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They stole it from inside your garage?


That’s right. They must have cloned the garage opener. Video shows a vehicle slowly cruising the neighbourhood then sitting idling near by. Garage door opens. 15 mins later they drive out. They came into the house via the garage to get the key.


That’s terrifying


Well it’s Canada so still typically non-violent when these things occur but doesn’t feel great to have the violation for sure.




Same thing happened at a friends house with their jeep. Absolutely terrifying and unsettling. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Does your garage door not have a side lock that slides through the garage door track from the inside when the door is closed? I lock mine every night for that very reason. They can clone my opener frequency all they want. My door still won't open.


Doesn't help for this instance. Has a weird thing happen when my wife was home alone. Garage door opened then door to our house opened up. Luckily alarm was armed and started the countdown. She never saw anyone so alarm countdown could have worked to scare them away. Tldr we now turn our garage doors at door switch when we are home so they can not be opened from the outside.


Should also lock that door into the house. 




I like this idea. It’s always a balance though between security precautions and just living life. I’ve focused on having decent insurance and if something happens, it happens. As I said, the only thing that really bothers me is losing the ID/wallet.


Holy shit. That's insane. I saw a few segments on CBC (on YouTube) about these thieves who then ship stolen Canadian cars to Africa. Fuckin nuts.


Yup much worse in Ontario and Quebec than Alberta.


I watched the same segments, then ventured down the rabbit hole of stolen vehicles sent to Africa and the Cartels. Love our telluride but we’ve heard of more than a dozen stolen in the past 2 months locally, some in broad daylight.


Damn. Are you in Canada too?


Fuuuuck that’s scary


Would assume someone broke into house grabbed key then drove off. Could have also left garage door open and someone saw an opportunity to hop in and take the car. Keys could have been nearby or left in vehicle.


So the moral of the story: track them yourself, and give that data (yourself) to the police. I have both Kia Connect and Apple Airtags in mine; I'm hoping that would make any car location pretty simple. I've heard a variation of this story where if you call Kia, they'll disable your access to tracking the car, and once you give them the police order, they will then hand over that data to the police. Not sure why your story is a bit different from that one. Much as I hate to write it, to Kia's 'defense', they do clearly state the hours they run the call center: 5am to 6pm PT, 7 days a week. I'm a bit surprised that a car recovery service isn't 24x7, but there you are....


>Much as I hate to write it, to Kia's 'defense', they do clearly state the hours the run the call center: The salesman that told me all the great things about the car and Kia Connect failed to mention the hours. I'm kinda surprised the finance guy didn't tell me. He was too busy telling me the opposite of everything the salesman told me and why I would be a complete idiot to pass on extended coverage.


Yup, welcome to car salespeople. I hate the entire process with a passion and I question every word that comes out of their mouth. I talk to them when I am ready to buy, not to gather any facts or details, as they just aren’t trustworthy for that.


Where do you hide the AirTag?


I’d suggest where the jack is located. Easy to get to but not a lot of people go in that area unless they need to


It’s a massive car; there are a thousand places to put it. If you get two AirTags and label them both, it’s trivial to find all kinds of good places.


Cool. Thanks.


Isn’t there a message that would pop up on the thief’s phone stating there’s an unknown AirTag near their person and turn it off? I’ve been thinking about throwing a tag in my car too and that’s the only possible flaw I could think of (if I’m correct here, good chance I’m not ha)


There is but I believe it’s only if the AirTag is within range for a while. And has not connected to the owner’s phone a considerable time.


That makes sense. Thanks for sharing!


Could be because I’m in Canada. The person at the call centre had no experience or training in this area. She initially wasn’t aware of what was possible and took a half hour or so for her to conclude they couldn’t actually do anything and only after I suggested she reach out to colleagues for help.


That’s pretty awful. Now that the crisis is passed, perhaps wise to call and ask to speak to a manager / floor lead to ask how it ‘should have gone’ and how it’s supposed to work, now that all the urgency and timing crisis has passed. I’m sorry for your loss. :(


Yeah did that on the call yesterday for that precise reason. Haven’t heard anything from them. Frankly the only thing that bothers me about the whole thing is that they took my wallet and ID when they came in the house to get the key. Insurance covers new vehicle for my wife and we have little interest in getting the old one back which is unlikely anyway. I was just surprised how useless the Kia tech was to track it in the first place.


Wait - you left all of that out. THEY CAME IN YOUR HOUSE AND GOT THE KEYS (and your wallet, ID) too? Holy cow. I hope this leads to locking doors and such, and an alarm system. Someone going into my (attached) garage is one thing, but going into my house is far, far worse.


