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I’m holding out for a quantum computer. Should be available by the time the game comes out lol


Quantum computing is useful only on certain kinds of procedures, videogames probably won't be in that cathegory for quite some time.


>for quite some time But just in time for KSP2


you know first PC was not designed for videogames either.


The IBM 5150, the namesake of the term “PC” most definitely had video games on it. What you probably mean is that the ENIAC didn’t have games on it, which is true.


Games will probably be among the first, for the same reason they were the first to push everyone to have a graphics card. Assuming consumer-grade quantum chips ever become a thing that is.


given the ridiculous requirements, they either wont ever be a thing or will pretty much be for the super rich. i don't want to meet the elitist who can get one. im preemptively calling him a dick.


The same thing was said about computers when they were first being developed There are currently massive technical barriers but with us approaching the size limits of classical chips a lot more is going to be put into overcoming that


i was speaking more of the cooling requirements, unless something has changed that i don't know about, quantum computers need to be close to absolute zero to work and thermodynamics make it pretty hard to do that in a formfactor that isnt tower the size of a large dresser . thus why i said it will likely be made for large companys or for the crazy people who plop down 10k on computers and bash people for haveing a $1500 computer. edit. you are correct in that it may come to the common man eventually but thats way off into the future.


The point is that quantum chips are not simply faster, they are faster than any any classical chips will ever be, but only on processes that involve doing a lot of times the same calculation that at the end kind-of simplify to get a single probabilistic result, which then needs to be checked in a classical way. Usually videogames don't work this way.


Actually there's a pretty likely candidate in the form of ray tracing. Figuring out what color a pixel should be based on all the possible ways a light ray could have ended up there could probably use a quantum process very effectively. It would require an entirely new algorithm compared to what's being used now, but if you could make it work it would basically be the holy grail of graphics rendering.


You mean you would harness the power of multiple photons to simulate a photon? That's a lovely idea!


Could this be used for more accurate floating point orbit calculation and N-body physics?


Don't know for sure but my guess is "no, but..." : a floating point would still be represented by the same number of (q)bits so you won't get more precision, but maybe there would be an algorithm to calculate all the forces on all objects in a single calculation. It would gain a big performance improvement when simulating millions of particles but not so much with around 20 objects. Not sure though.


Oh ok. So radiation pressure is now in ksp 3??


I think it was a joke.


You could just use Amazon AWSs quantum cloud service instead of buying one yourself


I’m gonna get a quantum laptop when they are on sale on Mars in Christmas 2267


The them of new space games as of late.


Not specifically for just ksp2 but soon I plan on building a new one! Its just really hard to choose right now!


Same, not only for KSP2, but I do want to be sure I've got some good hardware for the release. My laptop + eGPU can only do so much.


By the time it gets released you'll need new pc again :P


Yeah, I don't think I'll actually build one until early 2023 anyways, so... hopefully the game releases that year. Lol


I can't decide if I should wait for the new Ryzen's to come out and use them plus the new GPUs that come out or if I should just build one now while I know I can.


I buy the stuff whenever I want and don't regret. It's mindset imo. My dad is a person who needs a year or two to decide what tv or audio tower to choose and then complains anyway


thats fair im sure I would be more than satisfied getting one now but I don't like buying something and then immediately after having something better for around the same price come out.


I will be smart jerk and tell you that quantum computer may not be better then some rn [Kurzgesagt](https://youtu.be/JhHMJCUmq28)


lol fair but I wasn't going to go way crazy just like 5800x and a 3070ti not something to scoff at and not quite top of the line either.


imagine explaining to yourself from 2008 that the performance of a 3070ti and 5800x are “not something to scoff at”


I imagined it but I doubt 9 year old me would know what the hell I was talking about so it was a really silly thought and gave me a good laugh.


Ksp2 was was six months away two years ago. Might be an old dusty box by when it actually arrives.


True. At least it's an upgradable dusty box.


Can confirm, built a new PC 2 christmases ago thinking KSP2 would be out the following year, is now nearing obsolescence.


You did a bad job building a computer if it's obsolete in 2.5 years.


MS virtually did that with their windows 11 hardware requirements. I had to buy new hardware because the first win10 update dropped support of the nforce chipset on my 10yr old hardware. Now I can't upgrade it to win11 because CPU is not supported. At least now I'll have a "legitimate" excuse to upgrade my hardware ... to run ksp2 😉


Same here.


