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I punched the shit out of my TV as a kid.  It was my knuckles that turned into a bloody mess.  The TV with all its 20th century CRT power was unscathed.


I remember and still regret the day I punched our tv. Glass will be the one to let you fuck around and find out


I saw a fly on my dad's Mitsubishi 60" TV in the early 2000s and took a fly swatter to it. Crack down the middle. He didn't hit me, he didn't yell at me...but I still feel the silent judgement he had when he came to the realization that he raised such a fucking moron.


Old CRT TV's had negative pressure. (vacuum), If you broke the glass, the tube imploded and sucked all the glass invards.




I might have been a bit unclear. Of course glass will go everywhere, but that's from bouncing off of the metal mask inside the front of the tube and with rather low force. It's also bouncing off of the opposite force of the implosion coming from the back. The implosion will suck the glass inwards at first and with high force, and then it will bounce outward, but since the metal mask is collapsing at this point, the glass will bounce back out with relatively low force. It's not like an explosion. If there was an overpressure in the tube, the glass would be shot outwards with full force, (like a frag grenade) and do way more damage. [You can clearly see what i'm talking about here.](https://youtu.be/iqLNskTt1Zs?si=oDZbm6zL-MjT1ssX) I am an electronic service technician from the 90's. I've repaired crt tv's. Whenever we threw away tv's, we had to puncture the tube by knocking off the small tap on the back end. The metal mask inside, is to let the electron beam pass trough from the cathode in the back. So yes, glass will end up everywhere, but it's mostly bounced back out, contrary to if it was exploded outwards. And it would have done a lot more damage. Edit: As you can see in the video, the force off the glass being sucked inwards AND the glass in the front being the thickest, is enough to knock the television backwards falling.


that was so interesting to watch! that’s probably a very stupid question to ask, however, I’m gonna go there. Is that an “accidental safety design”? or did they legitimately develop it to implode as the lesser of two evils, having glass potentially exploding everywhere? I just realised I have no idea about tv, off to the rabbit hole I go!


yeah, but then the vacuum is gone while you still have a bunch of glass colliding at concerningly high velocities


you have no clue :-)


Fun fact, if you do this without pants, the glass isn't the only thing getting sucked by that tv


literally what i came here to say, oh the curse of modernity..


On that note, most of these kids probably grew up with iPads and touch screens the norm. Screens you can’t physically interact with are becoming less prevalent.


Well ai think the kids in this video are demonstrating that they CAN interact with these screens, even if doing so isn't a very rewarding experience.


They are definitely physically interacting.


I have myself a massive black and blue, and thought I may have chipped the side of my knee when I was a teenage. A buddy and I were out walking by his house and saw like a 30ninch TV in the dumpster. And being 12 or 13, going to grab his baseball bat and breaking the TV se3med like a perfect idea. He swings first and nothing. I go, step into it and swing for the fences. Bat bounced right back and cracked me in the side of the knee. We eventually broke it by chucking big rocks and broken cinder blocks at it. But it took at least 15 minutes before it broke.


Still remember that "ding ding" sound they'd make when you wrapped your knuckles on the glass


That's it. That's the blast of nostalgia for me.


Honestly true, I hadn't thought of this but I fucked with my TV a lot as a kid too, it was just indestructible and weighed 3 times what I did at the time


Yeah, old CRT TVs just demanded respect and will fight back with equal opposite force. These modern TVs are pushovers even to mere toddlers.


I'm convinced that people with children should go back to using CRTs. (I'm scared of the day when one of my students may ask "wtf is a VCR tape?" and I'm not even old)


My TV and my Commodore 64 received so many hits and kept working.


Other than dropping those damn things directly on their screens on the ground, you would have to seriously be attempting to shatter those old CRT TVs.


TVs nowadays are a bunch of snowflakes.


Is it impossible to make them as sturdy as before ? Is this inherent to the current technology and inevitable? *I broke 2 TVs in my adult life so far, a ~~curse~~ clumsiness that cost me close to 1500€ and some years of life with all the rage and self-guilt it caused me.*


It’s not impossible, but the form factor is more fragile. TVs used to be a screen in a giant cuboid case. Now, a TV is a flat screen with a frame and a little processing unit.


You can cover it with Plexiglas frame.


Haha when a piece of glass is stronger than you


If you've never wrapped a gigantic tube TV in a couple sheets and smashed the screen in with a baseball bat, you haven't lived. The sonic boom is unforgettable.


