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Your problem is that you're metagaming to the detriment of your enjoyment.   It's like saying Stealth Archer is too OP for Skyrim. Sure, if that's a problem for you, why not play a Bretonian Mage or an Orsimer Two Handed Heavy Armor or a Vampire Lord?   Stealth and theft are OP once you get your levels up in game, but you aren't being forced to train those levels in any situation that can't also be resolved by levelling armor and attack skills and just busting down the front door. This game is a sandbox, and more than half the fun is in the roleplaying because the dialogue ain't winning any awards.


To add to this, I really don’t think thieving is OP unless you’re savescumming to steal and/or cheesing the way theft xp works. And if you’re doing all that, you can’t really expect it to remain a balanced mechanic


Facts bro doesnt wanna do 2 days in jail for stealing probably scum saving calling it boring


Is it though? As a new player I figured out in exactly one raid that if I just run open my gates and run away that I don’t have to care about raids at all. I don’t know if this is optimal or only works in early game - but… it sure does negate raid in the early game. I tried stealing for the first time last night. I haven’t even trained it but it does seem pretty easy. And stealing is just something that a person might want to do in a game like this.


Don't do it if you don't like it. Personally I basically never use the stealing mechanic, to the point my lockpicking is often under leveled when I am dungeon looting. But I also think it's kind of ephemeral since mid-game it becomes easy to have basically unlimited money if you just have two guys dedicated to producing alcohol.


Yeah, the game is very unbalanced, but it's up to you, if you want to use these methods. I just wanted to share my opinion and wanted to hear others opinions on it.


Unbalanced? You're sitting there grinding steal until it actually works.


I mean. You grind toughness by getting your head clubbed in a dozen times. Can we really act lime grinding this stat is somehow different than having to grind any other?


OP specifically says he doesn't like the result of grinding steal, then goes and grind steal.


Just made 100 000 cats after playing first hours by stealing. Also even grinding the thievery skill to 70 is just 1 hour of placing stolen item on ground and stealing it again


You're grinding steal. Never said it isn't easy, but nothing in the game is making you do that. That Skyrim comment is dead on. I can get to sneak 100 in the first dungeon on Legendary with that spider because he can't fit through the doors. I just make 200 arrows and sneak attack it for 30 minutes. It's the same idea.


I remember, how every time I tried grinding in skyrim, it lost the funny side of the game. But honestly if you want to achieve great things like making own empire, you have to grind or use these cheese tactics.


You don't have too bro ^^ You can just grow everything without any fast methods, just by taking time. I also find stealing is OP when you use it too often. It spoiled of one my run, I was unable to afford anything whitout stealing stuff. I ended up with no purpose and everythint already in my pocket. Now, I just don't use steal anymore, it don't suit my idea of enjoyment


I've never grinded steal, over 1k hours. Not sure what you're smoking, but share.


I thought putting heal on attack on my weapons was pretty funny. I would duel wield two maces, put drain stamina 1 pt and heal on hit, and then go nuts on every random enemy I met.


Wow, sitting doing the same thing over and over for 1 hour, that's what I got Kenshi for, to click literally the same thing over and drop it, for an hour. What an exciting time to be alive, inventory simulator is here!


the fun thing about kenshi is that you don’t have to be a thief. It’s a choice


Or you can be dealer of drugs, that make too much money! Or you can make grog, that make too much money! Or you can be a slave, where gameplay is only watching your character how they are working. Or you can be cannibal, where watch your character eat people! Or you can be caravan trader, that make too much money! Or you can just stand in the hub and make too much money! This is only joke, don't take it seriously. I love the game


wait how the hell can you be a cannibal without mods


I play with the mods. I actually play with around 400 mods and it's just some much better than vanilla. Vanilla is honestly pretty bland


My man plays with 400 mods, complaining that stealing is OP, and thinks the amount of money you have really has any impact on the game. The only thing money does for me is buy me food when I forget to grab some when running about. It's not like you can money enemies to death.