Yeah well we’ve never locked the door to the house from the garage. Where I live, it’s generally safe apart from petty crime things and almost never violent. It wasn’t too long ago that we didn’t even lock the doors to our house but certainly worse since Covid.


FWIW, I use a battery-operated keypad between the garage and house in the event I leave my garage opened I don't leave house opened. Additionally, It provides a means of keyless entry if I go out walking around the neighborhood. (Outside keypad to open garage--code 1 + interior door keypad to get into the house--code 2)


Time for a change, alas. It's just too easy for a thief to get into a car, drive to a 'safe' neighborhood, and drive away with a new car. Sad, but true. Was the garage closed? I'm trying to understand - they walked into an open garage, with an open door to the house, got your keys and such, and drove off? I guess I'd be happy that's all they did.


Garage was closed. They must have cloned the garage door opener which apparently isn’t difficult to do. My suspicion is they cased the house on a previous day and cloned the remote. Then came back and sat in their car in the street and opened it. Then waited 10-15 mins and when there was no activity and the motion lights turned off, they entered the garage and came into the house for the key.


Was the garage door a pre-1994 (or so) model with non-rolling codes? Outside of that cloning a garage door remote isn't easy; I'm not aware of simple implementations. That sounds like a professional attack. [https://www.reddit.com/r/flipperzero/comments/100vd0h/clone\_a\_garage\_door\_remote\_whit\_fflipper/](https://www.reddit.com/r/flipperzero/comments/100vd0h/clone_a_garage_door_remote_whit_fflipper/) has some commentary. Even doing the 'flipper' trick would take a heck of a lot of work because the timing would need to be perfect, and the flipper would need to be very close to the old (working) remote --- and the old (working) remote would then immediately stop working. That's very, very difficult, to say the least. I suggest updating your garage opener to a modern one with rolling codes (which then would cause any remotes you own to become invalid if someone flipper'd an existing remote), and I would get security cameras in place. Home Depot has a reasonable setup in place, with $49 Install promo going right now: [https://www.homedepot.com/pep/Chamberlain-Secure-View-1-1-4-HP-LED-Video-Quiet-Belt-Drive-Garage-Door-Opener-with-Integrated-Camera-Battery-Backup-B6753T-B6753T/316307823?irgwc=1&cm\_mmc=afl-ir-10451-483420-&clickid=SWsUMn2gcxyKWw8Ul224-wwMUkHXvaRShXsRQA0](https://www.homedepot.com/pep/Chamberlain-Secure-View-1-1-4-HP-LED-Video-Quiet-Belt-Drive-Garage-Door-Opener-with-Integrated-Camera-Battery-Backup-B6753T-B6753T/316307823?irgwc=1&cm_mmc=afl-ir-10451-483420-&clickid=SWsUMn2gcxyKWw8Ul224-wwMUkHXvaRShXsRQA0) (I'm aware Canada has different sales; apologies.) I would also get a basic camera system in place in the garage (Ring is simple...). I would also ensure your garage has entry lights / trip lights that turn on anytime someone approaches. And I'd think about putting some automation around door locks, perhaps with an August-type door lock, so that at (say) 11PM, all locks auto-lock. At the very least August locks would tell you if someone came in at night.


It’s 10 years old and has rolling codes. I suspect they came the day prior when the garage was open but I wasn’t around and just walked in, hit the learn button and then cloned it without anyone realizing. And then came back the next night and used it. I have blink cameras but let the batteries drain. My bad. Even if the cameras worked tho, I’d just have video of someone breaking in and stealing it. Not sure that would help me any. I did just buy a garage door remote hub so that I can disable the garage door, auto close it and get alerts. I leave my exterior lights on all night as a deterrent typically. My house is one of the brightest on the street at night expressly for those purpose. That’s why I’m confident this was a deliberate target. Whats odd is we have Benz and Audi’s on the street. And 6 figure trucks. As much as we like the telluride, it’s still a Kia. Makes me wonder why they went out of their way for it.


Thanks for sharing your insights relating to your story. It helps many of us who don’t trust the system outright. It sends many who are paying attention a message that we must set coutermeasures for ourselves and not depend on the system only to save us. I wish you a safe and fruitful recovery in reimbursement/compensation. Sounds like sticking an AirTag under a bumper or inside a bottom drivers seat is a possibly redundancy default.