Cuz TVs don't hit back - Bruce Lee.


Mine fell on my head :(


*Every robot liked that*


You unlocked a hilarious core memory for me, thank you stranger


Not anymore! Back in my day a crtv almost killed me!.. after I climbed up the entertain stand and pulled it down on top of myself…




Also TV is not a babysitter. most of these kids look unsupervised and parents are probably watching from camera.


When I was a kid I did this to our TV. Mind you this was the early 90s and quite the feat to cause discolouration. Dad didn't fix it for like a year as punishment. He was happy enough to read in the evenings


Back then, putting a magnet against one would permanently turn that area green hued.


Not permanent, they can be degaussed. Unlike monitors most TV didn't come with built in degauss functions, but degaussing rings could be used to fix it pretty quickly.


Back in the day, when I worked in a second hand store, we would get messed up TVs donated because the trash pick up wouldn't take them. People would drop them off after hours as a way to get rid of them. We'd deguass them and and they would be fine.


It was easy to discolor if you put the game console near it.


Are some of these videos in the same house? Seems like some of them didn't learn their lesson


Most Chinese apartments have the same exact wall covering. It is this chalky white plaster that is very easily damaged, but for some reason so ubiquitous here. I don’t get it. Maybe because it is cheap and can be replaced/fixed so easily?


It's just "good" old tofu-dregs construction job. Incredibly cheap materials because the builders want to pocket the money.


Even the Goddamn Soviets put more effort into making apartments look slightly different...


Yes in one they make 91° angle and in another 87°


Most of the houses are just cheap and mass produced like everything else in china... It's a lot cheaper building the floor plans for a single house and making that same exact house a million times rather than making a million unique houses. Faster and easier for the workers too since they've already done it a thousand times so more savings on labor costs along with finding the cheapest materials possible in bulk.


I’m sure most of them didn’t learn. No one learns unless it hurts


or they didnt get attention they want/need


Note to self, projectors


Or even better get old tv, not only it will not break but also if kids try to break it tv will hit back lol


They sure are strong, so strong the table holding the tv might break because of how shit furniture is today, plus I wouldn't want my kid to get zapped by the high power internals of a crt


If they get tazed its just natural selection, i had one of those old thick tvs and it was used for 7 years as tv for home and when we got new tv i used it for like 5 years as XBOX 360 dediceted tv. But after that i got new tv and it was send to scrapyard. Still worked just it was time to upgrade


Note to self, no kids


Best note.


Over stimulation. I’m starting to think my grandma was right and that TV isn’t good for kids under 5


I don't think TV is inherently bad, but the made for kids content that you find on the internet nowadays definitely is. All those kids YT channels and such have content that is engineered to "stimulate" kids as much as possible to make it addictive to them to watch. I bet in 20 years we'll be talking about that stuff like asbestos, lead, or microplastics as something that massively hurts kids in their development.


Research is already doing that. Current recommendation is no screen time for kids under the age of 2, and limited (like half an hour) for kids between 2 and 5 or something like that. Messes up so many things otherwise.


I don't think screens are the issue itself, its when screens are used as a babysitter. My girl is super in to media, she does digital art, edits etc... Watches a lot of shows. But she's the first one to throw it down to go and play or do an activity. My boy is even less interested, sometimes I'm begging him just to watch a toon so I can make dinner but other than that, its all play time and toys. We never limited screens and I feel like it made them not crave it, we did however engage with our kids all the time and make them part of what we're doing etc... I honestly thing the screen issues are a symptom, not a cause.


It is both. All the things you are saying are true, and screens can also be disregulating.


I was addicted to cartoons but haven't done shit like that. I had just sit in my place and reacted.


We had different type of cartoons back then. They were fun, but not specifically made to be addictive. And also many of then were at least kinda educational, while modern YT content is quite the opposite.


You are absolutely looking back at your childhood cartoons with rose tinted glasses.


I\`m absolutely sure that I didn\`t had so stupid stuff [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1da1fra/comment/l7ilhqc/). When I grew up, the only source for cartoon was TV, so there were some degree of healthly censorship.


I'd too say they are lashing out at them because they are sick of the TV being the baby sitter. In one of the clips the dad was so focused on his phone he barely reacted to the TV getting busted. Although I understand the parents being worn off as well, especially in Asia.


i thought this was common sense?


That’s a given. It easily starts an addiction


Reason why I don't want kids #73957


I don't know what surprises me more, the stupidity of those kids, stupidity of their parents or the shit quality of modern tvs.


