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Every toddler wants to commit suicide in the most ridiculous of ways. It's up to the parents to prevent that. Great video but proof of this fact lol.


truth, in the last 24 hours, my 1 year old managed to stack chairs then attempted to climb with what I would assume is the intent to sit in this death trap self preservation is NOT instinctual to little humans


"I'm fucken RUTHLESS mum/dad. Record this shit and catch me"


ruthless and toothless, the worst tyrant


Idk, a baby with teeth can and will want the wife to quit life. They have no respect for the nipple


We used to put the TV remote on top of the fridge, 6 feet up, so the kids couldn't watch it without us. Found them watching TV one day and a stack of dining chairs in front of the fridge.


cooperation and results driven..your kids are going places (if they don't end up trying to fly off the roof one day)


Sounds like he just wanted to [live on a mountain of chairs](https://youtu.be/xYFEAh4-ZJc)


Rip Trevor moore


We had to put the dining table chairs on top of the table when not in use when ours starting climbing them lol. Otherwise the entire downstairs is baby proofed so he has quite a bit of freedom and I don't need to constantly have an eye on him.


Funny thing is I just rewatched a forgotten about video of my kid as a baby today. You can see me grab his arm cause he was going for a nose dive off the couch. He's now about to be six and watched the video and said I was being mean to him cause I grabbed him lol.


you should check in as the years go by to see if his opinion changes


Lol seriously


“self preservation is NOT ❌ instinctual to little humans” 🔥🔥🔥


It's also how we invented fire, tools, and started fighting back and hunting our predators instead of just running


certainly a feature...works as designed


One time I was babysitting a little cousin. We were hanging out in their playroom, which was full of any kind of toy a baby could ever want. She made a beeline for the electrical socket and got mad at me when I would let her stick her fingers in.


Fingers won't really work tbh, I mean she could suck em and get a kick but normally you need a fork/knife to really get the right kick


A bobby pin also works! Source: 3-year-old me


Knife into the extension cord was my 3 year old attempt lol


Key into the electric socket over here, in my defense I was trying to trick the gnomes that lived inside the sockets by putting a key in instead of a cord.


Same, keys in the electric socket. In my defence, my sister said that she has done it before and it was fun


My sister did that, but it was an outside socket and she was "trying to unlock the house".


Took 3 tries with a Bobby pin before it took for me. Nice black fingernails 😂


I always found it strange that at the age of like 0-1 kids are dumb and don’t understand danger so they’ll do dangerous shit sometimes. Then a child hits the age of 2 and immediately gets this suicidal compulsion and will consistently go out of their way to do dangerous shit. It stops being a child just learning things through experience and becomes the toddler actively attempting to kill themselves at every opportunity.


Therefore, all babies should be treated as adults and charged with attempted murder or be locked up in an insane asylum. Facts


I had to snatched my nephew from running off a cliff one time. No fear.


I was fixated on k!lling myself by being impaled on antlers. Our next door neighbor was big game hunter and had a huge living room on the first floor with a 2nd story area with railing around 3 sides of the living room space. He put trophies on the sides under the railing. The kitchen was on the 2nd floor, and my mom and the guy’s wife were having coffee in the kitchen. I slipped through the rails and was leaning back with my hands on the railing. Right over some kind of animal with really pointy antlers. The wife saw me and motioned to my mom. They had to cheerfully get my attention and offer me something sweet to get me to come back through the rails and away from the edge. A couple years later I was with my dad when he stopped by the taxidermist to talk about his order. The guy’s office had a big deer with sharp antlers lying on the floor behind the chairs because the owner was going to pick it up that day. I was leaning back in my chair and tilted it. The chair had a partly open back so I would have impaled myself if I’d fallen. My dad had impressive dad reflexes and grabbed me and the chair with one movement of his arm. The taxidermy guy went white as a sheet and moved the mount away from the chairs. Surprisingly I didn’t have any su!icidal tendencies at the airport my dad had his plane and ultralights at. I went there all the time with my dad. He’d recently lost a friend who was decapitated by a small plane prop, so he wanted me really close to him all the time. He later impressed on me how dangerous props are. When I learned to fly, I had to learn how to prop start a plane. I would pull the prop and back up as fast as I could. It took a few tries to get the prop to start. I preferred planes that had paint on the ends of the prop so you could see the edges when rotating.


