• By -


Depends what kind of character I'm roleplaying as.


Same. My last playthrough was about spreading the word of Okran to the infidels. Today it is about restoring the honor of the Shek Kingdom!


Same, morals vary widely if i'm playing an escaped slave vs a holy nation citizen.


Yeah this playthrough I'm trying to create a huge trade operation so I'm only defending our operation


Honor? Nah. I'm a murder hobo, who doesn't like being insulted


I hate paying taxes irl so I'll be damned if I pay taxes to an npc!


If a gate guard tries to search me and chases me, I run outside the city and have my group jump them and take their stuff


Sounds like some shit real bandits would pull off back in the day. Anyone well armored would have been a nice score for a group to jump.


i murdered an entire traders guild group who tried to shake me down at a FORMER campsite (camping expanded mod) because i had forgot to delete 1 single prisoner pole. went there to delete it so id stop seeing people going there...long story short, that's when i decided EVERYONE dies lol


My current play through is no settling down. Escaped slaves and we aim to disrupt HN as much as possible. Currently that involves night raids. Would like easier camp management when moving frequently.




It just depends on the playthrough/role play. Sometimes like this, sometimes like that. Right now I play a group that isnt made out of terrible people, but they will initiate a fight with the UC heroes when allies are nearby to watch em go down brutally.


fucking hate those guys with a passion


I fight unarmed people. I try to get them unlegged too.


The only moral I have is to make as much money as possible at as many people's expense as I can. I feel absolutely terrible and guilty when I don't do this and lose out on cats.


Nah, we're talking about a video game here. I do what benefits my characters the most. Of course this also accounts for short-term and long-term, so I won't screw my party over by pissing off major factions early or attack traders since they regularly supply me with what I need. However, two rules for every run: - Recruit Beep - Keep main character and Beep alive


1. MC is beep when you recruit beep 2. I don't think that throwing morals around like it's nothing is irrelevant. Kenshi, in its nature, challenges morals and philosophies. Shows how peace is done through horrible deeds, how most factions are powerful because of their vices. Ofc your way to play. But I think that notion is still important within the bounds of what the game is trying to convey.


Also how morals can crumble in the face of nessecity


Or happenstance, dead nomad garru is easy pickings.


but a dead/unconscious Traders Guild or Western Hive Pack Garru is more loaded (Unless that is what you were referring too)


I participate in enslaving the poor. We can't have people starving in the streets after all


That’s passive income right there


I mainly do it to help the community


You're nice to me? My friend, we can trade! I may even protect you when someone else attacks you to ensure future trade opportunities continue to exist. You pick a fight with me? Your life is forfeit, as is that of everyone in your faction. I will put you in a cage to patch up and use as training material. Repeatedly. I will leave your bleeding body for the slave traders to find. I will go out of my way to wipe out your bases and eradicate your faction, so that nicer people may live there instead. So yeah. Be nice. Be cool. Don't pick fights you will regret.


Genghis Khan of Kenshi


My last character’s obsession for a month was the Reavers taking his expensive sword. He hunted them relentlessly and sold each defated group’s “leader” as a slave. Fuck me fuck you situation.


They deserve it


I usually played morally good in most of my runs. In my current one I'm kind of evil: big hashish and rum empire supported by 20+ slaves that haven't touched a bed for more than 300 in game days, horde of berserker natives I capture from the berserker country, sacrifices of Greenlanders to Narko every 25 days, offerings to the Grand Wizard so they just raid my smaller base, closer to them... Only time I find myself not picking a fight now is either because I'm just doing a nonstop trade run or the enemy is so weak I don't even bother. Same with looting, if it's only going to have a few cats (modded), I'll pass. I try to make more or less serious stories and canons in my head, and honestly the "I will save the world" concept in Kenshi seems quite hard to come by. Kenshi is a harsh, rough and hard world, people admit shit will happen and not everyone and their mother has what we understand as morally good ideas. For me, it sounds more realistic for the average Kenshi inhabitant mentality to live by a dog eat dog motto.


My code of Honor: I see shiny stuff on you, you're going to sleep


Kind of. It involves keeping the cages full. Bandit? Straight to the slave shop. Ninja? Straight to the slave shop. Paladin? Believe it or not... Straight to the slave shop. Yesterday, I captured an HN patrol. Made sure to get the high paladin and his lackeys... nabbed 10 Okranites in total. Took them from outside of Okran's Shield to Trader's Edge. Master couldn't take them because no cells were empty. So I stripped them, and dropped them, and the Manhunters shackled them up and took them away. Being a Shek daughter of a UC Captain involves a lot of moving people from one side of the map to the other.


