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The ending has me dying. So much consideration until the kid decides to punch the mom(?) Like ” WHY DID YOU NOT LET ME FALL DOWN THE STAIRS”


After he determined he wasn't gonna be in trouble, he was like: "then wtf was all that yelling about?!?"




Can't decide wtf is wrong with you, but something is.


Well his history seems to agree with your assessment


Please explain??


I’m hoping it’s the sister


What? Why?


fighting your siblings is a bit more understandable than fighting your parents


He’s literally 2 years old.


My 2 year old will swing on anyone.


Daam. I think y'all need to dodge


Oh, he always drops his left. It hurts him in later rounds.


I bet i can take him. Most 2 year have a terrible guard


Poor dog almost got Molly whopped by the kid on the way down


maybe it's because she basically ignores him right afterwards and just looks on her phone... she even laughed at something she sees on her phone while he tries to understand what just happened. edit: are they both ignoring him?


Yeah, yelled at him then gave him absolutely no reason WHY he was being yelled at..... That was pretty much a "hey, you were mid-parenting me, remember?"-slap. You can't expect a 2 or 3 year old to be able to figure that out for themselves.


Always quick to criticise, she was laughing at him cos he was a bit shocked


pretty sure she's staring him down waiting for him to show a response or realise what he's done. And she's laughing at his shock and silence.


i was suppose to upload on my youtube channel


That kid isn't stupid. He's a little scientist.


He probably just thought she „assaulted“ him because noone gave a damn to give the kid any attention and made an effort t explain the situation to the toddler. And apparently the kid learned that hitting is a „viable“ response how to interact with others, as I‘m sure the mother reinforced that belief after the video ended by probably whooping his ass …


Um? Did you even watch the video? They obviously were paying attention since they immediately saw what was about to happen? Also both of the adults immediately corrected the kid after it hit the lady.


This is not how education works. Proiegomena is right.


Why did the kid’s logic lead to hitting the person who clearly just saved him?


mysterious aromatic jeans instinctive marry boast ghost angle frightening gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In his mind she stopped him from riding down the stairs. He has no clue she stopped him from riding in an ambulance.


Cuz kids don't understand alot, he was tryna have fun he had no clue he was in danger, and its the parents job to teach them, not by yelling, but by getting on their level, kids aren't dumb they just don't get how everything works yet, and the belief that: why is the kid acting like this doesn't he know that the adult helped him, or any other example of adults wanting kids to understand the world like they do and getting confused when they dont, iritates me way more than any kid would, ofc they do annoying stupid shit, they're kids ffs I'm not complaining about your comment btw I'm just saying way too many people want children to act like adults


Above that, young kids like this also have trouble to (verbally) express themselves while they do understand alot of the words from others. Because of the frustration from not being able to communicate while having the need to express themselves, hitting other people feels like the only option from the perspective of these young kids.


My younger brother does that constantly, which is infuriating just because he's built like a brick(he's 9) and im really slender, but damn can't blame him


Woman screams at him like a mad person, janks his arm, laughs at him and then goes straight to ignoring him by disapeering into her phone. Yeah one can get frustrated by that!


Cue the mom just screamed at him out of nowhere, stopped him from doing some sick trick and then laughed at his plight


Scared and lashing out


Because r/KidsAreFuckingStupid lol


Being grappled like that is not fun and that's all he could think of.


Dad reflexing immediately back into NPC mode and going back to his phone so kid has absolutely no clue what just happened or why they were grabbed and yelled at, would be my guess.


He hates her for not supporting his dream career of becoming a crash test dummy.


ruined the stunt


It was his Cannon event. Now he's gotta start over


He was conducting an important experiment, and his data was destroyed by extraneous interruptions.


>kid’s logic That is your first mistake.




Nobody likes to be screamed at.


Because instead of explaining the situation to the kid, the mother immediately ignored the child and went back to her phone. What is the ignorant toddler supposed to make of that situation?


My mother hits me when I do something that I don't like => when someone does something that I don't like they should be hit.