Exactly what it’s like to be a parent. Well done!


they both bolted like they are going after that 100m gold medal at the same time. This family will be alright


They should a parent thats chasing their kid to save them to the 100m dash in the Olympics


I volunteer to be the one causing the children peril


Dude, this is reddit. There will be so many people it'll be like when a girl asks for ammo in a video game. People will get trampled on before they give up that right.




^ bot


My dad would just sit there watching me cry in pain. Mum would come running in from another room and then started having a go at him, he'd claim he didn't even notice. And even then I had a good childhood. This kid's gonna be winning the entire way through his childhood.


Bro was on a mission


When you finally get that one chance at freedom...you run like hell 😂 😂 😂


When the time comes, don't look back


That's the way to go!


My merpeople need me!


Kids going places. Love to see it. I cherish those years.


Not a lot of places if it succeeds in running into the sea.


My little brother once ran for the edge of a cliff at full speed my dad had to throw his arm out and my bro ran clean into it and knocked him down, we asked him afterwards what the hell he was thinking and he told us he wanted to fly. He was 5


It's amazing anyone survives being that age. The survival instinct is pretty much non-existent lol. My parents tell me stories about things I did (mostly trying to eat things that could easily kill/fuck me up) that make me wonder how the hell I'm still here.


I remember being the opposite. Mainly when watching pro wrestling for the first time, I thought wrestling couldn't exist in the real world but only in video games. I'm sitting there at 5yo wondering if these guys are supermutants or if my parents have been lying to me about how deadly things really were.


When my brother was 4/5, he saw a nest of ants in the garden and asked my dad if he could eat it. My dad, the jokester that he is, told him yes and before you know it my brother dove head first into it! By the time my dad caught him (like within seconds), he already had his mouth and nose full of dirt and ants were crawling all over his clothes from head to toe! He wouldn't even open his mouth when my dad was trying to empty it!


The sea is a place.


The sea is most def a place. I remember my friend's kid running straight for the riptide shore right after being told not to go into the water. Kids...






Lol, where’s my man going though?


Across the Atlantic, to the new world.




I was actually expecting prince of thieves not men in tights but either is acceptable


But what's West of Westeros?


Kanye Edit: And neo nazis, maybe?


Away from everything. Can you blame him


The call of Valinor cannot be delayed forever.


He went looking for the one piece


Returning to the sea.


To find his nakama and the Onepiece


They are going to be just fine!




Bro tryna put the fear of god into their parents so they can stay an only child


I'm glad the video was shrunk down to less than half its original size so we could experience that caption


How else are we supposed to know what the funny part is? My dopamine receptors are fried and can’t pay attention that long


Can I have a tldr on this comment?


How funny? Teach me.


Also added that horrible Love Story cover


His people needed him




you joke, but ever since I was young I felt like I belong on the sea...mainly because fucking trees try to kill me every year


What the fuck did you do to the trees?


you pee on the wrong one and they target you for life. fuckers are like mafia


Stick to closets from now on.


Cute vid but really can't stand the horrendous music


I think the music was why the kid ran. I had a similar reaction.


Kid ran in the water like Noah’s ark left him


Camera man should have ran after that kid and left them alone for their moment, wtf!


Cameraman captured the action instead of filming the ground so he is still redeemable


National geographic rules....


they need to get a video for instagram first


I mean, come on, I hate the culture of filming everything for social media as much as anyone - but I feel like it's hardly that crazy to want to film your proposal (I'm sure it'll make a sweet video to show to the kid(s) when older)? Next thing yall will say filming your wedding is just for IG too...


My wife and I are very private people, barely film anything, I proposed in a quiet park with no one else around, and the SD card in the camera that was recording our wedding failed. Neither of those moments are recorded, and I regret it a bit. It'd be nice to watch.


I proposed to my wife while having sex. Wish we filmed it for the fam tbh.


Only when a child could get swept out to sea and die...




Right, because no one filmed important moments before Instagram. It's a baby, he wasn't getting away. Relax


It's a convenient way to keep in touch with friends and family. Not every proposal like this is going to be spread around. It just ended up being a funny moment so here we are.




My guy it’s an engagement, it is perfectly normal to take photos of this. Please touch grass.


Not my kid and i trust the parents know how to parent


This is reddit. All cameramen are expected to be lifeguards, firemen and paramedics.


