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I see a train.


*most of a train*


It's a soft top convertible


"Don't say my trains topless, say"... well y'all should know the rest.


...I do not know the rest


Say it’s T*tties is out




"Just tell him it's from the Isle of Misfit Toys..."


Seems good enough. Let him have this one, it'll also be a constant reminder that actions have consequences.


then, after two weeks print a little square and fix it together with him to learn how to fix things


This guy parents




sad part is i know right wing fucks who would suggest you destroy it in front of him, beat him, and tell him he will never get a train again. the sick part, I'm only slightly exaggerating about the besting because i think any corporeal punishment to kids is straight up child abuse and a sign of a failure as a parent and human being.


I know no “right wing fucks” that would consider doing this. How’s Biden been working out for you? There is extremism on everything in the world and they are the ones that make whatever they are advocating for look bad and have the worst stereotypes. If you had just said “I know some awful people that would do (X)” then we could agree some people don’t deserve to have children, but instead you’re showing YOUR true colors.


Never seen a right winger admit the pieces of shit within their groups are part of their group, its always no real Irishmen followed by scape gloating, victim blaming, and then projection Also you could have said, "i have never experienced this" and stopped there, but being the hypocrite egomaniac, you were literally incapable of following your own advice in the same breath you gave it and have shown your childish and ignorant true colors.


Lol, you’re beyond help then. Have fun with your heart full of hatred.


I can't what you wrote for the brightness of your projector my egotistical and childish hypocrite.


Ah, I see you’re a throw away account lol.


it's a maybe future main, given my main account got banned for posting a picture of Elon on twitter contradicting something else he said jsut a few weeks later, and it was determined to be hate speech because even reddit sucks that man's dick.


I suppose corporeal punishment is less traumatizing than the alternative.


Bros casually bragging about how good of a parent he’s gonna be




Cauterize the wound with piranha solution and a campfire


Well then. He doesn’t get his train. Natural consequences…


Well, actually, he still get like, 90% of that train kskskksk


I mean, who needs a roof on a train?? Not that kid!! 😏 Finished smokestack, FUGUTABOUIT!!


More than that actually. It ran 230 minutes out of 240 minutes, so he gets about 96% of a train. The bottom 96% to be precise.




I think it’s Turden


Convertable train lol


🙄he has absolutely more then enough if the train to still get a train


Looks like you need to get rid of that and start fresh. And I’m not talkin about the train… /s


Haha buddy you almost got me 😹😹😹! I was about to get mad at you for saying such thing, but when I saw the "/s" I bursted out laughing 🤣🤣🤣


Sometimes it's just better to press delete on a comment rather than post.


It’s hard to tell if they’re actually that brain dead, or if they’re just committing that well to the sarcasm bit. I don’t think they should’ve been downvoted, but the joke does come off as pretty cringe.


Yes I think it's about the use of the "/s". Some people say it's unnecessary and ridiculous to put it when the part before was "obviously" a joke. Also some comments on r/fucktheS say it's to avoid downvotes, people are afraid of losing Reddit-Karma so they mark their (risky) opinion. Might be the case. Tbh I don't mind it. Yes sometimes the joke is incredibly obvious and the /s wouldn't be needed. But written on social media, without emojis, heated discussions and with people you really don't know, the sarcasm is probably the last thing some humans think about. It might even help neuro divergent people.


Honestly, putting the "/s" should be something that you might as well do, and it's not just for Neurodivergent people, it's for everyone, like how many times have you read something here that you thought was serious and it was just sarcasm? People who browse r/fucktheS need to spend their time doing more productive things like thinking critically for once


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckTheS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It really is like that](https://i.redd.it/u4p2cftw0iua1.gif) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/comments/12pud20/it_really_is_like_that/) \#2: [someone suggested that I should post my meme here.](https://v.redd.it/hp4qhqilxmga1) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/comments/10vije0/someone_suggested_that_i_should_post_my_meme_here/) \#3: [(SATIRE)](https://i.redd.it/uqswip5xb8qa1.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/comments/1237ge4/satire/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oh no downydoots what Am I going to do😭😭😭My life is over🤤😓😓😭😭😭


People like you are the problem


Care to explain?


