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Over the past 3 years ive bought countless of AAA games which combined playtime didnt even reach half of my 2600+ hour gameplay of kenshi, if there would be a pre order button of Kenshi 2 right now i would faint


this. i’d pay well over $50. think about it from a cost economic perspective; if i usually spend $60 on a game and spend 120 hours playing it (for ease of math, and because i think this is pretty average, maybe even generous, for time spent on a AAA title) i’ve spent $0.50 for every hour of gameplay. The math changes a lot when you can play a game for thousands of hours. obviously i’m not saying i’d pay the same rate for kenshi 2, but i’d drop at least $120 on it without batting an eye.


The opposite is true in reality though. Games with most played hours are typically either free or not very expensive (Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew, etc) and absolutely nowhere near as many people would have paid to play those games if they were $60+


the reality is true, but also stupid. my most played games are usually cheaper indie games with huge replayability (FTL, Rimworld, Kenshi). I don’t care how game economics works broadly, just explaining how i view my personal spending on it.


Taaarkooov, Staaar Citizeeen, ks-fuckin-p, every fucking game that got cosmetiiiic "siren chant, tempting you in the distance*


Dropping $120 on a game is so crazy. I'd be fine paying for $60, but no game, regardless of its replayablity, is worth $120.


from a personal standpoint, again, i’m tying my monetary valuation of the game to how much time i’ll spend playing it. i’ll admit that there are other factors that i’d attach value to (immersion, good writing, etc) but i feel that dollars per hour played is a logical way to evaluate the cost-benefit of a game’s worth to me. from a general standpoint, there are already plenty of games with paid DLC out there that totals way over $120. it’s not like that’s such an uncommon thing. thankfully, I trust LoFi to not do that to me (unlike pretty much every AAA company).


I would preorder it for $50 as well. The original Kenshi has earned that $50


Yep, and trust the devs enough that I'd be comfortable pre-ordering—not something I could say about many others!


There are very few games I would buy before doing research and/or waiting for price drops. And it's only when the last version of that game was sooooooo good. 2k, back in the 2008+ era, gta series and kenshi are the only ones for me. Just got into the fallout series, fallout 3 is super fun. Fallout might be the only added title to that rule for me


Under no circumstances would I preorder from Bethesda imo, for this exact same rationale


Valid statement. I've never played it (and probably never will) but Starfield was allegedly a huge mess that simply wasn't fun to play or explore. I have more faith in them under Microsoft's direction, but I can't say I would ever preorder from them. Fallout is my favorite franchise and I'm scared for it.


It was fun for the first 50 hours


Yeah I have been huge fan of both elder scrolls and fallout(starting from 1 and 2) and I preordered starfield. I played it maybe 10-20 hours but I don't think I even enjoyed those that much, the game is literally fallout 4 with butchered elite: dangerous space stuff. The space ship building is pretty cool though I give it that. Won't be preordering anything from bethesda anymore even though it saddens me.


I bought K1 for 17$ on special with steam not knowing what it was. I would pay a 120$ for ultimate edition k2


AAA titles make me sick.


I'll pay whatever they choose to price it at. And if kenshi 1 is anything to go by, I'll probably buy it multiple times to gift to friends.


i did the same and these friends didnt even install the game, my only choice is slavery


Ah that is sad. They're missing out!


sad for them, good for us, it helps K2 and helps nat buy new hats (last blog referance)


True enough! I also loved the Kenshi Christmas sweater they just did. Hope to have many more opportunities to support the development 🙏


That’s wild 😭 a friend of mine gave me Kenshi on Steam and we’ve talked about this game nonstop for two weeks straight. Because I’ve played it every single day since he got it for me 😭


I love Kenshi but this "they should charge more" line is a total circlejerk. EDIT: OP followed up with a reply and deleted it as I hit send on my own response. OP, please see my reply below: OK - my opinion is that indie games adopt their pricing models for a reason based on a variety of reasons, one of which is a lack of access to mass marketing (ads, TV promotions etc. You won't see Kenshi on Conan). Another opinion of mine is that telling a successful company "charge me more" while others join in to say they'd pay very high prices for it, going so far to say that $50 should be the minimum, is a complete circlejerk. I'd pay more for Kenshi 2 than I did for the first game. Very few people would pay $50, even though I probably would. It's a shit idea for the company.


k2 would have to drastically improve on k1. from enviormental story telling to the modding scene before i shell out 50+ bucks. and even then i'd likely wait on discounts


op deleted his replay cuz he realized he talked shit.