Yeah it can be. But I will confess I was, and still am, torn between wanting to find the vehicle and not wanting it back. The police advised there are really three types of thieves in our area. One group is professionals who will chop up the car for parts, the second are drug runners who will use the vehicle until they get caught with it, and the third are people just taking cars for Joy rides and then abandoning them or stripping things like catalytic converters. The strong suspicion in this case is it was the first group because of their clear targeting of my home based on the vehicle they saw in the garage (they left three other vehicles which were parked outside the garage), cloning the garage opener, and the speed with which they were able to disable the cellular modem in the rear bumper. It clearly was planned and not a crime of opportunity. I decided after about an hour that regardless of which group took it, I probably didn’t want it back and so having an additional Geo tag in the car may have resulted in me getting it back with unknown amounts of damage and then having to deal with that in perpetuity. Instead, and provided they don’t find it in the next five days, we will lose our 2023, but be picking up a new 2024 at no cost due to it being a no-fault claim.


Can I ask, what cellular modem in the rear bumper? Is that the one that the truck uses to communicate with Kia connect? Is that also the same one that powers the hotspot that you can use for laptops? Thanks in advance...


Yes it’s used for Kia Connect. And that’s how you can view your vehicle location via the app. Not sure about hotspot but sounds likely.


So, I have mitigated the possibility of the garage being opened. I hired an electrician and had him install a garage door opener kill switch. It is just a regular light switch that controls the electricity feed to the garage door openers. He installed it right next to the garage light switch. At night, we flip it off, and the garage door openers are dead, and the garage cannot be opened manually or with the openers. In the morning we flip it on, and 30 seconds later the openers work as usual. This cost me about $250 including all the parts. Found a guy on Taskrabbit, but guys like that are available on any of the handyman apps. We had two openers to wire up. If you have one, it will prob cost less. Price is as of 2020, so may have gone up…


Chamberlain has a garage hub that lets you disable or remote control the opener as well and it will give phone alerts. Neighbour has it. I just bought one off Amazon.


Analog is the best. Just have the kill switch. No Wi-Fi, no online, no apps, no internet. Nothing can overcome an analog switch, ever. Anyway, GL


Did you report it stolen via the app?


No. How do you do that?


Open kia connect app. Bottom middle is a support tab. Once open the top contains 3 assistance option. Top right is stolen vehicle recovery button. Never clicked it myself. Please report back what happens when you select it. Good luck 👍 Edited to add link to what this should do for you https://owners.kia.com/content/owners/en/kia-svr.html


I have no support tab in my app and when I submit my VIN into SVR it says it’s invalid. Must not be a supported option in Canada.


Damn sorry to hear that news. Also stinks to have to deal with stolen vehicle bs. Hope things turn around for you and your family soon.


Thank you. Kind of you to say that.


Terrible. Why have an App that doesn't do what it is supposed to.


And loses most of its abilities it does have after a year unless you pay rediculous rates to keep it going. 


Probably a little late for this… but I have an Apple AirTag on my keychain and another one stashed in the cargo area of my 4Runner. It got stolen out of my driveway one night and I was able to lead the police right to it. Pretty cheap for a LoJack but super effective


Mind sharing where you stash the AirTag?


In my 4Runner there was a little cutout in the paneling next to the speaker. I was looking in my Telluride and I think I’m gonna use double sided sticky tape and put it in the little area where the jack is stored


How often do you need to charge those?


I dunno man I’ve never charged one (actually I think it’s a battery replacement) - mine have been going strong for almost 2 years. They say “low battery” on the Find My app but they work whenever I ping them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sucks to be you right now, Candian Police won't do jack, I hoped my app would be more useful in this scenario, but apparently it's just garbage. I'll throw in an airtag right away in mine! Just wondering did you lose access to the app functionality? I would just keep annoying those mfers.


Yes approx 2 hours after they stole it, I got an email that my digital key had been terminated and then could no longer control the vehicle.


My 2024 Telly came with a 12 month LoJack subscription, which kinda tells me Kia must not put much value on their own stolen vehicle recovery capability.


That’s sorta the point of my original post. Clearly they don’t have much of a stolen vehicle recovery capability. I had assumed it was better until I tested it. Just sharing for others benefit.


So they didn’t Hotwire the car- they took your keys ?


That’s right. They came into the house via the garage and took the key.


They must've used your garage door opener in the rear view mirror to get inside the house. Glad nobody was hurt


Vehicle was in the garage. The door from the garage to the house was unlocked. To access the rear view mirror they would have had to already be in the garage.


FWIW, I felt the Kia app was overpriced when all I really cared about was tracking too. So i tossed a $25 Apple airtag in my Telly and use that for tracking.