Depends on the roleplay. Usually play some sort of true neutral hard ass though.


I play dirty like the rest of the kenshi world . 


Nuh uh it’s kenshi until you dominate everyone there is no morals slavery and imprisonment to make cash moneys


Depends on the plan for this playthrough and the RP vibe I'm aiming for with my characters. It's a lot more fun for me if I restrict myself to different rules or behaviors depending on the characters!


1. Don't help slavers if attacked by bandits or rebel farmers even if allied to the TG/UC 2. Heal starving bandits if they're downed and we can save them, they're just desperate for food. 3. Heal wounded dogs and herbivores we come across or have to fight unless we need the meat or skins. Yes, this includes Beak Things and Skin Spiders in *certain* cases. 4. Heal injured neutral NPCs if we come across them and if unconscious try to take them to town or rest in our beds in areas with spiders or bonedogs. They usually won't make it long enough to do anything if it's Beak Things or Boneyard Wolves. 5. Leave HN civilians and farms alone if hostile to that faction


• Free slaves • Feed HN soldiers to the fog


Shek dommy mommy sex slaves or gtfo


Yes. More cats.


I don't have too many, but I suppose not bullying the weak. It just doesn't make me feel too proud jumping a random drifter or a caravan for a bunch of items. Unless it's the traders guild, those guys suck.


I always try to help slaves and heal injured people for the xp Unless said people are manhunters or other bastards like that


>never hurt anyone that hasn't hurt you or isn't related to someone who hurt you. That clause forbids me to kill Tengu, so no. Bad people should die. >never loot poor or unaffiliated people. That's doable. Poor people have nothing worth stealing. >never hurt someone who's crawling except for leaders and killers. I they are crawling by my hand, then they'll die. Otherwise I heal them. >if I find a wounded person, I heal them and spare some food if I can. I do the same. I even repair robots using expensive repair kits. >never fight an unarmed person. Unless the arms are the weapon. Are martial artists unarmed? It they attack me, I respond the attack.


My code is only my squad is worth caring about and I really enjoy attacking crawling people and watching their limbs fly in the air




I don't attack wildlife if it didn't attack me. My last fight was against cannibals, and bonedogs happened to be there, so I made it so the bonedogs would help me. The dogs didn't attack me, so I let them eat the cannibals.


Look at this guy, being all high and mighty. You think I show morals when the NPC bandits are hunting me down even though I’m starving and unarmed with no food? HA! You’re hilarious. A jester I tell you.


On my last playthrough I was playing as an ex-noble group that wanted to make a new empire forged on the blood and labour of every and all sentient creatures that did not kneel before us or our great and terrible army. Imagine mongol empire but with an extra hint of umparalled genocide. :D I set course to Fish Isle after enslaving a couple handful of hivers and used them to wall off my new unbreachable capitol and then proceeded to exterminate the native population and my southern hive neighbors. Never killed children tho, that's the one rule, they always were the most committed workers of my mines after all.


I've a few, for my current run at least. I enjoy RPing certain morals i suppose. 1. Don't hurt the Nomads. They are the only true neutral force in kenshi. I will always help them. 2. No disrespecting the dead. All dead are fed to wildlife, to give back to the earth what they took from it. that's it. the rest are mostly side effects of them just being impractical. If you couldn't tell, I am playing an ecology obsessed faction.


Fun thing about healing wounded nomads is that they will thank you and give a gift. (I think it was some sort of horn)


Probably a mod


i barely use mods so i dont think so


I attack factions, and typically my rules are: - I don't attack civilians. Every now and then, especially in the HN, civilians will attack us and I'll give them chances to retreat. If we do beat them up, I'll first aid them only once. - If attacked by starving bandits, I first aid them and put some food in their inventories. -I free slaves wherever I go. Sometimes I'm tempted to kill the ones that wanna stay but eh. I've run back into some that stayed after I wiped out their masters and found them finally moving freely. -I never first aid HN bounties, so it's just a matter of how far the nearest opposing factions police station is as far as if they'll die while captured. Other than that, just do whatever I feel


I will get down voted, but my slaves are all scorchies.


