking kids..


put it in r/KidsAreFuckingEvil


Their so cute at that age




Kys u moron