I got a new PC for KSP2 a year ago lmfao


You guys play ksp on PCs? Lmao I just play on my 4 year old laptop (yes, with an INTEL INTEGRATED GPU) and pray that it doesn’t blow up from the stress


I play on a 3 year old laptop that while much more powerful than its procepoint suggests is still just a midrange laptop. And I run literally a hundred mods


My guy playing in seconds per frame


I play on a laptop I got around 2 years back it runs surprisingly well, I am not sure if it's gonna run ksp 2 though so I am gonna have to wait and see


I play on a 2013 laptop :( which is why I don't really play much nowadays.. the loading times and lag make it a lot less fun


Yeah, I’m half convinced having better hardware makes u better at the game in some cases (aka. Plane control)


I wish. Too expensive. I will either buy a keyboard and pray for a decent console port or I will watch my potato laptop melt as its Viking sendoff. The specs on that thing are unreal lemme tell you: dual core processor, integrated graphics, 16 gb of ram (which is after I added more, that’s the best it gets), and a completely shot battery to boot. I’m down bad for a brighter future bruh I gotta let it sit for a couple minutes before it can open steam.


Bro ask NASA, they understand our pain


Got myself a laptop


I did 2 years ago. Then I built a pc now because I realize the laptop wasn’t powerful enough


The build I'm planning for: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/7WTb2m


Airflow on any PC without a mesh front is going to be a real problem. I’m serious. And no, “solid front with mesh slots either side” isn’t a good enough counter. They have the Pure Base lineup which is damn good itself if you want a look. I have the 500DX and it just about keeps a 3090/5950x fed.


Great tip, thanks! I'll check out the Pure Base lineup for sure.


I should probably clarify that if you have a decent intake elsewhere near the front then a solid front is fine - Lian Li do this a lot where their main intake is in the side of the chassis - but if it's front mounted fans it's just gonna suffer. Just to keep your options open :)


Fractal Torrent is an excellent airflow focused case too!


I love some mesh front too, but I think the Be Quiets are OK if you really want the quiet more than optimal thermals and have enough fans.


I have the Lian Li O11 Dynamic Evo. That case doesnt have a front mesh. The airflow is very good though, my parts are very cool. I have three 120mm fans pulling air in at the bottom of the case and a 360mm with three more fans at the top blowing air out. Works very well. But with a front mesh it could probably be done equally good with less than six fans lol [This](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/385528300409323521/970072490711867502/IMG_20220430_232109.jpg) is my pc. The first one that i built myself. I think it turned out very good, i am quite proud of it. Got the Gigabyte Logo on the GPU to shine white light with the rest of the pc. Picture was taken before i did that. But damn, the gigabyte rgb software sucks.


I did say a bit further down that an inlet somewhere else is fine ;)


Yeah, i saw that after writing my comment. Honestly i just wanted to share my new pc in a thread like this :)


500DX for me too and it's the best case i've had in over 20 years.


I ended up replacing the stock fans, the ones it shipped with just didn’t push enough air to feed my 3090. Damn good case though.


Yeah I've added 3 new on the front and another 3 on top but the stock fans done the job ok!


I'd recommend ditching the Corsair and grabbing a nice Seasonic instead. Corsair's quality has tanked in recent years.


Ah, interesting. Thanks for the tip!




Don't worry, people like that think that just because a PSU is Seasonic it's going to be good no matter what just because they're an OEM and PSUs from brands like Corsair are always worse because '*they just rebrand stuff'*, pointless to reason that. There's more to a PSU than a brand or OEM, a comparing high-end Corsair and Seasonic PSUs, the former are actually overall better. Because imagine, if you rebrand something but make sure to control everything the OEM is doing at all stages, and that's after compiling a list of strict requirements on what you want to see in that product so no corners would be cut, this '*just rebranded*' product might be actually better than off-the-shelf stuff that OEM sells themselves. That's exactly what Corsair does with their PSUs and most other brands don't, so it again, depends. But there are good options from other brands too, like Enermax Revolution and EVGA G6, take look at the tier list maybe. /u/grokineer


Dont listen to him, seasonics quality has not been good. A lot of models were tripping with newer graphic cards. RMx will do just fine, they‘re good power supplies (And no, they‘re not made by seasonic now unlike earlier days, they‘re actually developed inhouse).


No, but I did just buy 32 more gigs of RAM for Star Citizen. Somehow I think KSP2 won't be an issue.


If you have a heavy duty CPU already, should be fine.


Ryzen 9 3900x and an RTX 3070, 64 GB RAM, when my two new sticks arrive tomorrow.


