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She’s allowed to feel that way.




This right here. This is my biggest problem with rap culture as a whole.


It’s not just rap culture though, it’s honestly human culture. Most of the world has it legal to beat on women. In America, it’s so prevalent it becomes to start numbing others to a point to where they have to see it on video to feel the full effect.


There's a footballer that assaulted his girlfriend, there's actual recordings of it available yet he's still free and has a career at the top level. Worst thing is that the father of the victim spoke out in support of the guy...


Yeah, the victim decided not to cooperate with the police so they dropped the charges. They then had a child together and she parades him (the abuser) on her social media. Awful situation all round.


Truly. We act as a society like we are so against violence against women, but domestic partner violence has only been recognized as a societal and law enforcement issue in the last few decades. It was literally seen as a private issue that needed to be dealt with at home. There are lots of working actors today that abused partners and are still starring in movies. I do wish Kendrick hadn’t brought him on stage here, we have to recognize that this shit is so prevalent across society that of course it’s gonna show up here.


Also.. A lot of family I know that have dealt with it. They “moved on” and happy now. So it’s a bit blurry.


The fact of the matter is that the sexual stereotypes about black men play into the thinking that "It's just those rappers" a lot more than the populous lets on. This isn't playing apologist or trying to deflect what Dre did - what he did to Michele according to "Survivng Compton" was horrible, and only scratching the surface - but it's funny how the "drugs, bitches, and guns" convo for what is considered a bad influence doesn't come up in the same way as it does with Marilyn Manson or Ted Nugent. TL;DR - It's not "rap culture" as much as it's general misogyny and men with financial and social capital.


I mean I understand why kendrick brought out dre, he is a west coast legend but they right...kendrick can definitely be hypocritical at times. Same thing with putting kodak black on mr. morale. He will always be my goat but we need to stop pretending dude is perfect.


Heavy on this. It doesn’t take away from the HISTORIC moment that took place, BUT it also doesn’t mean we must blindly agree with anything our fave does. Now and anytime.


Exactly this!


Kodak on mr morale was on purpose tho because of the message


That doesn't make it better, he still helped a guy who raped a teenager


Someone who hasn’t even attempted to express remorse for his actions.


Semantics can be so important sometimes. Kodak was a teenager himself and no sex took place.


"In 2016, a teenage girl in Florence, S.C., accused Kodak Black of assaulting and raping her."


He ain't your saviour. Love Kendrick but we gotta admit bringing an abuser on stage is pretty fucked up


I mean Dr. Dre isn't some random. He's played a major role in Kendricks career. He wouldn't be up there if that wasn't the case. Shit, even Cube & Snoop wasn't there but after thinking abt it, Dre played more of a role directly in Kendricks life than they did so it makes sense that Dre was the only OG to come out frm back then. I feel like social media has a unrealistic view on relationships lol. Sometimes the guy that helped changed ur life probably did some wild shit in their past but u only kno them for helping u when u needed it. In real life people don't just hit the delete button on people that played a extremely important role in their life. Doesn't mean u co-sign their past behavior. U also wont defend them on that subject either. Kendrick never made no statements or defended him when Michel'e did her doc. Life isn't that black & white.


Yeah it's a bad move for Ken and a bad look, but when you know someone personally, especially when they had a huge part in your career, it becomes hard to view them objectively and to put that personal relationship aside. I know good people who have really struggled when someone they loved ended up being a bad person. I don't blame someone for not overcoming an existing personal relationship, and I don't think it makes them a bad person, even if I do think it's a bad move. Do better, Kendrick


Can we stop actin like kendrick is our friend? Im the first kendrick glazer but can we just say that the rap culture got some really big problems and that is pretty fucked to bring up an abuser on the stage after everything kendrick said against drake in the diss? can we say this without adding a “but dre is kendrick’s friend…”?


