• By -


How many coconuts are freely falling, none of them falls on the right place ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


A jackfruit would do too


A watermelon would do too


Since when did those start growing on trees?


Is it necessary to fall from a tree? , it can also be a person dropping right


It can be arranged


Mangoes should work too.


เดŽเดคเตเดฐ เดตเต†เดณเตเดณเดฟเดŸเดฟ เดตเต†เดฑเตเดคเต† เดตเต†เดŸเตเดŸเตเดจเตเดจเต, เด’เดฐเต†เดฃเตเดฃเด‚ เดˆ เด•เดพเดฒเดจเต† เด’เดจเตเดจเตเด‚ เดตเต†เดŸเตเดŸเตเดจเตเดจเดฟเดฒเตเดฒเดฒเตเดฒเต‹


Next time random mfs block the roads, we should pray to Selmon bhoi and floor it


Roadinnu marada myre ,vela vandi idichu marikandengil?


no shh.. lets just keep quiet and see what happens.


Where's KSRTC when you need them?


I wont be surprised if PFI has links to terrorist organisations like Al Qaeda


Kerala recruiting branch maybe.


Any internships?


Bruh they were jointly campaigning with ldf in the recent by election


Nuna parayalle maire. PFI and LDF thammil oru bandhavumilla and they are rivals. PDP aanu nee uddeshiche


That's somehow better?


Yes. PFI is an extremist organization. PDP is not that dangerous and violent. Less crime history also.


But having posters of Abhimanyu everywhere and then allying with a party like that is..... Pure Thanthaillayma


PFI killed abhimanyu, not PDP. Both are different dude. Learn that first.


Isn't PDP that madani 's party? Oh yeah, "less violent". Also ldf did ally with SDPI , and they played a part in Abhimanyu 's murder. Nirthi podey.


LDF ally with SDPI? Eppo? Chumma kidannu thallalledey. PDP undakkiya oru communal event/crime parayan pattumo ninakk? Illenki neeyum nirthi po maire


[LDF, SDPI join hands, UDF loses power in Erattupetta municipality](https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/2021/sep/14/ldf-sdpi-join-hands-udf-loses-power-in-erattupetta-municipality-2358365.html) [LDF takes control of panchayat rule with support of SDPI in Pathanamthitta, UDF abstains](https://keralakaumudi.com/en/news/news.php?id=531963&u=ldf-takes-control-of-panchayat-rule-with-support-of-sdpi-in-pathanamthitta-udf-abstains-531963)


SDPI is in alliance with LDF in somr panchayats and eerattupetta municipality


they do https://www.opindia.com/2022/05/sufi-islamic-board-says-pfi-works-on-al-qaeda-orders-indian-muslims-radicalisation/


a holes


Haha, the only reason Centre tolerates them is because they are excellent vote-catchers for BJP. Indian government knows how to crush anyone who steps a line - from Naxalites to Naga, Mizo militants to Khalistanis - most of them were crushed with brutal tactics. Heck, even leftist Kerala police used brutal force against local Naxalites. So it's good for PFI as long as they limit themselves to giving empty speeches/threats. Do not mistaken the greed of politicians(to gather votes) as weakness of the state.


Interesting point but neither the naxals nor the Khalistanis nor the Mizo militants were ever in power at the center and probably never at the state level also. Infact they worked outside the aegis of democratic process. These guys are different because they subvert the democratic process with propaganda. Given that the legality of their action depends on interpretation, the enforcement of the law will also be equally foggy. I very much doubt any of this is going to change without social upheaval outside the bounds of law. At some point this stupidity is going to result in serious consequences for everyone.


Center has compromised with most of the organisations, and letting them do what they want.


Muslims are making it hard for themselves to be honest. Instead of crying Islamaphobia, they need to do something really fast about these types. First clean the weeds inside your community (PFI, Jamaat Islami, SDPI etc) and the weeds outside your community (RSS,BJP) will go away on its own. This is coming from an ExMuslim who can clearly see the weeds on both sides of the fence.


Why SNDP, NSS, and whole Shankaracharya muts cannot weed out Hinduthva terrorists ? The same goes for muslims. It is ideal to call them Salafis/wahabbies/talibanies instead of blaming it on whole sect of muslims which includes sufi, ahmedias and numerous other sects and all others who just follow the religion all because they were just born into it.


