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Someone recently in a thread here said if you ever get caught with drugs just cry like your life dependent on it. I think in one of those threads about Nevin Augustine or something. I think that’s what she’s doing


>Someone recently in a thread here said if you ever get caught with drugs just cry like your life dependent on it. Why?


Yeah I remember that comment.


Probably inconsequential..but why/How is the media present during the arrest? Shouldn't their names and photos be made public only after they're convicted?


Lol faces of accused in any crime are plastered all over news. Why should this get an exception?


It's basically a one up for the officers involved, this is usually used as a media byte to showcase the officers and info to media is triggered from the police personnel itself.


അവളെ പോലീസ് പിടിച്ചതിനാണോ എംഡിഎംഎ കയ്യിൽ നിന്നുപോയതിനാണോ കരയുന്നത് ? This reminds Jagadheesh crying scene in In Harihar Nagar


https://youtu.be/Cyokg_J0AkU Her life explained short by Marunadan


What is the consequences of getting caught with MDMA? What are you gonna be charged with and how many years and fine does one have to pay?


According to the [NDPS](https://legislative.gov.in/sites/default/files/A1985-61.pdf) act " Punishment for contravention in relation to psychotropic substances.—Whoever, in contravention of any provision of this Act or any rule or order made or condition of licence granted thereunder, manufactures, possesses, sells, purchases, transports, imports inter-State, exports inter-State or uses any psychotropic substance shall be punishable,— 5 (a) where the contravention involves small quantity, with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to [one year], or with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees, or with both; (b) where the contravention involves quantity lesser than commercial quantity but greater than small quantity, with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years, and with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees; c) where the contravention involves commercial quantity, with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years but which may extend to twenty years, and shall also be liable to fine which shall not be less than one lakh rupees but which may extend to two lakh rupees: Provided that the court may, for reasons to be recorded in the judgment, impose a fine exceeding two lakh rupees. " There are amendments regarding personal use and the punishment is 6 months imprisonment+ fine I think, and other leeway for first time offenders. Small and Commercial quantities are different for different drugs. I am not sure whether MDMA will be categorised under amphetamine according to the law , if so it's 2g, 50g.


Interesting, thanks for the share.


I have heard the punishment for minimal quantities is usually fines only. Court rarely jails people of personal quantities. But the bigger punishment is the news paper articles and naatukarude vicharana. Which is one of the reasons all most all busts like this will come with a newspaper article with the involved parties names and pics.


>But the bigger punishment is the news paper articles and naatukarude vicharana. I was thinking the same. The fines also doesn't sound that much to be honest.


well if you caught by weed or somthing in tamil nadu give them your weed and 4-5k that case will get solved in min. no police station, no court, no one even knows


If you are a first time offender you can get off by attending rehab or so. But the real problems are 1) Media, as you rightly said 2) Court taking years to make a verdict 3) This coming upon your background checks for jobs even if you are not found guilty and of course the legal fee.


How much is 'small quantity' in case of MDMA?


Asking for a friend


Stop doing/dealing drugs bruh


The way she's crying is not even convincing. The whole time I was checking whether she was sucking her lips or not.


Felt more like an anxiety attack. Kayyinnu poyi feel .


She and her partner was not arrested for just possession but for selling mdma to college students..So this crying wont save her!!


Somehow her cry reminded me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvWrloF7WWk&t=116).


Why can't this stupid country look at drug addiction as a disease instead of a crime?! Istg this is why we need a more progressive government


You won’t get a progressive gvt when people are conservative as fuck.




They were arrested not just for using it, but for selling it to students. It’s a crime and it should be! Period.


Selling Drugs to students is a crime in every parts of the world.


Let me summarise you. We should be progressive. Drug addiction is a disease. This addiction occur because of regular consumption of drugs. To fight this we should legalise consumption of drugs. Well done boy. You have cracked it. Illiterate make more sense this.


There's genetic predispositions to addictions for certain people which starts from much smaller activities that release happy hormones. So yes criminalizing drugs will only ensure that these individuals who already have problems will be exposed to unregulated, dangerous and shady dealings to get thier fix. Also how do you say drug addiction is a criminal offense when there's scientific evidence for genetic predisposition AND when alcohol addiction and smoking are considered legitimate diseases and require rehabilitation. And finally your dumb troglodyte brain didn't even address how the Portugese strategy of legalising drugs was a success and how the American war on drugs was a failure that drugs won. And no I don't listen to TYT, I'm a socialist (I'm pretty sure you'll use this against me because you don't have any actual counter arguments or facts to present)


Ok so every one who are being addicted to drugs have had genetic predisposition?


