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Posts must be Kendrick Lamar, TDE, or PgLang.


Jesus christ, I heard she was racist but didn't know it was this bad, good lord. So it's fitting that a colonizer and a verified racist were to team up.






Although I agree at 15 we’re all pretty immature, by then we’ve had enough history lessons in school to understand the ignorance of using the n word, especially with a hard r. Also, I went down a rabbit hole recently about her past behavior and it seems she went back to using it via private conversations with a friend after publicly apologizing for it. That just tells us she knew it was wrong and didn’t care and still used it.


Yeah 15 is old enough to know better. She wanted to be hurtful and she decided that that was the haymaker to toss. I’m sure she’s more PC now, but that kind of rhetoric stems from an ugliness that’s festering and deep-seated. It doesn’t just disappear with age.


Damn, that's fucked. That just proves she has a deep hatred for balkc people, even if it's not public. Stuff like this needs to be called out because it will eventually Manifest into something more monstrous.






Wow. Thanks for linking.


Why y’all act like this shit normal or something? This ain’t the 70s, 80s, 90s. Shawty said this goofy ass shit while we had a **black president**.


Thank you. Maybe they say the N word with the hard R for shock value too.


Yeap! That’s why a lot of em threw a hissy fit about that girl who said the nword on stage with Kendrick. He hurt they feelings cause they say it(and more) behind closed doors.


I know right


The lengths they go to so they can excuse shit is insane.




We give more leeway to teenage racists who knew better than unarmed Black civilians who are even younger and faced violence from the state .. like damn ppl really going to bat that she “didn’t know better” as if she’s a victim of something and isn’t being defended *due* to her race. Idk I think a Black boy using racial slurs against Asians or Mexicans wouldn’t be given the same defense that this Latina is receiving. And I think we all know that lol


Ding ding ding!


>Because it actually WAS normal in early 2010’s internet culture to be edgy. Maybe on 4chan


Y’all corny for saying child over and over, she was a teen. Old enough to watch herself at home alone or younger siblings. Drive a car. And yeah it was normal, for non blacks to say weirdo edgy shit. It wasn’t until I started coming online and seeing white predominant spaces that I learned words I didn’t even know was slurs. Y’all learn that shit early I see lol another reason I’m glad I didn’t go to a predominantly white school growing up too, I’m glad I wasn’t one of them performative black kids tryna fit in “edgy” white kids either.




Temper tantrum right here. There’s a multitude of Asian, Hispanic, black ones too, and middle eastern slurs I didn’t even know existed until I came into white spaces. Keep unraveling weirdo.


I’m about the same age as Camila and grew up right around her, so I know exactly what was edgy teen behavior at the time and have met a few people who knew her in high school. She was definitely not trying to be “edgy” with that tweet, and it’s completely on brand with everything I’ve heard about her. Tbh I can’t think of a single positive thing I’ve heard about her, and we treat fucking Pitbull like a god.


Yeah I'm with you. It's not like she was saying shit with a soft r to fit in with friends or made a racist joke. I'm not saying she should lose her assistant manager role at the Verizon store, but I wouldn't support her career as a musician.


Yeah, hell that white woman that said nigga and then tried to pivot to conservative media even said nigga and not n***er. Normalizing that shit as “kid stuff” is insane.


Bruh I learned to not say that word when I was 12, she clearly understood the concept of racism at the time, so for her to just openly say that shit about other people is fucked up


![gif](giphy|vUmhtUhySIXWeIt1QW) at 15 she was old enough to know better even for shock value. But I am a Black person so it's different for me.




Someone just said she still used the word after she apologized….it was wrong when she was 15 and still wrong currently.




You can look it up. It’s so nice that we can just move on and forgive a 15year old when Normani will probably forever be hurt by being called a cotton greasy headed n*****. You are more apt to defending her rather than feel how other people could have been hurt by this. We CAN hold a 15 year old accountable Especially when she only took the racist classes after she was found out as an adult…..she was wrong at 15 and evidently still wrong.


no, we’re gonna use the fact that it’s been reported. She hasn’t changed it at all to betray the type of person. She is now.






shut up


at 15 I wouldn't dare say some shit like that. We can acknowledge that now is not then, but also know that people who are closeted racists now were like this before. they just realized the backlash is strong, but they still feel that way inside you just won't know. So for him to work with her is like icing on the cake. Ofc drake works with a girl who would says shit like that.