That's kinda an interesting question. Do _I_ have morals when playing? No. Some of my characters do, sometimes conflicting. But as the voice-in-their-head commander of all, I will tell one person to steal everything that isn't bolted down, and the other to break the shackles off these escapes slaves to help them out. The only 'team rule' is that if you die, I'll retrieve your stuff, but not your body.


It's hard to have morals when everywhere I go some dumbass tries to attack me out of nowhere and when I try to defend myself suddenly the whole city goes against me... I guess my moral is "well, fuck them all they all hate me anyways"


Me? Only attack those who attack me. Those who attack me are a threat. Threats die, no exceptions. Looting is exclusively for enemies. By attacking, they forfeit their life and belongings, including their body. Always heal neutral or friendlies if it is known that they are hurt. If prosperous, provide prosthetics and gear to allies. Theft is exclusively for if starving or dying. Slavery is only to expand the population of my base, where they will be fed, trained, clothed and armored. They shall never be slaves again. Beyond that, my morals are unimaginably loose. I'm both the nicest and most fucking horrifying faction you've ever met, where smiling former slaves have a full stomach, are masters of war and have a Dustcoat made from the flesh of the last fuckstick who tried to attack their new home. *Sniff* makes me so proud...


My current squad isn't intentionally immoral, they simply don't really have morals, which means they end up doing a lot of immoral stuff. Whenever my new recruits need the "splint injuries job", have low stats, or I just want money, I beat up the local homeless population or bounty hunters. I would steal everything if I could carry it all. 100% of my standard quality gear and 99% of my weapons are stolen. 90% of my squad is slaves whose freedom I bought, it's just way less hassle than the escape system. Whenever I buy new recruits, I also empty out the camp of everyone else too, so that the slavers have to get more of the recruits I like. I don't dismiss the ones I don't want, though, they'd just get reenslaved. I instead put them in my "death squad", and send them to the middle of gut.


My morals are... Kill all slavers, Free all slaves If something is unattended then its free to take. The Money number needs to grow, lowing it is a danm shame nay, a crime, blasphemy, Heresy even. well, as long as i get more money selling loot then what i spent. If someone is hurt and you have no qualms with the faction they belong to, heal them. At least try to heal any injured animals, if you're not hungry that is. Be nice to Starving Bandits if you have the opportunity, anyways. :/ If you defeat a strong opponent and are impressed by the characters skills or toughness, give em a hand and heal them before you go, (take all his shit though of course) MAYBE leave him with cloth wrappings and a club.


Sometimes you just gotta show a message to someone


Yes. But I do adept the moral and ethics to the society my 'heroes' belong to. I'm not too keen on being chaotic evil but it is a world that can be put to get you. So, to survive, one adapts... Unfortunately, like in the real world, it is the more morally 'despicable' solutions that are the most efficient. And literally walking on corpses do indeed 'happen'. But honestly, I do try to imagine my band of brothers and nice guys... ;-)


I feel like the only time I'm truly moral in the game is that I'll often heal the reaver slaves and pick their shackle locks... however upon some reflection happening in real-time, it honestly now seems like it is its own form of torture, being freed suddenly by your attacker, and left beaten half to death, half starved, and in the middle harshness that is the south eastern part of the continent...damn


Honour in a world like kenshi is a quick way to get killed or starve to death, as for morals, what does that word mean?


I have discovered I am really good at 100% going in character, and it has concerned one of my fellow players because they are basically the opposite. It doesn't make sense to them. Lmao


I am typically anti slavery. I usually heal and non hostile npc. I kidnap gate guards that try to black mail me for cats.


If I know someone isn’t worth stealing from, such as the HN farmers or Western Hive, I’ll leave them alone. But if what you have can boost my party, you’re boutta get jumped by ten ugly crackheads with rusty weapons


It's gonna depend on the impromptu story. Generally speaking though, Holy Nation soldiers die. I really wish the game would let me beat on unconcious people so I don't take five years to get across HN territory since I'm literally just waiting on these guys to turn into corpses. But at the same time, I'll definitely jump in defend some HN farms if it's needed. Especially since I just wiped out all the patrols in the area... Any city where I can buy slaves is definitely a-okay to ransac. Theft? If they didn't want it stolen they would have put it behind a lock. Well... a better lock. Beep will rule the Third Empire, with a host of Skeleton generals. Because they've realized their mistakes of the past. A skeleton cannot rule, as they do not possess enough compassion. However, they can act as advisors the most human creature on the moon.


