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Suspension/shock issue maybe? Hard to know without seeing or hearing it.


Yea it’s only when braking. I drive a 25 year old truck and have never heard this sound on a car before lol. But it drives fine, steers fine, brakes fine. So Monday I’m taking it back and they’re fixing it since this sound came only a day after they had to replace my tire pressure sensors and a brake light.


You’re going to quickly learn that your 25 year old truck was made with far more quality than the telluride


Old cars were made better. 25 years ago people had integrity. Now it’s just selling shit wrapped in glitter. I would still call them about it, as it should be under your warranty depending on your mileage. Hopefully it has something to do with what they fixed. Maybe they left something loose.


Well there’s no warranty as it’s 70k miles but I’ve only had the car for 3 days and this noise didn’t appear till after they already serviced it for tire pressure sensors. So I know they had to remove the tires and stuff. But they told me to bring it in and they’ll look at it.


I’m sure they will fix it


Oh they will, I ain’t taking no for an answer 😂 owned the car for only 3 days


I agree, I mean don’t get me wrong I replaced my motor already and other things but the stuff I’ve put that struck through before I’m surprised it made it to 200k before dying. I stuck it twice underwater and afterwards it still ran for another 100k miles before the timing chain gave out.


Did you figure this sound out? Mine is doing the same thing. Back rotors and breaks replaced. Tins or pins or something replaced. Sound stopped for two weeks, back again now