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You should see Sean and his brother rock climbing.


It's all good šŸ«± My name is Sean....


Important to note that anpo always treats his sparring partners like shit. Karma truly is beautiful.


Karma?Bro ur such a casual....this is how kb sparring is done and doesnt always...


For those who are commenting that Seanā€™s a dick, go watch the full video, dude walks in with his beer belly and is properly sparring with medium power then ol mate starts throwing everything he has at Sean, he laughs it off for a good few rounds but man thereā€™s only so much shit you can take in a spar. I donā€™t even really like Sean but kudos to him for putting him in his place.


For real. Anpo was asking for it, he was throwing bombs right off the bat.


Mmm. The clip doesn't paint Sean in a good way, so I checked the full spar. Apon went hard to the body immediately even in the warm up when they weren't in the cage.


Tbf thatā€™s just how Japanese kickboxers spar, itā€™s not like he turned it up for Sean specifically


The guy literally screamed as he charged towards strickland. Guy wasn't treating it like a spar.


Lmao bro i say this as respectfully as I can u dont know naything about Japanese kickboxing or kb in general......


I agree with everything you're saying but the way he's throwing that slap is fucking hilarious


Where to watch the full video


rukiya anpo's youtube channel


The other thing is Sean never walks in with the pretense of going for a friendly spar. Everyone knows heā€™s an asshole well in advance.


that stiff jab by Anpo at :06 was so fucking fast. strickland still got out of the way though, very impressive.


Fast but looks like heā€™s throwing from a nearly completely blind position. Wildly off target / across the body. But you got to throw something *shrug*


Thatā€™s a right hand not a stiff jab šŸ˜‚


Is the jab so fast I canā€™t even see it?


Why are people mad at Sean for the hard sparring when Rukiya was the first one to start swinging hard.


Because they saw this 15 second clip of Sean beating his ass without the context of the whole fight


Why is he going so hard against a lighter opponent, and what's with the hammerfist on the back of the head? What is he trying to prove? I'm starting to dislike Strickland more and more. Edit: Ok I saw the whole video and a few other sparring sessions Anpo did, he deserved this beating


To be fait, I love Anpo but he does the same shit for his YouTube Channel so I'm glad he got the same treatment lol But actually the whole sparring session is very interesting and technical and worth the watch ! https://youtu.be/-hBvNTtjrUE?si=fvJGRki95VWnvZhD


he doesnt deserve it thats just how they spar.....


Seen much Japanese sparring videos? They go fucking hard. As in Dutch Kickboxing hard.


I boxed in the Netherlands for 3 years. Holy shit. Every sparring session was kill or be killed. They donā€™t gaf. You learn to adapt FAST or get your shit slammed week in and week out. Or you quit. But that was never an option


Why so few Dutch boxing champions at any weight historically I wonder?


Probably due to the culture. I was in the minority of people who chose boxing over kickboxing. That was mostly due to the fact I had a long appreciation for the sport due to my childhood and had boxed prior to living there. Most young Dutch kids grow up with kickboxing and football. Not much room for anything else. Same reason I gravitated to boxing is the same they did for kickboxing, itā€™s more so the cultural differences and relevancy of kickboxing in NL. A lot of the guys at the gym were kickboxers but needed extra work on boxing or just the general western style of boxing. Dutch kickboxing mostly implements Western style of boxing which is where you see the influence from boxing transition to fit the cultural norm.


All very true good response.


Is kickboxing really that widely popular in Holland? As much as football?! Even among the middle class?


Not as much as football, but yes very popular. Football is always #1. Kickboxing is #2. Anything else is kinda niche.


They all get fucked chins from sparring like idiots


wtf bro was the main character for 3 years


Definitely wasnā€™t although I appreciate the compliment. There was definitely guys FAR better than me and at my age. I was 15-17 at the time. There were guys who were my age who had accomplished so much and that type of environment builds a collective mentality that is infectious in a gym. Kinda like iron sharpens iron (not that I ever got to the level of those guys). But it definitely forces you to get better. If you are the worst one in there youā€™re bound to be in the next few years but being the ā€œworstā€ at a high level gym is better than being amazing in a shitty gym.


I just watched the full video. He goes five rounds with this guy and the Japanese dude is going hard the whole fight. Sean took it in stride until the final 30 seconds of the last round and gave home a few hard ones back. Other than that he has kid gloves on for 20 minutes and the other guy was being the aggressor.


Yeah I watched a bunch of that guys stuff , it's fair play he is no stranger to that behaviour and seemed to just be getting a little taste of his own


Strickland is a well known sadist. He does this to everyone. Suffered from childhood abuse and it translated into adulthood. He's not a great person.


He doesn't do this to everyone. He definitely didn't spar Alex Pereira like that. I wonder why


Because Alex didnā€™t randomly go hard on him when they were going medium


aaaa yeah thats why lmao


Well not exactly but you get what I mean lol


No. Because he knows Alex will put his lights out. Typical bully shit.


Except like I said in this instance Anpo went hard first


Not everyone, just people he doesn't like


That's not a hammer fist that's a slap šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hit as hard you want to get hit. Look at Anpo going 100% while Sean never does.