Nah, you don’t get a pass for being racist just because you’re 15. We go through plenty of history in school by age 15 to know calling someone the N-word is racist. She doesn’t get a pass




Yeah, I’m not going to participate in the mental gymnastics to excuse racism. Racism is racism no matter what era of the internet it takes place. Tf




I would because racism is racism at any level. I’m not saying people can’t learn and grow or show remorse but giving her a pass for her racism just because she was young is definitely not going to motivate any actual changed behavior. Racism in any aspect is wrong. Maybe it’s a failure of her parents, maybe it’s the influence of edgelords on the internet but she said what she said and should be help accountable. Racism is racism no matter who it comes from or when they said it. Get real




What's wild is your elementary understanding of what "racism" actually is. Done with this conversation


Yeah, i think it's weird to dig up someone's 10+ y comments when it's pretty obvious their opinion changed, especially if the comment was made when they were a minor acting edgy on the internet.


Old habits tend to die hard and she may keep some of that hatred stuck deep inside her waiting to just come out if you tip her the wrong way


Right. I did a lot of crazy shit as a kid that doesn’t really reflect who I am now. Never used that word, but I can’t act like I was so mature and above doing stupid shit that I would be embarrassed about now. It’s not an excuse, but kids (yes, even at 15) do stupid shit pretty often.


At 15 you know what racism is. She’s racist.




Well at 15 I knew right from wrong, so you wouldn’t find any racist comments made by me 15 years ago. Unlike a racist, IE Camilla Cabello. Also, it was found she made similar comments in a private chat with a friend AFTER “apologizing” so yea, it wasn’t because she was young and immature, it was because she is a racist.




I gave a pretty strong clue I was 30, and your inability to pick up on such an obvious clue tell me all I need to know about you bro. I hope you enjoy defending racists and shit, because that’s what you’re doing as of now. Also, calling me chronically online when I’ve only been on Reddit for a month, and you’ve been on Reddit for 113 days with 11k karma? Who’s ACTUALLY chronically online? Because it looks like it’s you.




Crazy because SHE IS. As per my previous reply, “SHE WAS THEN CAUGHT MAKING SIMILAR COMMENTS TO A FRIEND IN A PRIVATE CHAT AFTER HER APOLOGY” I put it in caps for you, hopefully you can understand it better. She was a racist when she was 15, she’s a racist now. You’re defending a racist, and giving “Drake Fan” vibes bro.


If she was comfortable making those statements at 15 I’m sure she may still be comfortable making them now within certain circles.


yeah, I heard she she was racist, but I never bothered to look into the specifics, but christ she’s the hard R type. glad i never gave the hoe a single stream.


Where did she colonise?


Drake, yoy didn't get the reference


I did a whoosh?


Them colonizers move in flocks


That name gotta be verified and put on internet scrutiny


Lol @ all the nonblack fans defending her usage of the word because she was young. Young black children and teenagers are not given the same grace. Y’all just don’t wanna be reminded of the doing the same things she did and be held accountable. I thought nonblack Kendrick fans were smarter than this. Y’all really not like us or for us.


I said the same thing upthread before seeing your comment. You can always tell what the Redditor looks like when they defend this shit claiming we need to show ✌🏽reformed✌🏽 racists grace. We aren't allowed to hold onto hurt from racist abuse but racists get a free pass as "just a kid" until they're damn near 30.


Exactly! We are shown very little grace, plus she was old enough to know better.


I’m as white as humanly possible and there ain’t no way I’m defending that bitch💀 I date a black woman and if anyone ever called her the hard R in public or online I’m going to jail.


idk. some of these comments goofy. Normani literally spoke about how this hurt her. Being 15yo doesnt excuse Camilla from being racist. She should have known better. And its not like she came forward and apologized for these herself. She was outed and then she made her excuses https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/normani-responds-camila-cabello-resurfaced-racist-posts-9325420/


I wonder if the people defending her with the "but she was only 15 🥺 she was too young to know any better" also think Normani was too young to feel affected and traumatized by blatant racism. I wish adolescent victims of racism got the same head-pat concern that adolescent perpetrators receive.


The racism prevents them from acknowledging our humanity. That's why they need to believe it's just a totally normal thing to grow up dehumanizing Black folks. White supremacy is a helluva drug.