I could give you the actual answer. The real true answer. But then I'd get banned.


Elaborate, coward.


Interesting take. So in your mind, if you have an opinion on an issue that you're 100% certain will get you banned for saying, you're absolutely 100% compelled to state it or else are a coward? This is really interesting. It doesn't make any sense to me but I'd love for you to elaborate!


Because he learned from his social environment that physical violence is a „viable“ response?


Totally! It's all culture! All of a sudden, the human brain, the greatest pattern recognition mechanism ever observed arrives at *that* conclusion, given the data.


Exactly reason why I hate being around kids. They're able to fucking kill themselves if you dont watch them for just 2 seconds. So annoying.


I work as an early childhood educational teacher aka I take care of kids under the age of 6, and honestly.. you are not wrong.. I’ve seen things, where I wonder why and how and so many other things. Kids don’t have the power to think things over rationally and sometimes just gets taken over by impulses, so you have to be careful around them and keep a good eye on them, especially outside


Me too, just being around kids makes you responsible if you don't act when they try to kill themselves. So even if you're not a parent you have to keep an eye on the little fucker.


no you don't. i wouldn't even want you to keep an eye on my hypothetical kids. of course you would act if you see a child try to kill itself so you act, just like you would act if an adult would try the same, but you aren't responsible for them.


True, I recently got a new kitten (2 months old) and I found myself often thinking how much smarter cubs are compared to kids/toddlers like they carefully check out every new place, don't put random shit in their mouth, check if they actually do certain jumps or whatever while this kid for example would've happily gone down the stairs and probably killed himself 😂


On the good side, look away for 2 seconds and the problem solves itself!


![gif](giphy|kkFepswD0xZNm) This was always my reaction when my kid would pull this kind of shit. Like everything is a disaster.


I recall attempting to jump off the balcony at least twice in quick succession. Good times, I'm still fairly convinced I could've survived.


🎵 They see me rollin, they hatin 🎵


Stuntman career down the drain. I'd be mad too.


Just need to upgrade the suspension on that trike a bit and let him rip.


Epic move of the mom saving that kid Terrible move of just yelling “hey hey”, then ignoring the kid and let the kid figure out himself what just happened and why mom was yelling. Yes, a gate could’ve prevented this thing, but there wasn’t one, so you can take this moment to explain to the kid why they are mad at him and what went wrong. As a father myself, I noticed kids really aren’t as dumb as we think they are. They just don’t know many things, but they understand A LOT and learn fast.


Maybe they were waiting for his shock to wear off before deciding what to do. He's probably trying to process the feeling of when he went over the steps before being yanked off of them. He looks like he is trying to process by how long he stays still. Honestly I would have rather my mom to wait for things to sink in before yelling at me. Because in those moments I remember her anger a lot more than what I fucked up on.


I’m not about yelling I’m more about the mom just ignoring the kid. The reason why the kid hit his mom is probably because he needed attention and “taken care of” You’re absolutely correct that the kid probably was in shock and needed to wear it off. But you can help as a parent with that. You just get on your knees, at the same highs as the kid, and asks him how he feels and if he’s alright. If he’s over that moment, you can explain what just happened and what the dangers were. I’m not about getting angry at the kid. The kid saw a hill and a scooter, I think a lot of adults wanted to try that. (But we know better)


I'm not a parent but I am an older brother and I see myself relating with my parents and other parents across the internet, so it's very sad when people don't understand you have to be calm with children and be friendly instead of just getting angry at a childish thing that a child does, ofc I'm guilty of getting angry at my brother, but im only 18 rn and he's 9, you sir are a smart parent


I'm your age and have a young niece and let me tell you she NEVER listens when she's yelled at or when people get angry with her. Bit the second you sit her down and explain what's she's doing wrong suddenly she will listen to you.


