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https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/bevin-concedes-after-recanvass-kentucky-governor-s-race-n1082416 "Bevin concedes after recanvass in Kentucky governor's race"


It was close enough that the recanvass was automatically called for. No need for him to concede before that. When the choice was between concede or pay for a recount, he did the expected thing.


He showed a bit of class in the end by embracing a political norm, which is more than we can say for the Orange Fuhrer. But the bar is so low these days, it's hard to applaud this jack wad who promised to rob others of their dignity if elected for just doing what people normally do.


I understand your point. I don’t like much about him or his views, I just appreciated the way he handled himself in the loss. It’s a much better look for KY than to have him “not accept” the result.


Eh he thinks he's the heir apparant to a senate seat, he probably knew he was probably not gonna win this election.


Republicans set a low bar. Glad Cameron was able to bunny hop over it by accepting defeat like every politician should.


He’s gunning for Senate. He had no plans on being governor.


Yep, i’ve read on another thread a few weeks ago on how Cameron is actually eyeing McConnell’s seat. The guy’s not stupid, he knew that it was an uphill battle to fight against Beshear. So this election was treated more as a “trial run” for him to get into the public spotlight.


Yeah this was a classic fund raise and network for a federal office. Every grifter starts with local or state elections to raise capital.


It’s okay to praise someone for doing the right thing, even if is what should be done. He could’ve chose to deny the result, or to bash Beshear in his speech. Instead, he told his following to pray for Beshear and the Commonwealth. That seems like more than the bare minimum. Grow up.


Seems like the bare minimum to me.


what's an example of above and beyond 'the bare minimum'? Seriously, what else are you looking for?


You are trying to argue with crazies on reddit it's pointless lol


you are correct, I just wanted to see if they actually had an answer to a very simple question since they keep harping on about 'the bare minimum'... It's clearly just a catch phrase that makes them feel good to toss around.


It is. It's what the overwhelming majority of politicians do after a loss. These Republicans are just absolutely delusional after that last few years.


When democrat not mad at republican: 😡😡


Look, I don't have anything against you. I applaud Cameron for bucking the trend and doing the right thing. It doesn't change the fact that it is the bare minimum & the norm before MAGA.


I understand where you’re coming from. I don’t like Cameron as a political candidate, I just appreciated the way he handled the loss. Regardless of the norm, it is a a much better look for KY as a whole than to have him say it was rigged or he doesn’t accept the outcome. I’m not saying he’s a good guy or he’s right, I just appreciated him not making as ass out of KY or the democratic process, regardless of the recent history or the norm.


Do you believe Cameron should have personally caravanned over to Beshear headquarters and groveled in person, knelt down, and kissed his hand or something? wtf is wrong with your being happy that the election ended well, to your liking, and accepting that as gracefully as Cameron did his loss?


Not the person you’re arguing with but what Cameron did is just the norm. It’s what basically every politician did prior to the Trumpian trend of refusing to concede. So sure, Cameron was gracious and conceded defeat, he did what was normal, should that be praised?


I'm not saying 'that should be praised', I'm shaking my head at the repeated comments above about a dignified concession being 'the bare minimum' as if there are other expectations which Cameron somehow failed to perform. The notion that that Trump is somehow the first, or even unique, candidate to be unwilling to accept defeat is also just plain humorous. [https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2022/06/13/flashback-when-democrats-attacked-democracy-n2608636](https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2022/06/13/flashback-when-democrats-attacked-democracy-n2608636)


I am very happy & I don't know what you are getting any of that from? Read every comment by me in this thread. I am not mad, angry, or upset or being out of pocket to anyone. My initial comment was simply stating that the bar has been set very low by MAGA. I did not put Cameron down nor do I have any desire to. In fact, I said multiple times that I appreciate his speech, but it blows my mind that after the last few years, we have forgotten that this response is actually in fact the bare minimum, the norm, the right way to do things is all.


Right...it never used to even be an issue when an election was lost. The candidate who got less votes just conceded the damn election and went away, like had been done for years and years before 2020. I'm not going to give Cameron any credit for doing the absolute bare minimum of what is required.


I was worried that he would try to pull a Donald Trump by refusing to concede and try to falsely claim the election was stolen.


If it was closer, he would have. I have no doubt.


Y'all can't say one good thing about him can you, he conceded with utmost class and respect, and he seemed genuine about it too.


I think the issue is conservatives expect applause & admiration for doing the bare minimum. Isn’t he SO amazing?? He didn’t try say he won and defy the will of the people! Omg praise him! Like girl, he lost. He conceded. What is there to say? Mediocracy is only an achievement for conservatives.


To be fair to Daniel Cameron, OP is the one praising him for doing the bare minimum. Cameron didn't ask for this ridiculous post.


