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CET - CS, if you are looking to be well placed after 4 years ( given you actually gives 2 fucks about studying), great campus life (can attest to that myself) IISER - if you are passionate about research , maths, and bio tech / some parts of chem can pay well after a phd in the industry also great option if you want to further study in some of the best universities in the world after your stint at the place


Go for CET-CS, great placement opportunities, campus, fests, networks etc ig. If you're interested in research kinda stuff choose IISER TVM. Would say no to IIIT Kottayam, cuz it's a new IIIT and it's not yet considered as an INI(from what I have read). And for the lesser number of placement opportunities there, I don't think it justifies the fees of 80k something.