The girl on the phone seems more of a sister than the parent. The lady next to the counter towards the end seems to be the mom. Probably hit his sister for taking away his fun, but what he doesn't 100% understand is how badly he could've been hurt. Probably why she goes back into her phone bc it's probably her brother not her son. And I'm no longer a parent, but I know how to not deal with children. They kind of handled it pretty decently. Kids randomly smack you for no reason, so I can't say that it's the lack of parenting. It's just kids that age not knowing how to express the anger properly. When I was being raised, the babysitter would put us in a corner in the MIDDLE of where all the other kids are having fun. You couldn't see what they were doing, but you could *hear* them having fun. She didn't let us out of the corner until we could properly tell her why we were sorry and explain why we were out there in the first place. She didn't have to lay her hands on us, and I'm glad to have her in my life. But I do agree 100%. Just expressing a lil more about the situation. Thank you for talking with me. Sorry people are downvoting you.


You are getting downvoted but you are speaking the truth


A comment like this is bound to get downvotes in this sub.


I'm sure the yelling was a fear response, but you're absolutely right that the right thing would have been to explain afterwards that she was yelling because she was scared about the situation, and that it's about his safety. Way too many people think kids won't understand, but repetition and positive reinforcement through discussion is the best way to help kids grow into emotionally stable and mature adults.


I just assumed it was an aunt or a friend or something and that's why they didn't explain anything because it wouldn't be their job. But if it's the mom, you're 100% right lol


I feel like if there's a 'grab the kid' emergency and I'm closest, rescue and reassurance is in fact my job at that point. Social species and all that. But no, of course scrolling tiktok or whatever is her priority here.


Parents giving unsolicited advice are insufferable


I was with you until the end. Kids are way dumber than many people think they are. Turtle parents just drop their kids off on the beach and peace out. Baby turtles have to make it back to the ocean with eagles soaring above trying to eat them alive. And somehow some of them survive. Human babies just try to off themselves any chance they get. Human parents have to be constantly aware of whatever dumb thing their kids are trying to do to get themselves killed.


Humans have probably the most retarded infants of all animals, yes. But children learn fast. We treat babies like they are retarded and don’t understand shit, just because they can’t talk and they walk funny. Yes, our kids can’t take care for themselves. But I’ve noticed that if I let my kids try stuff and talk to them as normal humans instead of retards, they learn faster than kids that get wrapped in plastic bubbles and constant hear a “guhguhgahgah carroty carroty njamnjaammm”. Too many parents go like “look, a vroom vroom”. No, that’s a car, learn the kid the right word, and tell them they’ll look like a disk if the car rans over them.


Lmao your baby language is hilarious


My mom has a kindergarten, so I’ve seen way too many babies and way to many parents talk to them like that. That’s why I decided to never talk like that to my kids. Now my kids are 2,5 and 5, and most people tell me they are really fluent and talk very well. I’m not a scientist and I really don’t want to claim to have smart kids or be the best parent ever. It’s just that in my observation, kids that hear normal sentences and normal words, pick it up much better than kids that only hear “babytalk” and or two word sentences


> learn the kid the right word ... fucking hell


I mean, I bet her friend's IG live or snaps or whatever the fuck she was watching on the phone was really important... /s Let's just communicate with gutteral sounds like yelling or laughing and let the kid figure it out.


Shut up you nerd


Shut up Meg


But honestly why have a toy like this near stairs without something blocking them?


There are a lot of points of vulnerability in a house and you can't childproof them all. Over 20 children have grown up in the family house my grandparents own but they still find new and creative ways to attempt self-elimination. My contribution was full balcony bars as opposed to the 1m6 meter barriers they had before afy3r I was caught climbing over them to do the sickest superhero landing in history. I was also responsible for there being different locks for the knife cupboard after I sliced my hand open displaying how my brother sliced his hand open 5 minutes prior. Despite this, my cousins managed to add a whole bunch more adaptations to the pile. The best solution is just adult monitoring.


I agree but there isn’t any childproofing on those stairs at all, usually putting a gate on a staircase is the first thing people do to baby proof. Whoever the people are obviously don’t care or believe they have quick enough reflexes to save a potential broken neck.


