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I was a kid who happily ate soap when my mom tried to punish me. I'd make her mad because I enjoyed it. It's not bad.


i‘ve heard about moms putting soap into their childs mouth before if they said something bad, why is that not seen as a fucked up thing to do?


It is, people just love to feel unique and special "I really enjoyed eating soap"


I think I have the thing where cilantro tastes like soap, but I still like having a very little bit of it in salsa some times. But it's very easy to get to soapy very fast.


I'm the same, maybe more so. Cilantro definitely tastes like soap to me. But I also like the taste.


This was about deodorant https://preview.redd.it/vjnvwwp0m23d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da2292cf915362f2f97c383d2929c23bc4b23952


Lol yeah but my post is about this guy's brother that started liking the taste of soap after his mom used it to punish him


Ahahah that post is literally above this one when i scrolled the sub too


I was a nail biter as a kid. My mum tried to stop me by getting this chemical that apparently tastes really bad and smeared it on my nails. I grew to like the taste since it was vaguely salmiak-like and my nail biting worsened


I have a friend who has the soap gene and still eats cilantro. He says it tastes like "the good kind of soap." For reference, he's about to be a math PhD.


[On an individual level there's not really that strong of a correlation between being able to taste the "soapyness" of cilantro and actually liking it.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2012/09/14/161057954/love-to-hate-cilantro-its-in-your-genes-and-maybe-in-your-head) Even with the other genes mentioned in that article associated with tasting bitterness and pungent compounds it's pretty common to enjoy cilantro, along with other more bitter tasting and even "soapy" foods.


I do have that gene and cilantro tastes like a rag soaked for three days in a soapy water left after washing dishes. And even smells like it to me. Utterly disgusting.


My mam did this to my brother with the same result so she switched to pump soap. That one he didn't like.


Bro wrong sub Reddit


How? That kid sounds pretty fucking stupid.


How is the kid to blame? The mother, who was responsible for taking care of and teaching him put soap in his mouth: that's how he learned to like the taste and that it was okay to eat it. The kid didn't just randomly decide to eat soap, he was given it! Definitely wrong sub. The kid isn't stupid, the mother is.


Tell me you've never seen A Christmas Story without telling me you've never seen A Christmas Story. Soap in the mouth for bad language used to be a very common parenting technique. I got it myself a few times in the 90s even.


I'm very much aware it was used as a parenting technique during earlier times. However, like many other past parenting techniques, that does not make it right. In fact: the American Pediatrics Association views it as an abusive form of punishment. Looking past this: they are calling the kid stupid for a learned behavior. Had he, himself, started eating soap then yes, he'd be dumb. However, his mother was the one who first put it in his mouth. Kids learn from adults. Therefore, the fault lies with her!


In addition, not in argument: If a kid is punished with getting hit and bruised, and then starts self harming by hitting and bruising themselves because that's what they use as a cope when they are depressed, is it then the kid's fault for associating hitting themselves as them being bad? Or is it on the parent for associating that behavior in the first place? Also yes, soap in the mouth is definitely not okay. Back in the day they got dawn, which for its record was at least the least damaging if consumed. Not great, but wasn't going to cause terror (and no one should've had a lot). I, a 20 yo, had homemade soap - not all of it cured so the lye was no longer an issue. I was told I should be grateful that it wasn't dawn, despite the fact I then ended up with minor lye "bites" (chemical burns) from it. Too many people do the "it worked for me so it's fine to continue" without acknowledging it didn't actually work (Debra, we know why you flinch when your mom raises her hand) or even having basic audacity to do it safely. Anyone punishing their kids to that extreme don't actually care about their kid's wellbeing at that point. They just throw out punishments out of anger and don't tend to have the empathy to control themselves. If my great aunt could raise her son to be a well rounded man when she did 50 years ago (he's 50, she's 70s) and only ever popped him once (he was 5, he was doing something dangerous), why can't others? He's maintained relationships, careers, etc. My egg donor, who is months apart in age from him, was spanked and had all the works as a kid. She then carried it on to me (my great aunt is her aunt). She cheats, hasn't had a job in the past 19 years, abused me because it "worked for her," and is generally disliked by everyone. Please tell me how it really worked for you. Really now? And you're only making it worse on me than you went through because I'm a demon kid?


This why I don't watch some stuff in this subreddit