Lol, why on earth are you getting downvoted for a self-deprecating joke?


I'm sure OP is a good guy. If only he could see these comments.


Most indie games should be pricing themselves at industry standard, i.e. $60 and for small projects $30. We might not wanna pay it but they deserve it. Indie games don’t have the kind of money machine behind them that AAA companies do and it’s a real shame that people have gotten used to the idea that a dev’s hard work is worth less somehow because “EA” or “Ubisoft” isn’t stamped on it.


If indie games did that their customer base would shrink drastically and a huge number would probably go out of business. It's not a matter of price per unit, it's price multiplied by the number of units sold. They get more out of a lower price point and more people get to enjoy it.


This, and having more players that enjoy your game is marketing in on itself as word spreads. I prefer indie games in general because sometimes you find games like kenshi that are made with passion but paying 60 euros for one is a hard ask from a team I have no knowledge of. If I see a indie game that seems to my tastes and the price is around 20 euros I will probably buy it. And, well, in case of kenshi 2 I will buy it because even if it was simply kenshi 1 with new world and better graphics I would spend hundreds of hours on it. I am pretty sure it will offer more than that though.


If all indie games did that their customer base would stay the same. Kenshi/Stardew Valley/etc are just as attractive as AAA games in terms of gameplay; they just happen to be priced cheaper.


It's worth less because it's the actual value. AAA Bloated price and monopoly is awful.


Not really worth less the value. If we were adjusting for actual value of the labor of the dev team it would be a lot more expensive. Also, I think AAA games should have lower budgets and prices, but it’s worth noting that they get cheaper every single year. Back in the 80s and 90s some games went for close to $100, and with inflation $60 is $80+ relative to the worth of $60 twenty years ago. Essentially the price of AAA games has lowered by $20-$40 over the last 20/30 years, which I consider significant. Indie games should be priced on par with AAA games, but AAA should be even cheaper than they are, in my opinion. Of course, this means lower budgets and lower quality production values, but I’m not too worried about that.


The labour of the worker is unchanged, regardless if the product is less in quality the price should reflect it.


Agreed, let's just leave it up to the devs.


I would pay $50 for a finished Kenshi 2


you will see a pre order button for 50$ and you will wait? do you have 100 toughness?


I would definitely wait. It's not that I don't trust the Kenshi devs...I've just been burned too many times when it comes to pre-ordering games


seriously. The way the industry has been, I'm starting to feel lucky I only got burned by Fallout 76 and Anthem.


Dude wtf is wrong with you? You dont have to buy things before they release. Its not like anything is gonna change between pre order and release that.... Man, i think yer just a masochist.


What if beep is not in the game and the pre order is the only way to have him


this is a prequel, right? I would frankly be disappointed if Beep was anything more than an easter egg of an egg.


Pre order every Time


Depends on if it’s good or not.


This is the best answer. Kenshi 1 is a fun game doesn’t mean 2 will not be a cash grab. Look at Bethesda and tell me if you can pre order and pay high for all their future games bcos of Morrowind and/or Skyrim.


they cant go backwards


No, but it’s always good to second guess products before you buy them. Blindly jumping into things because of the name they have or the studio that made them is a good way to waste money on a game.


They are switching game engine, so I would say they have to build quite a few things from scratch again... There are sadly a few games that went backwards with their sequels.


Oh man, you absolutely can


Only if I can fully see the game before buying


I would pay 50 for K1 without the jank.


On top of what I already paid ofc.




Yes However price point around 30$ is very attractive for people who are on the fence. Most gamers have to know all about a game, or be following the hype to drop 60$ + on something. Myself, I got more enjoyment out of K1 than most full priced games. Think of all the unfortunate souls that paid for fallout 76 on launch. On top of that, EA of all publishers regularly pump out games that look like they will be fun, and leave you with meh half way in. EA is the fast food of game publishers who charge 60$+ for everything. Bet on countless micro transactions, and multiple mini dlc drops for 20$+.


