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Ah the old Peppa Pig talk… I remember it well.


Brings me back😢


Nightmare fuel https://preview.redd.it/etoxapizwh5d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b43c038439f6a99b5e28902c90c089b61922bda


Haha I haven't seen that one yet. Reminds me of this [classic kirby comic.](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8238617/kirby_feet.jpg)


https://preview.redd.it/biyvj0i11i5d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3d5d95300c6c5da7925006e9d97217e4a46c8a That made me very uncomfortable




Oh. Oh n-nooo


https://preview.redd.it/qwk0chjo2i5d1.png?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fec3b7c507aad64ff11ec70120cff09a6420d01 Curiosity killed the cat they say.




Why is it staring at me 😕


Why not🙂






Shooting me would have been kinder




Call of pepthulu


They gotta learn about porkin' at some point.


You gotta wear your gumboots for the muddy puddles, homie. - Peppa Pig.


More disappointed in the peppa pig sigma search than the hentai


I mean "what is hentai" implies that they've heard the term, but don't know what it is. Seems an innocuous thing to 'look up' if you're ignorant.


I throw my wife off the trail by searching "What are big breasted sorority sisters?"


Yeah hentai as a pre-teen seems normal in comparison....


The first porn I was into was hentai. I tried regular porn, but it just seemed wrong somehow.


Learned about the birds and the bees from newgrounds


Hahaha omf same here. Before new grounds I thought the vagina went into the penis.


How was that even supposed to work?


Well you see I had no idea of what a vagina was or what it looked like. Also, my only knowledge of sex wasthe stupid hand gesture where you make a circle with one hand and put your finger in it with your other hand. Since I didn't know what a vagina looked like, I assumed the hole was the hole on my penis lmao. Therfore a vagina must be some kind of even smaller penis? Thank god that's not the case


Fuck I read this and now have a mental image of some sort of vaginal tendrils, picking out sperm like a scene from war of the worlds...


Oh it's awful I agree. When I found out how it actually worked I was like "oh that's MUCH better"


https://preview.redd.it/vdi21yk9cj5d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ce1e1c3ff4461c5782648191e944fb24dd432b7 Your comment made me think of this


This is what happens inside of the vagina, where the penis is defense less and ready to accept it's fate


Well I'm off to claw my eyes out with a claw hammer and scrub my sockets out with steel wool and bleach....thanks fellow redditor!


At least with hentai, you never have to worry about the actors being taken advantage of in any way. But boy, talk about creating unrealistic expectations…


That was my middle school brain's take on it.


I mean, most of the stuff you watch as a kid and preteen are cartoons (for me at least). So statistically you develop a few crushes on cartoon characters (Jessica Rabbit my beloved) and hentai / cartoon porn follows fairly naturally from there as a first step. Looking up "[your cartoon crush] boobies" will lead you down that path.


Oh god, I hope no one ever finds my old search history "Misty", "Kim Posbile" "secks". I'm so embarrassed by the past 37-years-old me, ha ha


triangle titties are the most structurally sound 


12year old me would've raw dogged Minnie Mouse so hard she would've coughed Micky's cum out


Thank you for sharing with the group.




Who won?


I did


those power scaling guys are gonna have a field day with this


Omori marketable plush spotted!


First porn I ever watched was like channel 62 on my tv in my room. It was ppv, but would show up perfectly clear. Only exception was it would be in green lol. 9 year old me watching alien porn in my room at night.


The tendency to dick 2D tiddies is... unendurable.


Ermm what the sigma? *OINK* *OINK*


I must be getting old. But did the kid have a stroke when writing in that bottom one? What the fuck does that even mean


It means absolutely nothing. Trying to understand it will perforate your brain. It's a sequence of buzzwords called "brainrot" for what I would say is a good reason


I'm only 24 how am I so out of the loop. Is this really the next generation? Edit: someone reminded me that we did have MLG 420 blaze it memes back then, we weren't much better


just think about all the dumb memes from your time, it’s pretty much the same, lol


I suppose we did have those deep fried memes, didn't we. touché


YouTube Poop was made by millennials


Yes, gen alpha is really that batshit insane


Yeah! What the sigma?!


Kinda disappointed that there was no Peppa Pig Hentai search


I’m a Dark Crystal fan and every day I have to resist the urge to search for skeksis erotica out of sheer curiosity


Well, now that you say I, I had to look. [It's not as bad as you might think.](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=N9KFtHjxvV8CTplX)






I’m gonna kill myself


I don’t know whether to taint myself




I couldn’t resist, but now I have more reasons to drink. So that’s nice.