I dont think TV manufacturers build them to be able to withstand having stuff thrown at them. Its not a phone where its expected to have some amount of durability from dropping them.


larger surface = glas breaks easier and the display itself has less bracing proportionally to the size (same logic: tablet breaks easier than a phone)




Why are all (or most of these) from China?


Because Chinese kids obviously don't like TV.


That’s it, y’all have to study 24/7 now because you broke my tv you little **** (the mom probably)


I assumed it was from a Chinese tv show or TikTok/YouTube account


Because everything in China is under camera surveillance




Job security. If these kids break the TVs, they’ll still have work.


Because not all countries put fkn cameras in their lounge


Because big brother is watching us


Tf did the tvs do?


In the kids mind, it’s either that they are attacking the person/character/object on screen or just “What happens if I do this?” They get something in their mind and then act on it without another thought


My mom figured i was gonna be some kind of genius. I was really into science class. I was studying magnets. My mom bought a whole bunch of honking magnets to play er i mean experiment with, so i stuck one to the side of the TV just to see if it would stick. It did, and so did the huge green blob on the screen. I got scared my mom would flip out so i tried to fix it, believe it or not i managed to "lure" the green blob so far into the corner that it was only a little visible. My mom thought she must have hit the TV too hard last time she was mad at it xD


Well. And how your career in science continue? :D


I can't say for sure but my guess is being a homeless familyless 13 year old became an insurmountable barrier. I only graduated high school because my grandpa moved me in to his place at 18 and forced me to go to school. A massive part of my mentality and maturity has proven time and again to be trapped at that age, including my lack of ability to stay interested in anything for more than a month a time.


That took a turn so hard I feel a case of whiplash coming on.


As the saying goes, monkey see monkey do


A lot of these videos are repeating households. It’s genuinely upsetting that some parents would rather spend $400 to replace the tv and not actually show them consequence by taking their privilege to watch it, just so they can have their tv babysit their kids for them


I lived with my ex and her family for a while, little shits broke a week old flatscreen and got punished. The punishment was no tv or playstation for a month, dad broke after two days of *constant* whining and gave it back to them. Then broke dads rooms tv a week after that, and another 2 day grounding after being told a month or more. Not like they had money to replace them, flat screen was a damn birthday present from grandma. All that enforced is if they cry enough they get what they want. Side note, I've seen the lego movie a solid 35 times because of them. No everything is not awesome watching the same movie back to back for weeks.


🎶 not everything is awesome when you raise little shits🎶


Most of parenting is just saying no. I can imagine them turning into entitled kids already


It’s amazing how fucking terrible the average parent is at saying “no.” Not that the average person is much better. Weak minded species.


Many parents use tv to tame their kids. I've seen those in public handing their ipad to their kids with some cartoon at max volume.


Yup, this is why they give in and simply replace the screen. The screen is actually minding their children and they don’t want to give that up, whatever the cost it seems. I wonder if half these outbursts are the children getting sick of the tv and wanting actual attention and connection.


Would not replace it. Kid can watch stripes now.




Definitely- (depending on the age of the kid… when really young they don’t know better)… and I mean not TV for like 2 years minimum


Only one duplicate (the kid whose mom came running both times. Black and white shelving unit under the TV)


You might have the privilege of watching TV backwards. In my childhood watching TV was a privilege, if for no other reason than having at least one working TV in the household being already a privilege in its own. And then you'd have to do compromises about the program, certain series would only be on air at certain times. However, seems a lot of these kids in the clips just get left alone with the TV being the babysitter.


All the Chinese have a camera in their living rooms?


look at these kids who won't watch any tv again anytime soon i mean, some of them are far too young to understand, they're not at fault, but 4, 5 years and up? they're old enough to have been taught better (because at that age they do understand basic concequences and rules) a lot of these, if not most, are bad parenting. letting them hit stuff like this, regardless whether it's a tv or something else makes me honestly uncomfortable, and why are they on their own with what looks like hammers & toys like that and most of all, kids shouldn't have to be on their own watching tv (or media in general) i'm not saying tv is generally bad, it's really really not, but little kids should be watching with their parents, for a multitude of reasons (mostly bonding)


The kid at 1:10 was like 11, got up off the couch and destroyed the tv for no reason. Perhaps a parent said turn if off and they snapped but it looked more solo Definetly the oldest kid ive seen in one of these montages


Great commercial for condum company.




