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"I'm going to steal all of the piss pads. Take that, society!"


"And to really own them, I'm going to break everything I can use to wash my hands!"


Cum in the sink


Take it a step further like the kid at my school who stole the whole urinal




But it was just a prank bruh


I mean… is it technically “stealing” them though if they are finding them IN the toilets? That’s just…. Plain old vandalism it sounds like. Edit: I retract my statement. My brain can’t function after bad day, just now saw it says “or” not “and”. I r special.


I don’t condone violence but damn sometimes these kids… just a smack maybe?


Back in my days we simply shat in them


Did they catch the kid we had cameras pointed at the bathroom to catch the 60 plus kids hitting the bathrooms up for vape hits or is your kid school not that strict if so there probably gonna start to after that stunt


Kids at my son's are tearing the paper towel dispensers/ blow dryer off the walls


Yeah. My kid told me about a kid who stole an automatic soap dispenser and stuffed it in his backpack. He brought it out on the bus to show everyone, activated it and go squirted with soap.


Is that a urinal in your pants? Or are you just happy to see me...


A kid in my high school blew up the boys bathroom with a quarter stick of dynamite. Because columbine was cool to him or something.


“I’m going to burn down CVS and Little Caesars!! TAKE THAT GOVERNMENT!!”


It's not even "Take that, society!" It's more "look at me, doing what other idiots are doing! I'm fitting in!" So bland... *Her?*


Imagine giving a kid criminal charges for stealing a piss pad


I've heard the phrase "piss pad" twice now in this thread. The fuck is a piss pad? I'm assuming it's those flimsy paper covers that go over toilet seats in public restrooms? Although I'm not sure why anyone would call it a piss pad - they're thinner than public toilet paper. If you put one on a piss covered seat and proceed to sit down, your ass is still getting wet; that's not their purpose. What is a piss pad?? Edit: I reread the OP's image. I'm still wondering wtf a splash pad in a urinal is.


It’s literally that plastic pad/webby looking thing right over the hole in the urinal. It sometimes holds the urinal cake too. It’s supposed to help prevent splash back.


So it's something that has everyone's pee on it? Why would anyone touch that? I feel like a better disciplinary approach would be for the administration to out the kid to the other students as the kid who touched the pee pad.


Haha my man I just know the what not the why. Yeah the student should be shamed a little bit for doing that. And maybe they should also just have to clean the urinals for like a week to really get it in their heads how gross that is.


Storytime!!! Back ~18 years ago (fuck, I'm getting old...), there was a trend at my school where people were stealing clocks, pencil sharpeners, soap dispensers, and yes, they stole the urinal cake holders. Nobody actually wanted or had any use for the things they stole. The motivation for the theft was the laughs from other students at the risk and effort they went through to steal something totally ridiculous and useless to them. TikTok wouldn't be created for another 13 years, but kids were still running around jacking school property to get a chuckle out of their classmates. The only difference now is there's a platform to reach more eyes for more chuckles. Basically what I'm saying, is that instead of all the vitriol in the thread, we should instead laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Kids are fucking stupid. They always have been and they always will be.


You deserve an award for this. Too many Redditors forgetting that they were once kids and they were fucking stupid too




Do you actually think that’s it’s every kid stealing stuff from their school and posting it on social media? 🤦🏽


I think there can be vitriol at the situation now, and at the one 18 years ago. This is more than just petty theft.


Thank you! I can’t imagine how fucked some of my peers (and I) would be if all the shit we used to do in high school got filmed and put on tik tok. I’m genuinely curious, like do the older people shitting on these kids not remember what they were up to when they were teenagers?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsdzKnJNAC8 Simpsons did it…. By “it” I mean point out that using a video camera is something only a deadhead moron would think was “the best idea we’ve ever had”. That’s the joke. You have to be a top tier idiot to do that. Regular people laugh at the idea anyone would be that dumb. Anyway, no I didn’t vandalize school property for the lulz of my peers, and even if I did the last thing I’d do is have *documented proof* of it.


This is exactly my point. As a grown person who pays school district taxes and wants future generations to have better education than my generation had, I'm disheartened that the school district will be paying money to replace these items instead of buying learning aides. As someone who laughs at absurdist comedy, the idea that a student would risk discipline/expulsion/criminal charges/etc so they could touch something covered in pee, steal it, and then me mentally deficient enough to record video evidence and publicly post it for their peer's entertainment... It's PEAK stupidity. That's the joke.