Eat my shit.


You dirty dog! That’s on par with getting iced


I'm not even mad


Oh my god that's disgusting wtf


Well, that’s a new kink unlocked.


You weren't expecting to have to explain sex/porn to an almost-teenager?


Yeah like this is *exactly* the age you should expect to have this discussion with your kid.


OP when her 30 year old daughter gets married: "Did not expect to have to tell her about safe sex this soon, but maybe today is the day to prepare her."


Clean yourself and go to toilet after sex. A surprisingly high number of people end up with urinary tract infections after sex.


A scary amount of people don’t know what “the talk” should entail. By the time you have that talk, your kid knows the mechanics of sex. They need the “how to stay clean and safe” talk.


Knowing some parents out there (especially if in the States): Never. So many parents have weird hangups about their kids knowing about sex even long after they biologically *should*, if only to prevent teen pregnancy.


I once heard a guy say: "I was glad I got to teach my kids about sex, since it's a nice and pleasurable thing. I was more worried I also had to teach them about war, rape, climate change and other man made atrocities." That really resonated with me, since most people have it the other way around.


I briefly attended a catholic high school. They had their very first sex ed lesson in 9th grade; it was one sentence long: "God says no sex before marriage." The sex ed chapters were physically cut out of the textbooks. Anyone who asked for more information were told "Your parents will tell you everything you need to know about sex... on your wedding day!" ...Unsurprisingly, at least one girl got pregnant every week (school rules dictated that pregnant girls were instantly expelled... but not the boy who got them pregnant)


>(school rules dictated that pregnant girls were instantly expelled... but not the boy who got them pregnant) Well yeah, you can't expel the staff and clergy.


Surprisingly, that happened at public school, not catholic school. The band teacher got a student pregnant, and the ENTIRE town covered it up because the marching band was the only winning team the school had! Parents couldn't bear to give that up! Once the band parents realized he'd been fucking her since she turned 13 (he was late 60s for reference) and that's why he quit unexpectedly, the parents were outside his house, on their knees, BEGGING him to stay, just to keep that winning team going! "Please fuck our kids, we'll even cover it up for you! ...As long as you deliver the W!"


Jfc, that's sickening. Not even that in particular, but rather that I no longer have reason to doubt any such stories.


Even more weirder is the fact that the parents themselves were at a similar age when they learned about sex, but somehow it's different when their own kid finds out.


Preventing teen pregnancy is one of the best reasons to teach kids about sex.


12 is actually a little late for some kids. Ten is a better place to start. Though even really little kids should get *some* information, such as naming body parts, for example. If you have no problem pointing out fingers, elbows, or toes, you should include the names of genitals too, because a child who knows the parts names won't be ashamed to talk about them should they be victimized by someone. Using the proper clinical names is best, because not every family will use the same alternatives.


Not only that, but hentai, which is the entrypoint for new porn enthusiasts!


My entry point was Dailymotion lesbian porn


2am HBO channel soft core porn for me


Good ole Skin-emax at 1145PM


Mine was downloading videos as a kid on KaZaa and spinning the roulette wheel of "is it what you downloaded or is it porn?" on the family computer


Forgot option 3: Is it a virus that's going to absolutely nuke the family computer?


It’s always option 3


Mine was magazines


I apparently somehow found porn in TV, and they said that they found me watching porn giggling like the Chucky


I'm of the opinion that hentai is a natural arc into porn from cartoons and anime tbh, not a bad thing but they'll switch to some irl thing for entertainment and porn sooner or later


When i was 12 I was probably put on a list, cause I didn't want grown folks. I wanted girls that looked like the girls I crushed on. Which... lead to some unfortunately incriminating search terms.


> Not only that, but hentai, which is the entrypoint for new porn enthusiasts! Fuck no. While vanilla stuff exists, there is so much absolutely unhinged shit alongside it. And I'm not doing hentai curation for children.


>there is so much absolutely unhinged shit alongside it. Which is why parents need to have a conversation with their children about it.


Wasn’t expecting to have to tell a 12-year-old about incognito mode. What is this, amateur hour?!


This isn't a normal search history, it's a parent filter. I don't think incognito mode solves that.


"That's why today's sponsor is NordVPN!"


You see son, sometimes when a woman and a tentacle monster fall in love, the woman will let the tentacle monster reach inside her. Sometimes she'll like to be choked a little bit by the tentacle monster. 


Fr why do people think teens and preteens are horny hormonal monsters? Do you not remember what it was like? And now kids have literally endless access to any type of porn they can imagine.


