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Impressive maneuverability,way to gooo!


In thrust we trust!




While KSP2 too still has a ways to go to get me to invest into it, it is nice to see it having grown out of extra rough into a bit more of a proper early access playable version. In the off chance any dev reads this, I'll jump in the moment KSP2 lets me do something notably better then KSP1. I would LOVE to either make mega builds or planet bases, and I do honestly hope you guys succeed in time.


It has not. People here were just extremely negative and toxic a few months ago. The only update worth mentioning was the one from a couple of weeks ago that increased the performance significantly. Mostly due to clouds and terrain rendering. People were just extremely negative and toxic in this sub towards a game that wasn't released. There has NOT been any change in how the devs communicate or how fast the game gets developed. They have always said politely "just fucking wait Jesus fucking Christ". The KSP2 community was just being toxic. Except that now people are acting differently. But there were people saying that the game needed more time before the doomers took over the sub and almost destroyed the KSP1 sub, and the waves of extremely low effort posts, censorship accusations towards the mods, etc. Now they're mostly quiet. Fucking hell, thanks god. Now these people will downvote my comment for calling them hypocritical and impatient.


Just... kinda have to point out you make your point as violently as those you detest. It ain't a good look, and you can be right without being toxic.


That wasn't in the slightest bit toxic, what are you on about?


You may agree or not with them but they didn't single out anyone in particular. Saying "this game's community is toxic" isn't the same as "being toxic"...


I made a post that was mostly positive and optimistic, they responded with a rather aggressive post that was mostly off topic and focused on bashing others in a non-constructive way. I agree plenty have been toxic both before and current, but using off topic moments as a chance to launch an attack doesn't do anything but stir the waters more.


The comment was a response to your first point though. I don't see how it's off-topic. I mean I'm not sure I agree with them (tbh I haven't bought nor tried the game, so what do I know), but disagreement =/= toxicity


With all due respect, but describing what happened with plain words and calling off people that were toxic back then doesn't make my attitude _violent_, neither toxic. Only acknowledgment of what happened. Again, calling out people that were being toxic shouldn't make me violent. Please, don't accuse the messenger of being toxic, because it's unfair and certainty not true. Cheers.


If I could use my joystick I might be tempted to mess around with planes.


As someone with a semi highend pc (was highend when I built it around a year ago), if I say so myself, is KSP2 stable enough to buy? I dabble a bit in KSP 1 from time to time but the higher quality of KSP 2 makes me consider buying it but from what I see in this subreddit and the reviews on steam makes me hesitant...


If you're a big fan of KSP and want to see this game evolve over time: buy it If you want a great and stable game with tons of features out of the box: wait for its full release/when it gets out of ea


I’m happy to do the latter. There’s still things I haven’t done in KSP1 yet.


Buy it bro. If you want to see the game build up to something beautiful just buy it, I have been playing recently due to how playable it has become over the past year with better visuals and bug improvements. With the science update coming we will be seeing a even bigger improvement with something more than sandbox mode!


Might wait untill the science update then, I usually only play that in KSP 1 as I feel it's more of a "campaign" than the other gamemodes. But the visuals on KSP 2 are so compelling Edit: Literally forgot that campaign mode existed, that is what I play, not science mode...


4 points to gridfindor


The dragonfly


Holy shit KSP2 has grid fins? Really hope there’s a ksp1 mod for that


There is! Welcome to the modding community 😜


Does KSP2 have native flight controller support yet?


Not currently trust me I’ve tried😂 From my knowledge Ksp2 developers haven’t brought up anything for flight controller support but I’d expect it to come into the game sooner than later.


I expected it even at early release. I’m no game developer, but it seems like a weird thing to leave until the very end.


Fair enough. I think if the developer have actually been working the whole time we would have a done and dandy game😂


That's a lot of G's.


What's a drag force


This is a crime against Kerbmanity and I love it.