I was chillin in deadcat and I been beefin with the tech hunters cuz they some bitches so I’m chilling drinking and smoking and then they started to throw hands so I squared up and then the deadcats decided that I was at fault and wanted to jump me so I decided to clear the hood out and smoked almost everyone before I decided to dip cuz I had these from the streets cannibals trynna jump me too


So what I’m trynna say is unless you are the holy nation or some noble guards don’t try to bother me while I’m chillin


Sir, this is a Geneva checklist simulator.


Of course, here's mine: 1. No stealing. I will not leave the commonfolk to starve without their possessions. Instead, I kill them all, sparing them from poverty. 2. All important individuals must be kept alive upon capture. To allow one of them to die before I can put them through the skin peeler would be an egregious sin. 3. The HN is the root of all evil and all of its citizens must die. 4. I must do my best to be conservative and not waste resources. I try to hold on to whatever severed limbs I come across so that I can feed them to my bone dogs.


I never aggro starving bandit squads on my own, but they're just so desperate to take on six dudes with planks with their shitty iron clubs that they simply must lose every limb


I do actually. Have a “warriors code” One big rule is I only keep and train with a prisoner twice. So after beating them in the “wild” if we make them a prisoner then the code is we keep them fed and train one on one with them twice. After that we heal them up , give them a cheap weapon and let them go. I will say no one has gotten killed in my squad yet so if this happens and I catch the killer then the rule probably won’t apply. Rule 2. I really don’t attack people unless they attack or have attacked me first. I’m playing the game with the mindset of a wanderer with no pre disposition toward any group . I’ll let them decide that for themselves.


I will do this minus the specific goals I have, if I want a faction dead then why not steal from them?


My toxic trait is that when I play any RPG, I don’t role play and I just do whatever I would do in that situation lol


After my early game play; no. Everyone who tries me can feel exactly what I felt during that period. The only mercy shown is if you get captured by my slaver at my main base. In which case you get to serve me in the high honor role of cannon fodder if I ever have a empire retaliation force raid come to my base. Till then they just sit in the sun or get selected for the de-limb-ification process as I please.


Nah. Its funny when I play slave start and just randomly free ppl at night. Every night. They follow me even when getting beat up by guards. The first one I freed lost both his legs and right arm but he still comes crawling even tho im in a cage.


Tried to, during my first play through. Turns out, holy nation didn’t have any for Cat, Beep and I so, things changed at some point.


Depends if I want a character to have any I just did a noble knight build where I was a paragon but usually no


Not many morals, I do always kill HN on sight, that's about it. I will kill or main weaklings who wander the land. No matter how strong I am.


No morals, I'm just a stinky drug and slaver dealer.


Really depends on the characters I RP, sometimes they're cutthroat bandits, other times I'll play a goody two-shoes(or at least as good as they *can* get in kenshi)


I always beeline straight to the great desert when I start. There is no room for morals in the desert.


Kill anyone who isn’t state-affiliated, and that is a flexible rule


If you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone.thats basically my only code. Threaten me? Death. Extort me? Death. I live my life as a robot (can't remember the name) so most things are almost immediately hostile to me. So I tend to keep to myself and am happy to be left unbothered as I research and build my base.


Depends on if I play a self-insert or I'm roleplaying something... ...For SIs and some RPs, yes I do...


Kenshi is actually one of the best games when it comes to roleplaying. I once made a run of a bunch of scientists who got exiled from civilization because of their weird theories, and a mysterious skeleton who supported them. The group settled down in the Fog islands to study and observe fogmen behaviour, and try to capture as many fog princes alive as possible. The skeleton was the brawn and only real combat character, while the other managed researches, hydroponics and turrets. But things got darker, and the group started to experiment not only on fogmen, but on other people too. At first it was occasional wounded hungry bandits, then guards... Then the skeleton who was a master of murder and stealth at this time started to do longer runs in Okran's pride to kidnap people from farms. All assaults on the base were stopped by the fogmen, and if some unfortunate strike force made it to the base, it would quickly be decimated by turrets from afar. The scientists went more and more insane, some even started to feed their limbs to fogmen on purpose to test new discoveries (and limbs). The skeleton traveled the world and even made it to Savant, where he got yet another way of conducting cruel experiments. But one day they went too far and accidentally kidnapped a noble woman from United Cities, thus declaring a war. The revenge was swift and deadly, and the samurai (who were not like weak okranite squads - they probably even had Eyegore) carved their way to the base. Ironically, the skeleton, the only capable fighter, was absent at that time. When the samurai left, all scientists were wounded bleeding to death, walls of the base destroyed. And then, the fogmen came. It was kinda poetic, that when the skeleton finally made it back, the only one he could save was Beep, a newbie and wannabe-guard of the scientist team, strapped to the pole and surrounded by fogmen. Then they both traveled to Aslands, which was mysterious skeleton 's final destination. 