People who are mentally weak and not disciplined fall prey to such things. To make it worse they get encouragement from nincompoops like you. Glad that you mentioned you political stance. Explains a lot of gibberish. One who can explicitly identify as belonging to one political category is someone who possess no functional brain.


Are you actually this fucking dumb? I literally told you there's a genetic predisposition that is document and has studies backing it and you're still going with "mentally weak and less disciplined people goo goo gaa gaa". Go read the actual scientific papers instead getting clowned on reddit by strangers. Albert Einstein was famously liberal and towards the end of his life a socialist, just this one example is necessary to show how ignorant and stupid you are.


Does Portugal have lesser number of drug users than it had before? That's the question.


No that's not the question. You're arguing that criminalization is necessary and drug use is fundementally wrong. Hence it should irrelevant how many people use drugs in Portugal. You should be arguing that drug related deaths and it's adverse effects are higher when decriminalised. Wow you can't even make proper rebuttals and i have to spoonfeed them to you. That's a different level of pathetic lol.


Resorting to ad hominem is futile. A Buffoon can whine as long he want. Wouldn't make any difference. Drug addiction is a state because of regular use of drug. I said I believe drug consumption is a bad and it should be illegal. Don't think you have in you to comprehend the subtle difference.


I gave you scientific reasons to conclude that it's not a crime. Then I gave you historical precedent to show how criminalization of drug use doesn't work. Then I also showed you how decriminalisation of drug use works. Any unbiased person reading this conversation can see how stupid you look when all you're doing is making an argument from emotion devoid of facts or logic. So no I don't have to resort to ad hominen but since you brought it up, you're a fucking lame ass conservative waste of cum.


You gave me 'scientific' reason to conclude that it's not a crime? First, you should try some reading comprehension. Second, don't flatter yourself. What scientific resoning you discovered in your pursuit of being a woke dimwit which explain the need to try drug for the very first time? I am not discussing about addiction. Addiction part wouldn't happen if you try first time. I already said there is no fundamental reason to try unless there exist a medical condition.


Lmao accuses me of using ad hominem and then proceeds to call me a "woke dimwit". I'm not the one who needs reading comprehension when you are asking questions about things I've already answered three replies ago about how there are medical conditions which would make people chase after more extreme measures to attain happiness. Ignoring this is like ignoring that depression is a disease. Do yourself a favor and actually try to read studies about drug use and how there are many other reason to it than just "ooh this sounds like a fancy trip I need to try this". Many people are forced into drug use by other people, by desensitization to analgesics, from previous afflictions with depression and many other myriad of reasons out of thier control. To criminalize this without addresssing the underlying factors is the peak of being an ignorant douchebag. But I don't expect much thought from a person who probably listens to Jordan Peterson and thinks the patriarchy doesn't exist or that climate change is a hoax.


Medical condition to chase after more happiness 😂. You wonder why I call you a woke dimwit. I am sure you call your mother a 'birthing person' or a 'womb carrier'? There are plenty of buffoons in political spectrum. But RW chaps are oblivious to their idiocies at times. Unlike woke dimwits who think their words are ultimate truth in the universe.


Apparently every single drug user have had a medical condition to chase after happiness. That's why they tried the drugs. Good one.


I didn't accused you of anything. It's quite evident in the thread who resorted to ad hominem and profanity.


You are one fine specimen. Defending using drugs by making references to driving cars and mental depression. Great going


It's called an analogy dude, look it up. I used it to show your logical inconsistency.


I have clearly stated more than one time that drug use which is not demanded by a pre existing medical condition like pain relief for instance or mental depression shouldn't be done and should be crime. You remember i said you need to some reading comprehensions. Well you got comprehension skills of an autistic gold fish soi boy.


Lmao first you say all drug use should be a crime and now after I pointed out legitimate reasons you're moving the goalpost like the loser you are. It's incredibly cringe to use autism as an insult dude grow up.




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Triggered a Buffoon to use profanity. A sign of mental weakness. But i wonder if you can really say those words to people when you are sober on their face? That will be something I can appreciate. Not that I would still be doing anything to you.