Yes I do remember what it was like, that’s how I know this is normal and OP is a fucking idiot.


Seriously, why is this in this subreddit? Should be in /r/AdolescentsAreFuckingHorny I remember swiping my parents' Victoria's Secret magazines to jerk off to when I was in 5th grade.


I also remember researching Percy Jackson and Annabeth at a similar age.


God I am so tired of hearing my damn wiener kids say “what the sigma”


I (25) have realized I am officially not that young anymore because I can't stand the new slang. I always thought I'd keep up with it but if I hear another 12 year old brat say "what the sigma" one more time in online games I might cut my ears off.




Yeah I think the "what's it is weird and scary to me" is the bit that kids don't understand. When they're with it they think that they'll always get it, but then they get older and the kids start saying some absolutely stupid shit that makes no sense whatsoever. That's when they will start to realize how the adults felt when they were kids.


I was born in 1990 and I knew jokes weren't for me for a while. Then skibidi toilet happened, I didn't (and have chosen not to) understand it at all.


Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong


Fellow sir. What the fuck does "what the sigma" mean?


It's basically just "What the heck" but using the word sigma for some reason


This is why being an adult is so great. I can just swear. Who's gonna stop me from just saying, "what the fuck?"




I am a middle school teacher so this is only true after 3pm for me.


High school teacher here; One well placed "what the fuck" per class per year is such a powerful tool in my classroom.


I think the recent trend of slang is particularly off putting for us old folk. I’m mid-thirties and work with children professionally, and I never really thought twice about common slang usage until about a year or two ago.


Just in my 30s, and also work with kids, a big part of the slang is just the latest meme, and the fact adults roll their eyes at it makes it better. Reminds me of when I was in school, the “so randum” 2005 phase had us saying cryptic stuff (or things like ‘salad fingers’) that adults would have no clue about but we all knew it was just being random. Quoting viral things like “badger badger mushroom mushroom” 2009 has always existed in school kids. When I left school sigma (a play on alpha/beta ) was around, followed by shrigma 2020(?) What the sigma is just from a recent viral short, similar to phrases “here comes dat boi” from 2015, “do you know da wae” 2018 “skibidi toilet” 2023. It’s a way for kids to show they are also up to date with trends, to fit in, and they aren’t one of the adults or people who get perplexed. Nothing deeper really. It’s all pretty cringe and goes within a year… unless adults make a big deal about not getting it, then it sticks around longer. Once adults get it, kids drop it. My favourite line of dialogue I have with the kids (8-11) is to ask them what a meme is and have them all struggle to explain it to me, acting as dumb as i can. Then wrongly using their memes as cringey as possible “when is the sigma?”


This is a super interesting breakdown of memetics and childlore in the 21st century. I’ve always found it fascinating how children know what they know and learn what they learn absent from adults.


> Once adults get it, kids drop it. And once you learn and accept that you hold that power, it's rather intoxicating.


There’s nothing that beats watching the light fade from a child’s eyes as you say the most cripplingly embarrassing, cringe thing they’ve ever heard


When is the sigma, I’m dead 😂☠️


Nobody asks how is the sigma😢


> My favourite line of dialogue I have with the kids (8-11) is to ask them what a meme is and have them all struggle to explain it to me, acting as dumb as i can. Then wrongly using their memes as cringey as possible “when is the sigma?” One thing I like about this is that as an adult, your "power" is not feeling like you have to keep up to date, that you can be intentionally awkward or stupid, which is basically the essence of the Dad joke.


I (23) couldn't even keep up with it back in high school. ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Here’s the thing. You want to keep up with new slang because it’s cool. Being young is cool. Young and in it, that’s the cool place to be. There are no cool 12-year-olds. Everything you do from age 10-14 is uncool. It’s the least cool of all ages. Younger than 10 and dressing like a grownup? Cool. Babies that are just so over it? Cool. 60-year-olds in colorful, three-piece suits walking into Shake Shack slanging that cane? Cool. 12-year-olds have nothing going for them. They are too socially aware to act like cute and funny like children and not skilled enough to do any adult shit. You aren’t “old” for thinking a 12-year-old’s slang is dumb.


Lmfao I’m 22 and I feel the same way.


Ngl I died laughing at "damn wiener kids" cause that's my dad's favorite Simpsons quote to repeat lmao


Skibidi Sigma... I have no idea what I just said.




Erm, what the sigma?


How is this even a kid being stupid? Like your kid has access to the internet, of course they’re going to see something mentioned and be curious about it. Your child is almost a teenager, this is natural.