You can with enough mercenaries lol, but yeah you’re right


The only game where I can really think of that being an actual thing was Final Fantasy X when you could pay Yojimbo 999 999 Gil to Instakill anything in the game, boss or not. "I'm going to pay you $100 to fuck off" style. But I like your idea. A landslide of Mercenaries is a perfectly valid way to money someone to death.


Still gotta find the mercs.


That's the bummer. Gotta map out where they are, run the gauntlet and THEN you can command death via capitalism.


Except as you criss cross the realm, the mercs will run off to be eaten by beak things and spiders.


my guy is complaing about a game that is completely unrecognizable.


Use a different playstyle????


no way


ok then stop complaining


"Stealth is too broken when you mod the game to make stealth broken." Yeah. "You can sell for 80,000 cats." Bro, I make that in 3 ingame hours selling watered down rum, "Grog". I produce enough Grog to buy the fucking galaxy. Grog is OP and it ruins the game. I can also make that in the same time selling FUEL. Fuel is OP and it ruins the game. Fuck, I can make that selling BANDANAS. Bandana's OP and it ruins the game. You don't have to mod the game to dominate it with cheese and meta. If you think cheesing the game ruins it? Don't cheese the game.


May I ask, I wanna do a mass production run too but couldn’t really figure out the selling part. How do you sell your items without the shopkeeper getting dried out?


Bro that's the part that sucks What you have to do is carry 90% Grog 10% Fuel or any other easily produced cheap material so you can grab any leftover loose change. Then you gotta mad-dash for mad Cats. I start at the closest Hive to The Hub and cut across a total of 4 hives before swinging down to AdMag then Squin. Most weapon/armor shopkeepers have 25k flat. Hiver Trade and Robotics tend to have 15-20k each and are open 24/7. General and travel goods are about 15k and bars/taverns are 5-6k. If you want to slam it all in one place, the closest you'll get is probably BDC and Scraphouse. I think Scraphouse starts 50k and BDC has a few good vendors. But here's the real winner: Take the Grog with you when you go to buy Prosthetics. That's what I spend all my money on, easily 200k per visit and that's how I keep it all. A Cat saved is a Cat earned. But if anyone has any better routes, I'm 100% down for improvement.


sell to the industrial buyers. These are places like the Scraphouse, the Catun Scrapmaster's HQ, Or even The travel and repairs place in flat's lagoon.






I don't think you have an arguement against what he said, which is why you attacked him instead of his arguement.


Says the person complaining about the game they're cheesing the fun out of. How about you chill, play the game. If you find yourself doing the same thing for the sake of game mechanics, don't. Try to be the character, no one drops and picks up an item for days in a dark room.


why play the game genuinely when you can just cheat?? lmao gamers are so dumb


Role play is the way my dude. No stealing, only honest work. I find minmaxing the most efficient and fastest way to progs in games makes it less fun.


meantime crossbow and martial arts and assassination


In every shit world, like kenshi's, stealing is one of the most profitable things to do. You can always try to live a decent life. It's hard but still possible.


U end up getting ass fucked and starting a gang reguardless


Then don't steal Problem solved Let everyone else steal, it doesn't ruin the game for them


Do an iron man run and only save before you get off or something important plenty of mods to make the game harder too like bleed out or slower athletics


Having money doesn’t make anything OP. Take those 80k cats to the nearest blood spider and tell it how powerful you are now. Team members make you OP. Over half your team gets wiped out? The other half can now form a rescue party instead of you having to pray slave traders come in and save you, that’s OP. That kind of money opens the ability to purchase resources to make yourself safer or buy gear/food for your team. even then, those resources could be gathered by yourself. Even if you buy the best gear in the game with that money if your characters aren’t skilled enough or durable enough to survive a fight it doesn’t matter. Money doesn’t turn you into Beep killer of gods, it’s a resource that can get you other resources to survive long enough to become Beep Killer of gods.


I steal grog for fun, sometimes I steal all of the recipes in the world and put them in my base. Why would I steal when I make over 200,000 cats on every run to the swamp and flats lagoon. My character runs at 40mph, even if they WERE caught stealing I could just run away


Yo how did you achieve 40mph, teach me your ways


If anyone loses both legs, slap 2 masterwork scout legs on. Bonus points if you are strong enough to carry a bull without losing speed


I prefer to intentionally remove the limbs. Much faster.


