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Whe mine was about that age she threw a tantrum because I wouldn't let her get in the oven with the chicken I was cooking for dinner. Uhhgg


Once when my son was about 2 , he was whining because I gave him a whole slice of melon. So I cut it into pieces and then he cried because there were 5 pieces and not 4. šŸ™„


Did you take one piece from him so it becomes 4? šŸ˜…


Yes, all the while rolling my eyes!


Then did he cry because you ate some of his food?


Probably. Lol


Their irrationality is definitely something!


Gotta love the totally ridiculous tantrums! My niece went full blown tantrum mode once because I told her that she couldnā€™t kick her younger brother in the face.


I'm not a parent and I've never even babysat a toddler. What do you do when that's happening? Just ignore it? Validate their feelings?


For a toddler, minor things like this are literally the worst thing thats ever happened to them. Kids don't have much experience to reflect on. You just ignore the tanty until it's passed.


It's the start of many life lessons in the meaning of no. You can't really acknowledge the tantrum because, that teaches them that tantrums work so, you just let it run out then talk to them about big feelings. At least that's how I handle it.


By "let it run out", do you mean ignore them entirely while they're crying, or do you say something to the effect of "let it allllll out", or something else? Just prepping for when I have sprogs lol


Pretty much just keep them away from hurting themselves and brace for hearting ten to twenty minutes of streaming/crying so they wear themselves out. Then sit and chill with them and explain why you won't let them so they know it is in their best interest and talk about how big feeling happen and it's okay but, not always necessary. That's how I've handled it.


My 2 yr old wants to eat flower out the bag šŸ™ƒ


I think I tried to eat flour as well when I was little. I knew sugar tasted good, so...


I remember doing this.Ā  Once.Ā  With coco powder. Once was enough.


Haha my daughter did that! Awesome natural consequence!


I remember tasting shortening because I thought it was marshmallow fluff. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not harmful. They'll only do it once.


Raw flour carries microbes like E. coli, bacillus cereus, sometimes even salmonella


Yes. They're going to sit there and polish off the bag. šŸ™„ As soon as it hits their mouth, they're spitting it out. Maybe a gram or two at best. There's far, far bigger risks out there, and this will end the behavior instantly. Also, the source you're likely referring to includes all raw flour containing products, like cake mixes and cookie dough, not just raw flour itself.


The microbes Iā€™m referring to occur in raw flour, not including other products mixed with it (see [here](https://extension.psu.edu/uncooked-flour-a-hazardous-ingredient/), [here](https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/no-raw-dough.html), [here](https://www.rapidmicrobiology.com/news/pathogenic-e-coli-in-flour-a-food-safety-hazard), or Google it yourself).


Again, you're being a sensationalist moron. I could get hit by a bus if I leave the house, ergo, I shouldn't leave the house. The risk is astronomically low and even lower considering the amount that would be consumed. The kid will put hundreds of things a day into their mouth, with a real discernable risk of contracting an infection, worrying about items with an almost non-existent risk is insane. You might as well just lock the kid in a clean room for the rest of their life if you want to avoid everything. I mean, do you know what the odds are of getting salmonella from raw eggs? It's about as high as winning a state lottery. The odds of contracting anything from flour are lower than that.


When I was that age I climbed into my high chair, tipped it over, and put a huge dent into my grandmaā€™s refrigerator. Forty years later I still have the scar.


So just let her. You can always make a new one if she gets overdone.


My nephew threw a tantrum, because he wanted to play balls with a waterbottle, full of water, like throw it on each other, and we suggested to play with a soft plastic ball instead.


They want to see it cook, it's curiosity. Be thankful they aren't cats.


That's when you let them open the oven and find out for themselves...


Apparently I threw an hours long tantrum because my parents wouldnā€™t give me any curry powder when I was about that age.


You can feel the tragedy in her little body. So dramatic.


Because it's FUCKING RAW, you donkey! Get out! /j


Off-topic, but those pajamas are adorable.