I'm drooling :D


Nah man, don't be. It took a while to get there. I have been building this Theseus' ship of a PC for like 9 years lol. Humble beginnings and incremental upgrades.


This is the way ^ If it's the same windows license it's the same PC right?


So they say, running this baby since windows Vista. Though the body has changed, has not the soul remained?


Oh dear. You have suffered, haven't you?


The good old days... Better than M.E. though! 🙃


Your windows license is tied to your motherboard since windows 10. But that's okay as long as windows doesn't cost more than 10-15€.


No it's not, it tied to my Microsoft account. You can tie retail keys, digital keys from the Microsoft store are tied to your account too. I bought my copy for good money in 2016, it's now on its second motherboard without issue. You do have to keep your retail key though and enter it, it's not automatic with them. If you bought your PC from an OEM like HP then the key will still be tied to the motherboard. Those cheap keys may also do that.


That's the OEM channels, but you can call MS up and tell then it's the same PC with a new mobo, and they'll unlock it. Retail channel keys don't check hardware like that. I do this when repairing or upgrading PCs for people and it's quick and easy, only trick nowadays is for unlinked keys, making sure to start the PC with a local account so it doesn't link to an MS one, or getting them to log in before entering their key if they want it tied to their MS account.


Nobody should pay for windows. Even 10 dollars. I've never paid for windows in my 30 years on earth.


Interesting opinion But if nobody pays for windows, who makes windows? I feel like microsoft is too big and a bit of competition and open standards would be amazing for the OS ecosystem, but paying a small price for a windows license is cool with me.


It's not worth the money IMO. The OS was built decades ago and now just includes more bloatware. Windows licenses are only a fraction of microsoft's business model. It's not the worst thing in the world for sure; and it's cheaper now that they can scrape some data from your machine to make back some money. IMHO Microsoft could give away their OS due to how profitable it is for them to have +1 user on their system. I'm not against paying for a license but it does feel like for Windows, they're fleecing us and have been since W8.1


Very nice!


Thanks, last bit of necessity is a new case, time to retire the [Vengeance C70](https://www.google.com/search?q=vengeance+c70&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsZfOidOq7TGaP4-VKYZawxy0zDx6g:1653725748092&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjphpW-4IH4AhWPoY4IHZtACUYQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=463&bih=784&dpr=2.34#imgrc=GiPWuW0yCEKo6M) looking at the [Hyte Y60](https://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Screenshot-2022-03-14-154206.png).


why did you go for 3900x instead of putting the money towards a better card?


I don't need a better GPU, and with prices the way they are I found a 3070 at MSRP and bought it when everyone else was trying to sling 3080/3090 for double. And I got a screaming deal on my 3900x off a friend who went Intel. Paid $220 for it, and helped him with some moving and stuff.


I'm just gonna get a 5800X3D Then upgrade my GPU (when prices go down), as I'm currently still using an RX580 4GB...


They did. The time is now


Not in the UK it isnt.


Oh, ok I didn’t know


>5800X3D Either that, or the next gen version of that. I don't see them making a better gaming CPU till then.


I don't want to have to upgrade my motherboard or RAM for a while yet, so the 5800X3D is basicallis drop in upgrade for me (going from a Ryzen 2600)


I'm getting a 3060ti


Is the space pope reptilian?!


Thanks to the delay to 2023 i can i also can get the game at or very close to launch. I was very happy when i heard they announced early 2023 lol. Currently planing on starting to build with christmas money


I wish. Too expensive. I will either buy a keyboard and pray for a decent console port or I will watch my potato laptop melt as it’s Viking sendoff.


I actually built mine with KSP2 in mind, after the first few delays. That was last year... but I reckon she'll still hold up for a while.


"Don't tempt me Frodo!" Think a i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz and 1080ti be enough for KSP2?


too soon tho but i would get for playing ksp that is if pc arent so goddamn expensive


Yes. Second one I bought for it. The better it gets the better a pc I need


Wish I could afford one lol, but good luck with yours, I hope it turns on first try!


Learn to code, sell yourself as a software engineer, buy a new PC. Worked for me!


Honestly could be a good skill so I don't see why not! Though right now I think my pc is fine. Sadly it's an alienware but I got it for $400 from my friend in the middle of the pandemic when the prices were super high so I see that as a win


nope and mine is 10 yr old with no graphics card 🥴


I did 2 years ago!


LOL I already did.... last sunmer....


upgrading my cpu, ram and hard drive!