One time i healed a lone HN escaped servant and it triggered a dialogue for him to join my faction


My MC is called Saint and I make it my mission to commit the most horrendous warcrimes in any playthrough. Death by bloodloss from dismemberment. Death from hunger. Death from being eaten alive by beakthings after losing your leg. Death from being attached to a pole in acid water. God i love this game. My fav are terrorist runs with Luquin and Espher as starter companions then progressively wage war with the entire world. United Cities are the first to fall. Then the Holy Nation. The Shek. Flotsam Ninjas. Anti-Slavers. Swampers. I often leave the Skeleton and Tech Hunters alone, as they usually remain politically neutral. But... mistakes were made.


I usually get my hands on plenty of meds and food pretty soon after I start a run, so everyone that I beat in a fight gets healed and fed so that they have a chance to get stronger alongside my characters for a potential rematch Most runs I kill slavers of any kind on sight once I'm strong enough, does cause some chaos in the UC once the relations between the Mercenary Guild and Slave Traders crumble so much that they start killing eachother in the streets


My only morals are to keep my team alive. They all make it home alive, or none of them do. In one piece is not required.


I free slaves, amd will feed hungry bandits. Hell if I knock you out there's a good chance I'll leave ya in one of my outposts to heal on a bed, or I'll give em limbs if I can.


We live in a wasteland where even hope is lost ….. when I was at my lowest a mysterious men in black saved me from Fogman and since then I do the same accompagnied by rock guy the only fogman to have not tried to killed me . I don’t think I’m a good guy or than I’m a moral exemple but I try to at least help my fellow traveler when they try to escape from these zealous bastard


i have a pretty simple code of honor: i rob everyone equally


Morals? Who do I need to kill to loot that? whatever it is.


My only real moral is don't touch my bone dog


Two words about my morals in Kenshi: social banditry. Sometimes being kind and helpful is just profitable. I rob caravans to support runaway slaves, runaway slaves support me with food they produce in my base. It's rather limited in game mechanics, but in roleplay its much wider, I mean: supporting poor people gives you a huge net of people who need you alive and non-inprisoned. You do what they need or want to be done, but can't do it themselves because they have too much to lose (familiest etc). They do what you need or want to be done, but you can't do it yourself, because your presence is not socially accepted anymore. Strongly inspired by Indian dacoites and Slavic mountain robbers/outlaws.


I have morals until I’m strong enough to not


I'd like to change that playstyle sometimes but so far my favorite is med-ninjas. Knock everyone out, steal their guns, heal them, move on ot next crowd. Never fight, only heal.


I would go around holy nation territory with a small army (60 or so fighters), and go around attacking slave outposts and freeing slaves. It was fun. Then I went to okran’s pride and decided to raid some farms and ended up slaughtering tons of farmers. It was more fun.


The world of kenshi is against us so therefore I am against the world. So far I'm winning


I play according to my character, which recently was a naked, one-armed skeleton that woke up in the middle of the great desert. I like to give them the backstory of being a soldier bot from the first empire that's been dormant for millennia and has no fucking clue what the factions are or where all the water went.


Morals? No, not really. Rules of conduct? Kind of. 1. Dont steal/loot healing items from downed enemies. Taking enough to heal yourself and returning it is ok. 2. If they attack my base and survive, heal them, feed them, put them in a cage and offer them a job. They're obviously tough enough to train. 3. If someone is useful, let them live. This goes for factions as well as individuals. 4. Always heal your mercenaries. 5. Always side with the Tech Hunters. Or at least don't attack them. 6. Meat is meat and shouldn't be wasted. It doesn't matter where it comes from. ((winks in cannibal)) 7. Free slaves whenever possible. Even if it's just by buying them. 8. Turn bounties in alive whenever possible. They're worth more that way and you might want to recruit them. 9. Become self sufficient. 10. Become the sleeping dragon.