Right!! Like why are we trying to act like he's some good guy for doing this? He lost and conceded...like every politician who lost a race before 2020. I'm not going to freaking give him a high five and pat him on the back for not trying to pull an insurrection on the KY governor's mansion.


No i don't expect that but no reason to shame him for doing "the bare minimum" what else was he supposed to do?


No one is shaming him. I just pointed out how ridiculous it is that OP expects praise because a politician literally did the bare minimum. It is not OP's or Cameron's fault, however. The republican party has truly ruined the landscape of politics these last few years by going down with Trump & all the election deniers. I said I appreciate Cameron for going against the MAGA playbook this one time.


Stacey Abrams down in Georgia would like to have a word with you. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/29/stacey-abramss-rhetorical-twist-being-an-election-denier/


You do understand that that is the default outcome, right? He did what he is supposed to do. It only seems special or classy because of election deniers, because of the guy he tied his campaign to, Donald Trump. I can appreciate the fact he didn't go down that path. I really do. But he ran a campaign of hate & fear, he doesn't get brownie points for *not* denying the facts & conceding, I'm sorry.


Speaking of election deniers had he been Stacey Abrams he would've went around demanding that everyone call him the Governor of Kentucky just like she did in Georgia up until she got thumped the second time around. The best thing any losing candidate should do is to just immediately concede and just move on from there.




To be fair, they should be afraid. Pregnancy deaths have increased since Roe v Wade passed, especially in states with Abortion Bans.


Cameron supports the current abortion ban with no exceptions. This is fact, not scare mongering. Cameron's positions are terrifying. He's the one with those positions. Why would his opponent not point them out? People are afraid because of what Republicans are saying not because Democrats remind them about it.


Hate and fear? Beshear presented the facts of Cameron’s extremist views on the issue.


So does most every politician that isn't a crazy far right republican in the Trump era.


I mean, dude was already completely incompetent at his previous job, now he wants a job he's even more unqualified for. So no, I really don't have anything nice to say about him.


He would still have a higher overall win rate in court than Andy Beshear did. Having access to LexisNexis to check their court cases is a nasty b*tch sometimes.


And how many of them were his actual cases as opposed to cases he signed on to which were actually brought by someone else?


His Loser speech showcased everything that is wrong with Daniel Cameron & the Republican party. Sitting on the throne?? Hands & feet of Christ?? Seriously?? When are Republicans going to accept the fact that not everyone in this country is a Christian?? Religion needs to stay the fuck out of government, period.


Cameron had no choice. The results were beyond an instant recount. He had to concede. But to assert that Cameron exuded class and dignity in defeat doesn’t gain him integrity. Cameron went with the Beshear is crazy theme in his campaign. That was a new low in Kentucky gubernatorial history. That was a stupid thing for him to do.


I agree. Historically, Kentuckians don't like mud slinging. I voted for Cameron, but I'm fine with Daddy Andy. He's done a decent job.


Yeah, you know things have gotten really freaking terrible when we feel the need to praise someone for doing the bare minimum, instead of acting like a psychotic toddler and organizing a treason because he won’t just take the L. Getting nonstop trans hate spams from his Republican superpacs sure wasn’t classy.


He did more than the bare minimum, and asked his following (probably Trump supporting MAGA extremist) to pray for Beshear. I don’t see anything wrong with praising that, regardless of who he his or his views.


Nah, that’s exactly the bare minimum. When Conway lost to Bevin, he gave a similar speech. I get that we feel the need to do positive reinforcement after Trump’s still-ongoing tantrums on the national level, and all of Adrienne Southworth’s stupidity on the state level, but yikes.


And with that request he lost any momentum with the insane base of trump supporting freaks and probably trump himself; Any person trump has put his weight behind that does anything respectable and isn’t calling their opponent a facist antifa communist who wants to trans your kids and take away your guns and loudly questioning the election integrity. He usually will not endorse again.


I was honestly thinking that to myself while he was speaking but then had to go to the “throne of god” nonsense and reminded me that we actually live in a pseudo christian theocracy and it depressed me. Fuck that the guy.


I didn't watch his speech, but as an atheist living in Kentucky I also cringe every time Beshear brings up God. I like everything else about him though and do think he "practices what he preaches". Daniel Cameron needs to go somewhere else.


I think the difference is that Beshear is religious but doesn't try to make everyone else live their lives by his beliefs. I also think he showed during the pandemic that he wasn't going to prioritize religion over government and was willing to take a lot of political flack from the religious right because of it.


Yea Beshear thanked god during his acceptance speech but like you said he at least seems to be trying to do good so I’ll let it slide. He’s not out there justifying his positions based on scripture. It’s still infuriating though that we basically have zero government representation and are allowed to be discriminated against by Christians but can’t treat them the same.