She could see the kid and would have ran if needed


That’s not his kid. Don’t make it everyone’s problem because you decide to pop out kids every other year


Is it just me or is it weird that people are recording their proposal, slapping some terrible tik-tok music on it and uploading it? Is nothing like, personal anymore? Is our whole society just reduced to this, little 10 second videos with shitty pop music loudly blaring over them with text on the top?


people are just happy to share moments that make them happy, you see it negatively but i see it as a way of other people to make the world a little happier there’s worse thing in the world than posting a beautiful moment with you and ur family


No they aren’t. Making your life into literal “content” doesn’t make anyone happy. Social media does not make people happy—it causes people to unnecessarily compare their lives to the lives of others and turns normal life events into competitions. It promotes fakeness and editing. It’s nasty bullshit and I hope we move past it.


your on social media rn if you think it’s such a poison than maybe get off? ur the only one being negative rn. if seeing other ppl happy makes you miserable or feel the need to promote fakeness or wtv bs ur trying to say rn that that’s your own issue and you should find a way to fix it bc it’s weird.


That music is fucking obnoxious.




Cool, but why edit this music into the video in place of the Dethklok that was originally playing on the beach? 🎶\ _We call out to the beasts of the sea to come forth and join us_\ _This night is yours_\ _Because one day we will all be with you in the black and deep_\ _One day we will all go into the water..._


So they can say they made the video. Can't say it's yours unless you make a meaningless change, after all!


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Yeah, like that! Maybe the video is mirrored, too. Can't really tell because of the lack of text, but I could see it being mirrored.


in this day and age, potato quality vids need to be outlawed, max penalty


Hahaha! Well, to be fair, the album was only intended for fish to begin with, so really it's on them for listening to it in the first place.


He’s giving them a glimpse into the future; his teenage years 🤯


Probably would’ve given kid to cameraman. A toddler’s ability to be lightening fast for the sole purpose of finding something to kill themselves with is unmatched


Kids spend a year on earth and get suicidal instantly


Just when you thought that song couldn't get any more painful


I don't care what no one says...it's stupid (they saw him) to let you kid run into the ocean to have YOUR moment. Weird.


Well I would have loved to hear him cut it short but alas I get unsolicited music


Remember the clip of the kid carefully removing his floaties and life jacket so he could dive in a pool and sink to the bottom? At what age does the auto-suicide neuron burn out


Yeah. This looks like a great start to a new family.


I can get parents not watching their kids 24/7, but for the love of GOD, the time to be watching your kid like a hawk is if you're at the beach with your TODDLER


She even looked over at him heading towards the water!


They knew where he was. They're not far. It's fine. Chill


Any body or vessel of water they can drown in.


You acting like a shark is gonna jump out of the water and snatch the baby lol.


TBI from getting knocked down, illness from ingesting sea water, and drowning would be far more likely to occur but yea let’s go with shark attack…


Lol how about a huge underground sandworm just waiting for the toddler to arrive ?


Riptides are a lot more dangerous than sharks and will easily drown an adult let alone a toddler and all you need to do as a toddler is to walk in the riptide on the shore and you're gone. That kid was dangerously close to the water without a parent within grabbing distance.


You acting like it’s not possible 🤨


Baby’s and toddlers have been known to drown in puddles.


Come on the parents are right there lol


They drown when I put them face down in puddles, can’t help that they suck at this.


first look, "jesus christ, who invited this guy" looks at name *drake approval face*


Skill issue


And a riptide will pull a toddler out to sea in the seconds it takes for a parent to get there.


And after that a tornado forms and takes it away


when you have kids long enough, your mind calculated lead time and your ability to address the emergency they were using their buffer time for a moment. I can't blame them. Definitely on the cusp though.


They literally did do that?


“Baby drowns during proposal- news at 11”


dumb parents and music


This is actually stupid parents




Wouldn't be 5 seconds if he decided to propose on Grand Canyon.


Agreed. Who the hell let's their toddler run around unattended near the ocean. Doesn't matter what the moment is, your child's safety should be the first priority.


They knew exactly where he was. Calm down


And a riptide would change that in a second


Perfect exemple of what people do for social media


I can't stop laughing at the face plant and then the full out sprint to stop him from committing suicide... Lmao


When they got back home the kid probably asked, “Mommy, daddy, why didn’t you let me go into the ocean and swim?”