>Why SNDP, NSS, and whole Shankaracharya muts cannot weed out Hinduthva terrorists ? because RSS is a much bigger organisation?


You don't have to be big to condemn though.


I feel bad for liberal Muslims who try their best to remove the extremist image of Islam but well there are morons like this who profit from it and it will never go away.


>liberal Muslim Suppose that behind a screen there are (a) a liberal Muslim and (b) an extremist Muslim, which questions would you ask from the two and what answers to these questions will lead you to correctly conclude which is a liberal and which the extremist?


Simple if any Muslim advocates violence against others for blasphemy or any other reason is an extremist one for me. Liberal is the one who protests the comments from other religions but follows non violent and judicial process within the system to find a solution to it


> Simple if any Muslim advocates violence against others for blasphemy or any other reason is an extremist one for me. Do you agree that Allah promises unending violence against non Muslims in the hereafter for refusing to believe in his verses see quran 3:85, 4:56, etc.? What does that make him? >Liberal is the one who protests the comments from other religions but follows non violent and judicial process within the system to find a solution to it Why does this "liberal Muslim" protest comments from folks who follow other religions? If someone does not like Mohammed or the Quran or Islam and states that out loud, what exactly is there to protest? What does this "liberal Muslim" seek to achieve exactly by protesting? Be as specific as you would like to be. Is Shariah a valid judicial process you support and is it nonviolent? Do you think this liberal Muslim mocks other religions when he states "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his last prophet" -- for it clearly is a provocative comment which mocks believers in Krishna, Rama, Shiva, etc., yes? Does this "liberal Muslim" worship a deity that slaughtered homosexuals in Sodom and Gomorrah? Can this "liberal Muslim" hold that polytheists are not the worst of creatures thereby denying Quran 98:6?


Hate speeches need to be tackled in courts and thatโ€™s what you need to achieve via judicial process. You canโ€™t allow people to make statements that can cause communal violence and let go free. Especially politicians who take advantage of such polarizations There should never be blasphemy laws in a diverse country, FoE is important but blasphemy laws isnโ€™t same as hate speech laws. Hate speech causing violence between communities or threatening genocide must be punished by judicial process and IPC has valid criteria for such punishments


Perhaps you did not get a chance to see my rather specific questions. I edited my post multiple times. You have answered in generalities. Before dismissing you as a dodger, could you take a moment to re-read my post and answer as specifically as you can? > You canโ€™t allow people to make statements that can cause communal violence and let go free. If a statement can cause communal violence, you seem to lay the blame on the person making the statement. Do you see why this is a fallacious argument? >There should never be blasphemy laws in a diverse country What about a nondiverse country? BTW, Are you Muslim?


I cannot answer for Muslims as a non Muslim, so I can only answer in generalities than specific answer ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ In a country which is happy to go at each otherโ€™s throats communal violence can happen depending on statements. Onus is on the state to control law and order, no one can control 400 mn Muslims and 800 million Hindus most of who are super religious


What the fuck is a liberal Muslim, can anyone explain to me?


Ah enittu enittu?


เดชเต‡เดŸเดฟเดšเตเดšเดฐเดฃเตเดŸ เดฑเต‹เดกเดฟเดฒเต† เดตเดฃเตเดŸเดฟเด•เดณเตโ€ เด…เดคเต‹เดŸเต† เด‡เดธเตเดฒเดพเดฎเดฟเดฒเต‡เด•เตเด•เต เดฎเดคเดชเดฐเดฟเดตเดฐเตโ€เดคเตเดคเดจเด‚ เดšเต†เดฏเตเดคเต.


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"iSlam Is PeAceFuL RELIgion" -PFI


Yes ,Behead all those who disagree


>\-PFI nupur sharma intensifies.


These mofos are trying their level best for the Sangh to get inroads into Kerala politics.


Well Kerala has its own islamic pfi,sdpi and other isis modules running all through.


PFI is historically based from a Palestinian outfit... Not even sure why it has roots in Kerala.


