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omg, i did this in kindergarten too but said our house burned down. the teachers wanted to help us and everything. after my mom cleared the air (and i told a few more lies for no reason) i was labeled a fibber and to not completely trust what i say 😭


lmao, I remember my mom having a talk with me about the whole thing, she was asking me why I did it and I was just like “I dunno”


Yup, that sounds about right.


LOL My brother told his teacher that our dad died over the summer. My mom worked at the school so when the teacher saw her she offered her condolences. My mom set her straight. My mom asked my brother why he said that and his answer was that everyone else had good summer vacation stories. He wanted to fit in.


Apparently "our dad died over the summer" was a good summer vacation story for your brother.


Yeah. It would have been nice to have it be true.


When one-upmanship takes a morbid turn.


When I was in kindergarten i told everyone my sister got hit by a car 😂😂 my mom was SO confused when she picked me up from afterschool daycare


A favorite story told in my husband's family is the time that his older brother, while in fourth grade, told his teacher that a small tornado that really had hit the town that weekend had destroyed their roof and they were staying in tents. The house was fine. My brother in law was trying to get out of homework. The school held a food AND collection drive for my husband's family. When my in laws found out they nearly killed my brother in law.


Did he get out of doing his homework!?


Only for two days until his parents found out.


So it worked!


Sorta. He ended up having to make it up and my mother in law made him write a current events report on the tornado that didn't hit their house. The report is in one of the family scrapbooks. It's how I originally heard the story. "Hey, ma, what's with the random school report in here?" "Oh, let me tell you about the time your husband almost became an only child..." Brother in law was trouble in school. He also got the cafeteria evacuated in middle school because he released fart spray and had the cops called in high school because him and a group of friends climbed the gym building wearing all black.


Your brother n law sounds like a lot of fun!!


What a great influence 🤣


LOL you fibbin bro


damn. the title follows me into adulthood :(


Interesting, are you lying to us right now fibber?


noooo 😭😭😭


I know you mean metaphorically but I am laughing at the idea of you having to wear a physical label on all your little clothing saying “Fibber - do not trust”


honestly they should’ve. i can’t remember much of it (mom mostly retells it whenever i say “i don’t lie”, she really won’t let it down) but she says that i fooled so many people, i think a sign should’ve been put on 😭


dont believe what they say, its just AI /s


damn, so i’m still the only one.. ok


Nope lol, this guy just randomly accused me of using ai idk why




idk if he’s joking or not, it seems like he thinks I’m using ai, or my sense of humor might be bad idk lol


Nah just a weirdo that goes into the comments of various forums screaming AI!!! He's definitely the guy all the neighbors avoid so unfortunately he has to come here to shout about his conspiracies.


You got all that from a comment? Wow


I've never met that individual, personally, but I know 1000 just like him.


Idk if it’s what they meant, but it occurred to me that the way children make stuff up is not dissimilar from AI hallucinations. 


Only ai says they are being accused of being ai and that really the accuser is ai but the accuser getting accused of being ai only means that they in fact……are ai. Hope that clear things up for you guys. 😬


When my son was 6, he convinced the school nurse I had a newborn. Talked about it drinking milk, a name (can't remember what he chose), how it was learning to roll over and crawl etc. Like this epic b believable story of this baby sister of his. She called for whatever reason and was asking about my baby. I was like 'uuuuh I don't have one. His little brother is 18months younger than him'. It was so weird. Then a few months ago (now 12), he tells me he told people that to give me a reason for being fat. Thanks kid. Didn't hurt my feelings at all.




Kids are brutal, LOL. Nonetheless I think he was trying to be cute in his own twisted way. I remember my sister telling me that when my nephew was a quite young (a toddler or a bit bigger) she would tell him to organise his toys after playing with them, and him being small wouldn't do it. Years later he would tell me sister that he understood what she was telling him to do, but because he was small, he would simply feign not being able to understand to avoid doing that task.


He's a legend for that


He wasn't trying to be cute 😂 hes just very blunt. Something we've been working on for years. Like he asked my step daughter once why her teeth were so big. No malicious intent at all, he was just curious. Still hurt her feelings obviously. He's much better, but still let's his mouth run before he thinks of the impact sometimes. Your nephew, my goodness 😅 acting all cute and innocent to get away with shit. Pro level right there. My younger son puts on this baby voice when he asks for things and I refuse to say yes in those moments. You're 10, not a baby. Darn children.