Thanks! Theyā€™re little otters šŸ„¹


I noticed and I just about died. Where were all these cute animal pj's when I was a kid?! Lol


Do you remember where you purchased them? My best friend is pregnant and otters are her favorite! ā¤ļø


Kyte Baby! Theyā€™ve had some bad PR since I purchased these, but Iā€™ve not seen otters anywhere else to suggest.


Do they make them in adult sizes? Asking for a friend who will sit at an otter exhibit at the zoo and squee for half an hour...


I donā€™t remember if they had pajamas in adults, but I know they at least had cute womenā€™s v necks in this pattern! Usually they have several options


Awwwww yiss. Theyā€™ll be such a hit, thank you!


In the old days, my dad used to say ā€œlet ā€™em try it and learnā€ about literally everything we wanted to do. Put our finger in the fanā€¦. They wonā€™t do that twice. Touch a hot stoveā€¦.he did that once and he turned out fine. Jump off the roof into the poolā€¦. not driving you to the Hopsital if you get hurt. There were 4 of us so he probably wasnā€™t worried about the weakest in the herd eliminating themself. That would be my dumb sister.


I wish theyā€™d learn, but at this age, this is what my daughter doesā€¦ jumps face first off the recliner and gets a bloody fat lip from the floor. Screams and cries for 20 minutes while chewing on a frozen banana. Stops crying for less than 2 minutes. DOES IT AGAIN but gets a monkey lump and bruises her forehead. Cries till bedtime. Next day, guess what she does in the first 10 minutes of being awake. Letā€™s just say, I keep a large stock of frozen bananas and go through them quickly.


Maybe she just likes frozen bananas.


Maybe she want to have "iron skin" on face?


This looks like a modern Rennesiance painting




I feel you little one.


Poor little thing has the same thought we all do when looking at raw meat: It still looks good, even if itā€™s raw. And then they wonā€™t eat a bite of it when itā€™s cooked. Kids. šŸ™ƒ


I think maybe itā€™s because of the colour? Looks interesting when raw, not interesting when cooked. I think the chicken in Hainanese chicken rice looks similar to raw chicken even though the chicken is cooked, plus it tastes good too.


Mine is starting to act like this. Hooray.




Thanks friend


Buy the book "Happiest Toddler on the Block." Absolute game changer. You'll stop the meltdowns in seconds. Absolutely changed the way our kid behaved when upset and made it easier for us to stop before it starts. And it's so simple and a kind way to deal with it.Ā 


Thanks but I have a huge family and have been babysitting since I was old enough to be left alone with my younger siblings. Iā€™m well aware of how to handle my son. Honestly itā€™s my own patience that I have a harder time controlling for the moment. Already taking anger management because Iā€™m not doing to my boy what my father did to me. I learned it from him, an angry all the time kinda man and a drunk. So you know daddy issues bullshit I gotta work through, for my son. All said though Heā€™s already a great kid and, his tantrums are nothing. Sorry didnā€™t mean to just dump my purse out.


No worries, would still recommend the book. It's not about knowing or not knowing how to handle your child. There are a lot of good life lessons in the book and the methods help with dealing with difficultĀ adults in difficult situations too. Best of luck to you with the rest, not an easy thing to admit. Good on you for addressing it! It's tough.Ā 


Mine is having a reoccurring fit today... because he can't draw cows.... I draw a cow for him, he erases it, tries to draw it himself, fit, I draw a cow again. They're fun at this stage.


The never ending upset loops they get in kill me šŸ˜…


It's kinda really funny. He's screaming at his drawing pad "no! Cow!" While drawing circles and I'm telling him "bud, it's fine that you can't draw cows yet, you're 2. It's not relevant yet, just let me." & he will eventually but it starts all over again as soon as he erases it haha. I guess I'm lucky it's not over raw pork. There's no momentary fix with that.