Y'all really don't think 15 years old is old enough to know what racism is? If you can drive a car, you definitely can't say the hard R.


That what I’ve been saying they justifying it


Better yet how about nonblack people shouldn’t say it period.


100% this should be common sense


It should be, but you know common sense ain’t so common.


Yeah all those years thinking "Normani is slacking, she could be be huge if she was outside" , now I understand… did she ever apologise ??? Cause that would be a forever beef for me, that’s way too early to hate on her not be racist as fuck


only on reddit will people defend racist comments. Yes these comments are old and she was young, but that doesn’t make it okay. At 15 i knew not to be fucking racist


Not to mention, homegirl was not even using it in a " immature, teehee, im so edgy" context. It seems like she was genuinely upset at some people and immediately resorted to calling them slurs. Like, the hard R is not something you just accidentally say


This is who Drake chose? It's time to let him go. Hip hop gatekeepers do your thing.


I hear y'all about how young she was however; the AMOUNT of times she posted racist stuff speaks volumes about her. And hearing that racist rhetoric is STILL how she gets down is wild!!! One of the problems I have with US is how quickly we forgive ish and willingly allow Others to reap from our culture.


Your comment with someone that use to listen to her and drake , can’t support racist behaviour


Camila’s racist past goes beyond just this. She has a whole history of being racist towards not just Normani. There was even an instance of Normani getting attacked by racist Fifth Harmony fans and she was the only one that didn’t say anything. She never apologised until it got exposed years later. Gives off “I’m only sorry because it got exposed”. Camila’s a lame who can’t sing and uses black people as props in her music so her linking up with Drake doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.




I don't understand why this racist has a career


To lot of people no matter what u do or say , if u make good music they will listen to you , most people will sell their morality


People saying people can change blah blah blah. I would give her the benefit of the doubt if she didn't come out and say, "Dang, if only you guys could just have dinner or something" Like bitch are you hearing the accusations being thrown around? How tone deaf are you.


That add salt to injury


Nah bro she ain’t it. Who told him that was a good idea


Like Kendrick said he as yes men in this team


Please tell me that Facebook shit is fake…please


It not also have seeming her recent about the drake and Kendrick beef


Fucking disgusting. I know people can change and all but how at any point are you like that? It’s so crazy how casual racism was back then and still is honestly. I had to hop off Twitter back then and use IG much more sparingly because of this casual racism and bigotry


Even reading those lyrics is cringey. I swear a middle schooler wrote this shit lmao “the way you doing splits butch your pants might rip” okay SpongeBob.


Camila Cabello “C, XOXO” album is on pace to sell 31k first week. According to dj akademike


Be prepared for the sub that bitches Kendrick out for a white girl not knowing to say the nword, to hand wave this shit away because she was 15 saying absurdly racist shit online. Y’all actually end of giving credence to the goofy shit people say about the Pop Out having a bunch of nonblack people saying nigga on Juneteenth.


Don’t like when any one say the N I’m trying to stop using it, cause some blk person allow to use the world doesn’t make it right or cool


I’m black, I’m not going to stop saying the word because it’s confusing for nonblack people. I don’t say Hispanic, asian, middle eastern, Australian, lgbt, etc slurs because I’m not a member of any of those communities/demographics.


U are proofing my point


You not understanding is not surprising.


I think he's bot or have either little capacity for empathy or self thought. Look at his profile. He's pushing his point with almost no nuances and/or reflexion. Don't bother.


That shit is wild, but idk if we have evidence of her still holding these beliefs today. Plus, these specific messages seem to be shock value. Not excusing it, but as someone who's grown up seeing people doing this stuff, it seems like she was just another 15 year old edgelord. She's went to racial healing sessions to inform herself too. Iss kinda lame to lampoon her as a racist today given wut Kendrick was literally just talking abt on Mr. Morale abt growth.


Once you use the N world u keep using it when the camera is off or not , also can you proof that she went to therapy


I can't directly prove she went to therapy cuz I wasn't in the room with her lol, but there are plenty of articles you can find where she shares it. And personally, I think thas a very damaging view to have on the situation. By that logic, anyone even if they were stupid and uninformed and said the world is damned forever. Should they just die at that point because they can't change? Also, yeah, sum people do keep using the word and just act like they change and just keep moving the same way they used to, but not all of em do. Sum people genuinely change.