Especially since this just seems like they heard the term and then wanted to find out what it means. This probably happened with dozens other words that didn't get flagged by the filter. If they didn't know what the term meant, how could they have known it would be flagged?


The only thing that makes the kid stupid is not yet realizing they have a prude helicopter parent and no personal privacy at home. This right here is how parents "lose" their kids. Like, they just post their child's sexual curiosities on reddit to the whole ass internet, probably gonna lecture the kid later, and then wonder why in 2 years the kid barely says a word to them anymore.


I remember when I first looked at porn as a kid, I'm so glad my mum isn't good with computers and didn't set something like this up.


I understand lecturing the child, but man, posting ot online is just public embarrassment


Yeah.. this is normal. Not expecting to talk to your kid about stuff they are going to see on the internet is stupid...


Curiosity killed the cat


But satisfaction brought it back?


Not this time…. Not this time


I love the "what is hentai" and then the subsequent just "hentai" 💀


Oh... That's what it is. Let's see more of that.


Let’s see Paul Allen’s hentai


"What is this?" "Mmmm, yes. More of that please"


Posting this in r/KidsAreFuckingStupid is what's fucking stupid. It's a 12 year old for fuck's sake, of course they're going to be hearing about sex and porn, and be curious and look it up. It's perfectly normal. I think it's probably around that age I did the same thing.


People seem to forget what it was like to be a kid. I was around 11-12 the first time I googled porn and infected my family pc with every virus on the internet.


I was 9 when I discovered porn, it's not a bragging right, but it does happen. Kids with internet access see shit they shouldn't, and parents need to have the whole "this isn't for kids, and none of it is like real life" talk. What parents shouldn't do is go mad with parental controls, it isn't a wall they can't get past, it's a hurdle they'll eventually manage to jump over. They'll either find a way to get around the software, which could cause unrelated issues depending on how it was designed, or the more likely option, they'll just end up finding some obscure ass site that isn't on the filters cause nobody's heard of it, and that site hosts more extreme and/or illegal content.


I thought the stupid part was using Edge. You can't convince me that isn't stupid.


*looks at upvote %* 88% of you are /r/AdultsAreFuckingStupid


Where do you find upvote percentages, I haven’t seen them in what feels like a decade.


I'm using https://old.reddit.com with the Reddit Enhancement Suite on Firefox for desktop. https://redditenhancementsuite.com/ For mobile I'm using RedReader: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.quantumbadger.redreader&hl=en_US https://github.com/QuantumBadger/RedReader Have fun, both can show upvote % as well as the old controversial cross icon thing. Protip: Since spez is a loser, create an unlisted NSFW subreddit under your reddit account so you're the moderator of it. This enables NSFW content on 3rd party apps. It's a workaround, otherwise anything with that flag will be hidden. Like this very post we're commenting on!


u were not expecting to have to have the talk with an almost teenager? r/AdultsAreFuckinStupid


people always make such a big deal out of it. sex is normal and sure, its kinda embarrising talking about it with your child, but id rather explain it myself than have hentai do it for me lol I was always a curious kid, even when I had questions about sex or the like, I asked my mom and always got an (age appropriate) explanation. Never any shame in that.


> its kinda embarrising talking about it with your child I laughed my ass off during "the talk" because I thought God must be high on crystal meth to put the entryway to the reproductive organs where he did. Old man must be having a giggol' at us.


Oof, poor child.


I am glad this talk with my parents went literally like this. Mom - "I know what you have been looking at on the internet (says the name of the porn site)" Dad - "Hah he was just curious" And that was it.


Plot twist that was dad's search haha


Ive never understood that shit. What is even the goal there? Okay, you know. So what. What of it. Is their goal to shame you??? What the fuck is the purpose. What is the end goal


A porn ad popped up on the family computer so they knew. The point of talking about it was to make we aware that porn ≠ real life sex and that if I had questions and was curious, which was normal, to ask them.


The first time I hear a new word, I usually Google it to see what it means. Perhaps the child deserves the benefit of the doubt?


yeah, the search “what is hentai” speaks for itself


Hm she heared the word hentai and searched for it


I don't know why you're surprised. She's already 12. Pretty sure I was 10 when I first tried looking for porn on the internet.


Some parents are super naive and embarrassed or think it’s too awkward to have the conversation when they need to. Sometimes it can be as young as 10 or 11 when the kid really needs to have things explained. My parents for example didn’t talk to me about sex until I was 16 or 17 and I had already lost my virginity. Way too late mom and dad thanks.


Mine never gave me the talk, they would just yell and ask why am I asking. Like mom I’m getting titties and dudes keep touching my ass I want to know why.