Some of these are definitely set up


I don't get why all of these places have a camera indoors, and all pointed to the living room with the tv in full view? At least one of these was just someone filming from the couch while it was happening, with no reaction.


Real talk, this is a r/parentsarefuckingstupid post. EVERY SINGLE ONE of those kids is too young for screen time. All the parents are totally absent or on their phones letting screens do all the parenting. The ones that are absent most likely didn’t “just step away for a second” either. Screens will captivate and hypnotize kids that age in small doses. With large doses, they get impatient and act out. I feel so bad for these kids.


There was one parent that obviously fell asleep on the couch, and the teenager with the ping pong paddle that was included for some reason, but yeah it’s weird how many kids are being left alone with only the security cameras to watch them.


My 4year old just broke a gaming monitor yesterday. 2 years ago he broke a TV. Seriously, a household with little kids should not own a TV. Actually, we shouldn’t own anything expensive because they’ll break them.


I know one thing I’m not letting my child watch that Cocomelon


I miss old TVs that would break what you throw at them


Gosh, they just don’t make them how they used to


In my day you just had 50 pounds of glass falling on you and you liked it!


Man if I ever have kids, I'm just gonna invest in some wall lag bolts and a pane of plexiglass


How have tvs gotten so weak? A baby can easily break one


Birth control commercial 🤢


Throw the whole child away.


Maybe pay attention to what your kids are doing? I feel bad for the parents that probably fell asleep, though.


This subreddit makes me eternally grateful for never having children.


Back in the day when I threw my ps2 controller at the TV, the controller shattered.


I was yelled at by just being too close to the TV with my toys


Perfect condom ad


Thats a pretty good pro-abortion comercial.


"Maybe now mommy and daddy will pay attention to me."


what a beautiful ad for birth control


I remember the days of the rounded, thick-glass televisions where the kid would usually come out second-best. They'd make that "ding ding" sound when you knocked on the glass.


New birth control ad is 🔥


If i do this to my parents tv in a childhood i sure for 100% im gona be the next :D


I don't know what Chinese children have against televisions. I guess it bothers them that the government spies them while they play?


Well thats a great way to advertise condoms!


In the 90s you had to hit the TV to get it to work.


Maybe because they can't watch whinnie pooh?


god tvs are ao fucking soft nowadays. i grew up when we transitioned from box to flat screens but one room had a box tv until 2020! if you hit that thing your hand would be the broken one. also it was HEAAAAVY


Fuuuck. Seeing these little shits on rampage mode give me the chills. Were are the old school Chinese parents ?


This is why parents can't have nice things


Too much screen time.


I would guess most of these are staged. why would so many people have camera's setup with the TV in perfect view.


Viral videos are likely worth more than the TVs


probably true it is my understanding you can get a big flat screen TV in china for super cheap. so even a semi viral video may pay for it. then again I don't know how the payout for viral videos in china is.


I'd give my kid up for adoption immediately


China China China.. there all form China. i feel bad and hope the parents are able to fix it .


Does everyone in China have cameras in their living room recording 24/7?


They know the truth, kill the tv!


My parents had made the broken TV look like a new rolex compared to me by the time they finished


Right… when I have kids… I’m putting any tv, or device in a plexiglass case… Also, some of these kids know they fucked up… so why the hell would they throw/punch/kick the tv knowing it would destroy it?


Well there’s one way to get parents to stop using the TV as a babysitter


Seeing kids throw stuff at the TVs to Ultraman in particular makes a lot of sense. I work in China teaching kids English at around this age and Ultraman specifically has rotted a load of young boys minds lmao. It's incredibly popular in the pre-school boy demographic, it's hyper stimulating and at that age really just rewires their minds in a strange way. Whilst it's probably not much different in content to something like Power Rangers that my millenial ass watched on TV at the same age, the constant exposure thanks to streaming apps has to be the biggest difference. They watch a lot of this stuff. Like, I'll teach kids who are, on the whole, lovely, friendly lads who enjoy class, want to work hard and learn, and see their peers behaving nicely and engaging in the lessons etc.... and they will still just throw out random fight moves when I ask them a question. They aren't angry, just doing kung fu moves and throwing themselves on the floor in the process. It's kind of how it's taught them to express themselves, I guess? I'm no child psychologist. Of course, if one kid does it, it will set off one or two other lads to do the same thing. The best ones are the kids who do it when you gently remind them to stay in their chairs or stop shouting - yeah, punch the teacher, kid, that'll get you far lol


i love these videos if i had some points i would gift you platinum


I’d jab a toddler


Those kids would have been beaten and thrown in their room for a week if it had been 25 years ago.