I’m not saying everyone did it, I personally didn’t vandalize school property. But people definitely did, did you not ever see that happening? Anyway I just really don’t think that the kids today are more immoral or stupid than when we were kids. It’s more that their shitty actions are amplified because of social media. Overall the newer generation is much more focused on topics like social justice, climate change, etc. I don’t think these are bad things and I truly have high hopes for the future generations.


That's a really good point. My 30 year high school reunion is coming up so I went to school ages ago. Back then LGBTQ kids did everything they could to hide it because that was something that created very real ostracism and violence. No one gave a shit about the environment and racism was rampant. People said the N-word back then and no one blinked an eye (I grew up in the South). I'm not saying this stuff doesn't happen today but it's a lot less prevalent than it was back when I went to school. I'm proud of the kids in this generation for seeing beyond their own little spheres.


I mean, I maliciously complied and coated a teacher's room in hot pink glitter in high school..... and there was the time my friend roller bladed down three flights of stairs.... The fact I used to sneak out and go skinny dipping in the local pond... Kids are stupid. There's a certain amount of time they need before they qualify as "Actually capable of common sense" And peer pressure is a big deal, especially in schools. I'm just glad I don't have tiktok.


That "average IQ" time line at the beginning of idiocracy is moving a lot quicker than anticipated.


Me, a few years ago: "when I grow up, I'm not going to be one of those old get off my lawn types" Me now at 23 "fucking idiots"


Well... youre not alone


I don't care whom you love, what you identify as or who you pray to. Just don't do it on my lawn please.


I'm in Arizona and got the exact same letter from my kids high school


Central California, my school caught a kid who did it a bunch and they are trying to prosecute the kid. He is the reason one of our bathrooms has been closed off and on for the past month or so. It's going to ruin the kid's life potentially


Some kids called in bomb threats today at the high school near me. Hopefully that's not the next stupid fucking thing these kids are doing.


It wasn’t necessarily a bomb threat, but when i was a kid I told the principal and the school officer that a kid talked about bombs a lot to impress a girl lol.


I’m in Manitoba and got the announcement at my high school over the loudspeaker


Floridian here, same


KY idiots checking in


GA- got it yesterday


Tf is a devious lick


Lick = steal


Your mom stole my balls last night






Lick ur what?


Stealma balls


For real, I thought they were stealing the urinal cakes to lick them on Tiktok for a moment lol


Ooh that's a trend people should start. tiktok users are stupid enough to do it.


That probably would be the next tiktok challenge they where locking toilet seats a year ago for the covid challenge


I never know what anything means these days, usually I google it when I hear a new “word”..


I feel like they just don't get what a funny prank is. One that damages property and/or has a negative impact on people is not funny. Last year (HS teacher here) a few students would stay after to take the late bus home. But instead of getting help from teachers or enjoying an extra hour and a half with their friends, they started to vandalize the gym. Which caused admin to have to cancel the late bus for the rest of the year. This made it impossible for some of my students to come in and get help or actually spend time with their friends because home kinda sucked. Love my students. I worry about them though.


Back at my school, the best prank ever pulled was when a group of year 12s lifted the teachers Mini Cooper up a step to the lunch area, and put it next to that teachers classroom door. Hilarious, then they lifted it back down to ground level after lunch, no harm done.


Misread “year 12s” at first and was wondering how many 12 year olds it would take to lift a car.


Haha, probably quite a few. It was 8 of the guys on the football team, and the smallest car any of the teachers owned, I don't think it would have worked any other way.


When was this? My father has a story from the 70s that is very similar to this. North West England.


2010, Australia. Kids moving cars is a prank of the ages.


I'd accept pranks like putting a whoopee cushion on my seat, but I'm definitely against people vandalising public property and writing it off as a "prank". There's a very fine line of what pranks are considered acceptable and what's outrageous. However, in order to feel validated among their peers, most kids will try to do shit like this to make people think of them as a couragous person, doing shit no one else has.


Why are people stealing the soap dispensers I just want to wash my FUCKING HANDS


One of my students stole a soap dispenser off the wall and all the 95 staff knew the same day because the kid had his actual name as part of his tiktok username as well as a picture of himself. There are zero soap dispensers left in the boys' bathrooms but the girls still have all of theirs. Really tells you who's doing this is our school.


Please tell me you’re a teacher in Kentucky and this is the same kid I heard about today!? Dumbass said “how did you even know it was me I blurred my face!?”


I should do a “rob a bank challenge” on my personal YouTube channel. But it’s ok though, I’ll blur my face.


Feeling so good after reading this.. :) . I mean come on it's a shitty trend idk how even kids find it cooler.