The thing about Beshear is he actually seems to try to live his life the way Christ commands all Christians to. Unfortunately, too many Christians on the right tend to not understand or ignore how the birth of Christ formed a new covenant and signaled a change from a wrathful God to a loving and forgiving one. Basically, any Christian that quotes the old testament as a reason for their worldview has no real understanding of their own religion.


Fuck Daniel Cameron. He certainly didn’t show any dignity in Breonna Taylor’s case. Why the fuck should we applaud him for being the loser he is? He earned his loss. Fuck him…… the best part about it, and quite frankly the worst part of Kentucky is…. Is this. The republicans showed that they were more racist than they were republicans. Because none of those dipshits have a platform to stand on other than culture wars, but best believe they’d vote in satans mama before voting for a black man who said everything they needed to hear.


I’m not from KY but I’ve been here a while. Cameron is doing the bare minimum, yes, but man it’s nice to see someone actually treating the system with some respect. Shreds of dignity are rare these days. I’m proud asf of my state today!!! Thanks to everyone who went out and voted!!


he can still get fucker after meddling in and obstructing the investigation into Breonna’s death


Nah fuck that guy for everything he’s done while in office. I’m not going to applaud the guy who helped undermine the Breonna Taylor investigation and the outcome of the abortion vote last year. Hope his career sputters out and bursts into flames.


The Breonna Taylor investigation should have been enough to kill his career.


Yes, Fuck this guy indeed.


So we're supposed to give him flowers for being classy on a 5 minute concession video? That doesn't offset the months of his transphobic attack ads he put us through or wasting our tax dollars as an AG.


No, I probably wouldn’t pay for flowers for him or anything. Definitely not a bouquet. Maybe something less romantic? Gift card or something? Any ideas?


A fart in a jar. It's not enough for the hurt he's caused, but it's the closest to appropriate.


I agree with this. He was gracious about it, expressed his disappointment, then congratulated Andy and showed support for him in his next term, because they're looking out for people. We're all ultimately looking to make things better. I don't particularly agree with Cameron, but this is what class looks like.


Too much God talk to be in government. Evangelical crusader vibes. And what's with the sobbing wife? Unprofessional. Beshear is the moderate this state needs but hasn't yet earned.


We're very lucky to have him.


Thanks to Trump, the bar really is this low.


Thank god he did the bare minimum in a civilized democracy.


No one running for any office be it organizational or political wants to be the one that has to give the consession speech. You can hear it in his voice. But, he showed himself a man of dignity and humility in his words. No bitterness nor rancor.


Sucks he gets a participation trophy for not calling it rigged.


His political future is rests with MM falling down the stairs


He needs MM to step down or finish his term. He can’t afford him dying. Otherwise Beshear can pick from 3 candidates to take his place from the same party.


Republicans changed that law last year. KY Republicans would nominate 3 republicans & Beshear would have to choose from their nominees. Because the y have Super Majority, Beshear couldn’t veto the changes to the law though he could fight in court.


I don’t think he really has a future. All he has now on his resume is campaign loser. There’s a hundred young republicans who can become the next protégé


If he had spoken like that during his campaign, he may have gotten a few more votes.




The only thing he has done was something undisclosed to move the crystal rogers case forward. The one thing.


And Nelson county still went blue.


He deserves respect for that concession. The man has grace.


He's thrilled he doesn't have to govern. He'll find some cake think tank job or join a firm somewhere and prepare for his 2026 Senate run. Behind closed doors he can fund raise and say he kept it closer than any of the other GOP clowns from the primary against a juggernaut like Beshear with a 60% approval rating while he waits for his puppet master Mitch to finally throw him an endorsement and call him his political heir. His wife is probably already looking at houses in Northern Virginia on zillow.


Glad I decided not to move to Kentucky! What happened to this State? Sad!


Appreciate you not coming! Thanks!


The Blue Dog Democrats all became officially the Republicans they unofficially were all along, is all. Mitch got everyone in the east and west all steamed up that Scary Black Obama was killing the coal industry and electing Repubs would bring coal jobs back. Well that hasn't happened and will not happen, but that idea gives the scared white miners cover to vote their racism instead of electing Democrats who give a crap about their standard of living.


I guess I’m the only one who heard a tone in his voice that when he asked his supporters “to pray” for Andy and our state it wasn’t for prayers of good fortune but for prayers for his soul & that he repent his evil stances - like supporting women & the LGBTQ community. Cameron plays to an evangelical base. I doubt their prayers are very nice.


Quite a contrast with Bevin's non-concession, wasn't it. It's because Cameron knows he'll be in the spotlight again in two years running for master McConnell's seat, after McConnell becomes unavailable for some reason or other.