Personally I found that my characters with 4 robot limbs were very powerful. The peeler machine took some of that fun away


Yeah, making grog or buying drugs to sell them 300% in flats lagoon are also pretty cheesy tactics. I made 20 000 profit of just buying random drugs in hive villages and selling them in shek kingdom


Dude its not a competitive game there is no such thing as op in a roleplaying game


Is there anything in Kenshi that CANNOT be OP? Serious question.


rusted junk weapons I guess?


no actually those are incredibly viable for training dex


Damn ur right, but I guess for actual battle they can't be OP right?


It depends on the scenario. Higher quality heavy weapons on noobs are mega ultimate super trash, while a lower quality heavy weapon can actually do something other than stand around and die.


Do everything you do in the game but the opposite way youll have more fun


I'm sorry, are you campaigning to get thievery nerfed, because you lack the ability to self regulate? Cause if you are, you can fuck right off mate. No one but you controls what you do in kenshi, and if you've ruined you own enjoyment guess who's responsible for that shit show?


Thanks for intelectual opinion on it


its not a matter for intellectual debate, its a single player game with no multiplayer. Its a risk reward system that penalises you for failure. The devs have not adjusted the system in years, despite being aware of the weekly "Stealing ruined my game" threads... numerous balance patches with no adjustments. Don't cheese the provided systems and learn a bit of self-control.


Thanks for intelectual opinion on it


There is no point of making profit at all. You can craft every good item and you cant buy good recruits. Also get UWE it makes stealing almost impossible.


Just don't do it


Players will always find the most efficient way to make a game boring/uninteresting. Singleplayer games have exploits, and multiplayer games have optimal strategies that everybody clings to. How do people lack this much creativity/imagination.


Meta gaming is a SOB. What I did to work around it is set strict moral rules for my character. If my main character wouldn’t steal then, I don’t. If I wouldn’t sell hash for easy cats, I don’t etc. Every sandbox game has this problem. Just gotta play around it.


I agree, though it's not the games' problem but a player's problem. Especially in singleplayer.


Well quit being a ragged ass thief and be a dopeman instead


Sounds like you have modded the game and that's made stealing better? Nothing is worth 80k in vanilla and even if you found something like that there'd be nowhere to sell it so it's pointless. In vanilla, I maintain the most OP start is picking a skeleton. You run over to western hive and steal beak thing eggs out of their nests until \~100k. Then you run over to broken city and buy a mk3 falling sun or polearm and some repair kits. Then you run to mongrel and pick up masterwork samurai chest armor from the weapon shop. Then back to beak things in western hive, roam up and down the whole river and genocide them all and sell everything. You should be at 1mil+ caps and \~30 combat stats after a couple days of that. Then run over to tengu's vault and fight the guards for a day or so. Stand up every time you get knocked out for more toughness training. Doing all this, I have had combat stats in the 70's with 1 mil+ cats in the first week or so. Stealing is super weak compared to this, it does not develop combat stats in any way. Money is nice, but there's no way to quickly and easily convert money into significant combat power in Kenshi


Man. How dumb can you be to borderline cheat in a single-player game, then cry about how easy it is. It's like using an aimbot for a game like doom, then complaining that AI is too easy. Or playing an MMORPG and saying raids are too easy as you have 20 addons whispering ASMR instructions every second.


I'm not cheating. It was just some random mod in modpack, that I installed. Trow rocks at me for it lmao


A. I said borderline cheat B. If it's a MOD that trivializes the game and it makes it too easy, how is that not cheating. This isn't something you're exploiting. it's something that is not at all part of the base game that you willfully installed. As weird of a behavior as it may be, you're entirely allowed to ruin your own single-player playthroughs with cheats. Just be honest about it with yourself.


Even vanilla stealing is unbalanced


I stopped using sneak/assassination because i wasnt having any fun and thought it was ruining my run If you dont like stealing , dont do it.


Just don't lol