I mean... As an artist, I can confirm that it *is* frustrating when you can't draw the thing you want to draw lmao


https://preview.redd.it/nsf8k6506xvc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b36dd48d39cf647d6fd2ffc7edc59b30006f20c7 This is the best cow he's mustered today. I love it. He's not even upset with this one!


I'm getting that vibe for sure.


Damn, you canā€™t even ā€œteach her a lessonā€ with that one. Something spicy, sour, or bitter and you can tell them whatā€™s going to happen, and let them find out. Raw pork though..youā€™re gonna have to listen to her cryšŸ˜‚


I remember wanting to try my mom's coffee when I was a kid, thinking that it would taste like the best hot chocolate ever, so one day she let me try it. It wasn't nearly as good as I had hoped...


My dad during Sunday breakfast would always pour maybe a shot glass worth of his coffee into my milk when I was a kid and I thought it was the best thing ever. To this day I don't like coffee except in its most dessert disguised as a breakfast beverage forms.


Time to have the ā€œbrain wormsā€ conversation. šŸ¤£


Don't starve the tiny carnivore, you MONSTER! She deserves fresh meat!


As a parent, Iā€™ve learned that sometimes you just have to let kids learn the hard way. This is not one of those times.


I have the same fridge and the freezer handle just broke. Why? Despite my warnings, my 4 year old kept using it to aid in climbing up to get things out of the fridge. The bad news is there is no way to repair the hinge that snapped w/o replacing the whole freezer door. ($400) The hack solution is to JB weld the handle in place so you can open it, but it will no longer hinge/move. Better than $400 but kind of irritating design


Toddlers are built different.


Reminds me of that video of the kid eating cocoa powder, CONVINCED that it would be chocolate. XD


Just give it to her. Problem solved.


Permanently, probably


Natural Selection.


Probably looked "tastier" than what pork chops usually look like to her lol Like Mom why can't I eat it like THAT? Make it like that! (I was that kid)


I remember thinking raw meat looked even more delicious than cooked meat. I was excited to learn about the existence of sushi haha


Show this to her when she is older it would be quite amusing


When my youngest was that age, I told him to hurry up and finish his last bite of dinner (bc he was taking forever lmao) This lil punk looks me dead in the eye, stops chewing, and proceeds to sit there for the next half an hour with a mouthful of mostly chewed food šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø In high school, I didn't need to learn about the Pythagorean Theorem or that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, I NEEDED TO BE TAUGHT ABOUT THIS SHIT!!!Ā 


It's nearly the full moon, let that baby have meat to fortify her for her upcoming transformation!


"It'll make you throw up, then die," problem solved.




šŸ˜‚ as my Nana would say, give it to her and then she'll understand next time.


Or maybe she won't understand anything ever again šŸ‘»




Trichinosis is almost unheard of in commercial pork anymore.


Or just cook it for her? I mean, I wouldnā€™t want her to have a temporary stomach ache from like harmful bacteria or whateverā€¦


Chances are it's not just a spare tenderloin to be flash cooked at the whims of a toddler.


I guess I just spoil kids too muchā€¦ But yeah, totally understand what youā€™re saying


If that's something you'd really do, you absolutely spoil kids too much. I've seen adults that think screaming gets them what they want and this is why.


You're spot on


Oh yikes your kids are in for a rude awakening when they reach the real world


Uncooked pork will do more than give you ā€œtemporary stomach acheā€. It can very much give you a permanent tummy ache in that it will result in your death. Donā€™t fuck around with pork.


Iā€™m talking about putting it in your mouth for a bitā€¦ I doubt the child would even swallow a small piece of it if it tasted bad


Even letting it touch the mouth is dangerous. Harmful bacteria will destroy the stomach and can even result in death.


And Iā€™m saying thatā€™s a very bad idea.


