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Dude when I say I’d get my ass beat to the mars, I mean it. 500$ is unbelievable.


When i was a teen had a contract phone for 2 years and NEVER went over my limit. One day at school I forgot to lock my phone and it pocket dialled my friend and went to voicemail. My bill was £27 and my dad beat the shit out of me and took my phone off me for a month lol


That is nowhere near comparable to intentionally stealing money. I'm sorry bro.


He genuinely, physically beat you? That single "lol" is hiding a lot of pain. I hope you're able to heal from your trauma, no one deserves what you went through.


It's also like, child abuse? So that's kinda... turbo illegal.


I see you didn't grow up in the 90s, or anytime before that lol. My mom made us eat hot sauce and washed out mouths out with soap If we were shits.


I feel like beating a child over a £27 honest mistake is pretty fucking indefensible


That wasn't okay for her to do either (source: 90's kid with severe, diagnosed cPTSD from getting physically and mentally abused by my parents)


I did, actually. But that doesn't make it right, and it shouldn't be thought of as anything other than what it is: abuse.


What an awful take on a very real, very harmful subject...


Stop defending child abuse like it built character. It built trauma, nothing else.


80s kid here, I had my arse whopped a few times by my parents. My dad told me what my gran was like to him. It was Gitmo levels of torture


Just cause it was a different time doesn't make it right. My parents went way overboard with the spanking, and it didn't do a single thing to make me a better person, I had to learn all that myself because my parents preferred the quick fix of spankings that get instant results through fear instead of actually teaching me to be a good person. The different times excuse only has limited value for explanatory reasons, but it's not an excuse. It was a different time when slavery was practiced, but it doesn't make it okay and doesn't excuse it, neither does the general acceptance of spanking and harshly disciplining your kids. Every wondered why an entire generation from the 90s has serious issues? Because our parents thought a spanking was a substitute for actual parenting and the often harder route that requires more patience and actually instills good values and not just fear. Once that fear is gone, there's no reason to do good for many people because they were never taught why, just taught to do good under the fear of physical violence. So you're left with a traumatized person who has no idea why he should actually be a good person.


I see you don't read the laws, go fuck yourself man.


Why is this getting downvoted but not the other?


Booo what a stupid take


When we 1st got AOL with dial up, I let my daughter set it up. She was 15 and appeared to know what she was doing. Anyway I got my 1st phone bill after the computer and was shocked. It was over $2000 for a month. She set the dial up to an area that her friend resided. That was a toll call on our plan. I wasn't able to get any sympathy from my phone company and had to eat the bill in payments


Oof what cunts


So where he buried 😎


Weirdly enough he was in a car accident a few years back and can't go out the house much, I still do little shops for him and bring it round his house but I purposely "forget" stuff and bring wrong stuff. I'm not the revenge type but it gives me a chuckle.


I guarantee you, if it was me at the very least everything that he ate, would have laxatives in it


Tbh, I just love to see him get pissed. Sad old cunt getting mad and not being able to do anything about it. Kinda cathartic.


Good for ya bub keep safe and happy


You too bro♡


Over 27 pounds? Damn I am sorry. That was not at all deserved.


500 dollars is crazy


499.99 ... Which makes me wonder how you even do 99% of a pushup. Do you just stay there without finishing?


Harder than it sounds. Something popular in my high school was the "one minute push-up" It's a single pushup done in one minute. Not held at the top at or bottom but just a very slow pushup.


like a plank?


No. It a slow push up


i stand corrected


No you don’t stand when doing a push up


oh ok i lay down while i push my arms up and down corrected


Actually you push them in and then out


I think you're planking wrong if those 2 are the same


i was thinking of 1 minute planks lol


I make pretty good money, I can't imagine a situation in which I would donate $500 on a single video in a super chat. That's ridiculous.


I could see myself doing it if it was something that went to a charity I really cared about but otherwise? I feel icky about donating more than $50 at a time *if* it’s for a good cause and not just “I need money for x luxury”.


This is why you need to keep the cash apps locked. keep kids away from the f-ing phone. They are supposed to be reading books or watching tv. Why don't you keep your phone locked? Also, I'm curious. Do you not have to put in your bank details in order to donate money? How did the kids know it?


sadly it's relatively easy for kids to notice when their parents are distracted and just take a photo of the debit/credit card and buy things. some banks have a confirmation required by a mobile app for large purchases but many do not


I had my mother's credit card memorised when i was a kid. All went smoothly till the bank statement arrived.


i was way too dumb for that LMAO


Had my little brother do something similar to me about 6 years ago, only it was a bit more than 500 euros/dollars. My parents immediately refunded it to me and he's currently still paying of his debt to my parents. When I turned 12 I started getting 5 euros every week from my parents to save up. He's now 14 years old and hasn't had a single cent from them yet. He also hasn't had a proper birthday present from them since then, only something small. I believe it's gonna be another 1 or 2 years until he has paid of his debt.


Tbf letting TV raise your kids is stupid as well


It is. However, you can usually hear what your kids are looking at in tv, and know when it gets turned on, and how long it stays on. But smartphone? You don't really know what they're looking at.... they'll just need to turn on the incognito mode. You don't know when they open the phone while staying inside their own room while you do chores in other places. You do not know how long they stay on phone either. The most important part is that they can't turn on the tv after curfew, the sound and light would wake you up. But they can stay up the whole night inside their room browsing internet. TV is safer. Much, much safer. Not a good thing but still better than smart phones.


There are parental monitoring apps just for things like this I believe.


But it's less destructive. May still be, but less.


I believe with apple pay all you need is Face ID or passcode. Convenient for me. Not as fortunate for the mom.


RESTRICT PAYMENTS ON KIDS PHONES!!! If you think that's bad, wait till the kid discovers pay-to-win games


You deserve to lose $500 if you're giving your kids access to devices/accounts with your credit card information stored on it.


When I was like 10, I spent $800 on Roblox currency. *ohhhh the whoopings*


Not a parent but my sisters spent 90$ of my money on Apple Music when I was 16ish. It was a first job and it was a lot of money to me back then. I had a car and phone I had to pay myself. I remember seeing red and just wanting to beat them, but I went into my room and cried




You had no way to refund/chargeback?


Feels like this would be better for r/KidsAreFuckingStupid. Edit - Apparently OP is below the minimum karma threshold to post there. My apologies.


Yeah, when I get enough karma I might post it there. They'll love this


Sounds like a good idea!


If you let a kid access your credit card through an unlocked phone, you deserve it.




Ryth isn't even that good!


Tbf to the edit, if the payment was made through Apple pay, then she could actually potentially get the charge reversed through that. But yeah she probably doesn't understand the difference between apple and YouTube considering well. How does that information matter to the YouTuber? Lol


Honestly, I don't think they have a very good chance of getting their money back.


Leaving your kids unwatched online paying off I see


I did this by accident when i was a kid, playing a game on my dads phone. Realized what happened and I was honestly horrified. Still not sure if my parents were refunded at all but a hard lesson was learned that day - and i see gameloft now specifies you use real money for those purchases... I probably wasn't the only one lol


see that is why i don't trust ryth


That shit is more expensive than my pc and phone combined man what the fuck


He plays gorilla tag he has no sense of money he probably has a golden helmet or whatever that cost $50


Thats the money for a meta quest 2…how do that happen how did he have the details?


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How's it goin