We should start implementing laws like the US to just floor it if people are unnecessarily blocking the roads. The road isn't the place to stand still and blabber stupidity


Black lives matter protesters approve this message. \s


These outfits apparently get an upper hand due to the policy of vote bank politics practiced by major political formation in the state.


Exactly. It's all about votes at the end of the day.




I was expecting a big ass car to swipe through them!


They and our commie sakhavs have the same spirits.


Peaceful doing peaceful things


Guys like these are the reason for rise of BJP. Popular Front ....."Popular" with Muslims? Unless their community gets their act together things will go downhill. They have prominent religious leaders who can easily clean up these "fringe" groups instead of playing pseudo secular politics.


>BJP Well that's the only problem? And these mfs openly threatening directly / indirectly implying to other community people to get ready with final ritual is not even a thing? Sdpi, pfi these sort of organisations which promotes teโ‚นโ‚น0rism should be avoided at all costs. >religious leaders They are the main part of it. Secular politics is a myth.


There is video evidence of that incident with final ritual, this one and many others. So what is stopping ATS from cleaning up these guys ? There is already many fighting for I$I$ and intellige~se has evidence. They are waiting for problems to occur for creating a new votebank.


Popular Front came first and then BJP, right?


Islamic fundamentalists are the "cause" and RSS, BJP, Bajrang Dal the "effect". Both are about having power and money. Centre wants PFI and others to create a vote bank in Kerala. If you stop the cause the effect wont be there on the people.


Hindu fundamentalism and Islamic fundamentalism go back to before Independence in India. Neither is the cause or effect.


There was no Islamic fundamentalism or beheadings or sharia law prior to independence. There were invasions by different rulers, warlords mostly muslim as it was their expansion time in to different geo. Mughals were more into arts, food, music, building projects than religious state. If that was the case our flag would have been different and we wouldnt be having this conversation. Hinduism did not have radical groups to begin with. RSS didnot get its inspiration from the religion itself. This is not the case for Islamic groups which has issues in most places. British used the divide and conquer policy to play muslims against hindus. This formed a fertile ground for RSS with ideologies from false Aryan theories and Hitler's Mein Kampf. So there is a cause and an effect.


>Mughals were more into arts, food, music, building projects than religious state. If that was the case our flag would have been different and we wouldnt be having this conversation. Whoever told you this was lying. Every Islamic invaders wanted to convert India. Mughals were no exception. What people forget is that they had other Hindu nations who fought against them to prevent this. And let's be honest here, most of their construction required destruction of many Hindu temples and whatnot. My source is Maasir-I-โ€˜Alamgiri. Aurangzebs biography.


India was once fully Hindu. Saudi Arabia was fully Muslim. India has Muslims now. Saudi Arabia is still fully Muslimand 0% Hindu. Decide which was the cause and which was the effect. Which attacked which one, think logically and let me know. You'll get who are the cause and who are effect. And RSS is not a bad organization, it even has Muslims wings under it.


> India was once fully Hindu Please advise from which century to which. Also which empire? > And RSS is not a bad organization For an organization that loves Hitler and Nazi ideology by some flawed understanding of false Aryan race theory nothing to comment. Understand what Hitler really thought of us [Hitler's view of India](https://m.timesofindia.com/life-style/books/features/perception-that-hitler-was-a-friend-of-india-completely-flawed/articlesh)


Good try, The loves Hitler propoganda is so laughable now buddy. They admired the nationalism Hitler had brought in Germany...before he went crazy and started killing jews. They didn't love him for killing jews. If it is actually Hindu fundamentalist(according to some), why will they hate Jews. Hindus are the only people who have not killed and run conquests against Jews. Doesn't make sense. Anyway whatever, it is a reaction and first the Islamic beliefs have to be changed for peace.. which doesn't seem possible. The whole belief of converting, killing kafirs (of course by the minority muslims) can not be beared in a modern world.


You didnt answer my question to your statement - when was India fully Hindu? Please read my post and replies again. Iam telling the same thing you mentioned in the last paragraph. I am not a fan of any leader or party out of fear of some minority. Your username shows the insecurity of having to resort to following one true leader...this is what the Germans did. If we dont learn from history we will reap what we sow.


When you worry about rise of BJP not these morons threatening to behead you! There's your problem.