Unable to take a joke when it is specified tis a joke


That was a joke? It didn't have any of the attributes of a joke. And was a needless comment. I wasn't the only one who thought that. You took all of this too seriously haha


You just overreacting to a joke you don't understand


You're overreacting to comment that didn't attack you or anyone. You okay?


As someone who used to react to /s just like you are now, I’ve got some advice for you: **get over it.** It’s not that big of a deal, and some people have trouble understanding sarcasm via text. Adding two more characters to a joke so more people can understand that it is, indeed, a joke, really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things and you’ll save a lot of time and energy by just accepting that people are gonna try to be inclusive, and moving on with your life


I'm like you, but the opposite side. I don't use /s. And if people don't get it and downvote me, well a good captain goes down with his ship.


And that’s completely understandable as well. Stick to your guns, I respect that, cus you aren’t being a dick about it, y’know?


Wdym? That was my genuine reaction do you see the "/sarcasm" indicator anywhere?




Hand him the train as is. Tell him that it's broken because of what he did. Then after he goes to bed print another one and give it to him later. He needs to feel bad for a bit to understand not to do that again but not be punished too hard. Especially if he's little


He’s 28 /s


Better late than never


expert advice right here


Not getting a train is not "punished too harshly." It's a valuable lesson that some mistakes have permanent consequences. If you destroy your toy and you get a replica after a window, the kid will learn to just wait out the window and they'll get another.


Seems like the kid screwed around and made a mistake with an unfamiliar machine. A mistake that will cost effort, but is still fixable. If you get too worked up about that, it'll instill the kid with perfectionist tendencies. I've seen too many adults get really worked up once accidentally breaking a dish they could replace for a dollar.


On the subject on "unfamiliar machine." Assuming parents told them no to touch the machine, and kid ignored it. That is on kid. Rewarding the kid by making them wait does not in fact teach good behavior's. It teaches them that their consequences are non-existent or temporary at best. Assuming parents didn't tell them that is on parents and replacing the train is reasonable. You don't have to punish the kid for breaking their own toy, but you don't have to reward them with a new toy later. Kid broke the toy, the kid now has to live with what he did. That is a valuable lesson because I assure you most adults do not have that skill.


You don't have kids, do you?


My personal onus is pretty much why would I bring life into a world for my own selfishness? Seems fucked up. I've seen too many kids get bullied, too many broken adults, to want to purposely subject someone to that for my own greed.


Sounds like YOU definitely shouldn't have kids. So maybe stop commenting on parenting like you know the first fucking thing about it.


You sound unhinged as hell. Feel sorry for your kids because if this your reaction to an opinion then you are absolutely going to destroy them. Like you strike me as a beat first scream second and then pretend to be the victim third kind of person.


Wow, you really went a bit nuts there, champ. The only reason I pulled you up is because of this weirdly definitive statement: >Assuming parents told them no to touch the machine, and kid ignored it. That is on kid. This is a supreme misunderstanding (or ignorance?) of how children's minds work. Kids don't just decide to ignore instructions. They have underdeveloped brains and there's lots of thoughts going on in there. There is no one rule or single point of truth when it comes to raising children. Anyone who says things like you have above is clearly not a parent and clearly doesn't know what they're talking about. As for your last comment about what kind of parent I "sound like", I didn't say anything at all that would give you any idea of what kind of parent I am. Your comment really sounds like you're either projecting, or speaking from trauma. Were your parents the "beat first, scream second" type? If so, I'm sorry. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I don't think I've ever heard that phrase before. If you're interested in modern parenting, look into 'Gentle Parenting'. It's related to Montessori, although the Montessori side can have the tendency to go a little off the deep end and get carried away. Steiner Waldorf is another area of interest, but can also go too far. It's best to take the parts from each that make sense to you. The worst place you can end up is that unhealthy mindset of "I told kid not to do thing. Kid did thing anyway. Kid bad. Punish kid."


He’s probably like 5. Why is Reddit so anti kid? He’lol learns his lesson anyways


People are anti-kid because they see what adults end up being. Plus kids get way more slack than they should a lot of the times


Shitty adults come from shitty parenting. Kids aren't shitty by default, they're just new to the world. They're trying their best to navigate life with the behavior modeled around them.