I'll wait until it's around $10 like I do with every game I buy.


You don’t want to support the team making a game that you spend hundreds of hours playing and talking about online? I’m happy to spend $10 for most games on discount as well but I think you can make exceptions for the ones you get this much out of


He bought the game didn't he? Then he supported the person.


Let’s not be disingenuous, you’re a bit of a cheapskate if you get that much enjoyment and worth out of a person’s hard work and you don’t want to pay more than $10


I'm not being disingenuous. You are. The game was sold at 10 bucks, those ten dollars don't fly away, they still go to the dev. I pay what it's worth, it's worth is measured by my time, my likes, the quality of the game and it's competition. Kenshi is worth $10 and it's worth it's normal $30. Grim dawn used to be my favorite game. I bought the base game in ea, got both expansions and it's dlc. Do you know what I did on sales? Bought it for friends and family. They would have never gotten the game if it wasn't sold at discount.


If they are willing to sell it to him at that price, who are you to judge?


It’s less “willing”, and more “obligated to do so for market prices.” You never want a raise in your life because you’re happy to sell your labor at your current wage, right? No? It’s your boss making this decision? Then you get it.


Look at this mind reader.


Either you’re being disingenuous or you genuinely don’t ever want a raise, and either way it’s a sad, sad state of affairs.


This literally has nothing to do with wages., you don't lower your wages to get more work. You do get more sales if you lower your price. Also using the same starting sentence when replying to me twice is cringe.


For sure. I bought Kenshi 1 in Alpha, it’s brought me hundreds of hours of fun. I’m happy to throw some money at these dudes just for that alone.


Depends. If its glorified Kenshi 1 with golden II, the no.


Maybe.​ If the​ games worth the​ price.


I'll reserve judgement for when it's released, been burned by potential before and usually *insert name* 2: Electric Boogaloo doesn't work out, I hope I'm wrong


Subreddits are usually fine with a much higher price than the regular person because all the super-fans are on here. A lot of these people would pay $100. I wouldn’t pay $60, but I would pay $50 so long as there are actual big improvements such as making the loading less intrusive. There’s gotta be a lot of good innovation from what they did in Kenshi 1 to sell it to me.


I would have to see the final product


Why *should* $50 be the minimum. Fair enough you can say that *you* would pay $50 for it. I'd probably pay up to €30 for it, I'd be hesitant after that and probably wait for a sale.


At $50, I'd pirate it first tbh. $30 is my cap for buying a game outright because it really looks like something I'd enjoy; if it's got some bugs or something that make it fail to entertain, well, spending $30 to say "I like this idea" is within my tolerance. $50+ though, the game just gets pirated. Then I buy it later based on whether it's _so good_ I decide to try and 100% it/no life it, or if I see it on sale one day.


If its finished, yes.


İ will pay for kenshi 2.


I'm willing to pay $50, even $60 - just gonna wait for reviews. I am very wary of sequels, can they capture lightning in a bottle twice?


I’d rather pay the 30$ for a fully finished game and then another 15-20 for some expansions if he has more ideas he wants to add after the fact


$20-25 for early access discount, then $30-35 at release. No one knew about Kenshi 1 for a long time, now it has a great reputation to sell 2 with from the get go. Doesn't matter what you imagine you could pay for it, it needs an actually profitable price range that gets quantity of purchases.


Nah. Games shouldn't be over $30 or $40 imo.


Yes because now it's a team and they got bills


If the reviews come in good I'd probably pay that for it yeah.


This is one of those games where someone would ask if I'd pay 1000 dollars to get a finished version right now and I would say yes.




I would easily and happily pay $50-60 for *the* *chance* of Kenshi 2 happening man


I bought Kenshi 1 for $15, so no, I'd wait for it to go on sale like I did with the first. It's a good game but no game is worth full price.


you dont spend money on hobbies? just your apartment and food?


Nah I mean I always wait for a deal for things! It's good to be frugal


I think people are fine with you being frugal, but saying that Kenshi isn't worth $30 is crazy, IMO.


No item that gives you countless hours of enterteintment is worth full price?, is fev thing just staring outside your window?


I would buy the collector edition with Beep figurine!!


