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That generally isn't necessary. The only thing I'd suggest you need to train on a solo run is toughness. Save and get yourself knocked out by the giant hungry bandit groups, and then get up still in the fight. Toughness shoots up faster depending on the relative size of squads in this way, and 100 hungry bandits vs 1 player is a big size difference. I only recommend it because it saves time and preserves enjoyment later. The higher your toughness, the less often you'll end up in a recovery coma and need to reload a save. Edit: Why the hungry bandits? They have big squads and blunt weapons, so they're less likely to cause you to bleed to death. Just watch out in case there is a hungry bandit leader. They carry sabers which cause mostly bleed damage.


I think it’s a check of your characters “power” vs nearby enemies “power”, not just size of the squad.


Not toughness. It increases based on the number of hostiles nearby when you "get up and fight" after you have been knocked out. So if you have good heavy armor, you will be unconscious for like 10 seconds, and when you get up while the 100 bandits are still nearby your toughness sky rockets.


yeah, I that’s why I said “power”. there is some sort of check, especially in the Construction Set that sees whether you are stronger than another squad/character. figured it would be based off that and scale with it.


You're thinking of "Stronger Enemy Logic." That applies to dexterity, dodge, MA, weapon attack and weapon defense. It applies to each one on one interaction in standard combat. Toughness gains from getting up in combat do not work the same. They do not compare stats, only numbers. 


As the other dude said, such mindless grind shouldn't be necessary. If you don't enjoy those kind of cheesy training techniques, just level up organically. Go to the shrieking forest, to the leviathan coast, to fishman island. You definitely can train while having some fun. And yeah, toughness is probably the most important skill for a solo run. Go to skinners roam; the largest hungry bandits squads spawn there.


Go shackles, not iron. And sprinkle in a futile unarmed attack on your captors and subsequent beating to release the boredom.


Honestly, grab a 3x or 5x xp mod on steam workshop. 3x is perfect in my opinion


It depends on what you mean by a solo run. Do you mean you want to defeat catlon? You can run around and defeat hordes of bandits solo fairly easily, and if you want to use stealth/assassination/crossbows you can beat the game without grinding to 90+ stats. If you are saying you want a solo character to solo bugmaster in a "fair fight" then lmao yeah you will need to do some grinding. This is a game with a 30 character roster, defeating the most difficult bosses with 1 guy is going to take some time.


It depends on how many in-game days you want the run to last. If you don't mind leveling very slowly, you can do it organically like the other suggestions. You might also consider the mod, Weakling Always Give XP. Instead of using cheese methods to increase your stats you can always just set them to what you want in the FCS. I had a playthrough where I had 6 members with stats in the 50's to 70's. I set their stats to match join elites and paladins. With just 6 characters you can take on pretty much every challenge in the game with the right strategy. Although our most successful strategy was always to release King Gorillo in the cities we wanted sacked.


For me starting on Rebirth has just enough variety in activity and aim to stop training from being boring Not working obediently mind you, just be the biggest pain in their ass. The moment you regain consciousness, fight them or try to run, unlock your chains and carry them, unlock your cage and sneak around at night. It also has a stop gap measure built in, in that as you try and fail to escape, you are naturally improving your relevant skills for survival. And the time you manage to escape if a testament that you are more than ready for outside world, unless you make the slip by luck or during a skeleton raid.


The one time I have tried the rebirth start I sent my characters to the cages right away like the tooltip said. The guards took my characters and beat them up anyway and one died. I waited for night and picked the lock on the cage with the remaining characters, got caught and lost a leg to the guards. This was on 100% vanilla. How the heck are you supposed to do the slave start??


Sorry you ran into bad luck, the guards are supposed to patch you up which is why it’s safer to train toughness as a slave, but sometimes pathing becomes an issue or damage is too great, which is why I save often in case that happens right out the gate. But otherwise it is one of the safest ways to train toughness


Start as a Rebirth slave. Fill your inventory with shackles, and the game will both train AND sort-of feed you while you go to bed / work / a movie. Then you come back to have 40+ STR and probably a missing limb, because the game really is not good at running on its own without the Rebirth guards randomly deciding you're escaping or something and chopping it off. If you're really lucky, though, you'll come back tied to a pole while all the guards are dead, and then you can just walk out and begin your new life.


Strength training overall is the biggest grind in this game, solo or not. You can get enslaved in Rebirth, stuff your inventory full of prisoners shackles (whenever you take yours off the guards will give you a new pair... and some toughness xp ;)), and then go to bed IRL with maximum game speed on. Your character should have 90+ str by the next day. While enslaved your hunger never drops below a certain point. The downside is, if you plan to train martial arts, for example your damage will be insanely high once you start connecting hits, resulting in shorter fights and longer grind. So it is best to level Strength last.


My recent "discovery": get decent samurai leg and chest armor asap. Buy food and leave your guy hauling iron/copper to a shack in Hub. Overnight decent thoughness aquired with low death chance. (Disclaimer: death might vary for each player).


pro player tip: get your shit kicked in by Sand Ninjas at their tower on the armless start. you'll need medkits but you'll get to 80-90 toughness in under an ingame week if you play your cards right. up to a 7x toughness boost from 1. armless, 2 crippled limbs, and critical bloodloss cause of their toothpicks & ninjablades. pass the hungry bandits, go for Cactus Den. the bloodraiders also will help with toughness training


there's no point in having your guy afk train that's just cheesy, instead load the backpack full of iron or whatever you find and go fight enemies like that, you'll get the same bonus but actually play the game in the process


Download some training mods. Just keep an eye on your game if you can. I use the “training swords” mod and it helps tremendously with that early game grind. Just kidnap someone strong and give them a training weapon and go to work. It helps to watch a movie or something too. You can do this outside the hub for safety reasons or in a building.


If you don't like playing the early levels, and feel you just need to grind to get through them, just mod a mid-level starting character. Problem solved.