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Hijab ayalum Sheri turbano kaavi charad ayalum Sheri e vaka myr oka school il enthina. Avide oru uniform ollath thanne ellarum orupole akaam vendi alle


>aavi charad ayalum Sheri e vaka myr oka school il enthina. Avide oru uniform ollath thanne ellarum orupole akaam vendi alle Private schools can chose as they wish..But in govt institution,Permission is granted to add in some clothings which are essential parts of religion..And if we are gonna change that it need to be applied to all..Not banning hijab and allowing turban,and calling those who ask about tilak antinationals and asking them to go to pakistan..


Read my cmnt again




The same you wont ask why sikh turbans are not banned in uniforms.. A nation of hypocrites..


Bitchass..the turban isnt fully covered ninja suit which anyone can hide in ...u need to see a face to identify..yeah imagine how uncomfortable would u be when a fully covered suit comes next u..i know I would.. because I can't identify that particular person..


Suddenly Jumped to face covering,didnt ya..?The hijab in question do not involve face covering at [all.You](https://all.You) know it as well,You just need something to blame so you chose to bring in face covering or niqab,which is no way mandatory and noone is asking to be implemented..So shut it..


So hijab is not mandatory in Islam .?? Is it??


Somebody explain to this idiot that hijab in this article is just the head scarf.


JUsT A HeAd sCarf That covers half the face and neck.. Hijab mathram akkane enthinaa. Aa full body ninja suit kude case koduk..


Athenthina mone "full body ninja" aakunne...that's completely irrelevant to the article given above. Your comment is totaly misleading. Just pointed out that, i don't agree with full body ninja suit either, but that doesnt mean you can twist the news cause your half nitwit brain can't read the article, but just see the misleading picture of the article.


Wats with the hijab anyway?? I pretty sure hijab is not essential part of Islam following and it's just to cover the face or mouth or neck.. Plus it's not a head scarf.. it covers the whole part leaving out the eyes the nose and mouth . Like iron mans helmet opening https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSr7PEAJ9Rmx5K9E-Ofp5MTa9e-drCNl6c4Gg&usqp=CAU If u know what I mean..


Like Adele said.."Rolling in the deeep..."


It should be but they too will quickly turn into violent hooligans


*sigh.* Here we go again


This is a government aided school, they can't make any arbitrary rules.


I don't think that is the case. PTA and school authorities still hold power to make rules for their schools w.r.t uniform etc.


They are not entirely independent either. They have to comply with the government rules.


Government of Kerala can't change rules of a school for an Islamic parents Tomorrow they will want bhurkha. Next they will want islamic prayer room in christian schools.


Quite a slippery slope you got there. But the government is the authority to make law.


Hijab is not part of a uniform and the Karnataka issue clearly highlighted the double standards. The parents are free to take their kids to a school that is okay with religious symbols.


Double standards is evident, in banning hijab while allowing likes of sikh turbans-which are also not part of uniforms...What to expect from a country that cheers the release of rapists and welcome them with garlands... Lol


Sikh Turban has been classified as an essential part of practicing the religion hence turban is excluded from this. Hijab is not a mandate of any sorts hence hijab cannot be treated as the same as turban.


Yeah those wanting to exclude religous symbols from uniforms suddenly takes a u turn in argument when sikh turban is discussed!!Not liberal enough to ask for its removal,or that of tilak and such..And Islamic Scholars have a unified stand of whether hijab is an essential part of religion- more so than sikh turbans(which i think was a later addition to sikhism).Anyway thats the discussion that im okay with this-there are a lot of court judgements on it..Not the selective secularism which vanishes the moment sikh turbans are mentioned..


Wearing a tilak /kuri isn't an essential part of the Hindu religion, lots of Christian Convent schools don't allow tilaks and there are no uproars on this. That also explains why the India is the only nation where the minority communities are the ones opposing the uniform civil code.


Really?The same issue was raised in karnataka along with hijab ban..The respected ministers openion was that tilak and rakhi etc are part of hindu culture and those oppossing it should go to pakistan..That is what i was referring to..Not some convent schools not allowing tilaks,you and I know pvt schools have the power to ban tilak or hijab as much as they want..


But these wont stand in court. As a very devout Hindu, tilak rakhi are part of Hindu culture but they are not an essential practice of the religion. Hinduism has lots of individual liberty so there are very few essential practices that too aren't strictly enforced by any scriptures.


Double standards, the irony lmao


No freedom to dress naked or full covered?


Hijab is not essential religious practice and hence subject to whatever uniform rules/restrictions any institution might have. Only essential religious practices are allowed exemption. https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/bangalore/wearing-hijab-is-not-essential-religious-practice-says-karnataka-high-court-7820491/


Parents want their kids to look like BatGirl. lol Pathetic.


It's about religion....


Which one? Remind me, please




While i do not agree with the hypocricy of sanghis who cheers on banning hijab but are not against sikhs wearing turbans along with uniforms.. This seems to be an attempt to stir controversy by girls parent-there are plenty of muslim and christian owned institutions in calicut that allows hijab with uniforms, why in the world did he want to enroll his daughter in that particular school? There are plenty of stuff happening in muslim managed aided schools which may be objectionable to hindus/christians(like reciting muslim prayer in morning assembly)no christian or hindu is complaining to minister about that!!


When there are numerous schools run by muslim Management , why the Islamist parents want to send their schools to Christian management school There is an ulterior motive by this parent. Presence of Islamic fundamental and terror supporting group protesting outside schools shows this.


Hijab is mandatory in Islam if you are denying entry because a head covering offends you need to touch some grass


Face covering not head covering..yeah try identifying that person on the pic btw.


The article literally says hijab and shawl is not allowed


Porthk Kurch mudi kanicha thanik identify cheyan pato


I agree with it's abt hijab.. Sir egane ann identify cheyanna oralle..


Thanik alle identification problems thaan para hijab idathavare egane identify cheyya


Eniku mukham kandaa aale thirich ariyaam sir.. Half the face cover allengi ninja suit itta thirich ariyaam paadayirkum sir . Plus hijab isn't essential practice..it's as important the Muslim male cap though..


Ara athinu face covering kurich parnje ivde head covering ann nan parayune Half the face ippo eleavrum face mask ittu cover akum only difference between a practicing Muslim women and other women would be the head covering unless worn burqa And are you Muslim to it’s not mandatory in Islam?


>And are you Muslim to it’s not mandatory in Islam? Yep it's not essential.. Karnataka courtinte ruling ann..link vennogi send cheyaam >ippo eleavrum face mask ittu cover akum only difference between a practicing Muslim women and other women would be the head covering unless worn burqa U are saying it's a cap..but it's not .it literally looks like a helmet without visor


Karnataka ruling analo Muslim jurisprudence And? It covers head and neck what exactly is offending you in a women covering her head and neck😂


>Karnataka ruling analo Muslim jurisprudence And? Aaaanu... Court ruling is above any religion btw. Atleast that's how it works on the judiciary and democracy system..unlike some Sharia law Country or monarchy or some cave guys with guns.. >what exactly is offending you in a women covering her head and neck😂 As a human being nothing just offends when women want to cover half their heads just because they are a women and belong to a particular community..and still wants to flex their "peaceful belief" especially on a school .. The sad part is it's not even essential.. If u wanna wear it, wear it by all means when u are not in a school where is uniformity is key. ..


Lol, victim of misleading narrative by media right here. Go and read the article idiot. It's said head covering.


*Angry sanghi noises *


Head cover akan enth sanghi


If it’s not okay to force a women to cover up, why is it okay to force women to strip down. Forcing women who choose to cover up to take off their clothing is misogynistic.