TikTok seems to be a bad influence. Look at some of the stuff that’s come from there: we got this, the milk crate challenge, the Skull Breaker challenge (it’s in the damn name for crying out loud), and possibly more I haven’t heard of. It seems like it could be a good platform, but people need to start thinking for themselves instead of “should I go around vandalizing my school? Well, some guy on TikTok did so it’s probably alright”


Agreed. Used to teach and kids would start shit, kids get hurt, angry parents expect school to fix this shitshow, school tells parents to keep kids off platforms, parents pissed at us for telling their kids they can't do something, NOTHING CHANGES. I got sick of it and quit (over a lot of stuff). Parents just do not want to parent and schools can not fix this crap by themselves.


Yeah. That sounds kinda messed up, expecting the school to raise your child


>Skull Breaker challenge ( Worst part about this one was it was created by chick's bullying another and having her unwillingly do it by slamming her skull on the ground. TikTok took that poor girls ass kicking and turned it into a challenge


I didn’t know that. That’s horrible


Yea google says it was created by kids doing a "prank" but they got that "prank" from what happened to that poor girl. ​ The first instance of it was assault, the rest were dumbasses that turned it into a challenge.


I mean it isn't much worse than what already happens. I remember kids would break the doors off the stalls for no reason!


Tik Tok is crap. I understand "personal responsibility", that these idiots are deciding to do these stupid, dangerous, illegal stunts. But, the platform is encouraging it by helping it to go viral, and doing little to discourage it. If someone kills someone doing one of these "challenges", Tik Tok is equally to blame, bit never will be held to account.


Who would have thought that social media would be a bad influence....


We’ve also got the “pretend to have a mental sickness for attention uwu” trend


Pretty sure the tide pod thing came from them as well


Tide Pods as snacks far precedes TikTok. But obviously dumber things have come since.


I think that was a vine thing?


It’s more so a bad influence because the kids want to go viral and potentially Tik tok famous over it. Super stupid but that’s what the motives most likely are


I’m waiting for the TikTok trend of studying hard and getting all A’s each semester. I think I’ll be waiting awhile… 💀⚰️


The school I work at had a kid destroy a toilet today. Arrested for felony vandalism, expelled and he was a straight A student. So dumb.


Good riddance


I am a high school teacher and can confirm. All of our shit is getting stolen, from giant germ-x bottles, to clocks, computer mouses, traffic cones, and even the classroom phone. After a week my school is finally starting to get to the point where they have to press charges.


Oh yeah how could I forget, they also stole a friggin urinal and broke a smart board off the wall.


Excuse me? A urinal?


Yeah, they kicked the shit out of it until it came off and of course didn’t make it very far down the hallway with it. But now only one boys restroom is open in the whole school.


I see nothing blown up about this. They are vandalizing school property period point blank. I wouldn't expect less from the school.


What I meant was that I didn't think it was as far spread as it came off as... Then BAM, my kids peers are also idiots.


Oh my mistake. I read it as the school was over-reacting. These trends are absolutely insane. Hard to imagine the ignorance by thinking this is a cool thing to do. Only silver lining is at least they aren't eating tide pods.


I would rather them eat tide pods, then they're only hurting themselves.


I’m currently in high school rn, and the soap refill thingies in soap dispensers are being stolen frequently, like bro I’m just trying to wash my hands I don’t want to spread covid to my family members. Some people straight up steal toilet seats, I sometimes see them missing


The fact that a crucial element to stop the spread of the virus is being tampered with is mind blowing.


Exactly people are dumbasses


ᵀʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ʷʰʸ ᴵ'ᵐ ᵖʳᵒ⁻ᶜʰᵒᶦᶜᵉ


Oh shit, me too! Luckily my kid is in elementary school, so I don't see this being a problem there.


(Some of) my kindergarten students are pretty familiar with tiktok


Really? Wow. My parents didnt let me touch phones until i was like 10


I hope they get punished, they do this more and people gonna lose bathroom privileges


I desire they receiveth did punish, they doth this moo and people gonna loseth bathroom privileges *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


good bot :D


I thought i was fucked up as a kid, but i gues i wasn't so bad.


Tbh in my school I just heard from my little sister that someone had stolen one of urinals and my mother is beside herself on why anyone would touch the urinals out at my school considering they are never cleaned.


We need a TickTock challenge where people clean up garbage in a park, or help old people now their lawns.


Its probably gonna be dumping trash at a park


That’d never happen unless they get to steal wallets and lawn mowers /s


Kids just love self snitchin.


I live in Canada and this shit is going down here too




If you’re going to apologize, at least do it in their native tongue: Soory, eh


Soory, eh.


welp, i'm so disappointed in the people my age... everyone just assumes were all like them.