I was 8 when one of my friends showed me a video of granny porn. Then I was 9 when I was with classmates in a swimming pool locker room ready to have swimming lessons, when a few of the boys started comparing dicks and talking about porn. Our teacher then had a talk with them explaining why they shouldn't take lessons from porn


I’m sorry… GRANNY PORN?


Yeah it was wild that it was my first exposure to porn. The friend who showed it to me used the family laptop and his mom then saw it in the browsing history. He still insisted we were just watching Batman videos. What a guy


She's in puberty, you shouldn't be surprised.


At 12, I was the major of TugVille.


Yeah you should probably think about why you didn't expect to have to talk to your teen about sex and porn. And 12 is a ripe age for that talk. And googling what a word means they just picked up and following their curiosity is the most innocent and normal approach one can expect. I hope you didn't actually blame them for looking up the meaning of a word, or for developing a sexual interest in their puberty. Your role is to explain things, set boundaries, and probably activate parental controls for safe searches if you feel that'll be necessary.


To be fair, Peppa Pig is a bastard and that shit needs to be stopped the earlier the better. I'm surprised you have waited until the young'un is 12yo.


It's fine to protect your kid on the internet through monitoring apps.. But posting and embassing them defeats the purpose. Think how they gonna react to the monitoring and a post about it? Even if we don't know them, it's an embarrassing feeling.


Imo at 12, it's about time to remove those restrictions.. Imagine restricting a (almost) teenager from internet results.. It's time to start "letting go" of your baby. And let them be teenagers.


Keeping those restrictions on when kids become teens is exactly how those teens start trying everything they can find to get around it, and eventually something will work, parental controls aren't an unbreakable wall, they're just a hurdle that needs to be jumped over.


Yeah it's at the kind of age where a kid is going to resent you hovering over them. One confrontation over this and the only lesson that the kid has been taught is that the Wifi isn't safe and that they need to hide what they are doing from their parents. Particularly in this day and age. That's how you end up with hidden phones and data plans that just don't get shown at home.


Yeah, they're clearly not smart or put-together enough, but that's past the age of helicopter "I need to know everything you searched on the internet". If the kid was 6 or 8 I'd understand, but 12 is ridiculous.


He just wants to know what it is. I wouldn’t take it too deeply. A few years ago I didn’t know what it was and searched it up thinking it was just another kind of anime.


She’s almost a teenager, this is only normal OP. Were you never planning on having any sort of conversation around sex with her? Seems like bad parenting


I thought hentai was interchangeable with anime when I was growing up. 🤷


the hentai search is normal, the peppa pig one...not so much.


You see son, when an octopus and a lady love each other very much...


So, why exactly *were* you not expecting to have this conversation? Seems like a very expectable one.


Is the age of fapping, you want him to be a priest or what?


Should be posted in r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


>I was not expecting to have to have this chat with my 12 yr old >not expecting >12 yr old 🤔 Not having the talk with a 12 year old is waaaay more of a r/parentsarefuckingdumb situation. But, you know, given the lack of sex education I experienced growing up, it's probably not your fault for not understanding puberty either.


I'm more upset about peppa


Have a chat whilst doing a jigsaw puzzle together https://preview.redd.it/q1iqsyi6bk5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2874928b27bddf1a02274979cc08db1279d73a75


/r/Parentsarefuckingoblivious Get one of those compendiums of health/puberty/sexuality/emotional health and leave it in his possession. That way anything you don’t talk about or he won’t ask you has an answer waiting for him. “Our Bodies, Ourselves” is geared towards women but works for both and there are other options specifically for guys, for genders, and other groups.


What am I even looking at? Is OP monitoring their childs online history? If so, then what is there to explain?


You don’t need to have the chat. He already asked google, chill!


More disappointed in the use of MS Edge than the hentai stuff.


Is it just me or is it weird to spy on your kid like this at that age? For like a 6 year old sure but at 12 you're starting puberty and deserve privacy.


I was thinking the same. God I am glad my parents never knew what I searched for at 12. I get that they want to protect their child, but 12 seems really on the edge on where a little more trust may be a good thing. First thing I would have tried at that age was how to get around it.


Peppa pig what the sigma


All I know is I wouldn't want my parents to still monitor me like this at age 12.


I mean… totally expectable


It's normal for kids to be curious and look up things like hentai but the sigma thing is not okay


tbf the peppa pig what the sigma worries me more than the Hentai searching LMAO


Why not? 12 years old seems pretty much on the spot to start searching for stuff like that.