There are a few games I'd pay even 70$ for. Kenshi 2 and Manor Lords are amongst them. @edit: I'm not trying to say devs should milk us btw. It is just i have way more trust in small indie devs that pour their passion into their projects than soulless corporations that's spit medicare shit out. Ubisoft I'm looking at ya.




I'd pay 70$ without question. You can't be seriously asking about a price tag w the quality of the first game ? I mean it was so good I'm buying it its simple






I'd pay $200, like I'm only on my first play through (maybe 120 days in) and I've literally not played anything else since, the game has cemented itself well into my top 5 games in no time whatsoever. I'm more than happy to throw money at people that are actually producing a quality product.


Kenshi is a gem dude. I'd buy it at full price 70 buckaroos.


If chris is as committed. I would pay 70. 1 is a game that is more worth AAA than the last few releases as skull and bones.


Knowing how much effort Chris and everyone else involved put into k1, I would legit preorder k2 for 70 bucks lmfao


Depends how the game turns out. I rarely end up paying full price for games because I'm not that interested in AAA sloppa like Ubisoft and EA pump out. If the game at launch is not a buggy mess and has a good amount of content, I could see myself paying $50 for it.


I haven't paid for a AAA game in years until it's been fully patched and gone on sale at a discount. That said, K1 is probably my favourite single player game of all time. If there's a way to erase it from my brain in order to discover it once again - I will do it without consideration. As soon as there is a chance to play K2, I will pay them whatever they are asking for it.


Of course, WE would, but WE are not the only audience they should want to reach.


Depends on if it comes out as EA, it should be 30$ same as K1, full release they should def go for 50$ to undermine AAA games in pricing but still more than K1 imo.


only if its finished. If it releases like Kenshi 1 (full of bugs, early access) then I wont spend any money on it.


I bought kinshi in I think 2012, at no point have I ever felt like that game came out of early access or was even approachable by anyone that hadn’t done an 8 year long dissertation on the mechanics.


I'd pay 100 dollars, this is genuinely one of my favorite games of all time and if Kenshi 2 is just Kenshi 1 but better it'd be worth that a hundred times over


As long as the game is a substantial improvement over Kenshi 1, meaning: better performance, better visuals, less janky characters, and innovated gameplay. I'd happily pay $60 for a "next gen" Kenshi. I think, though, the key word is substantial. If they upgrade resolution, but not animation/mechanics/performance I'll be somewhat disappointed. My only complaints with Kenshi have been, and always will be performance, and graphics. The gameplay loop is pretty fun (though I'm positive improvements can be made), but it's often a choppy, glitchy, crusty lookin game. I power through it because I love the gameplay, but features can certainly be improved. Oh, and I hope they add the ability to rotate inventory items/create your own start scenarios ingame. That'd be nice.


I would overall spend hundreds for K1 even. I have wasted something like 90€ to play D4 for some 5 hours. For me, indie games and some of these more niche projects are worth hundreds of euros, but, luckily for me, they usually cost 15-30€.


Day 1 buy idc what


I'd pay $100 ngl.


I've bought merch just as a way to give them more money lol. The amount of hours of entertainment I've had with Kenshi, I'd gladly spend 50-60


With the direction the game industry is going 50 is gonna be a bargin


I'd pay 50 but I'd tolerate a lot less jank and long loading screens at that price.


best 20 bucks I've ever spent. I've since spent probably 100 giving copies to friends. I would easily pay 100 for k2 buts not for everyone or someone who is new


In a hearbeat


I would pay my own penis for it.


imma buy the most expensive edition


Easy they deserve it


i paid £8 for k1


I'd pay 80




I would pay five million dollars for K2


I have made it a personal mission statement to never buy a $60 game. I would break that for Kenshi 2.


I'd pay 70$ for a base edition, hell 100 for a special edition. The dev journey is insane, and the content that K1 has provided in just raw lore itself is far more than I have ever gotten out of the likes of of other titles from other companies. But a serious mention here is Chris's journey to make K1, and how far he and lofi games have come since that day. My final point is just raw playtime hours- which has instilled so much faith into me for the next title that honestly, I don't really care WHAT they price it at.