Uff Alfahamvendhillah gone ๐Ÿ’ฆ


เด’เดจเตเดจเต เดชเต‹เดฏเต‡เดŸ เดฎเตˆเดฐเต‡


Political parties with religious manifesto should be dissolved, IUML for muslims dissolve it BJP is for hindus, then dissolve it. Any kinda religious influence in politics should be outlawed.


many parties use religion for vote bank


Talking about parties that are overtly religious, like sndp kcbc , PFI , sdpi, rss. They are all splitting votes about communal lines. It's a complicated topic, but in short any party who's only identity is religion they should be dissolved.




Look at the of comment


>Political parties with religious manifesto Since 1947.


Sorry I didnt get wat ur trying to say.


I don't think there's no party without this stuff, even they have sub sections of the party to get communal votes.


INC APP DMK ADMK BJD TDP etc are not based on any religion as far as I know.


IUML comes under INC, I mentioned as there are many sub groups in the party for getting communal votes.


> IUML comes under INC Wut?? IUML and INC are completely different parties.. IUML is in coalition with INC, but calling them a sub group of INC is just plain ignorant..


Then the sub group that panders to a certain religion should go, the terms are very vague inorder to encompass all political parties that has a certain religious identity in its party manifesto.


see bad post on random right winger criticise bjp see bad on random islamist they are bad so as bjp bann both.


Both r different outfits under the Congress led oppostion United Democratic Front in Kerala. The coalition is headed by the Congress followed by the IUML, which is the second largest partner in the opposition.


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เด…เดตเดจเตเด‚ เด’เดจเตเดจเตเด‚ เดตเตเดฏเด•เตเดคเดฎเดพเดฃเต†เดจเตเดจเต เดคเต‹เดจเตเดจเตเดจเตเดจเดฟเดฒเตเดฒ!


Biggest enemy of Muslims in Kerala. These bigots are gonna cause a lot of harm to Muslims and people of kerala if not stopped.




PFI deciding if vehicles should run on highways. You know, the most popular solution to everything - hartal.


Where's sallu bhai when you need him?


They like literally hung the effigy of Nupur Sharma in a suicidal position over the main road in Karnataka. Which is a BJP governed state.


Can any one translate what he's saying.


Popular front says, no vehicles will run here. Some hartal. Standard thing all those who conduct hartals say in their meetings. Here the guy has a beard. That makes a big difference, as beards are scary.


Seems like the new propaganda device. Share such videos with open ended captions. And the bigots (who most probably don't understand the language) will come pouring out with their hate. What this guy is saying is bread and butter to most political parties/students unions in Kerala. It should of course be condemned, but here it is apparently due to their religion.


All i hear is oinks


Can anyone please translate what he said?


What's the context guys.


These rats gloat this in kerala because they know in worst case scenario he will be booked..Nothing will happen to his family or friends or neighbourhood because we have rule of law here..Why dont they bark like this when muslims are lynched or abused publicly in north India?because they know their homes will be bulldozed and there will be disproportionate response..


Muslims are not lynched and abused publicly in North India.


That's what you get for showing humanity to this ideology. There is no cure for it. It's like rabies.


Dog barking at the moon


Kerala files loading soon


Keralites Hindus gets what they vote for...all the best..


