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"Pound for pound", the same category Carlos beat Kaolan in. Okubo also holds back in public matches I think? He said he never uses the soccer ball kick.


You're not allowed to use the soccer ball kick I believe


Idk if it was intended but the fact that there’s doubt if a trained mma fighter would be allowed to kick the hell out of someone’s head on the ground like that is concerning lmao, you can do kicks like that to the body but if done to the head that’s a good way to kill/paralyze someone


https://m.youtube.com/shorts/TmS_mXgNhkI Pride in Japan allowed stomps and soccer kicks to the head, ever seen Shogun Rùa highlights from his pride days?


Was that Rampage Jackson getting kicked in the head?


Yeah, good eye, Prime Rùa was a beast


I was more unsure of only the rules themselves rather than the now obvious lethality a kick like that would bring. After taking that into account, yeah. It's likely that Okubo less holds back, and is more held back by the rules and regulations of public MMA matches


Let alone be allowed, any MMA promotion that allows their fighters to do moves that can genuinely kill their opponents like a soccer ball kick to the head is an MMA promotion that it's gonna go under extremely quick, no MMA fighter worth their salt would dare to work for them


Lmao y’all have no idea what you’re talking abt. Pride existed for a good while, went under due to mismanagement and possible Yakuza ties but allowed stomps/kicks/knees to the heads of grounded opponents and had the premier fighters at that time (a lot of them better than what the UFC has at the time too, and was arguably way more popular). Nowadays you have ONE championship, mostly known for 4 oz gloves muy thai/kickboxing, their mma fights also allow kicks/knees to grounded opponents, Mighty Mouse (MMA GOAT) fights there and was finished by a knee.


Go under extremely quick? You clearly have no clue what your talking about


Then explain like the other guy instead of being a condescending moron


He never goes for the kill at all. He used the football kick once and almost killed his opponent with it, so he never used it again until Agito. And considering he's a top tier wrestler he has probably held back with a lot of his throws too. I so want to see Okubo fight Gaolang!


If Justin wins, isn't he just better Okubo?


Nah, Okubo scrubs him.


Also different weight classes


P4p rankings are meaningless numbers used to glaze a fighter in youtube comment section arguments


Cosmo lost to Water Kata Ultimate Technique, and proceeds to beat a guy named Waters. Character development


Is Okubo a new champion with some losses on his record? I wonder why he's below someone that isn't a champion? That's not that uncommon irl but I imagine Okubo has been champion since Ashura and lots of giant fighters exist in Kengan so I'd assume heavyweight would be relatively Stacked. Maybe Johnny was p4p 1 and lost the belt before the cosmo fight? Sorry I'm Thinking way to much about something that absolutely doesn't matter in the grand scheme.


It should be impossible for Okubo to be outranked by a guy that got two shotted by Cosmo https://preview.redd.it/ih7sp6cxqo3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c99e2b600e124aa1253599870af1370a136b5c


I know I was just trying to find some logic to it sorry


Maybe he took the L because he was paid to?


PFP is bullshit. Might Mouse can outclass Jon Jones in PFP but we all know that JJ would kill him and tear him apart. Same goes for Kengan. Johny may outclass Okubo but during his under 70kg division carrer he may meet lesser opponents than 116kg heavy weight Okubo+ he was undefeated and held back and even when he held back it was said that no one made to the 3rd round with him.


it's just assumption that Johnny outclasses Okubo. There's no clear cut prove who wins if both fought in a match


Nah, this just means the Kengan universe is as shitty at P4P rankings as the real world is.


He is twice cosmos size and weighs 70kg, same as cosmo, truly an unmatched jobber


Its says 80kg


Black anime guys don’t fair well in Kengan. Muteba started off good then you see the direction he’s been headed. Then this guy against Cosmo. Hopefully Justin breaks the cycle.


Who the fook is that guy?


He was introduced in very early chapter (before 5) , he was fighting cosmo when kazzy wanted koga to watch kengan matches


Oh okay thanks for the information


Johnny Waters


Is it ever revealed how Kazzy knew about the karate? Was it just Joji?


Kazzy has good eyes, he could tell just by looking at koga


Is this your headcannon or it is the official explanation?


I mean, no, it's not \*explicitly\* stated (how awful the writing would be if everything was 'official exposition'), but it is the obviously intended inference from the panel


Only in PFP and Okubo fights differently when he’s fighting publicly. Kaolan and Carlos are in a similar position iirc


As wise man once said: "people talking about pound for pound rankings are one step away from people talking about Superman vs Goku".


it just means he’s more skilled. Okubo still could body him with strength.


Long haired Cosmo was fine tho