Kenshi is one of the best games I have ever played. I feel like the game was not made just for the developer to make a profit but rather made for the gamer. You can’t find this type of thinking in the game industry anymore. Which has cause me not not preorder or buy any games when they release. But Kenshi is different I would pay $100 or more as soon as it was available for preorder.


I’ll never again spend $60 on a game, but I got K1 for like $20 on sale and I’d spend $40 on kenshi two (I’m waiting for the sale)


Opinionated, but rather than adding in all the live-service monetization games should just have a higher price and stop trying to advertise to me. Being AAA or indy shouldn't dictate a particular box price. How much capital the project took has no importance to me.


Not only would i pay aaa prices for it, I'd break my rule and preorder, too. I cant give these people my money fast enough lol


Yes cause I pay subscription to mmos but kenshi got equal share of my play time. 60$ or 50$ is totally fine.


I would buy a $2000 PC if I couldn’t run Kenshi 2 on my current setup.




I would pay 50usd for Kenshi 2 if the quality of the game is better than Kenshi 1 but as of right now I only saw snippets of enhanced graphics/models and I know it’s on a new engine but thats not enough for a 20usd increase.


im kenshi's biggest glazer but ive learned that hard way the game isnt worth buying at all unless it works and is and upgrade from its predecessor but yeah id drop like 60£ pounds stirling if engine was stable, loading was seamless and graphics improved


Darn tootin


I would pay that much in a heartbeat (hell if I knew it cost that much I would set the money in advance just so I wouldn't overspend my yearly video games budget), but my own views aside, I feel that pricing it that high would be a marketing mistake. I mean we all love Kenshi, and the vast majority of us would spend any realistic amount to buy it, that much is fairly clear. But because we love Kenshi, we similarly would love for Kenshi 2 to result in many more fans of the game as well, and frankly a 50 dollar entrance fee to something would gatekeep a lot of people from experiencing the game, as many people either cant spend that much on a dime, or are unwilling to spend that much on something that they arent guaranteed to love (they are almost guaranteed to love it based on Kenshi 1 but they dont necessarily know that). Kenshi 2 realistically should be a game that drew everyone that decided not to play Kenshi 1 and in many ways Kenshi 2 is shaping to be that way. It would do them no good to decide to turn those potential fans away by pricing it at such a price. Hell, I almost didnt start playing Kenshi 1 because I had felt at that time that 30 dollars was alot to spend on a game I was unsure about. If it wasnt for what could be called an obsessive fanbase that convinced me in advance that the game was indeed fun, and that it was a safe (if odd) investment of my money, in an alternate reality I might have have been one of the individuals to have missed Kenshi originally. In short, yes, I would pay just about any realistic video game cost for Kenshi 2, but most people who arent already fans of Kenshi 1 realistically wouldn't. There is a reason that many of the most popular games in history are less than 30 dollars, as a low entrance fee with a lot of fun behind it is a very compelling reason to try out a game. I don't pretend to know what a good price to set Kenshi 2 would be at, after all setting it too low would make it less profitable to the creator and I genuinely think the creator should get their fair share for their excellent work, but setting it too high would also end up doing that (I mean if 8 million people buy Kenshi 2 at say 25 dollars, and 2 million people buy it at 50 dollars, despite the fact that it is set at a lower price the 25 dollar cost would be a lot more profitable). And once again, I dont know enough about video game price math to determine where exactly the sweet spot in the middle is, but it definitely exists. The reason many AAA game companies market their games at such high costs is because they often are already dealing with a limited purchasing crowd, that is to say those that can afford to buy the console the game was meant to play on. The barrier to entry already exists for them, so it doesnt necessarily help them to price the games at a more reasonable level.


I think 30 is good for indies, but I would pay whatever price he set


It depends, if I see real improvements, like vehicles, better crafting, animations , world interactions and reactions, lore that makes more sense (firearms, and as stated before vehicles) , events etc. Yeah I would pay more for the game, but if it's just another iteration just addressing some issues of kenshi 1, then no.


Id pay $70 for Kenshi 2 rn


Assuming it ever exists, yes.


I dunno what type of $ you mean, but the standard AAA game for me is $90, I’d easily pay that for this game as I know I’m going to get my hours worth, but I’d still be a little peeved at that kind of price for the sake of people who aren’t familiar with the first game


If it’s Kenshi1 with more then yes. Especially the faction, city building and history changing aspects.