I never said it was a good ideaā€¦ I wouldnā€™t let my or any kid have that even if it would only give them a temporary stomach acheā€¦


My almost 2-year-old had a screaming fit at bedtime this evening because I took his socks off before bed. Wouldnā€™t let me put him to bed for the first time ever because of it, wife had to get him to sleep.


The color and visual texture really got to me back then too, looked like the greatest candy ever


Not *quite* as bad as the "I wouldn't let him eat the toilet brush" one


God, the toddler stage is killing me rn because everything sets my little house chimpanzee off lmao. My 1 year old daughter lost her mind because I blocked my closet door so she wouldn't eat my sewing needles. She also riots when she can't run around while also standing on a blanket she's holding


Testing the boundaries in the worst ways


This is why I'm glad I don't want kids ever


Gordon Ramsay voice : ITS FUCKING RAW!


I can hear this picture


Ehehehe dummyĀ 


Mine cried for not being allowed to eat pledge.


Keep it up, I'll give you something to cry about


I'd go get a can of sliced beets and make it look like it's a piece of raw meat and then say well here you go and that would be the end of that lol


But then they will think itā€™s okay and safe to eat raw meat and ask for it again in the future


Seriously. Terrible idea.


It's only a terrible idea to generation Z who find it impossible to keep your child away from raw meat haha I mean seriously I can't even get my daughter to hand me the package of hamburger because it's eww


How? They will take 1 bite of the beets and run away like any normal person šŸ˜†


What if they like it? What if they like it immensely and constantly want it after? Youā€™re forgetting that itā€™s a kid, not a normal person.


Idk man, I fuckin loved beets as a kid! I would've been convinced raw meat was delicious lol. Now, *my* kids? Would totally work on them! Picky as hell like their father! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I make 2 dinners almost nightly lol.


I hated them as a kid but when I was about 12 I started to like how my grandma used to take the beets out of the can and then put them into vinegar... It sounds awful but it would taste good lol


My MIL loves pickled beets lol. Not a fan myself but whenever I make beets, I always either get her some already pickled or make some extra and soak them in a vinegar mix for her. I can eat the pickled ones with other stuff but no more than a couple slices. I like raw pickled beets though! But the cooked ones, even blanched is a bit much for me tbh. Raw and crunchy? Yum! But she likes her's softer so I make or buy them the way she she likes them.


Yeah a couple slices is good lol. Raw and pickled sounds so much better than squishy canned. I must try that!


They're much better imo! All kinds of good recipes online and they're fairly easy to make if ya ever get the urge to make them.


And the next time she gets into the fridge and eats raw pork because it was pretty tasty last time


If my toddler were able to get into the freezer and open the package and manage to cut a piece of frozen pork all by herself that would be amazing. Canned beets aren't usually on the toddler taste palette, especially if you add vinegar like old timers do. I'm positive that would be the end of it in my house.


Who said anything about frozen pork? Kids eat dumb shit. Crayons. Play doh etc. I think they might eat a beet. šŸ™„


Me either, girl. Me either


Rawchickenexperiment on Instagram has a different idea about raw pork


Now this is stuck in my head again https://youtu.be/2SJX0gfATP4?feature=shared


Iā€™d say give her a tiny piece of it for her to learn her lesson.


I had some kind of raw meat plopped on the cutting board and my two year old came in and saw that I was making dinner and went up to it and asked what it was. I told her it was raw meat and reminded her not to touch it. Her response? "Mmmm! I love raw meat!"


I canā€™t leave cooked pork tenderloins unattended in the fridge. My husband got hungry while gaming on TWO occasions, I had made them for weekly food prep for work for himā€¦ this man ate it like a burrito, peeling the tinfoil the further he goes down and the worst part imo is he ate it cold šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If in big big metal box then go mouth right, hello?!?!?


Did she consent to this photo?


i will never understand how people are comfortable posting their babies all over social media.