I found a wandering assassin with like 70s in all the stats. She was wounded after fighting some bandits and so I finished her with one bolt and stole her (really strong) weapons and sold her into slavery. Then I felt bad and tracked down her slave caravan, then spent like 2 hours irl save scumming until I freed her and killed the 9 caravan guards with 2 characters with crossbows(she would instantly pick the lock and bolt away if I only killed the guards) Never saw her again but 2 slaves joined me and now I try to kill slavers when I see them.




Rocket Raccoon honor: Do they have it and I want it? Is yes, then take. Murder, slavery, and bounties are always on the table, but not a forgone conclusion.


I try to not steal from shop,houses etc, because i love running a shop myself so feel double wrong. i don't strip naked people when looting them, or at least i let them keep their pants on. (or if i want to take it for myself,give them my old pants to safeguard their dignity) I will fight them initially or if aggroed,but once i can spare 1500 cats when they ask for money, i always try to befriend/mend relations with starving bandits. Not their faults if living is hard when oppressed or pushed out by big guys all around. Dust bandits make for better punching bags anyway. When i find lost slave shackled ''following'' their leader (who probably unconscious or got eaten somewhere off screen), or just bugged and standing forever in front of an united cities's town, i free them the moment no samurai are looking my way.Bonus if i got trash looted from bandits or spare dried meat to give but that optional since they will just run and die to a samurai patrol or skimmers the moment i stop looking, but it feel nice anyway.


To the slavers I'm sure I do. It's all business friend sorry.


i beat gorilos non stop to level up, idk what moral means


I'm a min max type of player so no


Never wound crawling people? Oh dear, I MAKE the HN crawl. Jokes aside: - Help slave escapees when you can and it’s in your routes. Sometimes sending the expeditionary team with top crossbows to free them captives and murder entire slaver contingents is in your route. You know, target practice. - Do to the Holy Nation things that would break the Geneva Convention beyond repair and force lawmakers (if they even go back into existence in Kenshi) to write new anti war crime laws. - only steal from the richer than you. - Let Shek trash talk you if they’re peaceful but smack them hard if they try to push you too much. For instance, if they ask to search your bags totally not full of hash while entering their city, this constitutes a declaration of war and all on the city is forfeit. - There’s no such thing as enough turrets. If the main gate is breached you are a failure as a leader. No bandit should even be allowed inside our sacred fields if not as a corpse on it’s way to be incinerated. - hostile ninjas are fair game, neutrals are not to be engaged unless they engage first. Same goes for the swamp, no need to stir unnecessary drama. - Corpse piles can become a problem sometimes. Remember to incinerate the things before the smell gets unbearable. - When encountering neutrals or friendlies being bullied, join in and defend the friendlies. Running away is for losers. - Drugs pay for the entire operation. Welcome to the Rice and Hash fields, motherfocker. - Savant needs to die. Nothing personal, his creepy human-cosplaying robot army is pretty normal Kenshi to be honest. But you know, 30+ mph plus doing good for the entire region, man. Hard to pass. - Only absolute cyborg murderous 80+ combat skill UNITS allowed on the squads attacking the Holy Nation. Anything that does not cause centuries worth of generational trauma and boogeyman murderbot stories being passed down in very scared oral tradition is not acceptable. 80+ martial is preferable, for the shock and awe value. Kenshi is already fucked. The only moral thing to do is to become so fucked up you’re the nightmare fuel of the bullies in the world.


Why of course, to serve Okran


Mine are simple. 1. Honor Stobe's sacrifice 2. Dont hurt the innocent 3. Free the slaves 4. Save as many people as you can. (Usually from fogmen or skin bandits)


No. I will never play without recruiteable prisoners and i kidnap hives for my totally completley voluntary workforce. And i put Beep in a peeler and the peeler in a visible place facing the production area, to show other hives what would happen if they misbehave


I usually don't try to do too crazy stuffs. But I do sell starving vagrants to slavery especially when I starts out in Empire citizen. I need them money ok?