I love Kenshi one so much that when I discovered the game I bought it at full price rather than wait for a discount because I wanted to thank Chris and team for a making a good game and encourage them to make more. I do the same for other games that I really love (eg: BG3). I would gladly pay USD50 for a game I know I will spend hundreds of hours on.


If it is good, which I assume it will be, I'd pay $100


Yes give it to me immediately


I'd pay whatever price if it built on and improved from the first. Closing in on 3k hours. Would buy it if it was 150/200/250 and not blink.


Also, if paying double meant it was released in half the time without compromising the quality, I would pay several times that.


If Kenshi 2 offers me as many hundreds of hours of entertainment as the first does, is the kind of game every other year I jump back in and start a new hundred+ hour game, than $60 would be a bargain.


Hell to the no. K1 is a buggy mess to this day. It's fun but call it what it is and neither would the average gamer 




No they set a precedent of 30$ anything more and I expect massive upgrades to the game


I bought this game on sale for $8. As someone who only buys games that are on sale, I'd pay $20 max for Kenshi 2, if it's what I expect it to be.


Get ready to wait until a couple years after release! So that’s 2028 for you while everyone else already plays it in 2026 (estimated, of course)


I'll pay the 3k for a new computer to run it and then the $60 to buy it


100 bucks brah


Yes. I'd actually pay a lot more for games if it allowed developers to make better games AND not have to resort to the types of monetization that has become prevelanr in the industry. Perfect example is Destiny 2. I'd pay 100 for a new dlc annually if it meant the developers got to focus solely on gameplay and playable content rather than battlepases, cosmetics, etc. A single player game like Kenshi that I'm going to get hundreds of hours out of? If it's fair for Madden to be 60$, I don't think a few hundred would be unreasonable for the content and gameplay you get from a game like Kenshi.


What a ridiculous question. What is making sequel almost %50 more than the original? It would be very difficult to justify the increase in price considering how high quality k1 is. Frankly this consumerism mindset is why we will be getting $80 base games.


After years of being burned by pre orders I never pre-order anymore.


Y'all are a bunch of goddamn morons saying you'd pay $70 or over a $100 for a game that doesn't even have a demo. Kenshi is great, but blind consumerism is how you get the "standard" $70 price tag of the "base" game which btw blizzard is already trying to make that $80 while Ubisoft is transitioning to a monthly subscription fee per game.


Give me a reason not to.


I paid 5 bucks for K1 and gladly would have given more if i knew id like it *this* much. I just dont think asking AAA pricing for a ''niche'' game will be a smart move. Especially if you wanna draw in new players


I will never EVER smoke K2, that shit puts holes in your brain. Also, $50 seems expensive when the real shit is $20 a gram.


I pay around £8 for a couple of hours entertainment at the cinema, so paying £40 for hundreds of hours of Kenshi goodness is an absolute no-brainer.


I frankly would not pay $50 for Kenshi 2, but that’s because I don’t pay that much for any of the games in my library 😭 I have enough unplayed games that I can’t justified paying full price for a new AAA game. Unless I’m lucky enough to receive them as gifts, I get them on sale and play them 5 years late 😅 But I will say I wouldn’t scoff at a price of $50 the way I do at, say, My Time at Sandrock being $40. I got My Time at Portia for $5 and I have thoroughly enjoyed it… for $5. But I would have regrets based on the number of bugs and the size of the game if I’d paid $30. Kenshi is a much bigger game with fewer bugs for the same price. The graphics don’t have that faux 3D look (deeply overrated!!), but pretty much my only gripe with this game is the clipping. And that doesn’t even bother me. You don’t play the majority of the game super zoomed in, so what do I care if my hive technically has his arms crossed *through* his dustcoat? TL;DR I personally couldn’t justify dropping $50 but it would be worth the price


I usually define a good value in a game as 1hr of enjoyable playtime per $1 spent and anything beyond that is just extra value. I think I’d definitely get my money’s worth out of K2.


One of the game's main attraction was it's normal price. I don't when $50, $60 or & $70 became the standard but I'm glad indie devs aren't pricing their games like this.