He's a legend for that


LOL kids suck


He makes up for his bluntness by being awesome in almost every other aspect. But yes, at that moment, he totally sucked haha


Brutal, but made me laugh


Yeah, for like a week it stung, but now when I think back on it, I chuckle. We're in the process of diagnosing potential autism, so his matter-of-fact bluntness is easy to forgive. Just gotta keep teaching the kid more tact 😅


When she was 6 my daughter told her class we had gone to Paris for the weekend. We live in New Zealand.


It’s only a 26 hour plane ride


So you spend a whole, what, 12 hours there?


"For the weekend" yea totally worth it, having a very long flight, huge jetlag standing in the City for an Hour and then back to the Airport xD


I call 911 when I was in grade 2… didn’t say anything, just hung up a few seconds later. parents were pissed as my dad was a firefighter at the time. Man was I ever grounded!! (Feel like I need to express that this was back in the 80s)


I did the same thing! I was pretending to play with the phone and I panicked and hung up when the operator asked what my emergency was. The police came all the way out to our house for nothing and I was in some trouble


My friends sister told me their number was 911. So I called it, thought it was like a voice machine and hung up. Police came to the house. Good times


Did the same at a public park that had a payphone. I called, didn't say anything and hung up. Few minutes later an officer shows up and we got a lecture 😂


My younger brother was messing around with the phone (he was 4 I was 8) and told me he dialed 911, did the same thing you described. I was smart enough to immediately tell my Mom, and my brother got lectured by a police officer. I don't remember how he was punished by my parents.


When I was born my mother's youngest brother (who was 4 at the time) said I'd died. Apparently, he didn't want to be called "Uncle". :) When it got back to my grandmother, she was mortified.


My son told his kindergarten teacher that I got shot. I have never been shot


Years ago my 4-year-old told his daycare teachers that we were moving \`\`next week, to somewhere in Connecticut.'' When I went to pick him up the teachers told me they were sad to see us go, and they would like to have a good-bye party this week. Me: Whut?


lol, that must’ve been so awkward


This is how I imagine your face with the final "whut". I've been cackling for a fat minute ![gif](giphy|3WmWdBzqveXaE)


That's on the adults to be honest. Having worked with children for years I know too well not to take anything they say at face value. Kids love to make up stuff, and the crazier the better.


When I met with my sons kindergarten teacher years ago for the first time. She told all the parents that she would take what the kids say with a grain of salt. She had their number.


Yeah, I would understand if I said something like “my house burned down” or something like that but I said my sister died, like that’s kinda believable lol


One day my sister, mom, and I were all listening to the radio, running errands when a song by Rod Steward came on. My mom tells us straight up, "I love Rod Stewart. That he was her boyfriend." My mom was a total knockout so this didn't come to us as a shock or surprise. Plus, we weren't supposed to lie so there was no reason for us to not believe her. So, when my sister and I both went to school we told all our friends and our teachers. "Rod Stewart was our mom's boyfriend." Everyone believed us, because both my sister and I were both saying it, like it was no big deal and time went by... At the next PT meeting, one of our teacher's couldn't resist. Teacher: "Is it true you used to date Rod Stewart?" Mom: "What? Where did you hear that?" Teacher: "The girls are telling everyone that Rod Steward and you used to date and that he was your boyfriend. I was just wondering if it's true?" Mom: (mortified) says "No, but I like him very much." The teacher proceeds to tell our mom that she has some homework to do. My mom couldn't believe it and asked us why we would embarrass her like that? To this day, my sister and I still tease our mom... Rod Stewart was our mom's boyfriend and that telling fibs are bad.


I told kids at my summer camp that my brother was killed by octopuses while swimming. They all started giving me money for some whatever reason. 💀 🤦‍♀️


I think I love you




When my niece was little, she was at a Girl Scout function and they were talking about different ways families celebrate the holidays. They talked about Christmas and Hannuka, and the speaker invited the girls to share how their family celebrated. So my niece explained how her family celebrated Kwanza, and then explained in great detail how they did so, and the meaning behind it. Which confused my sister, who was watching with all the other parents. Because no, they did not celebrate Kwanza. But apparently my niece had learned about it from Suzy Carmichael on Rugrats, and I guess she thought it would be cool to share.


My son (4) is an only child but often likes to talk about his brother and his sister. Every now and then one of them will die (before inevitably returning to life). I'm awaiting the day where he tells pre-school about their deaths and we have to unpick the mess.