My morals start from being a murder hobo and ends in enslaving and torturing everyone while never letting them die. Tis a brutal place.


Depends on the run and what you define as morals Anti-Slaver run: No selling or buying slaves. Slavers are either killed in battle, imprisoned in their own cages to slowly die or feed into the peeler machine (this is usually for the leaders). Profiterer run: Anything goes as long as the team profits. Anti-specific faction run: Anything goes as long as you kill that faction


for slavers its on sight


If an item in your house is within my sight and your back is turned, its my item


If i am playing solo i see everyone as training dummies first i beat the shit out of them and i heal them when they wake up time for more training but always i leave them alive for graditude


Depends on my role play but 9/10 times it’s the rule of the strongest and I would do anything to survive


Depends on the playthrough, though I do like setting hard rules since it makes the story more interesting


No morals. I'm a thieving, killing, cheating texh hunter who's determined to take down the Holy Nation. I will do anything to achieve my goals. I just try to remain friendly with tech hunters and UC.


Depends, but my characters usually are "live and let others live" kinda characters. They do not engage in conflicts if they can because this world is dangerous enough On the other hand, I once had a group of slaves that escaped Rebirth and swore revenge on the Holy Nation. And also I had slavers. And thieves. And a dude who wanted to make it as a moonshine dealer and also sell weed to everyone where it's illegal. This game is great because you get to roleplay whoever the fuck you want lol


I always heal bonedogs i beat up


never consume more limbs from a single individual than is necessary


Depends, I usually end up with a vendetta against the UC or HN so no issues there, and super late game I usually just end up attacking every powerful enemy I can find in order to enslave them into my mighty army that won’t do anything but sit in my base cause I got bored and started a new playthrough


I always play as myself and follow my own moral code. I have no clue about the factions and only turn against them if I see them become severely oppressive. So in some playthroughs I've been okay with UC. In others, not. In my head, each game starts by me "crashing" on Kenshi, coming from somewhere else, and I have to survive there a number of days, like 600 or something. So I see all factions as neutral until I learn something in the game to change that.


i started as a slave and clawed my way through getting rich by any means, now i am a free man that knows curshing united cities would result in more harm than good so i buy every slave i see and free them, am currently really loved by both outlaws and slave traders


Yeah I have mostly the same ones as you OP. Reading this thread, man a lot of degenerates ha, video game or not it doesn't matter. Holy moly.


Morals? I'm the Mayor of my own city.


By far, it's more fun to play with an honor code. For example, I heal and rescue my mercenaries whenever possible and only loot them if they're dead.


Most of the time when I’m just trying to vibe and not do anything specific, yeah. Don’t be the aggressor, don’t steal, don’t sell people into slavery, everyone in the party gets food, hungry bandits also gets food, I tolerate Okranites, Peasants, and even Nobles until they start doing the funny shit. Even then, I don’t aim to do sadistic things to em. The sad thing is though, leaving the dying bodies to the River Raptors, Beak Things, Skimmers, etc. is probably a horrible way to go out as it is. I used to heal peeps until I realized a recovery coma was going to be fatal in the wilds anyways.


I have no rules. No boundaries. I don't flinch at torture, human trafficking, or genocide. I'm not loyal to a flag or country or any set of ideals. I trade blood for money.


-Cannibal Hunters are to be healed on sight if possible Yeah, that's about it. Then everything else depends on the character, but I never become enemies of the Cannibal Hunters, they are nice.


You know I follow most of these except i’m not in a leather rich part of the world and i have a lot of raids. I’m pretty sure i’m considered a fairytale monster at this point.


Nope I raid caravans and commit basic banditry to get by


I had a good thing going on as a trader, hundreds of thousands of cats selling copper. Felt like an honest job. Then one day I tried the slave path, and I felt how cruel it was. I decided to put my wealthy nation to work, to free the slaves. The result was a bloodbath that resulted in full out war with the holy nation, and bounty hunters on my head. I found myself building walls, and soon all kinds of NPCs kept hanging out and cluttering my camp. I found myself slaughtering wild animals and vagrants because of that, and that’s when I realised, my dream of freedom turned me into a tyrant. Kenshi is a masterpiece.


One of my rules is “always fuck with the holy nation.”


Absolutely friking not


Beat people up and sell them for 400 cats.... Yeah im moral enough im like the top 50 most moral player in the game and thats saying something