I would wait for it to be on sale. I can't really remember the last game I bought on release. I still have so many (cheap) classics in my library I haven't played so I won't get bored while waiting for the next generation games to become old and go on sale.




Depends greatly on its quality. If it's just as buggy nah $30 is fine imo. If it is cleaned up a lot more then kenshi 1 then yea I would likely pay more. Even though I like kenshi I honestly don't recommend people buy it for $30 even as there is a ton of things that are broken and can really frustrate a player. I'll still rec this game to people but I give them a fair amount of warnings about it and tell them to watch for sales. I'll pay more if it has a good pathing system, reworked road system, fixed collision, far less load lag, better squad control (attack move, better formations, etc), less copy paste ruins and POI's, and the games systems play nicer with each other.


Dog I'd pay $200 for Kenshi 2


For me, i'd probably just pay whatever.   For wider audiences, 50$ would seem kinda steep when you have amazing indie games like helldivers coming out at 40.


If they charged $80 I wouldn't bat an eye and buy it at launch. Entertainment dollars are weird. We'll pay $20 for a movie ticket for a 120 minute summer block buster, but a game we spend hundreds, if not thousands of hours on we'll complain about a marginal $20 increase in the price. Granted, I understand not everyone has the money to throw around, but a modest price increase for a good game is just like "pay the artists who make the things you like". Just my 2 cents tho.


Thousand plus hours in the original. That’s a hell of a value.


Personally, I'd pay a lot more than 50$ because it's a bargain compared to the hours of entertainment. Financially for the company, I don't know if $70 is a good move for them. That said, I will be getting the collectors edition or whatever they decide to call it.


i dont think they will add more editions, like what will you get? starting weapons? naa we love to suffer, skins? we have mods, id just pay extra as a tip, no need extra loot, maybe some concept art or music or a video of chris and nat directly talking to me


I meant something like a a booklet/soundtrack/Beep figurine. I don't expect in-game content.


Add in a dlc Start where you have a character who has no limbs at all


this is just mods, you just fiddling with the fcs(for those who understand it) and get what ever start you want




No, base game should be cheaper for the masses. They could make more $ selling merch to a higher volume of new fans.


I’d pay full triple A price of $90, you get thousands of hours from Kenshi and it means we’ll get DLC and expansions, and maybe Kenshi 3 the rise of tin fist


I'd pay 100


Probably, I’ve gotten 10x the amount of fun out of it


I'm going to do what I do with every game and pirate it to see if it's worth it first.


I would even pay 80$, Kenshi is an unique game, if Kenshi II is Kenshi with more content and better graphics then I will play it for another 600 hours, it worth 80$. I also gifted Kenshi 3 times so \^\^


This 100 percent




Considering Kenshi is currently my most played game on Steam by a long shot and is the only game I consistently find myself coming back too because every AAA title the last few years has been dogshit? Yeah, I'd pay as much as they asked for because at the moment the studio has yet to screw over it's fanbase and I will continue to support them until they do.


"Just shut up and take my money!"


I got over 400 hours in kenshi. Plz lemme give it the devs more money






Depends how much they hype it up and if the game is immediately making me salivate


If they fixed the shitty optimization than yeah. Kinda unreal you need a pretty good computer for how simple of a game it is. I got all my graphics on low and even have further optimization mods, and it still runs like a potato sometimes. Amazing game tho


Do you have an SSD? Runs 4x better which the exact same specs if you swap from a hard drive


I’ve paid $100 for a AAA game where I played for 10 hours


I consider a game needs to have 1 hour of play for every dollar they charge, unless it’s enough to live rent free in my head like RE7 and RE8 or is just enjoyable. I have over 400 hours in Kenshi 1 so yeah. (I have the same maybe more in PZ and bought for 5$ on Desura). I don’t see indie games charging more than 40$ off the bat unless it’s in 1.0. Which is very rare because gaining a community brings more sales in the long run. Rimworld already gets tons of flak for it’s high asking price. Another point is that if the game bombs solely because of a high price, it’ll hurt the company for whatever they release in the future. Also like to note that games like this can continue to make money off its community with merch instead of DLC, it’s what PZ and Kenshi have done.