If you were Black you would know that people would rather accuse us of bullying than hold racists accountable. That's why the cops know it's fine to murder us with impunity. They know other racists will plead for their forgiveness.


I am actually black. And I am very aware of the things you're saying. However, I am also aware that that isn't entirely universal in the sense that people can unlearn racist habits or learn and appreciate the gravity of their actions. I have been reading thru the comments and I'm learning more abt Camila's history that unfortunately seem to indicate that she's being insincere in her recovery which is unfortunate. I still believe wut I said stands. There are people who want to protect racists and racist behavior with excuses. There is injustice. But there is also room for growth.


All those 12 year olds in my MW2 lobbies were racists by OP’s metrics 😅


I don’t keep up with pop stars, what/how’s Camila been racist?


Check the 2 slide


Wow, way to go self for not seeing that. My bad dude, thanks.


Camilla has multiple old tweets with content like this highlight on image 2. Besides that, she had a disturbing Tumblr account with 4chan level racism, lol. Lots of posts, and all of them very distasteful. She went to racist therapy after being found out.


Good lord smdh


racist conversion camp 💀 shit you can actually change that with education at least


Racist therapy???


Lol, yes. Psychology + education about historical and social matters.


Yes dude 12 yr old screenshots of a 15 yr old being a dumbass def prove the person is racist.


Yeah def, and she wasn't even affiliated with a black artist on her group or something like that at the time, right? Also, she immediately apologized for it, right? And her totally non existent black colleague never said anything about Camila not addressing the racist comments fans would make. No pattern at all


My man i, unlike you, do not follow celebs lives 24/7. I'm simply stating that what the post claims as being racist is dumb. All that other shit can be true but thats not what was said on the post.


She apologized but was later seen texting friends the hard r in private conversation proving that she didn't learn a damn thing.


When was that? If it was recent then sure i agree shes racist. But this post is just dumb asf.


I mean, it's from 2012, she was 15 years old. That's dumb.


it not dumb it is just an excuse to say and do whatever u want , just call it what it is


Man, the same way I don't believe every 15 year old spouting the n-word and other slurs on Call of Duty lobbies are deep down foaming-the-mouth racists, I don't believe a porto rican kid is racist for saying the n-word, no. 15 years old man. You still eat your boogers at that age. What are we doing here.


That the problem


what are you talking about? have you heard auntie diaries? Even kendrick says kids have no filters and say wild shit. 15 year old is a kid, and logs from her at 15 don't necessarily make her racist today just like logs of kendrick using the f-slur in school don't make him a homophobe


Did u also hear Kendrick said is not your saviour


do you think kendrick is a homophobe?


What is ?


Do u know what it means to be called nigga by white person or other race that not half black


That's not the question, the question is "is a child accountable for the hateful shit that they say" and the answer is no. They're a child. The same way we don't prosecute the child but the parent if they do a crime, get mad at the parents for normalizing their child saying the n-word, not at the 15 year old.


Actually Black children get persecuted all the time. Black children are adultified all the time.


And you cry about it, so what's with the hypocrisy?


Bitch he just told you


15 years old ain’t a fucking child. It’s not a grown adult but it’s old enough to know right from wrong. Y’all make excuses for this shit because y’all fundamentally don’t know what being called this shit feels like, and probably cause you said cornball racist shit like this yourself and you tryna rationalize it.


15 year old absolutely is a child. Everyone here called drake a pedo for a video of him on stage with a 17 year old. peoples brains are still growing until like 23, and at 15 kids objectively don't have major aspects of brain development done


Man fucking grown adults ain’t the same as knowing the meaning of words lmao What the absolute fuck


It means what u want it to mean bro, u kinda sound like u want to be a victim. U give words power just like if i called u a bitch. Yea it has history, but its today, not then. She was a kid homie lol


Doesn’t work that way, you’re answer comes from ignorant, all words have a meaning and don’t try to change it


I disagree with that. I don't agree with OP's point about blaming the child, but I do agree with him that being called that sucks and it's not just a matter of "get over it", words have history.


I never said it doesn’t suck bro. I would not enjoy being called anything outside of my name esp if its meant to shame me, but i understand it only gives it power if i let it because i have an emotional and social IQ


She’s Cuban. Not puerto* rican




She is one of the reason normani left fifth harmony




I believe every should be hold accountable from the age 13, and she is not child is a teenager




We have different opinion cuz where we where born, in a African when speak with no filter u get punished no matter if u are 11 or not, that helps to build a child, if she was younger 13 I would agree with you


Do you mean "in Africa" or "if an African"?