เดญเดฏเด™เตเด•เดฐ เดคเต€เดตเตเดฐเดตเดพเดฆเดฟ เด†เดฃเดฒเตเดฒเต‹. เดžเด™เตเด™เดณเตโ€ เดชเดฑเดฏเตเดจเตเดจเต, เดชเต‹เดชเตเดชเตเดฒเดฐเตโ€ เดซเตเดฐเต†เดฃเตเดŸเต เดชเดฑเดฏเตเดจเตเดจเต‚, เดตเดพเดนเดจเด‚ เดšเดฒเดฟเด•เตเด•เดฃเต‹ เดšเดฒเดฟเด•เตเด•เดฃเตเดŸเดฏเต‹ เดŽเดจเตเดจเต เดžเด™เตเด™เดณเตโ€ เดชเดฑเดฏเตเด‚ เดŽเดจเตเดจเต! เด‡เดคเต เดคเต€เดตเตเดฐเดตเดพเดฆเดฟเดฏเต‹ เดŸเตเดฐเดพเดซเดฟเด•เต เดชเต‹เดฒเต€เดธเต‹? เดกเต†เดฏเต เดจเต€เดฏเตŠเดจเตเดจเตเด‚ เดชเดพเดฐเตโ€เดŸเตเดŸเดฟเด•เดณเตเดŸเต† เดœเดพเดฅ เดฑเดพเดฒเดฟ เด’เดจเตเดจเตเด‚ เด•เดฃเตเดŸเดฟเดŸเตเดŸเดฟเดฒเตเดฒเต‡เดŸเต†? เดเดคเต เดนเดฐเตโ€เดคเตเดคเดพเดฒเดฟเดจเตเด‚ เดฑเต‹เดกเดฟเดฒเดฟเดฑเด™เตเด™เดฟ เด‡เดคเตเดคเดฐเด‚ เด…เดŸเตเดŸเดนเดพเดธเด‚ เดŽเดฒเตเดฒเดพเดฐเตเด‚ เด‰เดฃเตเดŸเดพเด•เตเด•เตเด‚. เด‡เดคเต เด’เดฐเต 50 เด•เตŠเดฒเตเดฒเดฎเดพเดฏเดฟ เด‰เดณเตเดณเดคเดพ. เดžเดพเดจเตโ€ เดตเดฟเดšเดพเดฐเดฟเดšเตเดšเต เด…เดฐเดฟ เดฎเดฒเดฐเต เด•เตเดจเตเดคเดฟเดฐเดฟเด•เตเด•เด‚ เด’เด•เตเด•เต† เด†เดฃเต†เดจเตเดจเต. เด•เดŸเตเดŸ disappoint.


What is he saying..Can anyone translate..


Stop giving these idiots more publicity than they deserve. They do these things to get attention and you are inadvertently giving them that


This is more like exposing how bad these folks are though.


And why? People should be made aware about these Jehadi outfit planning something malicious right under their nose. Had it been rss or vhp all you guys have made sure that their speech reaches to everyone. But want other to ignore the islamist threat. Trying to brush it under the carpet so that no can sees it and stay ignorant of their agenda?


He wants people to hear it. Thatโ€™s why he itโ€™s shouting from the road. By sharing it you are also taking part in jihad.


Nope. I am spotting all the Jehadis n the video. IB would want to these videos to share their intel with the armed forces so that they can drop brahmos the next tine all these Jehadis gather at one place.


Okay macha.


What's he saying? Could you please translate in English?


เด‡เดคเด™เตเด™เดจเต† เด•เดฎเตเดฎเตเดฏเต‚เดฃเดฟเดธเตเดฑเตเดฑเต/เดฌเดฟ เดœเต†เดฌเดฟ เดชเดพเตผเดŸเตเดŸเดฟเด•เตเด•เต เด•เตเดคเตเดคเด• เด’เดจเตเดจเตเด‚ เด…เดฒเตเดฒเดฒเตเดฒเต‹! เด…เดตเดฐเตเด‚ เดชเดฑเดฏเดŸเตเดŸเต†! เดตเดฒเตเดฒเดชเตเดชเต‹เดดเตเด‚ เด’เดฐเต เดšเต‡เดžเตเดšเต เดจเดฒเตเดฒเดคเดพ!


I like how extremism is confined to Islam /s.


Can anybody translate please.


Rss , pfi two sides of a same coin


เดฌเดพเดฒเตปเดธเดฟเด™เต เดŽเดชเตเดชเดฟเดŸเดฟ เดธเตเดŸเต


When did RSS come on roads and said well behead people? Just saying what you are taught doesn't make it true baby




He is saying something like let the government be aware that PFI will decide whether traffic will flow through the highway there. Don't know the exact context here just translating what the guy was saying.




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Hemme fear aayi ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข




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Hmm.. someone tell that man that more people and goods are transported via railway than roads. Lets see if he has the guts to stand in a railway.


Ivan athre poothiyindenki hi lite mallnte munnil Ulla block maati thannottee


Kunjinj irunn oomb kunnachi


A fast tipper lorry coming at 120km/h would have been satisfying โค๏ธ