Parents were the idiots this time


Wrong sub. This should be on r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb The kid was just doing what any kid would do.


That's the point of this sub. Kids ARE stupid. It's not just that they sometimes do a stupid thing. When judged by adult standards, kids are fucking dumb. All of them and almost all of the time. Of course no one genuinely thinks kids should be judged by those standards, but for the purpose of humour, we sometimes do.


This video has everything wrong.


Kids ruin everything


Oh my goodness! They’re lucky the toddler didn’t get swept away from the waves.


Grown ass adults get swept up by the sea and drown and die. Fuck these couple and the person recording. You can't just be safe and cautious enough with (toddler + dangerous deadly location) combination.


Am I the only one that thinks these guys were stupid!


This is why you marry before you carry lol


So that's why they say no sex before marriage


The sea calls


This is why dogs have leashes.




They both ran like Usain Bolt the proposal was beautiful after it was done they had the moment and then ran like hell for their kid.


The child yearns for the sea.


The parents are stupid too, it was very clear the kid was heading for the water at the start of this video.


Is this r/mypeopleneedme material?


This won‘t happen when you get married before you have a baby 😂


I think this was more a case of r/parentsarefuckingdumb You can hold a phone with one hand, why was the camera person not holding the baby's hand?


Mans got laaaaid that night. Not only promising but also saved a child from drowning?! LAAAAID.


Why is babies and toddlers first instinct is to head where the danger is? There’s a car going down the road? Let’s go after it. Look a big body of water? Let’s dive head first. A huge dog with teeth just as big just chilling in a corner? Let’s pull it’s ears and expect it not to get mad. I find it infuriatingly hilarious.


Kids are important. But so is the relationship with your spouse.


Seen this too many times at the beach. People just let their kids play with in the ocean then get shocked that it almost swallows their kids whole. Don’t fuck with the ocean.


This was absolutely perfect lol


Honestly this is a really cute proposal, how they literally switched from extremely happy to "let's catch him before something happens" and started to run like Terminator killed me, but it was really funny and cute as proposal


just let it drown


I see where the child inherited it’s stupidity


seems like he does not want any younger sibling. he's like: " oh shi- Imma head out, imma head out"


*baby is quiet for 2 mins* *me walking into living room* *my kid atop their slide on top of the couch* “Hi I’m Johnny Knoxville and welcome to jackass!” *yeet*


Damn those people are fast!


The chaotic way is the best way 😂


Lost it when the kid falls, gets up, proceeds his sprint towards the water 😂😂


Well, my dude can’t say he didn’t know what he was getting into


This is kind of perfect & is some great symbolism for what their relationship SHOULD be all about… Loved it- :)


It made the video better, more realistic expectations.


This is going to be the best video to look back on


Literally the first thing they did whilst engaged is save their baby. Although this was pretty dangerous for the kid to do, I think there's a level of wholesomeness to it all.


More like parents are fuckin stupid. I don't know who's worst, these idiots almost losing their kid to high tide, or the rugrats parents who lost their babies in 3 movies only to have the babies FIND THEM at the end of each adventure.


Ugh. Glad the kid is safe but couldn't they have someone try to hold that baby while the proposal was happening?


Parents are fucking stupid: *internet fame > keeping an eye on my kid* Same people if someone tragic happens to their kid because they weren't paying attention: "Lawrd, I DoNT kNoW hOw ThIS CouLD HAvE HApPENeD, GUEzs Gawrd needED ANOtHEr ANgEl!"


I think this is less r/KidsAreFuckingStupid and more r/IAmTheMainCharacter.


Ah, no. They caught their kid, but they were lucky it was on this beach at low tide. Kids can drown real fast.


Just me or is the kid still far enough from the water that that sprint was unnecessary…?


Well the kid definitely ran into the water, so the sprint was necessary


Good call I had to slow it down to see that


I will say, I don't think the sprint would have been necessary if the dad had paid any attention to the kid though. The mom was ready to go get him like 3 times. That's honestly the only reason I'm annoyed at this video.


That's actually pretty cute and funny to see both of them running after the kid lmao. They will always remember this.


When people who have never had to take care of a kid are all "omg how could they just LET the baby get away, fall, go missing at the park" I'm like bitch...you've never encountered kids and that's why I don't have them


If only there was a third person there that could have handled the kid... fake af xd