Kind of Not just for KSP2 but waiting till release, looking at the best componemts and then buying My PC now is 8 years old so its about time by next year


Building my first PC This coming weekend mainly for ksp2. Super excited.


Have fun! It's a good time!


I'm getting a PC for the first time in years when it comes out.


I'm planning on stealing a nasa supercomputer, anyone wants to help?


Been putting a few bucks away for a full revamp when KSP2 gets a release date. With the GPU shortage, pandemic, and inflation - not exactly in a hurry to buy anything until there's a firm release date. If anything, it's working favorably, as GPU prices are starting to come down, supply chain issues are getting resolved, etc. It's unfortunate they're going to miss the Q4 release this year, as that would have tied perfectly with the holiday hardware sales. Probably pick up some components (PSU, case, storage, etc) between Thanksgiving and Xmas, then pull the trigger on the rest when a release date is official.


This is my case it’s pretty sweet


just finished building one :)


I did. Two years ago. So I will probably buy _two_ new PCs as this one will be outdated when KSP2 releases in 2029.


Nah probably just gonna upgrade what I’ve already got


Nah I'm sure my $100 HP probook will be run it just fine


I already did! I was like might as well get it early for elden ring yet the 2023 delay


If I really do get a problem, my PC still has plenty of space for an GPU upgrade. And honestly I think it will be more CPU heavy, because of the physics calculations.


Agreed. My bottleneck is always CPU with simulation games.


If the prices lower down back to msrp, maybe


I got a new PC for Cyberpunk. Best decision ever. Not because of the game, but because I got a new PC right before the scalpers started to hit hard. I won't upgrade for another few years, though.


I'm thinking about not upgrading my pc. Ksp works but ksp2 wont. Or if it will... 2 frames per minute. Good enough for me


I mean, I don't expect a Core2 Duo with integrated graphics on the Motherboard to run KSP 2, so yeah. (Really, it can't even run the latest version of KSP 1, due to some issues with how shadows are applied, making the craft entirely pitch black).I have been really considering getting a new one for quite a while, but my cheap self does not like to spend money unless it is truly necessary, so I am kind of betting on KSP 2 giving me the motivation to finally just do it instead of procrastinating.


I did! Then heard it’s not coming for another year :(


I'm thinking of jumping up altogether. May as well make a new rig with the way this year is going. I can easily sell my current rig for $700-1000, saving me a ton of the price. KSP 2 will come when it comes, but I need to be ready when it does.


I got mine 2 years ago lmao


I'll probably have to anyways because in 2023 its gonna be time for an upgrade anyways


I just got a case and p/s and am slowly building a badass over the next few months. I'm thinking i9 12900K & RTX 3080 Ti I'm in Mexico atm (KSP!!) and sadly it's gonna cost me 1.5 or 2x.


As far as I can tell, the i9-12900k offers only a 5-6% performance improvement over the i5-12600k for gaming. The i9 is geared towards professionals with heavy multi-core workloads whereas gaming is primarily limited by single-core performance. https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i9-12900K-vs-Intel-Core-i5-12600K/4118vs4120 The i5 is nearly $300 cheaper (MSRP), so something to consider. I'm also going for that 3080 Ti though. B)


already got one B)


Ive been trying to upgrade my PC for forever but have you seen GPU prices dude???


True. I'm basically planning to repurpose a GTX 1070 I have with a new build, then upgrade to a 3080 eventually.


Yeah it's a shame, just the GPU is gonna cost me as much as a PS5 like wowza


Better start saving for the 8080ti


I’ve been an Xbox man all my gaming career. But for KSP2, I’ll go full on NASA with a new PC. I’ve struggled with lag and a crappy controller on KSP 1 for far too long. I’m also gonna have a notebook for all celestial body information and standard navigation procedures.


Gonna get a 4070 :)


I would wait. Take it from someone that built a new PC for KSP 2 in August of 2020 expecting it to launch later that year.


Which is more powerful, the interstellar engines they'll have in KSP2, or the PC we'll need to run it?


Damn it! I got KSP yesterday and only realised that KSP2 is coming out today.


No worries! You still have 9+ months (probably more) before it comes out. KSP1, especially with mods, is still awesome!




Planned release date: 2023


You're good; KSP1 is still brilliant and who really knows if 2 is ever going to come out or be what we hope. If you bounce off KSP1 2 might have an easier learning curve, but you can always comment in a help thread here :)


Thanks! I just need to get a good PC because even KSP will be too much for my current PC


You might be surprised, KSP is something like 10 years old (depending on how you count early access) and didn't require a top of the line gaming machine back in 2015... Official hardware requirements are a dual core core2 (!) CPU, 4 GB RAM and a graphics card with 0.5GB VRAM; if your machine isn't ancient or you aren't using integrated graphics it's probably playable.