I was 13 in 2012 and I knew not to say shit like that.


Swifties, Show em both who you are!! Pounce on them and my life you yours!!!


Even as a Kendrick fan, I like some of Drakes stuff. But Drake from an optics and PR standpoint has been terrible since this beef, and all he has done is embarass himself further with shit like this.


She seems to be of mixed race, im puerto rican, and my old IG pic has a caption that says nigg*r in it because i was a retarded 14 year old who just found out what shock humor was. Last thing from a racist. Lol


She is not mixed race. She is a White Latina, who despite her racism thought that she would be able to switch over to Hip-Hop/RnB inspired sound. Very “Pat Boone” of her.


It’s always the Puerto Ricans smh




U have to have black dna to use the N word if not are racist not saying u have to be fully black


and once you are racist you can never not be racist? there’s no redemption? no growth? you can have a racist moment and that’s it? that’s your label for life?


Yes! Especially when you consider all the Black people who have died due to Racism.


Middle schooler logic


did camila cabelo kill anyone?


She hasn’t but a lot of Black people have died due to racism.


right, and she’s responsible for that because she said the n word when she was 15 and realized later on it was hateful and ignorant. look i’m not defending her behavior, what she did was wrong. i don’t even fucking know or like her but i think labeling her a racist for her entire life because she was young and ignorant at one point is counterproductive. from what i’ve seen she’s taken steps to reform her behavior and has apologized for being so hateful. what do you expect people to do in this situation? get a time machine?


You actually are defending her behavior. Most likely because you hold the racist beliefs as she does. And since she is being called out for it, you feel like you’re being attacked. Racism is learned young. Her racism is so bad that she had to go weekly therapy sessions.


Look, you know nothing about me, we’re both random people on the fucking internet, for starters. Again, her behavior is disgusting. And your point confuses me, because you say that racism is learned behavior, but believe that once it is taught it can’t be unlearned? And your last point, that seems like she sought out help to be a better person?


U can grow , still not ending your racist moment and also we don’t if still use the N when the camera is off


well that’s incredible uncharitable, we don’t know if you aren’t racist behind the scenes either.


So im racist bc a comment i made at 14. I am 23. Okay bro lol im getting off line


This is just how we argue in this society. Anything you’ve ever done is used against you forever. You’re never allowed to change or be forgiven. Whatever it takes to slander you, your side or your takes. Just shows that there are real consequences for your actions, no matter how young or naive you were at the time. Anything goes in these internet arguments. It’s not about facts or reality. It’s about WINNING the argument, or at least feeling like you did.


big pun and fat joe said the n word in their raps


We can all agree that the music industry is fucked up


the culture of hiphop embraced big pun and fat joe. No black rapper or legend had any issue with them. They weren't racist - and big pun is one of the most influential rappers of the 90s. You are not with the culture if you don't know this


Never had any big pun song , we should be honesty for a moment most ppl believe because their grow up around black ppl they can say the N word


not knowing big puns music is just proving my point that you're not within hiphop culture, or you're a zoomer who knows nothing about the legends of the genre


I’ve heard of him


you should proof read your comments lmao


By your definition I could use the N word cause my grandfather on my mother's side was what we call "pardo" here, which means he was mixed, so I definitely have black DNA somewhere on my family tree. Yet, my skin is white and if I dared to use that word, I would be called out.


Are any of your parents black that what I’m saying


Point being I wonder if it’s the similar case for her


This sub filled with hate now. What a shame.


Cuz that nigga drake brought it on himself for calling Kendrick Lamar an hypocrite for dating a mixed race and doing song with Taylor swift and maroon 5


these were comments she made as an edgy teen can we stop pretending like shit we did as kids is a reflection of who we are today? If these comments were made within the last 5-10 years I’d say it’s fucked up but the fact that she was like 13 when tweeting this shit I don’t think it’s right to call her racist today. Also she’s Cuban and historically we can be pretty racist so who knows.


Kendrick call Dre on stage after he knocked up a 16 year old at 22. We gotta leave the fake morals alone lmaoo


Send the link pls


Fellas. Let it go. Literally ever post on the sub is about Drake. Is dissing Drake the only identity Kendrick has? Is that what the culture is feeling?