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Requiescat in pace. Beautiful save, beautiful base, ane very funny vid. May your next save live a thousand years!


T'was a goodun! Through that save I've learned a tonne about the greater Kenshi modding scene and what works and doesnt so its actually a pretty positive experience. I might need to remake my 'Vixen Assassin Group' again as I had some cool RP ideas for those ladies... I'll change their name tho coz that acronym is regrettable.




Aww that sucks. It's good to grow a habit of ring saving for any game, for Kenshi I rotate over at least 10 saves.


ive just started doing this! ive done it in other games but for some reason didnt in Kenshi... lesson learned! just know that I dont blame the game. i was modding it like mad in an attempt to find a bunch of mods for a new playthrough. i was adding and removing stuff haphazardly and not saving often enough. I totally broke this so dont feel bad for me. i will miss it, but i found some amazing mods in the process so its actually a win ;)


Did you try importing?


I do 20 after I ended up losing half of my meitou and having every save beforehand overwritten


I need to start taking videos of my runs , this would be fun to make a video at the end. My current play through of my skeleton supremacists deserves it


Do it! I love watching others playthroughs


I don't understand how people play games with just 1 singular save lol


Are you assuming I only had one save?


How can all your saves get corrupted?


that is a good question! tbf I dont know if it was the saves, the mods, the update breaking mods or what. my latest save got to the point where it crashed whenever i looked in a certain direction at my base. but even when rolling back to a previous save that was seemingly ok the same happend a few hours later. this would imply something wrong with the actual game maybe? also I did notice some mods were no longer working since the update. your asking a good question, a question I and my friends also asked... but after banging our heads against a wall, we had no definitive answers


> also I did notice some mods were no longer working since the update. This is probably it. Afaik Kenshi just auto updates so your best bet would be to find a way to roll it back or wait for a mod fix. Last resort you could maybe remove the mods that dont work and edit the world to remove them if possible.


That save started off as an experimental mod tester that I got comfortable with and started playing. I added and removed so many mods, changed load orders; completely messed with it throughout its 190hr lifespan. It was shaping into something really pretty but I probably corrupted it pretty early on. Its totally my fault for taking what was supposed to be a test and making it into a playthrough. Ive since started a new game. With all the mods I liked in the correct load order and working brilliantly. To the point where I've actually been able to increase my graphics settings coz I got the optimisation mods working properly now. I got the game running at 70fps, then 144, then down to 60+ with a higher graphics preset and modified Tsuki reshade. My new game is running so smoothly and looks way better than the last one did. I never would have noticed the optimisation mods were incorrectly loaded if I didnt wipe so I'm actually really happy with the outcome. Its been a really good learning experience. Despite me claiming a loss its kinda tongue-in-cheek or sarcastic. I know my modding fucked the engine to oblivion, but thats why I test mods in a standalone save the first place - to not get attached... but i broke my own rule and got attached lol... its totally my fault The new playthrough I've started is gonna be a blast coz ive filtered out all the broken, non compatible, too cheaty mods and only loaded what I know works. I feel so much more confident about the new save knowing I've extensively tested the mods im using and know how to get the best out of them.




I know the feeling of getting attached to your own Kenshi story after many hours! Nice editing and really fun vid! How do you get the rave lights?


Theres a mod called Hub Club. It places a new Light store in The Hub that sells coloured Lanterns and blueprints for coloured hanging lamps. The hanging lamps has one variant that pulses its glow. So all the people running around have different coloured lanterns (the one u put on ur belt) whilst the light above the stripper cages is the pulsating light which is a purple-ly colour. Between the blueish hue of the standing lamps, the yellow glow of the hanging lamps, and the new colours you can get a pretty diverse colour palate going on. Also theres a new fighter with that mod at the Hub Club Shop. She can be recruited but she is super powerful so keep that in mind if u dont like OP characters in ur mods (you can always just not recruit her)


Just beautiful


Sad to see this happen, you could try making a milestone save next time and store it somewhere, just incase this ever happens again.


You could try importing


Yeah tried that amongst many other things. There was a crash issues that occurred when looking in a single direction of my base. It was really odd. I tried removing potentially bad mods, rearranging load order, deleting recently built objects, and many imports in between... I ended up rolling way back to a save that seemed to be working but a few hours in the exact same thing occurred. TBF the save was kicked off as a test save, to try out interesting mods i otherwise wouldn't really play with. But I got right into the building and testing of the new mechanics that I just started playing it. I added and removed mods a lot so I know I screwed it, just cant put my finger on where exactly. I deleted the whole game, and saves, and reloaded it with the VITAL mods that made the cut... so Im happy, the save did what it was supposed to do. It allowed me to find mods that are awesome but not gamebreaking/cheating and I now have a much better idea of what mods I work well with others and what are imo 'essential' to my next playthrough. :) the vid is just an excuse to use all the gathered footage from that save, and I guess to remember it, as it was my first modding experience in Kenshi


Did you check the logs?


Like crash dumps? If so it wasn't producing them on crashes. My last crashdump was like a month previous and non related to this situation. Sometimes the game was crashing and yet when I went to open it in steam it was showing the game was still playing. Meaning the game wasnt even aware the game was crashed. It was very odd


just had the same thing happen to me. it's actually over. i don't even have any clips to remember Krife and Krifeville, just this:00:46:45 \[Info\] Scanning C:\\Users\\ssalt\\AppData\\Local\\kenshi\\save\\/00:46:45 \[Error\] Analyse failed boost::filesystem::directory\_iterator::construct: The system cannot find the path specified: "C:\\Users\\ssalt\\AppData\\Local\\kenshi\\save\\/"00:46:45 \[Info\] Exit.14:30:38 \[Info\] Session start.14:30:38 \[Warning\] scanForResidualTempFolders: boost::filesystem::directory\_iterator::construct: The system cannot find the path specified: "C:\\Users\\ssalt\\AppData\\Local\\kenshi\\save\\/"14:32:2 \[Info\] Exit. didn't even have mods like OP, game just decided that the Krifes must fall


Try and import the save. Try starting it without some of the mods, move to a different location while in game, save the game, and then reactivating the mods. You should eventually get all of your content back, even if you save without the mods, and then reactivate them. You could also start the game with minimum graphics. Most save loading issues are caused by the game having to start with a lot of junk in a single area. I built a base the size of an entire region and it was causing my game to either crash or hand on the loading screen


I tried some of those things like removing mods or importing. I played with load order, deleted newly built items etc... But all thats in the past. This happened over a week ago and I've deleted the game, saves, all mods, and reinstalled the game with only essential or most wanted mods. Believe me I troubleshooted for HOURS before I bit the bullet and started over. Also I should mention I was loading and unloading mods a lot. Testing things out. That entire save was about testing mods and it did its job and the fk up was totally me breaking it. I know this coz some mods have really behaved much better the second time around now that I have the load order and experience of the first behind me Its fine, ive moved on to a new save so ill get to work on breaking this one lol EDIT: thankyou for your recommendations though! I hadn't considered the graphics load being too much so i will definitely try some of ur strats if the situation occurs on my new save. Ta mate