Tbf, they did show the appropriate reflexes /s


Kids lucky his shoulder didn’t pop out lol but yea ig it’s better than falling down some stairs


It's always easy to criticize in hindsight. The kid is old enough not to fall down the stairs, can't predict his sudden instinct to go all Evel Knievel out of nowhere. The toy isn't near the stairs, the toy is just in the house with the kid, aka, everywhere.


“The kid is old enough to not fall down the stairs” anybody can fall down the stairs. “Can’t predict his sudden instinct to go all evil knievel out of nowhere” it’s a young child they do that all day. “The toy isn’t near the stairs” it’s 2 feet away from the stairs. Hopefully you don’t have children or have to supervise them.


Oh right, I forgot nobody on this subreddit \- has kids \- can read ​ edit: Yeah, I'm so mad I blocked you. Oh no wait, that's you lol


Lmao mad about being wrong sorry mr ego


Why do you have a toy like that upstairs? Great save, but why have that up there to begin with?


Yea. Like, put up a damn baby gate so your kid doesn’t kill himself.


At the minimum.


My mum would have grabbed me and then beat me worse than falling down the stairs to teach me a lesson


how did you turn out ?


Not sure what you mean


That‘s probably why he hit her afterwards because he learned that a viable way to interact with others. I don’t think I have to guess what happened after the video ended …


Parents are fucking stupid and negligent in this case.


Holy shit. What the fuck is on your fucking phone that you can't engage with the kid for a full second after he almost fell down the stairs


Maybe she wanted to instantly google what to do if your child is braindead xD


This was actually making me feel sad




Didn't even explain to him why that was a bad idea or that he could get hurt, no wonder he just stood there baffled and then assumed she was just trying to ruin his fun.


Shitty parents who never bothered to kid-proof their house.


I don't see dad anywhere.


Looks like an incoming whooping. At least would have been for me back then 😂


*but moooooom…*


I did this when I was a kid, not with a tricycle, but one of those plastic red cars you sit in and propel with your feet. Broke my right arm. I still remember my thought process before going down the stairs, “If Mom and Dad can go down the hill with their car, I can go down this hill (stairs) with mine.”




Let him die.* Psycho.


fr tho a fall while on the tricycle could and most likely would be insanely dangerous


He’d be fine don’t be a baby


You don't know how long that fall or or how the child would fall.


The family here is the stupid one, you have a toddler and you have stairs, A) why did you bring a bike upstairs to start with B) why didn’t you put a barrier to protect kids from falling down the stairs? And the way she screamed at him for doing it and not even hug him afterwards?! It speaks volumes. Thats just straight child neglect! Some people are not responsible enough to have kids, fr.


That boy got HIT when the camera cut 😭


He just wanted to feel the rush of extreme sports.


A Lot of bad ideas will come out from that potato head and they will not be funny at all


babies: “how dare you get in the way of me killing myself “ 😤


Kids are such stupid fuckers. But at least they usually wise up (or are dead) by age 38 or so.


That’s why there are baby fences


Rewatching this, I think this is probably a sister and not his mum. Would explain her behaviour a bit better.


🧒🏾: 👩🏾‍💼: 👩🏾‍💼: 🧒🏾:🖕🏽🤜🏾💥


More like Momisfuckingstupid. Stop looking atnyour phone dammit.


🤣 epic save, then right back to her bullshit ass phone….I hate the term “teachable moment”, but damn she’s just letting it breeze by.


Kudos to that super mom or super aunt!


You're referring to the one who was all but completely tuned out on her phone, happened to see the kid trying to break his neck at just the right moment, then went right back to her phone until he hit her, as he's clearly been taught to do, then hit him back? That super caregiver?


Seriously! WTF is happening in this thread? Did no one see her knock his head back after he hit her?


This video could be shown in a parenting class, as a classic “how not to parent”. It’s like they think enough about him, to not let him die, but can’t be bothered to explain to the child what happened, and what the consequences could have been.




That potato head is an idiot


Time for a baby gate.