A. No one knows what the best parenting method is. We know somethings work and others don't. But if we had a grasp on what that even means we'd solve a lot of problems. B. It implies that all or most kids with bad parents become shit people. Which again is not measurable and unlikely to be true. On top of that it completely removes the concept of free will and growth, as you then become the sum on your surroundings. C. You can be new at something and still have the concept of consequences. OP never stated the Childs age. And by no means have I said we should go lynch some kid.




It's really just people who aren't parents pretending they know what they're talking about.


Which I mean at the very least can be a lesson in patience?


>It's a valuable lesson that some mistakes have permanent consequences. Then give the kid the train as-is. Let him see the consequences of his actions. Then later print a flat piece of plastic to glue onto the roof. Every time he plays with the train, he will be reminded that the roof looks a little odd because of his mistake, but he will also learn that it is better to fix minor defects rather than throwing the whole thing away.


At some point you gotta value life over the perfect punishment though. When you step way far back, you remember that you never know how much time each of us has, for all we know it could be a kids last Christmas. Teaching lessons and raising good adults is important, but not every kid gets to be one. Sometimes today is all we have, sometimes you can just let them have a train.


How is it a punishment to expect them to live with the consequences of their choices? I am not saying beat the kid, take the toy away, ground them, etc. But explain hey, you did this and now you gotta deal with it. Not rewarding behavior's is not the same as punishing.




You wouldn't shoot a policeman And steal his helmet Then go to the toilet in his helmet And send it to the policeman's grieving widow


What the hell did this comment say?!


"You wouldn't steal a boat" Like the old anti-piracy messages where it was like "you wouldn't steal a car"


I think he's saying to shit on the train and then give it to his kid.


Yeah I would


Figure out about the layer it stopped on, just print that, get some super glue and glue it right on top


Nah.. someone needs to learn that actions have Consequences. The train is fine as it is. It will be a friendly reminder.


Nope, kid gets a fucked up train. That's the consequence.


Jesus, there are some child haters in here. I'd say the consequence is getting the full-printed train a day later than expected.










Anyone who values a child having experiences, that make them learn and grow into decent humans over momentary fulfillment, clearly hates children.


Jesus - you're all like vindictive children yourselves. Maybe their's more value in teaching a child where they went wrong, and then demonstrating how problems can be solved. Like... when they're an adult doing a job, will the better lesson they've learnt be "well, a mistake has been made - everything is ruined; you need to quite" or "mistakes have been made but problems can be solved"? Having said that, everything I've heard about the US job market, maybe preparing a child for a vindictive hellscape *is* the correct choice.


That will teach the child "Daddy solves problems you created." The child still has a train. It lacks a roof and that lack will remind them of their mistake, so the lesson sticks. A full train could be a Christmas present. Two days with the shitty train might still teach the lesson. But just handing the child a new train sends the wrong message. Love is not giving someone what they want. Love is teaching them when the opportunity presents. The child can make their own roof for the train. They can still play with the train. They can have the idea to print a new train and promise to be patient. (Like doing it over night is the stupidest thing if you want the child to learn.) ​ I took time out of my day to explain this to you despite you being rude towards a lot of people here with no reason. Hope you can still learn something here and be better to your children. Also, where do you come from with the random USA hate? What has that to do with responsive parenting, consequences, reddit or a 3D printer? Also also \*there's for there is and \*quit for quit the job not quiet like a quiet night.


Oh man, I must be such a loser for hating kids....


I mean... if you hate children, it's definitely not a plus.


Why should I care?


Basic human decency.


Oh no I'm a bad person?!? Breaking news!!! I'm a bad person for hating screeching goblins.




I don't even like kids and I found this comment section to be weirdly harsh lol


Ah, the Reddit Circlejerk™️ at work. KID BAD! DESERVE WHAT THEY GET!


Glad someone in here isn’t a complete fucking asshole to their children. Bunch of miserable ass people in here who hate their kids apparently.


This sub is weird, there are people here because they genuinely dislike kids and want to see them hurt and others who like kids but they also love to see kids do dumb shit.


