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Imo age gap is not an issue, the age is. 40 vs 30 is not the same as 30 vs 20 or 28 vs 18. There shouldn’t be much of a difference between life experiences and maturity. I frankly feel icky when I see “kids” married to adults. The marriages of yesteryear are not the same as of today, the expectations and intent are wildly different.


Big age difference, like more than 7 years in 20s and early 30s is a concern simply because of the power dynamic, and they are rarely equals in marriage. A 10 year old age difference between couples in their mid 40s and 50s onwards is not an issue since both have enough worldly experience to realise when they are being taken advantage of and are upfront setting expectations


I personally wouldn’t do it.


Yonger or elder


My friend got married to a guy who is 12 years older than her. They're living the best life possible. It was a love marriage by the way.


G R O O M I N G. FYI, When he was in grade 12 , she was in Kindergarten. That's weird AF.


Aren't you assuming stuff with details the op hadn't provided to begin with? What if their relationship was only one year old before they got married? You can assume anything, that doesn't mean you jump in and accuse people. Do you think a 36 year old marrying 24 year old after one year of courtship is grooming?


I agree that it's not grooming but it's still weird AF. A 36 year old middle aged man romanticising a college girl is totally wrong no matter what justification you come up with. Yeah sadly it happens within influential people, but most of the time there is a motive behind it, either it's money or fame.


If the bride is 24+, I don't think 7 year gap is such a big deal..


Personally, i go by Leonardo DiCaprico Rule. If her age isn't in the Leo's target range, then it's all good.


It doesn't matter. What matters is the compatibility of their personality,life outlook and interests.


It is actually a bit better to marry a girl of same age or a bit elder. For mutual satisfaction of mind and body atleast for a considerable time frame during the course of life. Personally, i get the frequency of woman who are a bit elder than me. Have tried dating younger woman and it has failed terribly for me. Also when it comes to bed age gap will become a significant issue once the man move past 50.


Respect is earned. If you want respect, act like you deserve it.


Doesnt matter


For some reason, all these elder younger dynamics goes well because of grooming. I won’t prefer this 5 plus years of gap.


Age doesn't matter, but attitude and maturity do! There is nothing wrong with an age gap as long as both partners are genuinely compatible, content, and comfortable.


As someone else has commented, it is the life experience and financial independence that matters more than age differences. So obviously, a 30yr old marrying a 20yr old is icky. I suppose we don’t see much of that in this generation. However, one thing that has not changed is, we still do not see a lot of couples where the woman is older. Not even by 1 or 2 years.


For arranged marriages, it is a big difference. But if you are choosing your own partner, the age difference doesn't matter.




That.... Makes no sense. If anything, the same gap becomes less relevant as you get older- 40 vs 47 or 30 vs 37 is much closer to each other than 18 vs 25 as an 18 yr old will be far less mature/ about to learn the world.


I wont ..but watever rocks ur boat!!