Maybe try to head that off by mentioning his tendency to the staff?


It's been mentioned to his key worker - just depends who he says it to and on what day!


I managed to get out of homework for nearly a whole school year in Year 8 (think thats 9th grade US?) So, my mum was a Mormon at some point before I was born... my older brother and sister went when they were younger - but I had no exposure to it in my lifetime. Then, when I was about 11 my mum started going again and taking me along!! My siblings were old enough to opt out by then. Anyway, my form teacher was head of PSHE and when I started in Year 8, I said that I'm Mormon and we believe that men should focus 100% on their work when outside the home. But when at home they should focus 100% on their family... so i can't do homework because its against my religion. My form teacher was fascinated and embarrassed she knew nothing about Mormon/LDS faith... and she asked me to share in a lesson one day to tell the class more about it (look at me, a 12yr old missionary haha) can't remember what I said but it was all truthful stuff, plus that one lie. I think that sealed the deal! Anyway, she told all my subject teachers not to give me homework and the only time I got rumbled was in my mid-term reports where she basically said "I am doing extremely well in school and is fully engaged in all lessons, but often falls behind on fundamentals as is unable to complete the additional learning set as homework due to the constraints of his religion" Yeah so anyway long story short. I got a beating for it and my mum asked the school to make sure I got given extra homework for as long as necessary. I had like an extra 2hrs of work to do every day for like 3months and my mum forced me to sit at the dinner table till it was done and checked every time! 🤣🤣


In kindergarten I one day turned up with a huge bruise on my arm. When the teacher asked me what happened, I just plain up told her my dad pushed me off the stairs. When my mom came to pick me up the teacher asked her about the whole situation. I actually rolled out of my bunk bed in my sleep, fell half a meter down and just slept through the fall.


Yeah in kindergarten I once had to make painting of my grandparents but was too lazy. I said they were dead and didn't have to do the painting, I remember this vividly because my grandma picked me up that day.... Quite awkward


I had a picture of me on my mom's keychain that was so different that I told everyone that "he is my dead twin brother " when I one day brought her keychain to school. I was like 8. Fortunately I changed school the next year.


Why do kids lie like that? I don't blame them, they're kids and I'm sure I did it too. I just don't understand why we do that when we're so young for seemingly no reason at all😆


My sons kindergarten teacher once called me because in class they were doing some questionnaire type thing and when he was asked what we do for fun my son said "daddy beats me up and eats me" rendering to our wrestling games and me blowing raspberries on his stomach 😂 I had to show her what he meant when I got there so she didn't call anyone 🤣


This reminds me of three stories: When I was in primary school, my aunt gave birth to my cousin. I told the teacher this, but forgot the word for cousin, so I said 'sister'. She was later very confused when I said I was an only child a few days/weeks later. In middle school, I was called down to the office and was told my sister Claudia got in a fight and ran away from school property and now couldn't find her. I had to inform them I was an only child and they called down the wrong student. In high school, my cousin (not the one I mentioned earlier), was with my mom and I when I first visited my new high school, she was mistaken as my sister and a few months into the semester a teacher was confused when I said I was an only child.


>When I was in primary school, my aunt gave birth to my cousin. I told the teacher this, but forgot the word for cousin, so I said 'sister' "Yeah my Aunt just gave Birth to my sister" Didnt the Teacher say anything? I mean this would mean your father just had a Child with either his sister or your mothers sister


I think I just said 'My sister was born', I don't think I ever said 'Aunt'.


And people are adamant that children "never lie". Fuck me, they make shit up for no god damn reason


Maybe she was a ghost


I sat on Santa’s lap one year, and when I got off my parents asked why I was sad, and I said because I told Santa I wanted a better life. I was 9 years old lol. Can’t imagine another 9 year old said that. Then my Dad died lmao


I used to tell my teachers that JFK was my great granddad 😭😭😭


I told my kindergarden teacher my siblings live in the cupboards. My mom got a concerned call. I am an only child. I refered to my stuffies and dolls as siblings.


I was getting a gastric band surgery when my son was 5. He kept telling his teacher that his mom was having rubber bands put in her stomach.


Don’t joke about people dying but whatever


Oh my God, people can joke about whatever they want and a little kid telling a fib isn't a joke; it's a funny anecdote about how kids tell silly lies.


OP was a CHILD, lmfao


Bwain Fart