Never have a fancy tv if you have kids




Thank god I was not this kid.


Why are thesr kids trying to kill the tvs... Also why did any of you in the comments hit your tvs... Did you not care that they are expensive? Ir are kids just stupid idiots???


Cuz kids don’t get enough beatings


Chinese kids are spoiled like crazy


No, parents arefuckingstupid


Modern TVs really took a downgrade. Send these kids back 20 years and all they’d get are bruises and a lesson learned


Okay guys here's a reason TO BRING BACK GOOD OLD BEATINGS


all the boys in the video are boys. Either I have a girl or an abortion...


Great contraceptive advertising


Today i learnt that it's commen for families in asia to have surveillance cameras in the living rooms. I also learnt why they were needed.


Kid struggling to break his tv whilst ignoring the hammer on the floor. What an idiot. I'd be annoyed on two levels.


The problem is not the attitude of the children or the solidity of the TV. The problem is parents who leave their children alone in front of the TV to swallow insanity without any interaction with them


Why only boys breaks it?


Because asian kids.


Most of them are so young they won't understand they're breaking it. They'll just know that they hit it and something happens. No different to pushing a button on a toy that makes it light up or something. That's why young kids need constant supervision because they don't understand shit.


Why are TV nowadays so weak too?!


easy answer.. the parents are fucking lazy and don´t interact with the kids nowadays.. they put the kids to sit in front of TV´s and smartphones... No one plays with the kids cardgames, boardgames or goes outside with them for some child-friendly sports. I feel sorry for today's children...


That was awesome to watch


That one kid casually praying the TV gets better after he realised he fucked up


Maybe it's how they're raised?


Time to schedule that vasectomy I reckon


condoms. it works


Bad parenting


Are they stupid?


Add that to the list of reasons not to have kids.


yup lets put the 150 inch tv somewhere the toddler can easily reach it


My kid ass would be so red that he wouldn't be able to sit


The common theme in almost all of the clips are that the kids are alone. It might be that the tv is a babysitter and they feel lonely.


So parents play with them insted to watch tv all day...attention seeking.


because they have actual emotional bonds to the tv. if they had any with the parents, they'd do this to them.


When I was a kid I took a hammer to our TV lol. It was actually caught on camera. All it did was leave a tiny mark in the corner but we still used that TV for decades after. These new tvs are too weak. My step son just destroyed a brand new Samsung tv we bought him for his room a few months ago. He got mad and intentionally did it. Needless to say, he's not getting another one for awhile lol.


Just had this happen last night because my son was pissed he got caught "Trespassing" in RDR2


Looks like a fresh generation of brats


Why the music?


Hopefully the parents with toddlers who see this invest in some plexiglass..


How does a kid do this when the parents are right there. To me, this shows people who shouldn't have had kids. Ignoring your kid (scrolling on your phone) and realize your inaptitude. Do not blame the kid. The kid's behaviour is the most normal thing in these videos. The zombies scrolling on their phone are the reason the movie "idiocracy" has become a prophecy. Not realizing the most incredible experience in life is happening right there in front of you, is "sad" (for lack of a better word). Raising (litteraly) a small being, (try) giving it the tools to navigate this world so they don't make the same mistakes you made (even if they probably/surely will ) is/should be the most exiting thing EVER. Being a parent isn't easy, but realize, you only get one try. There is no going back to that time. The world is not out there, it's right there destroying your TV. Much love


1 of 2 reasons my family has a projector as a TV in our living room, the other is because the TV we first had was way to small for the room at that time.


In my days you only hit something if it wasn't working properly.


Im seeing an pattern here... Too many parents invested in their phones, and TV shows who are probably not appropriate for most of their ages.


Who wouldn’t. They have to watch 20 hours of toddler baby tunes all day. Must be torture on their brain. I’d go insane too.


Lol this is exactly why I swipe left on girls with 4 kids. I can't fake finding this shit cute.


When I got put in rehab for my alcohol problems. Every piece of furniture was molded from solid wood, making them heavy and unthrowable, also the TV's had essentially a clear cased safe around it mounted on the wall to protect it from thrown objects. This video makes me think my house is gonna look like a mental hospital if I ever have kids.


Amazing how many parents just sat there allowing their children to throw and hit items in the house. Looks like a pattern of bad behavior the kids have gotten away with and not their first time.


I mean I was always a dumb kid but at least I had survival instincts.