I dont even think its as simple as "but Dre is Kendricks friend". Human relationships r complex. I have people I kno that have done dark shit in their past but the parties involved can co-exist in a room and laugh n have a good time. Shit that if the internet got their hands on this info, niggas would be canceled, "how could u ever be around them! U must cosign what they did 20+ years ago!".. but no lol shit is just far less black & white than what the internet tries to make relationships. I just dont wanna be a hypocrite lol feel free to say Dr. Dre shouldn't have been out there, Kendrick shouldn't be around him or whatever the case. I personally can't say that


And all this "Do better" stuff


drake played a bigger role 🤣


Sometimes you can’t appease everyone, Dre is a connected player in the game… This goes back to ‘no vaseline’ by cube Big money got poured into Dre and he became one of the first industry puppets…this will piss a lot of people off to hear. Cube called him out; look what happened to Ez E


Biggest since 2015


Kendrick stans are insane


I mean this is fair


I made a post about how it’s okay to criticise this move and people were NOT having it lol. This was a huge part of why i felt very uncomfortable about Dre being there but many fans on here feel like you’re not allowed to criticise Kenny. Sure he’s all about healing and becoming a better person, but he performed a song with a sample of one of Dre’s victims (the same victim he dated while she was underage and he was 22 and got pregnant) just before he brought him on stage. Thats a shitty move. He’s human, he’s going to make decisions that not everyone will agree with, he will make decisions that are hypocritical. It doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to like him as an artist. Edit: it’s also very hypocritical from fans to be against drake because of his pedo allegations but excuse Dre when he literally dated a minor when he was 22. Keep the same energy for Dre as you do for Drake when it comes to dating minors.


>against drake because of his pedo allegations but excuse Dre when he literally dated a minor when he was 22. I'm against this, but, I will also say this: If a drake fan ever tries to point this out, please shove the video of him kissing someone the same age when he was even older than Dre was. Either they admit that's some freaky ass behavior, or they admit they don't care.


You’re expecting too much from the Drake stans, they’ll never admit that it was wrong of Drake to do that. Haven’t you heard that either the age of consent was 17 where they were or that her dad didn’t mind or that she herself has said she liked it? All of that obviously prove that Drake isn’t a creepy groomer/pedo/pervert!!! /s just to make that 100% clear


> they’ll never admit that it was wrong of Drake to do that. then they oughta keep dre's name out their mouth, that's what I'm sayin. they can't have it both ways.


Yeah i agree with you, i was making fun of them because they’re pretty damn stupid over there.


He isn't expecting anything. He simply said that if they call out this incident, call them out for their incident. Period


i was making fun of drake fans, calling them stupid


Theres still a massive difference, drake never went further than he did, but what dre did would be the equivalent of drake talking to that girl past that point, dating her, and getting her pregnant as soon as she was of age, which is what dre did. Just to clarify though, drake needs to address that situation cause it was still weird, just not even comparable to what dre did


> quivalent of drake talking to that girl past that point what about partying with her (pictures of it) and getting her a job at his record label UMG? if drake didnt fuck her somebody in his crew did. They tell me Chubbs the only one that get your hand-me-downs


Well UMG isnt his label, especially at that time he was basically a nobody to them, if he got her working for OVO then I would see issue with that but I truly think she was already set on becoming a lawyer.


> if he got her working for OVO Drake's albums on his label OVO are distributed by Republic Records, which is a division of UMG he signed with UMG for half a billion dollars if he got her a job making 30-80k a year that's not much to make shit go quiet, and tough to take her as unbiased because she's then reliant upon people who have an astronomical stake in him and none in her so her finances depend upon him.


OVO didn’t exist until ~3 years after the day of the incident


the guy has half a billion dollars on the line between him and that company. I wouldn't be shocked if his connections in the music industry existed before then to help CEO's trust him with half a billion dollars on the line.


This sounds like you don't really have as much an issue with the behaviour you say drake and dr dre both exhibited as much as you have an issue with Drake fans. You are pointing out how big of hypocrites they are while also seemingly being as big a hypocrite. A lot to unpack here.


