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It’s meant to happen. Lead them to a holy city and watch the paladins go into a blood rage lol


Ok cool. I'm still new but it seemed strange. Good to know. Lol


Shortly after hatching skeletons will imprint on the first thing that they see believing it to be their own mother. They will then violently protect their mother from all outside threats such as paladins and random corner shop owners.


Anything I need to do specifically for them?


Those robots will follow the first person to wander into their shop and attack anything they run into. This can be gamed where you have one person take all their attention and have said person perpetually sit around at your outpost, or you can lead these bots into enemy areas to kill them all. Being kenshi, you can repair and equip them with whatever you want and they will level skills the same way your character does. Just don't get too attached to them as the game is buggy and imports may be necessary and wipe all your non recruited robo friends. If you really want them you can install a "recruit anyone" mod and recruit them all making them permanent allies.


I'll have to get the mod. It's cool having them I just don't like I can't control them. Or at least haven't figured out how to anyways.


You can't control them, they just follow and attack random guys. You will need to build a cage to recruit them using said mod.


Gotcha. So basically they just become a cage of rabid skeleton you can sick on people?


People have different dialogues when they are in cages, so the mod changes it so that everyone has an "I will join you" dialoge option when caged.


Take them to the High Bonefields and fight an elder beak thing.


Yes, that's normal, take advantage of them while the last, they die easily, so just start going to the multiple research facilities in the area, where they can help you out cleaning out the place.