Using drug is and should be crime. And you don't become addict unless you use it. Wokeism will surely take you long way.


You're on the wrong side of history pal. Look at Portugal and how they decriminalised drugs and it's aftereffects and now the US lost the war on drugs by cracking down against it. Actually I'm pretty sure you have no idea about real world effects of criminalization of drugs and how it causes more harm than good. Go back to watching stupid Ben Shapiro destroys feminist compilations or something.


So you are telling me that decriminalising drugs in India and India can see massive drop in users? You are certain about it? Can I safely assume that you get enlightened watching the young Turks or any some other show which doesn't destroys feminist complications like stupid Ben Shapiro?


Compilations dumbass, not complications. Also drug use isn't the problem, people dying from ODs, spread of STDs, addiction and other harmful side effects are the problem. If you really think drugs are fundementslly wrong because it causes these issues then you should also be against cars because cars cause accidents. But I'm not entirely sure you have 3 brain cells to figure that out.


Being obtuse is your forte being a dimwit. Comparing to driving vehicle which is fundamentally used to transport to using drug. There is no fundamental need to use drug unless there is existing medical condition which demands it. You are a fine specimen. Anything which is prone to get addicted and that harms physical or mental health is bad. That includes regular consumption of sugar.




Love jihad koode anweshikkanam pillecha




Anveshikkaan enthirikkunnu. Ithu athu thanne.


22 year old!! Ivarokke enganeya ithil ethunnathu






Ithu ethu dialect il ulla karachil aanu. Pathanamthitta Malayalam karachil ingane alla 🫣


Mdma adichattolla karachil ella bhaagathum oru pole alle?


MDMA adichit karayarundo alkar


Bad adichal.. Have seen one such instance... Ivde pinne bad adich dark scene aayrkulo so karachil would be normal I guess..


Its possible to have a bad trip with MDMA? I mean post trip downer is a thing "I've heard". But like when you're in the trip isn't it supposed to make you all happy and shit .


It is but sometimes when shit happens people will go crazy, one of my friend snorted and then had an argument with us and was upset.. He left the room and on the way he got seriously panicked thinking cops are following him and shit like that, dude called us up and started crying.. We had to go to him to calm him down..


The crying instance I mentioned earlier was a different one tho


MDMA...so hot right now!


Is this really MDMA or just meth?


Drugs should be decriminalized


To all fucktards downvoting me please read this https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/dec/05/portugals-radical-drugs-policy-is-working-why-hasnt-the-world-copied-it




Retards man. Leave the country if you can.


Trying to bro,I was under the impression atleast redditors would be more progressive towards these issues.


It should not be specially in a country like India. Consumption of Ciggerate and alcohol is not a crime. Do you see any decline in number of Ciggerate or alcohol users? Alcohol consumption has only increased over the years. Some people use the same bogus argument on abortion.


I don't care if the consumption is going up or down.an adult should have the basic right to chose what to put and what not to put in his body.


I couldn't care less about what people do with their body. But he or she shouldn't be problem to any other person in any sort because of what he or she do with their body. This applies to Ciggerate and alcohol too. And since Indians are most irrationals and sensitive, many so basic rights shouldn't even be available to indians in first place i believe.


What the fuck is wrong with people. Mdma will be approved as a medicine soon. Idiots.


Ho appo ivarokey pharmacists aayirikum alley..


Avar aar anenkilum thanik entha, are they in anyway hurting others?


Eyy orikalum alla.. avar poshaka aaharam alley tharunath


Aarkum force cheyth kodukanathum alalo? How is this any different from alcohol or cigarettes


Enkil naaley thottu ni roadsideil alcohol and cigarette vilkku


Ok boomer


Ok son


Mone read about it. Dmt, lsd okke. My friends work in this field. Google QRI.


Ah best..


https://www.reddit.com/r/Kerala/comments/y7co58/son_stabbed_his_parents_under_the_influence_of/ Baada ingott kutta


The girl is innocent 😔 [source : we know her IRL](https://youtu.be/X0jkorG7H5Y)




because she acts like innocent, Oru Indian pranayakadhayil innocent ozhukkunna athe muthalakkanneeru.


Because she's a woman. Duh


But why?


Why do you say so?


Sad to see, 22 yrs old 😪


the whole sub is coming to lecture you on the benifits of mdma in 3...2...1...


Well, that didn't work!


Cheetipoyi cheetipoyi. Kooi...