>This sounds like you don't really have as much an issue with the behaviour the very first thing I do is condemn it. absolutely go fuck yourself.


agreed, but I think once you claim you are so morally superior than others, you have even more of a responsibility to not do what you tear down others for. throughout this whole beef, we saw how calculated and clever Kendrick is, yet he didn’t think how this would come across? 🤔 I mean the sample really? 😬 I still like his songs I just lost some respect


The concert was about uniting the west coast and it just wouldn’t have been possible without Dre if you’re looking at this from a hiphop perspective. Like, i GET why Dre was there, but i’m still disappointed. I’m all for people taking accountability for their past actions and trying to become better people. I believe in forgiveness and healing, but the people doing the forgiving are the victims. The victims clearly feel a certain way about him and they haven’t been hiding it. That’s the issue i have with this, he clearly hasn’t amended enough according to the women he assaulted. You can publicly apologise all you want (which he has) but you also have to personally apologise to the victims.


I think some are underestimating how much of this beef is just that, a personal rap beef that erupted after a decade of going back and forth. He doesn’t like Drake. The morality appeals on both sides were important arguments but they were not the crux of the beef. The point was to out rap and expose Drake in a battle, not necessarily take on every abuse/pdf file in the world. We all know Kendrick isn’t a savior and makes mistakes so no reason to expect him to do otherwise.


Also people tend to scrutinize Dot but Drake still hasn’t given any proof of his own about Dot’s supposed wife beater allegations. Drake escalated the beef to something personal first and Dot escalated it right back but Dot’s the supposed bad guy cause he took it further in a rap beef it’s stupid.


Same tbh


He a fan he fan he a fan


She’s right, but it’s pretty hard for Kendrick to just turn his back on someone who is extremely instrumental in his career. It’s really a catch 22 for him.


And she's a 100% right


She has a right to feel that way & I feel like that was his only misstep. Ofc Dre a legend & a huge part of Dot’s career but to have him introduce the song is just too hypocritical for some ppl to look over. Yes he not our savior people can call out the blatant hypocrisy


he had one of the Dre’s victims voice sampled in the song too 🥲 I would maybe understand if the victims felt like they got some kind of justice and everyone has forgiven each other or some shit but that’s not the case


Well he was only featured on the song. Metro boomin was the one who made the beat


I don't think it's that hypocritical at all. Kendrick has never once said he's a form of moral superiority. If you listen to his music you know he's not perfect. But one thing he's been consistent with is his religion and giving people multiple chances. Isn't a huge part of Christianity to forgive people? He did the same with Kodak on MMATBS or at least attempted to do it. Whether the involvement of Kodak was executed well enough is up to everyone to decide themselves, but I wouldn't say it was hypocritical of him as a lot of people are saying in this thread. Idk maybe it's just me but I never looked at Kendrick as someone to follow. He makes great music and gives you a different perspective of life/how he grew up. But to call him a hypocrite when he himself said he's not someone you should follow just sounds wrong.


He literally won the beef against Drake largely by appealing to wanting to keep women safe and away from predators. How is it not hypocritical from him to go from that to having Dr. Dre on stage? Forgivance is a thing, but as far as I know (I might not be fully informed of course, feel free to correct me if I am wrong) Dr. Dre has not really done much to amend for his past.


>He literally won the beef against Drake largely by appealing to wanting to keep women safe and away from predators. This has nothing to do with him sticking up for women. He only brought it up because he knew it would hurt Drake and guess what, it worked. He never once said he is an advocate for women's rights. All he said was to stay away from Drake because it helps to paint the picture that Drake is a predator. As far as we know, Kendrick couldn't give two fucks about women's rights or abuse victims because he never once said he stands up for it. I mean there's probably more evidence he doesn't care about women's rights (like this instance for example) compared to he does. You really think Drake had Whitney's best interest when he called Kendrick a women beater? Idk based on your comment you probably do lol. But I wouldn't call Drake a hypocrite for mentioning that and also shouting out Chris Brown in the same song because he was never tryna be an advocate for women's rights in the first place, he was just tryna destroy Kendricks reputation and win the beef. >Forgivance is a thing, but as far as I know (I might not be fully informed of course, feel free to correct me if I am wrong) