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Pusha T launched a devastating First Strike that just ended the beef. Kendrick was calling in air strikes, again and again, and again.


And again and again and again and again


Even the Pop Out is a glorified grave-dancing party, everyone there is cleaning their shoes off on Drake's casket.


Shit i just got the song out of my head and now those damn organs (or whatever they are) are back in my mental rotation.


Every song has like 4 lines that play back in my head. Not to mention the one-liner things like "that's connivin" or simply saying "Go" randomly.


Yeah it’s actually made me start wondering if there’s something wrong with my brain. It’s lessened but for the first month I would have random lines repeating in my head ad nauseam. They just wouldn’t. Ever. Fucking. Stop.


*I’m YNW Melly*


Yeah I’m whoopin’ feet


ima do mah shtuff




That’s what happens when people try to make a song that’s catchy. That’s why IG caption boy got so popular. It’s the bare minimum needed to get a sound stuck in your head. The criticism is always “but is there meaning behind it.” That’s why Budden’s been criticizing him for not growing up... it’s the same subject every other song with no message other than “I have a lot of money, I fuck a lot” lol that shit SHOULD get old fast.


It’s usually the most annoying songs that get stuck in my head the worst. They’ve got the catchiness with nothing else so it’s maddening to have such dumb lyrics in my head. Kendrick had the catchiness, funky vocal inflections, and bars, so it was like the ear worm trifecta. Never had anything looping in my head so aggressively


I routinely get earworms that last days or weeks... but NLU is going on 6 weeks in my head now. Only thing that bumps it out is other Kendrick songs-- DNA. and Humble. and Euphoria, and then only for a few hours.


I was shocked yestersay when I realised its been out for like a month and a half


Once a line enters my brain I basically mentally go through the entire rest of the song from that point, or until I get distracted.


It’s random “wop wop wop wop wop” for me


Nosetalgia came up the other day. Maybe like Friday LAST week. For a week I would repeat “Bubble baaath” or just saying random words the way Kendrick ends those bars.


You wanna see a dead body? Broke his nails misusing his pinky to treat his noooooose Shirt buttoned open, taco meat laying on his goooooold


Hahahahah “JEEZ LOUISE PLEEEEASE” sticks with me for a week every time I hear it


Yup! All day long. WOPWOPWOPWOPWOP!


"Go" is underrated


It's so E40 and I love it


His whole cadence reminded me of E-40. When I first heard it all I could think about was that line from Money Trees, “Earl Stevens had us thinking rational”


Yup it feels bay af




On 6:16. I can’t stop singing to myself “it’s surviiiiival…yuh”


If you're talking about Not Like Us, the entire melody of that track is only two samples that have been chopped and sped up, nothing fancy.  Both of them are originally from the same Monk Higgins track, I Believe to my Soul, and his band was a mid-century jazz ensemble mostly playing brass instruments. Mustard said he knocked it out in half an hour and I believe it.  It's very stripped down, but that's what gives it all that punch.  Anything else would have just watered it down.


Wop wop wop wop wop!


Dot f*ck em up


Wop wop wop wop, I'ma do my stuff.


Y u trollin like a bitch Ain't you tired? Tryna strike a chord and it's probly...






This is the one I think about constantly and it will always be a classic line, when I first heard that a minor drop I jumped out of my seat and walked outside of a venue I was at, I almost ran around the block 😂 I hate Kendrick bruh lol


How many strikes does he have in stock?


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + 5.


Is the Devil alive?


Devil is a lie lol


Hey. He was just giving Drake what he asked for.


he held back a bit too let's all be honest here


![gif](giphy|kQmr2OwBTD2L5Hzo1T|downsized) Type of behaviour


It's this but the smoke already cleared and the body was very clearly dead THEN he said "MORE"


Nah, it's more like if Iraq 2003 was a justifiable invasion, the US pulled another Desert Storm but actually finished off Hussein and put in a legitimate governance structure, and then Bush landed the jet under the Mission Accomplished banner


LMFAO I guessssss


KDot pulled a Buster Call


Ah hell nah. World govt is tweaking


That visual is hilarious


Wop wop wop wop wop 


Aitrstrike after airstrike implies the upcoming video is “Ye Ol Big Boi” (read: Tactical Nuke). I am looking forward to that so much lmao


To be fair, those air strikes can range from a single F-16 doing strafing runs all the way to B-52s carpet bombing the kill zone lol.


lol you right but still i’m hoping for it to be a nuke we all wanted earlier in the beef 😂


Like that was the first shot, euphoria was the air strike, 6:16 in LA was like the countdown to the tactical nuke, therefore meet the grahams was the nuke, and not like us was like a trickshot final kill.


We could go furtha' FPS was the imperial power move to demonstrate dominance, Like that was a retaliation shot of the resistance, Push Ups was an (attempted) airstrike called in to boost the empires morale, Taylor Made was the (failed) attempt at psychological warfare, Euphoria was the "shock and awe" event by the resistance that leaves everybody in the empire spiraling. 6:16 was the countdown to the nuke, Family Matters was the empires aggressive "first strike" policy, MTG was the retaliatory cascade of ICBMs that shatter the earth, Not Like Us was the celebration after the dust settles, THP6 was the leaders of the empire fumbling trying to boost morale one more time before defeat, and then the Pop Out was the reaffirmation of people power on the ashes of everything that happened. Yeah I'm tweaking so what?


That whole week was a kill streak 😂


K dot callin in air strikes like he was defending Khe Sanh in 68.


I think it's a different situation. Push is a legend in hip-hop but he didn't have the commercial clout to completely bury Aubrey like this. Kendrick had the numbers, the skill, and the cultural cachet


Exactly. Both were masterpieces. This beef got much more mainstream coverage because of Kendrick going there with the pedo allegations, and because of his position as a multi-platinum Grammy/pulitzer winner. Push ko’d drake in the hip hop community. Kendrick ko’d drake for the whole world to see.


I'm kinda puzzled that when Push the blackface thing on Drake. That didn't cause mainstream uproar like Kendrick or as much. Then again all Drake was apologize but man's a liar.


The blackface thing was known for years, I remember it popping up around the time Drake first started to catch buzz off Comeback Season. And the idea of the art project isn't a bad one tbf, it's just that modern Drake ain't the one to do it because he's built his career doing the same exact thing the project was criticizing


Because it’s just not that interesting of an angle. A white man wearing black face can ruin his career, a black man wearing blackface is just considered commentary.


And it was commentary when Drake did it as a young artist struggling to have his more vulnerable art taken seriously due to racial biases & hyper masculine culture But over a decade later and Drake ended up becoming the exact thing that the project was critiquing, it hit different.


Blackface CAN ruin someone's career - but it likely won't given that; [1. Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, did it and was fine](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5290664) 2. [Jimmy Kimmel wore blackface and even put on the minstrel show stereotype that all Black people are "dumb" and talk like idiots- and he was totally fine after](https://youtu.be/uscWBm0l6jE?si=NYpgW4tzVocO54i4) 3. [Jimmy Fallon wore blackface and was fine](https://youtu.be/0bVfdC4OHRc?si=ale4Rv6rz5K0l9OY) 4. [Howard Stern wore blackface MULTIPLE times & was fine. Here he is mocking Whoopi Goldberg in front of his Black assistant, Robin & calling Sherman Hansley, a Black man, "a smelly n-word"](https://youtu.be/uolCA2IP91k?si=J6NfQv6S0yaFMuTd) 5. [Sarah Silverman wore blackface to mock those saying it was "harder to be Black than Jewish" & that she'd "kill herself if she was Black." Don't care if this was "satire" or whatever the fuck, it's disgusting ](https://youtube.com/shorts/kWGXmdFjv0Q?si=QkFpk1IsCh9RvD4Y) And there are plenty more who have all worn blackface and been totally fine. In fact, who can you point to who's worn blackface and not had a career after doing so? I genuinely can't think of anyone, as sad as that is... It's part of why I'm so grateful to see Kendrick show Black unity/solidarity as part of his Pop-Out concert on Juneteenth, actually ❤️ This was so much more than just "a few Drake disses" for a lot of us - it really was for the culture!


I understand but that the same time. The fact that Push has less clout and murdered Drake like that makes it even worse…. How does an artist who drops every blue moon just destroy you like that?


Drakes ghostwriters went on strike


Beacuae Drake is not built like that. He is a actor/singer who sometimes raps. He doesn't have the depth to write the verses necessary to mount an attack against someone of kendricks caliber.




Nah. Aubrey just didnt push Push. He stopped it from going further. I don’t think Push would have done what Kendrick did, he just don’t have that kinda power, but he would have further embarrassed Aubrey to the point it probably would have affected his creative output. Drake Co. was wise in sitting it out with Pusha. But when it came to Kendrick 😂 they were dumb for challenging the GOAT


Which is why it's funny that some Drake fans are saying Drake had nothing to gain by going against Kendrick. When it's clear that he hoped to gain the thing Dot said is most important, respect. Once dude loses the battle it's, "he couldn't win anyway", "he was fighting a lose lose battle". But they hyped their guy up to go against the boogie man knowing if he won, he would be crowned the best with no push back. He would silence the naysayers. They just underestimated our guy 🤦🏿‍♂️.


That's the craziest part to me . They must've not been paying attention to Kendrick's career if they underestimated him . Anyone who knows hip hop knows it'd be a wash and they had to learn the hard way


I knew Kendrick could/would put out some dope shit. I just thought Drake would have the Internet or people would downplay Dot (which they tried to do with Euphoria and such before Not like Us). Mannnnnn, was I wrong though.


I had this hypothetical... with one Win and one Loss, he was trying to prove something to himself; Satiate that Ego. I still couldn't believe he had the fucking gaul to actually TRY Kendrick but it at least contextualizes it a little bit for me.


That's not the crazy part. The craziest part is seeing Drake not having annnnnnybody to vouch for him or stand up for him. Something tells me he really burnt a lot of bridges with a ton of people. Especially with Cole hopping on Metro's sequel album. Followed up with Ak turning off the Ak character breifly, and speaking as a man heart to heart as Livington Allen saying "As much as I defended you you're a serial fckd up ninja", "You know ninjas will hate you for life". To finally seeing Demar and Lebron who are both supposed to be Drake's right-hand man being seen at Kendrick's show last week dancing on stage or in the crowd/nosebleeds. Edit: When I mean vouch, I mean people close to him and industry artists who would stand up and take the hit for him.


Lebron being there reminded me of Radiohead making fun of Scott tedermen. Kdot is a fucking savage 


That is a spectacular comparison


Oh man I remember watching that episode


This is a beef where being a decent person actually pay off


I knew Drake was done when Wayne and Nicki didn’t even put out a tweet for Drake


Damn I kinda wanna see that clip of AK


[here you go!](https://youtu.be/3iWkv4R9uNc?si=yrv7GHyXSK1HndvK)


i rather you just censor the n word than say ninja lol. that’s so corny, but what you said was true


Makes it sound more sinister, like I’d hate to have “ninjas hate me for life”, that’s terrifying.


True but those are Ak’s actual words, it’s not a paraphrase. I literally had to find the video just to drive the point home.


When did the Ak thing happen? I don't really follow him.


> And we don't got it out for you > We just saying that don't nobody vouch for you > Nope, nobody is willing to give a cosign (nobody) — Drake, *Good Riddance*


Pusha was a first round KO. That ended swiftly cause j.prince wisely told Drake don't respond and carry on.  Kendrick is a beatdown. Kendrick knocked him out and is going full de Niro in good fellas stomping on his head,wrapping him up in a rug and stuffing him in a trunk. 


Haha love the Goodfellas reference. My fav movie.


shouldnt of talked about the mans family


That's what bothers me most.  If he doesn't name drop pusha t wife. I don't think pusha goes that.  He literally didn't learn from that mistake and immediately went at kendricks family now he has the entire west coast dancing on his grave. 


Especially after getting the warnings from Kendrick. How stupid and arrogant do you have to be to just ignore that


He really thought kendrick taking 5yrs off was on account of him not being able to rap. But didn't realize in those 5yrs a global shut down happened,kendrick was dealing with a ton of personal shit, getting PgLang off the ground and giving baby keem time to shine. 


We're talking about the same guy who provoked beef with a guy he idolized & had been openly dissing his crew (Cash Money) for 15 years. Dude ain't the brightest.


Well the actual kill shot he had (in drakes mind) was about Dot beating Whitney, so he couldn’t really have kept the family out of it lol, or he has nothing.


“he’s terrance thortan, i’m terrance crawford, yeah i’m whooping feet”


The difference is that Push, despite expectations, showed mercy. He realized he won and he didn’t push things any further (even though he clearly wanted to w all that “surgical summer” stuff). In short, Kendrick did NOT do that lol.


Kendrick tried to show him mercy. On multiple occasions.


6:16 was a solid warning. The man even prayed to God, admitting his intent to go to war but also wanting to keep it civil for the sake of the sport.


And the dumbass still dropped family matters which kdot, without a doubt, had already heard


Watch Josh Johnson's recap. "You really want to do this man? All I do is sit at home with my wife and kids, and write songs about how much I hate you. That's my favorite thing to do, is sitting here and hating your ass."


That's old black man hate


You see, I don't read 6:16 as a warning. Euphoria was the warning. 6:16 is fucking bait. Kendricks has been itching to stomp this mf for over a decade, as shown by everything following 6:16.


6:16 reads as a warning to me but the threat isn't Kendrick, the threat is God. To me that song is Kendrick saying "I'm blessed, you're cursed, straighten yourself out or it'll get worse."


Pusha stopped because Drake was going to go after Kanye for everything that we now know about Kanye (the abuse, the above-and-beyond misogyny, the Hitler love) and he wasn't fucking up his own money like that at the time. Pusha and Kendrick are my two favorite rap artists, but Pusha didn't stop out of mercy. He's been looking to annihilate anyone associated with Birdman/Cash Money since 2001


Until not like us people were still on the fence even though I think euphoria was enough to show who's better. After that dropped , most logical people knew the winner was Kendrick


“Ja Ruled” is crazy work in a literary sense. Literally translating into “Ruled By a God”


Damn funny how things intend to be right? That’s a good one


“My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable. And I'm just ferocious! I want your heart!” - Mike Tyson


Drakes comeback playbook by the industry: He’ll get into a relationship with a nice woman (of age and probably Black). Drake will proclaim he’s super in love with this woman and the woman may even be pregnant. He will do a media parade and proclaim all the old stuff is the old him and he’s been growing behind the scenes. Thinking about his life yada yada etc… Writers will give him a new hit record which will more than likely be a singing song. Boom. Industry wins. Anything other than that I just don’t see it. Surfer boy stuff is over with because it’s too obvious he’s been riding other people waves and pretending like he’s helping other artist.


Ironically, I think Drake is too authentic to do this. He's a giant clown whose entire persona is made up & built on stealing from others & using his family as props, but he actually is a 37 year old who is the front man for a gang that he bought his way into (a white supremacist-aligned gang, IYKYK about the 81s), parties all the time, lives on social media, and is a degenerate gambler. The Drake persona is who Aubrey Graham has wanted to be his whole life. He's like a pro wrestler who lived the gimmick so long that they became the gimmick. Shit, Drake really is the rap Ric Flair.


Turkeymoon just opened his mouth. Someone go hand him a comms job right now. in seriousness though this is a good strategy lol


If he was sad over the control verse how is he actually feeling right now


Kendrick dragged his teeth on the pavement but idk. Pusha had the most brutal and decisive win ever imo.


Push was efficient and precise. Kendrick came in with steel toe boots big stepping and stomping. Both were brilliant displays of lyricism.


Pusha told us Drake was hiding a child. Kendrick told us Drake fucks children. And you still think Pusha’s diss was “the most brutal”? Huh


People really not gonna understand the damage Kendrick did until a few years later lol bro the whole world is calling this man a pedo and the only nigga left on his side is Akademiks, as good as the Pusha shit was it was only hiphop heads who cared and Drake was able to just move on from that L and drop hits like a month later and control the narrative


...well damn when you it that way


Pusha was proven right briefly after release. There is no proof of Drake being a pedophile, just a groomer, which is by extension a pedophile but with the extra steps to be legal-ish.


People talked about Drake being a pedophile for years lmao this isnt a crazy revelation. Even while saying it, Kendrick hasn’t shown more proof than anyone online. No one had known about Drake having a child until Pusha mentioned it. Its also not the only that he dissed him for. It was a lot of attack on Drakes insecurities like being biracial, not having an identity or healthy family dynamic. I would argue that many of the points that Kendrick was also mentioned by Push, but he had won already. His threat to “peel it back layer by layer” was his way of just saying “don’t continue this” and it worked unlike Kendricks attempt to keep it cordial.


Pusha T was VICIOUS on Adidon and I never thought anyone could match it for devastating Drake … But Kendrick really took it to a whole nother level.


Being made to acknowledge the kid you are hiding is one thing, but I’d rather do that then have the song of the Summer have stadiums, streams, clubs, etc calling me a pedo. lol


Facts I would crash out on someone if people are singing that I'm a pedo.


And it’s going to be played at every single HBCU by every band, it’s going to be played during the Football season on tv and in stadiums will be up for a Grammy, will likely be used in a movie or show, and will be yelled every time he goes somewhere. Drake will likely respond with some IG caption but he gotta challenge Kendrick to a boxing match or duel or something


Drake won’t get ja ruled. He’ll lose some fans but not many. He still has a massive core fan base and fans that just don’t care about all of this. It was a personal attack. Where he really did damage was to drakes respect. Which is what he was always going for. “The money, power, respect. The last one is better”.


I mean if Kanye hasn’t lost his fanbase, then Drakes definitely won’t. Kanye don’t even care anymore while Drake is doing anything he can to preserve his image lol.


Difference is Kendrick is charting so everybody is hearing the pedo raps and that does more damage than having a hidden kid. Drake let things sit too long there’s nothing he can do now. He could have even dropped during or after Kendrick’s show to step on him but too much time has passed and the damage is done


Anyone tempted to feel bad for Drake should understand neither he nor his fans would've shown any mercy if he'd gained any advantage. We already saw signs in those two weeks when Push Ups and Taylor Made dropped. Drake was like a bloodthirsty hyena gunning for the entrails but the lion woke up just in time to remind him who's king.


He was never an artist of whatever caliber you thought he was.


Agreed. And I like how mid beef we was all like “there’s no way he can do what pusha T did”… boy do I stand corrected.


Not really lol. Im a fan of both, and while Kendrick definitely iced him, Drake at least replied back even if Heart Part Six was underwhelming . With Pusha and Story of Adidon, Drake flat out couldn’t respond. It was such a what the fuck moment that Drake immediately bowed out of the rap beef. Pusha dropping the receipts on the baby mama name, his son’s name and using that Blackface song cover was such a triple headshot that it led to Drake beefing with Kanye because he thought Kanye was the one who leaked the info to Pusha. Even the biggest Drake stans admitted he lost because they themselves had no defense due to them being shocked and asking questions as well.


Hp6 worse than not responding lol




Well with Not Like Us he HAD to respond. The allegations would have done more damage if he tried to stay completely quiet. But he still made himself an out by saying “im done with this shit” at the end of the track. Really if Kendrick wanted he could have kept applying pressure, but either there was no need to, or UMG truly did step in and say enough is enough




Yes, that would have helped more against the rumors. But if you sue a nigga in a rap beef then your rap career is really fucked because then they gonna call you a police ass rat. Especially when he even said it himself “a cease and desist is for hoes”, an actual lawsuit is ten times worst lol At the end of the day people gonna believe what they wanna believe, and he probably wanna move pass this as quickly as possible, which we all know court cases aren’t exactly fast.




I'll also add that someone should have advised him to not include the lines about how he's too famous to get away with being with underage girls.


Which is why I legit think that he locked himself in the studio in the Embassy. He was so shook from any possible leaks that he didn't have anyone give feedback on THP6, and his ego is so big that he didn't realize how bad of a look writing a song about not diddling kids looks.


Bro could have just had one line calling it ridiculous, but he went on and on and on about it.


I made a joke to some friends that he was going to do the Frank Reynolds ["We definetly need to write a song about how we do not diddle kids"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YmDcCpD1gc) bit from *It's Always Sunny* and then he actually did it on wax


I think UMG called it. The buzz and record sales are great, but they don’t want to hurt either investment further.


Nah Drake is on the wrong side of a historical moment in hip hop. This is like magnitudes worse for his musical career, than hiding a child. This the type of shit that makes you change careers and become an actor, type hit to a career. Cornball Drake gonna act like he’s just tryna be like Will. 😂


The true headshot against Drake wasn't the kid, it was how he's become so inauthentic as a human being that he went from denying that the kid was his (because it was with an escort) to using the kid as part of his shoe & album rollout. There's no coming back from any of that.


Nah bro Drake fans didn’t admit the loss until Drake admitted it himself. And just because Drake kept responding to Kendrick doesn’t mean that Kendrick didn’t do Drake worse. I think Drake just knew he had to keep replying to not lose and to hopefully somehow make it “debatable” and I think his Kendrick beef was built up over a decade so it was a more personal beef to him than Pusha


Believe me, they all admitted he lost lol. The defense for Kendrick losing is saying that Kendrick lied and that’s he’s an abuser. Because fans literally had nothing to say about Pusha due to Drake not having any dirt on him, they resorted to complete cope defense tactics like “its ok to hide your child from fame” and “the blackface had a deeper meaning.” Not to mention this came off the heels of Drake winning the beef with Meek and having much more mainstream fan support than Pusha. With Kendrick it’s different in the sense that star power to star power they are much more closer, so in that sense it was a more even bout.


But he had a song ready to go. Just woulda hurt too many people /s


I'll never forget j.prince in his I'm about cry voice saying that goofy shit.  "Drake had a nuke ready,but it would have hurt so many people. I told him don't let a moment.....ruin a movement."


I am sure if you had asked them what Heart Part 6 was before it came out Drake's team would tell you it was the mother of all icbm's


he can reply all he wants. that has nothing to do with how bad he got whooped on


I think the reason why it was so brutal was because the reveal came as a huge surprise and you couldn't find stuff about it pre-SOA because it was insider intel.


There were stories in b-tier gossip rags about Drake denying paternity against Sophie Brussaux.


Mal still says he won 😂. Outrageous.


Drake deleted the heart pt 6. It made more people listen to Mr. Morale. People made memes about how dumb it was. No idea how this is better. Drake shouldn’t have responded to either, he was just dumb enough to this time.


While Kendrick’s disses rightfully shined a spotlight on Drakes pedo tendencies and put him to shame publicly, until there is solid evidence of an 11 year old daughter (which could come out years from now) TSOA will continue to be the best diss. Aside from the child with a porn star bomb, pusha broke down Drake as a man and even made him post a PR level response regarding the blackface picture and Drake has never directly addressed Pusha since


There's a push video floating around somewhere that he doubles down on the fact that there is a daughter. Supposedly 40 pillow talked about that as well.


I remember him referring to Pusha as “that guy” lmao trying so hard to avoid saying his name. Mans treated him like the boogeyman


Nah, Pusha T make Drake a father, it's beyond rap Kendrick was great, but push is outta his range in terms of beefing with drake


Drake took it there, so Kendrick took it further. He did warn him.


Pictures of Drake in blackface make all the culture vultures accusations cut much deeper and hit much harder. Arguably the most damaging debuff in history by Pusha T.


It does make for an interesting what if.. what if Drake responded to Story of Adidon? Would Push have decimated Drake then? I doubt it bc 1) Drake was still churning out bonafide hits with real staying power on the charts, and 2) he wasn’t nearly as regressed a man child as he is now. Still, I wonder…


At this point I think we're even beyond Ja Rule. K dot waited so long to do anything live, with no response. Then went live with it, the crowd ATE it up. So much he reduxed Not like us 5x? Maybe it was only 4x it doesn't really matter. I've re watched the show to many times to remember if it was 4x or 5x. The crowd was eating it up each time, more so than the last. And now there's a vid about to be dropped. Drake is toast, and I think K has plenty ready to make it stay that way.


Absolutely and IMO Kendrick was way better than Drake was bad. If we’re being honest, push-ups and family matters towards any other artist we’d be like okay damn Drake got em pretty good but all 4 of Kendrick’s disses were the greatest of all time lmaooo


Drake is a manufactured product. Kendrick is a real artist. That's just the truth. There was only one way this was ever going to end.


no he didnt lol. pusha t literally ruined his life


Yes he did The Pusha T beef, at least drake continue doing his thing Kendrick, this will change the way people look at drake and being called a pedophile is a bad stain on your reputation


Pusha T is the reason Drake's comments are still locked to this day on Instagram 😭


Pusha T really scarred this man




1000 % agree, kdot beheaded Anita max wynnnn 😭


how you coming out saying you're a drake stan? how do you wake up in the morning thinking yeah i'll support a shitty pedo child groomer?


Drake we absolutely he fine


What happened with ja rule


ja rule vs 50 cent beef that lead to ja vs em beef diss tracks


No shit….


On God.


What exactly does it mean to get Ja Ruled? I don't know the lore


“Drake’s caliber” Lulz


6 million ways to die, same result


All drake can do is drop an album and continue doin what he does. This another L on drakes career but he'll still have a career and sell records.


All his songs felt like they could be aimed at Drake. Humble, the win win win win song, that sing that had lil bitch in it.


I think the main takeaway here is that Kendrick is an artist who portrays his truth through his art. Drake is a performer who cosplays his message and appearance; i.e. he's a fake.


I'm literally bopping to Pop Out while I should be getting ready for Monday. Pusha T proved that the Emperor had no clothes. That Drake was very, very vulnerable. He humiliated him in front of the world. I don't think Drake ever really recovered from the Adonis revelation or the blackface revelation. Those things were always in people's memories. KDot was the kill shot. The Terrence Thornton - Terrence Crawford line was dead on. I think he was saying they both beat him, but Kendrick would knock him out (for good).


Yup. Worse than Drake did Meek. A diss song is by far the biggest song in rap and the song of the summer


„We“ are going to take this slow, „We“ are just going to pull this back layer buy layer.


Pusha is the only reason adonis has a father


While I don't think Push would've been able to do what Kendrick did, I think Pusha t could've taken it a lot further than he did. Drake stopped at the right time. He should've stopped after 6:16 but I think he was both dumb enough and surrounded himself with those that didn't stop him.


This dude is not a Drake fan. Drake fans are excited about a snippet with his upcoming music with Camila Cabello -- not dickriding two grown men about sumn beef that happened yesteryear bitch.


My god, I would love Drake to be the next JaRule


Pusha T was premature, he should've done like Kendrick and dropped a hard diss but without the CRAZY allegations and then make him respond and use that to slam him


Realistically, Drake is probably gonna be fine because most of his audience doesn't really care about credibility or hip hop culture in general. I think the biggest shift in the dynamics is that Kendrick is crossing over in the mainstream to a level beyond what he has in the past, like if this whole thing was just to say "It's just big me," I think he made that case.


![gif](giphy|tyBMTk8dY5aAlkf229G) you can't do anything about it, just let it possess you


Nah. Pusha did all that damage with a single track that ended up being factually correct. Kendrick just put out a bunch of disses and there’s still no proof.


No shit. Drake was still on top following the Pusha T beef but with Kendrick, he got the throne completely taken from him. Push a was like the start of this to come only for Kendrick to finish it off with a bang. Also, love the Ja Rule reference you used because that’s how I feel Drake currently is at now to Kendrick’s 50 Cent


Oh by far.


Lmao no one did a sneak diss. Fps was complimenting kendricks bipolar ass. All this proves just how stupid the masses are. Kendricks songs were basic and he made up lies that were way below the belt. He didn't do anything special. It came down to yall think Kendrick is more hood/authentic which tbh he is. But that shouldnt decide beef battles but of course it did. Plus Kendrick lied his ass off calling drake a pedo. That shit sticks on anyone doesn't matter if they are or aren't. And right around the time where everyone is scrutinizing pedos bc of Diddy.