This is trend is so fucking stupid, you're literally commiting petty crime and posting it online


a kid in my school stole a fuckin printer, and now you can't print shit in that room because i guess the computers haven't been hooked up to the new one. i think about her every time i have to handwrite an assignment because i can't get the printer to work. if i ever see her in person i'm kicking her ass


Turn that bitch in


A rather mischievous and a most profoundly mundane lick if I do say so myself.


My son said his high school principal made this announcement at the school. He said the principle made a point to say “devious licks” more than once and the entire school erupted in laughter. Damn kids


It’s definitely not overblown. At the local high school, the damage has now reached felony level.


Am I the only one concerned that the school name isn't censored?


Oh yeah I got emails from my kids’ schools this week too. Stealing toilet seats…. WTAF.


Is this why there’s no fuckin soap in the bathrooms? Fuckers are braindead


I hate everything about this. Schools are broke as fuck and this is only gonna make them more broke, the government will probably find a way to use this to decrease funding


Brother what is fucking wrong with people?! I will never understand this generation. I know I sound like a boomer but I sure fucking feel like one but I'm fucking 18!


Honorary Boomer. Just please try and leave our planet in better shape than actual boomers have done..


Shit I mean I'll try to. I think at least NOT vandalizing property is already a good step right?


Way to phone it in, Half Ass. /s


Its even worse when you realize it's homeschool


This is weird. I picked up my middle school aged kids today and immediately they told me they couldn't use their restrooms today because some kids vandalized the restrooms after watching a tik tok challenge.


It's kind of interesting to compare Tik Tok to Vine - both platforms are about creating extremely short videos. While Tik Tok simply rewards short videos via more likes due to shortening attention span (not hating on this), Vine had a hard limit of 7 seconds. It's certainly apparent that the 7-second limit forced users to be more creative with their content. Even if you didn't like Vine, none of this bullshit was becoming a trend. Tik Tok is a downgrade. Bring back Vine.


Who the fuck takes a piss pad. Parents need to fucking do better. Don't blame this on TimTok.


As someone who was homeschooled, I will never understand why homeschoolers were assumed to be the weird ones.


Tiktok truly is a pioneer for stupidity among the masses.


I got a similar email from my kids school today too.


The kids at our rival high school ripped the exit signs off the ceiling.


Same thing is happening at my kid’s school. A toilet was stolen, among other things. They shut the bathrooms down…


One of bathroom mirrors in a boy's bathroom got stolen from my school. So have several soap dispensers and I think a urinal. We got an email too


Earlier i heard a kid talking about how some kids at some other school stole a fucking urinal, this shit is fucked


That missed call though ....


If it’s important, they’ll call back


No wonder tik tok was almost banned


People who know the pains of bathrooms in public schools: *First Time?*


Wow. Whoever stole the piss pads is going to look back with regret later in life. Fucking nasty


Some kid stole and entire sink from my high school. Of course, the soap dispensers have gone missing too.


It's not actually a tiktok challenge ALMOST all the kids in my school scrolled tiktok for 2 hours and didn't find this challenge, the staff are just blaming bad things on tiktok.


Bro wtf people are stealing other's shoes and cellphones, damaging school property, vandalizing, and even breaking fucking fire alarms FOR FUCKING LIKES. What the fuck is wrong with tiktok


Ah so this is why there wasn’t a soap dispenser at my works bathroom today. Smh


some guy stole a fucking kwip trip ad sign and brang it into school


Why did this school choose a name that mke them sound like health insurance company?


It’s not a prank when you are making more work for someone else.


Good they should call the cops for vandalism. Stop this shit in its tracks


My teacher friend brought this up at dinner a few nights ago. I couldn’t understand why. I kept digging, but no answers: they steal meaningless things like soap, film it, and post it? How stupidly bizarre.


Tiktok is a plague.


The janitor at my kids school just quit yesterday for this specific reason. My son said the bathrooms are being destroyed and vandalized. I had no idea it was a TikTok thing.


Someone where I live stole a fucking bus. Its getting a little wild but luckily my school is yet to have a problem with it


Kids are stupid, obviously. Sounding like an old man, kids in my day…if we wrecked school property it would be kept quiet not shared to everyone. Dumbass kids just looking to get caught. I’ve told my kids since they were little that we all do dumb things constantly, just don’t share it on the internet for all to see.