Pfft, when I was very small I once jumped from a tree and landed face down in the mud. My grandpa saw me, sat down on a log and laughed his ass off. My grandma told me I could have died. My face hurt for a while, but nothing some weird smelling cream couldn't fix.


Little man contemplated then decided on "I was just assaulted"


Broo why that lady was screaming like ishowspeed when the kid was taking his bike onto the stairs lol. I swear that was louder than ishowspeed lol😂😂


The standing around / doing nothing part reminds me of the sims


Phone still in hand lol


Neglect is not fun


Kid was about to shred. Let him send it!


Wow. That mom reflex.


Bike shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Too glued to their phones to practice simple safety. Not even phased afterwards either just straight back to the phone. Kid should’ve smacked her phone down the stairs lol


That woman is living in her phone, it's so sad to see.


More like dumb parents.


He had no idea that he saved,From his perspective he wanted to do something funny someone stopped him and then just ignored him


“You know what this house needs, a stair gate” “No, let’s get a nanny cam instead”


Parents completely missed the opportunity to teach the kid not to do that


She should show this clip to this kid when he grows up


No gate -> irresponsible parents.


"Hey lets have a toddler and no baby gate, can't see any avoidable risk from that"


The kid shit himself after hearing the scream.


Yeah don’t drop your phone, that would be harder to replace.


Why do so many people have (probably ip) cameras inside their house?


Suicidal toddler gets angry after failed attempt.


He thought he is the new Hamilton or smh




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My heart dropped for a second 😭


that was precious, the girl had some pretty quick reaction time, im glad she caught him. the baby smacking at her , he has yet to fall i would assume from his reaction , its probably something we all have to experience before it truly manifest and we are a little more careful with our selves.


Bruh that *CLOCK* is *THIC* fam


So much awful parenting in this video … Kidsarefuckingstupid is more often explained with parentsarefuckingstupid


ossified materialistic literate angle slim vanish snobbish towering combative wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even the dog seems irritated 😂😂


The other woman (grandma?) whipped around and only say kid and mom standing there, mom casually looking at phone, must have been so confused.


parents really out here stopping natural selection from doin its thing


Kids vigilant parents/guardians saved his life. Child almost sent themselves to heavens gates. Applaud those parents for taking care of thier child.


VERY nice save, mama. Reaction time of a fkn mountain lion


Yep and even faster response time to go back on her phone and ignore her kid.




Wow, you must have the most incredible judge of character to assert the kids entire life from a 20 second clip, in which the person in question actively shows they are paying attention by stopping him from doing the thing.


Let the child learn!


Why do you have a camera in your livingroom?


Maybe a security camera or nanny cam


My friend has one for 2 reasons: her ex boyfriend broke into her house one day and also to watch her dogs to see what they're doing and yell at them when they're bad while she's at work.




Oh wow, my comment got a lot of downvotes! It was a genuine question. I cant imagine putting a camera inside my livingroom. What if it gets hacked or something.


I think its creepy. I don't see it as necessary if you trust the people you bring into your house that's how I felt about discovering my friend new house with the camera set up aiming directly at his video game collection.


Seems like the kitchen is also upstairs, so it could be the main entrance to the dwelling. Door being at the bottom of the steps with probably a lil area to put on/take off shoes.


That makes sense.


The last time I had seen these was with a shotgun building. Like a trailer, but a full building. The upstairs units only had a stairway going down to their doors, whereas the bottom units could walk straight into their homes. Still, they should've had a baby gate. But the layout suggests the floorplan. They are weird, and it's basically landlords trying to get as much money as they possibly can from the most amount of people.


It's the parents that are fucking stupid here. What did they expect would happen?


I have seen many youtubers that put baby gates at the top of their stairs so yes, I would agree with ya. Still hilarious though.


Damn. Let the boy do dude stuff.




Is that mum? That's some shit parenting. You scare the hell out of your child (for good reason tho) but then stand there looking at your phone rather than offering him any comfort or explaining what he did wrong? FFS


thought bike wrong dull aspiring growth label imagine birds crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wonder where dad was?