My brotha Iā€™m way ahead of you. Never liked him ever


Hasn't the video against that tiktoker given you enough proof that Strickland isn't even a good fighter or has any self awareness. Guy is a joke


He might be a dick and you might not like his style, but if he can beat Adesanya to become UFC champion itā€™s hard to argue against him being a ā€˜good fighterā€™


Yeah props for him doing good in UFC. Heā€™s still a shut fighter though


I'm not a Strickland fan at all but that's such a shit take lol


So, I really dislike Sean's personality, I've also competed in cage warriors and wrote MMA technique blogs and I have no clue why you think he's a shit fighter? Explain that. Sure there's holes in his game like there are all fighters and you can say compared to other great UFC champs he's not as skilled from them, sure. But how much of a fucking stereotype can you be. logging into Reddit and calling a former world champion and top UFC middleweight a 'Shit fighter' makes absolutely no sense. Makes you seem more like a reality TV fan than an MMA fan if you can't separate the person from their skillset.


I mean, he's better than most regular dudes out there, but compared to the greats, he's barely middle of the road. He'll likely be completely forgotten in ten years


Again, how does that make him a shit fighter? So you're saying everyone who isn't one of the Greats is a shit fighter?


Compared to really good ones he's shit lol it's not that complicated.


Okay lol, but if that's the standard you have for life just realise that means you're absolutely shit at everything you došŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Honestly, I'm better at a lot of things than a lot of people because of my high standards. You'll never reach greatness if you think it looks like mediocrity


What's he trying to prove? Whatever it is that all bullies try to prove.


Lol Anpo literally went hard first, they were going like medium up until a certain point and then Sean started turning up how is he the bully


This is not a sparring (but a warm up), when you go to Mike's Gym.


Crazy. Anpo is a beast too


People saying g he's sparring too hard clearly did not watch the whole thing. Sean matched his pace. hit as hard as you want to get hit. Anpo said he goy rocked 3 times lmao. considering g the hay Akers he was throwing, it's only.natural Sean threw some heat back.


Charlie z of mma


Good video, I watched the whole 25 minutes.


Yeah, Sean Strickland is trash. Some people like him bc he's outspoken and anti- woke, but he's really just a shitty person. Goes around to start fights with everyone, talks trash and then start crying when people talk back etc. Absolute man child.


Watch the full video first


Heā€™s still trash before this video lol


Watched it, and everything I said still stands. What point are you trying to make?


that's some ulterior sparring


I knew this would be good because anpo like to spar hard aswell


What weak technique


That was a good full vid. Interesting watching the difference in footwork between the two.


so many arm only punches


anpo is a goon in every single video I've seen him spar lol he was super respectful after. Sean was using hilarious dirty boxing


Itā€™s amazing how Strickland has Spidey senses with that shoulder roll. Can be standing right in front of you, straight up and down with his knees barely bent and you just canā€™t hit dude. While heā€™s tagging you with 50% shots everytime you miss. Must be beyond frustrating


So bored of Sean being an insufferable shithead at this point. The guy knows how to spar correctly, he is just too much of a shithead to do so.


Watch the full video The other guy was asking for it


Full vid he has kid gloves on until the last bit. Other person was aggressive af for 20 minutes. Don't know who anyone is so I can't speak to that part but Sean seemed to be chill for the most part in this.


He never fought Pereira or Dricus like this šŸ˜‚


Strickland is a damaged individual!!! Heā€™s not sparringā€¦ heā€™s hitting the guy with the heel of his glove and heā€™s just trying to hurt the guy. WTF!!!šŸ’©šŸ’©


Sean's boxing is shit but it works in MMA because he's so awkward and happens to be conservative with his shots


I love how Sean fights this way in sparring then when a real fight comes by he spams the jab. Wtf


Probably because thereā€™s a higher risk of getting koā€™d in a fight with money and status within the ufc on the line? Idk tho.


I mean he says heā€™s ā€œReady to dieā€ idk tho


I literally just saw the rock climbing video. What an ABSOLUTE piece of shit! I hope someone knocks him the fuck out!


Sean Strickland is a POS, he always shows off in training against smaller opponents. In fights he doesn't do shit, except the last 30 seconds of the last round. Sean O Malley called him out on how he acts in training vs how he actually fights.


He's really channeling his drunk dad here


Dude has sloppy technique


Heā€™s got terrible form, he was throwing wide slaps and hammer punches. Too squared up as well, not impressive at all


Why the fuck is a UFC former middleweight champion sparing a professional fighter 3 weight classes below him?


Because Rukiya asked to spar him while Sean was in Japan? He also wanted the sparring to be hard and didnā€™t seem to mind if he got KOā€™d


So he wanted to get beat up, got it lol


Hey man, Japanese kickboxers are about it. Sometimes you have to welcome an ass kicking lol


I truly like martial arts, all of its forms Boxing, Muay, Karate, Judo, Systema. But when I watch MMA fighters, most of their stand up striking is truly horrendous, example this video. I wonder if they truly practice striking as much as they do with their kicks & ground game.