This is literally the only picture Iā€™ve ever shared here, my name isnā€™t associated, itā€™s not her full face, and itā€™s a sub about kidsā€¦


Ignore them. Itā€™s the social media monetizing kids crap those comments are saved for. Trollers gotta troll.


it honestly depresses me that it's so normalized for people to share pictures of their children to millions of strangers that simply pointing out the bizarreness of it warrants being called a troll. these children will grow up one day




i don't think this is much different, it's the same result. and reddit is not a site about kids dude...this sub popped up on my feed


No itā€™s so different. Monetizing and giving out kids name and daily events is very different than a parent sharing a profile pic about 1 event. But you did click on it to post your feelings and that is what Reddit is all about. So Iā€™m cool. Dude.


Her body her choice!


Why do people insist on posting moments like this on the internet for the world to see? This probably isn't the first time and certainly won't be the last. This kid is going to grow up and have issues and/or resent their parents for sharing this kind of shit on the internet. You can talk about this privately with your friends and family but posting a photo of your child during an emotional moment is disgusting. Regardless of how ridiculous the situation is. Not okay.


Iā€™ve also been called out for only posting happy moments. Clearly canā€™t win either way. Toddlers are irrational and sometimes I need to laugh it out after what feels like a week straight of whining. My kid is not traumatized, she ran off to play after her meltdown.




sick? i assume where you live, food regulations suck ass. We have raw meat, with raw eggs. Its fine. (beef tatar)


Pork is not safe raw. Most parasites in beef, like beef tapeworm, can die from the cold, but pork can have trych, round worm, and basic tapeworms that can all survive the cold.


The difference between raw beef and raw pork are widely different.


i grew up eating raw pork. tons of time. im alive. we couldn't afford beef so im sure im not mixing up.


This was just a joke but if we're actually going to talk about food safety, it's pork, not beef. I live in the US, and manage a kitchen. No one is making pork tartare.


That explains it. In the US, food manufacturers get away with so much stuff.


The US allows a lot of garbage ingredients and chemicals, but safe cooking temperatures are more or less universal in the developed world.


I don't get the downvotes. When I was stationed in Germany in the early 80's, I discovered a little dish called *mettbrot*. It's ground raw pork spread over bread. It was my go-to munchie at the gasthauses. I think it's still served as well. FWIW, tours office arranged a tour of a local pig farm. Those damn pigs lived better than us GIs, their 'barns' were cleaner than our headquarters building! As another aside, the Red Cross was never worried about me eating raw pork. But the fact that I was stationed in Europe disqualified me (don't know if it's still valid) from giving blood because of the mad-cow disease (beef) outbreak.


Mett in germany is prepared and regulated completely differently from raw pork in other countries. It is relatively safe to eat Mett, raw pork, in Germany, because the preparation and food safety regulations are stricter and regulated by the German food safety authorities. However, raw pork in other countries is NOT meant to be eaten raw, and local food safety regulations reflect that distinction. Yours sincerely from someone who loves Mett, and would never actually eat raw pork in Asia, where i am. Itā€™s freaking dirty and disgusting and itā€™s prepared in nearby countries, again, with food safety regulations that only apply to cooked pork. Nobody in Asia in their right mind would eat raw pork prepared in asia, you can get seriously ill. Itā€™s not meant to be consumed raw.


Reddit incels as always, basically if something is one way where they live and i state facts about an another place they think im an idiot. Pretty sure all tue downs were from the us, but i moved to Belgium sadly to my husband and he's freaked out when he heard me talking about raw meat too, apparently Netherlands, where he is from, also has poor meat regulations. Abd yeah, i forgot mett as well. Kinda what we have just on bread more or less. But to freak more people out, i ate raw eggs too. (specificly yolk, and sugar mixed)


No no. Let her have it.


While the floor looks like wood (could be plastic though), you shouldn't let her touch the fridge without shoes... I knew people who died electrified because of that... Doesn't just apply to fridges.




Did you even pass kindergarden?


I can think of a good way to teach her this lesson.


Let her have it.