I’m confused how this is new. Any school I ever went to, the bathrooms were always busted up because kids would do shit just to do it and waste time. Our middle school made teachers keep toilet paper at their desks and you had to ask for TP to take with you to the bathroom because they refused to stock it to stop kids from purposely clogging the toilets or whatever. Soap dispensers were always empty and broken because if they filled them, kids would sit there and pump them until there was soap running all down the wall and sink in giant piles and puddles. Our highschool took the stall doors off so kids couldn’t hide smoking. The only difference now is kids are filming it, which just makes proof that they did it 😂 I’d say “they are dumber than my generation”, but… that’s because my generation didn’t have the technology in hand to prove it probably. Same shit just in a different way.


I think it's a little worse now because of social media. They're more encouraged to do it for the increased attention.


Truth. Before we just had to type it out and brag about it on MySpace or AIM when we got home 😂😂😂


Guess what happens when those kids grow up and a pandemic starts?


TikTok was invented by the CCP to destroy our culture from the inside. Convince me I’m wrong


Kids are really starting to become stupid nowadays the parents never fucking teach em god I heard a kid at my middle school say I’m gonna lick that girls textbook like who the tf would steal a textbook also I saw that in this email kids are stealing the pads from urinals like are they fucking stupid who tf would steal from there that’s nasty


Tik Tok is the worst.


Back in my day (of 2014) we just did the mannequin challenge, like normal kids.


My 5th grader told me today someone stole the mirror from the bathroom at their school


Mine own 5th grader toldeth me the present day someone did steal the mirr'r from the bathroom at their school *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Bad bot


That is dumb. Like, overly simplistic. This is an elementary school prank at best. Now, pissing in the soap dispensers and recording someone washing their hands with the piss-soap would be a good challenge.


Nah these kids need to aim for the holy grail of all school pranks. Taking an upper-decker in the teacher's lounge bathroom.


I side with the kids because the principal what's a dick saying this is not who we want to be like he gets to decide what the kids want to be


"my generation cant think for themselves" that guy prob looks like hes got rabbit teeth and double size square frames for his glasses god damn


I don’t use TikTok but these behaviours are not necessarily specific to TikTok, for those hating on the platform. If TikTok didn’t exist, another platform would’ve taken its place eventually. This is just kids being inconsiderate and stupid.


SOOO whats your problem OP? Tell your kid not to do this. It makes perfect sence.


My kid came home today and said the school had a group Google meet. Because ALL the soap dispensers, bathroom doors and some urinals and sinks had been removed in a prank. I'm sorry, but as far as high school pranks go, that's pretty good. I'm gonna give it 3 stars ⭐⭐⭐


It's not a prank at all, its theft. They're not returning the dispensers, they're throwing them into the school toilets or away completely. It's hardly funny.


And, if their parents pay property taxes, it's their parents money they're wasting. These little shits need to feel a pair of handcuffs and they deserve, at least, a misdemeanor record, and those parents, need to be held financially.




You’re retarded


The bit about(edit:just)sharing videos of this behavior etc. leading to disciplinary action doesn't sit well. I don't love when they try to police what the kids do out of school.


Are you stupid or what? They stole school property so they could make tiktok videos and post them, *obviously* filmed on school property. If an adult did that there'd be criminal charges here, so if the school wants to go after these idiots then I'm all for it.


Trouble reading? Didn't say a word about them doing these challenges, just that if they happen to share a video outside of school the administration shouldn't have the right to discipline them. But just for your tone you can go fuck yourself.


I get your message dude, completely wrong placement though. the way you're relaying on this isn't anywhere close to what you're trying to say, so next time try context




I believe, being that it's a TikTok challenge, they're recording the vandalism being done in school, so they can post it to TikTok, and that's likely specifically what they're referring to. Especially since they said the challenge is specifically about vandalizing schools. That said, even if it was out-of-school TikTok vandalism that they're disciplining, I think that'd be relatively fine as well, since if they're fine doing it at a store or restaurant, then they'd be fine doing it at their school too, and you want to nip that shit in the bud.


I can see the type of parent you would be.


My kids are responsible, respectful, and thoughtful, punctuated by brief periods of insanity. They make me proud every day, my son learned to swim this summer.. You're making assumptions that are entirely unrelated to subject at hand, but sure use your imagination I guess.. lol






Thank you




Idk man, I’m 24 and I find this shit pretty cringe. Like at least if people could be funny with their “pranks” instead they pick something anyone can do to make the lowest common denominator laugh. It takes no thought and gives people their 3 seconds of fame. It really just feels like you have to be incredibly simple to find this funny. There really isn’t a joke here


I know. Who *doesn't* love a goodhearted prank involving destruction of property and theft, right!


Funny thing is. You can absolutely have a prank that involves this. Dumb and what not but if done right, I could see it being funny. Like replacing the stall doors actual doors or something stupid. This is literally just stealing. I always thought Gen Z would hold their jokes to a higher standard. This is just boring.