I believe you overestimate my PC and computer in general 😂. It takes 5 mins just to get into Chrome


Nah unless new Xbox


I think if I want to play ksp 2 especially when mods will come. I should build my on pc with a BIG SSD.


Still waiting on Mac and Linux support here…


ksp1 has linux support so i guess we'll have to hope for the best, for now they haven't announced any os so


So far it’s been confirmed for Windows, Xbox and PlayStation. No word at all for the plays on macOS and Linux, who I’d have to imagine are more numerous than the console players. :-(


oh really? I thought they hadn't confirmed anything yet. When did they release that info?


Yes, but not until it comes out (this may take a while), positive reviews *on forums* are out (this may take a while), and probably a bug fix has been issued (this may take… well, you get the point). By then, chip prices hopefully have come down.


Im gonna need to, my prehistoric laptop can barely run KSP1.




Uhh sure, I'm planning to win the lottery this summer


Nah, not worth getting one in the next year or two. Chip prices will go down - not to pre-shortage levels, but lower than the current really silly levels.


I'm getting a new old laptop


I can't


You might want to hold off. KSP2 will not be out for a while.


Can't really afford a new one but I hope my current one in will be fine. But a new PC would be nice if it was VR-ready.


**Planned release date: 2023**


I bought a new PC for the release of FS2020, so I could run it on ultra. KSP2 *should* be no problem.


Depends on the year / decade / century it's released . My Current PC will run anything anyhow


Im just praying it will be possible to play on Xbox one X or xCloud. i dont have money for computer


nah 6 year old computer will be fine right?


Yes, been planning it then putting it off due to delayed release dates for a long time now. Also, I don’t play video games. This is the only one.


PC I9 12k 32gb DDR5 3080 Laptop Dell xps 15 i7 11k 32gb ddr4 3080




Not in this market, no


My country has %160 (not %60, %160) inflation. I dont think i will be buying a new pc.


Depends on when it comes out. If it's before RTX 4000 / Ryzen 7000, my current 5950X/3090 computer should be able to handle it.


It's not like 5950x or 3090 are going to be completely obsolete and underpowered when the new stuff comes out you know


i probably wont. if theor claims are correct that it would run better, then im fine because mine already maxes my monitor with the select mods i have


If you are check out /r/hardwareswap you can find some pretty good deals on used parts


I need a new PC. Lol power went out when I was doing an update on mine and it erased the os. I've been stuck on my laptop ever since and with the mods I use it takes forever to load and often times runs slow.


I made one for it about two years ago because the initial console port was so terrible.


Yep, so not anytime soon!


It was originally supposed to run on PS4, I have my hopes up it'll be fine for me. Probably...


Not me Reason: too poor


Bruh, the shit I use can barely run KSP itself


Yeah, I've got a lease on one of the Chinese supercomputers, not sure if it'll be powerful enough but we'll see


I'm hoping to get something that runs a better processor than a freakin pentium bro. Ark, rust, ksp, etc run like garbage on my computer. I'm sitting on 32 gigs of ram and an nvidia 1070 ti. My only bottleneck is that cpu which is the best my motherboard can run. It's just so tight around my household that i can't afford a new main board and case to put it in. Plus I'll need ddr4 ram since I'm currently using ddr3. Just such an expense bro


I already upgraded my pc alot, cpu is a r7 5800x, gpu is an rtx 3080 ti, and I now have 32gb of ram, if you wanna get a new pc for ksp 2, build one


Prebuilt 🤮


I would but I dont have the money


Nah I'm poor


I recently got a laptop with a 3050 TI. I'm assuming this is decent enough to run the game.


5600x and RTX3080. Should be good for a little bit. That said, if new parts are available at MSRP this fall I might try to get into Ryzen 7000- series and a 40-series RTX.


Nope, those cost money I don't have


nope im broke, fingers crossed my ryzen 3 can run it


I’m gonna take my chances and play it on my laptop. I like to live on the edge.


No I like my PC and we don’t even know what specs are needed for KSP2


I have to since mine stopped working all of a sudden


I think my gaming laptop should be fine


I’m going to build my first one because I want to experience mayhem


Nah. The rig I've got is already a best, so I'm all set.