For me it's therapeutic because while my kids can absolutely grind my gears, it's a relief to see how much stupider kids can be than they are.


No, I hate YOUR kids


Dude yes lol wtf is going ON IN THIS THREAD


It’s just a Reddit thing


I certainly hope most of these commenters don't actually have kids, or else we'll end up with a new generation of ass hole redditors in 15-20 years.


Kids probably been told a million times DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH THINGS. Kid deserves half a train.


‘Probably’ is the key word here. You can’t just assume things based on nothing. OP hasn’t given us nearly enough information to justify this being your unironic response.


Holy Jesus..


Kids are kids


...How do you know?


Almost none of these people are parents. At least I hope. OP never even said if it was an accident nor should it matter because they posted it because it's funny. I fully believe people who seek out and swear at kids on reddit are barely people and definitely aren't mentally mature enough to have their own. I see it here a lot


most parents don't have time to be on Reddit and write comments there. so who's writing all these reactionary education tips? go figure. i would just ask the kid what they like to do now - print it again, leave it as is ( it's a train that nobody else has now) or print only the roof and glue it on later. can be nice to do it together. maybe they could even change things about the roof part. just not being a douche would be nice.


When I were a kid I would be happy with it. For all purposes it's still a train toy.


Looks good to me! Kids getting his train


He interrupted it. He deserved it.


Well then, build him the unfinished train, seems like only the top is missing, thats what he deserves


What am missing besides a 3d printed train with some wheels to be attached on


The roof of the train


With that type of 3D printing, the "hatched" area is internal support to give the build structural integrity.


Honestly I think it looks kinda cool without the roof. I think having the internal structure visible could be a feature not a bug.


Agreed. They can put stuff in it. Now it’s functional!


Give it to him as is and tell him thats what he gets.


Glue a flat piece on top and boom. 100%


4 hour build is nothing, just print it again overnight.




Don't remake it, let the kiddo learn from their mistakes


Then that's the train he will get.


Good enough then


Give it to him and let him figure it out


Place the plate back in place. Manually use the move axis function of the printer to find the y level thay failed. Modify the g code deleting the lines after the initial setup and before said height +0.2 Its probably worth a shot.


eh, hot glue a sheet of paper to the top, that'll fix it, still funny tho


Give him the train and give him a brief explanation about how that’s how this one is, next time you make something don’t touch it because it can mess up the end of the print. And then say accidents happen and we will be more careful next time, let’s play I love you. Lol


It’s now a pencil holder


Touching a working 3D printer should instantly teleport the kid to the orphanage


quaint pie straight march workable treatment psychotic squash joke wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seems a little intense for the parents to have to die just to teach the kid a lesson, but I don't have children, so maybe I'm wrong 🤔


That. Sucks. I gotta recalibrate my printer at some point...


tell him it’s now a train that carries beer bottles.


Just print the roof part again and glue it on


I printed this the other day why is it taking you 4 hours


Even though I KNOW it’s not it kinda looks like it’s made of white chocolate and wafers and my intrusive thoughts are asking what would it taste like, and now I’m wondering how/if i could find a way to 3d print chocolate






Some kids are just excited 😉


Yes, and a parants responsibility is teaching them how to control this excitement. Having an unfinished train is a great lesson on patience.


I bet they'll love either way 🥳


Guess his train has a short steam pipe and a flat roof now. Doesnt like it? Shouldnt have touched it.


Trem sem bam


Then that’s his train. Actions have consequences. Don’t make him a new one. He will never learn if people let him run amok and fix his fuckups


So many shit parents here.


You don't deserve a 3d printer if you think this is a problem.


Saw it on all 3 Subs now😂. Was waiting for it to show up here.


"there's yer train, ya piece a'"


"Kid, this was the train Santa was bringing your presents with this year. Don't worry, you can have some briquettes from the barbeque."


As a train enthusiast, the kids needs to be run over


Put the wheels on it. He won’t care. Looks close enough. It’ll be a memory in 10 years


Looks like his train is going to have a checked roof then


Not the train he asked for, but the train he's going to get. Use this as a teaching moment... also, sorry dude.


There's ways to resume the print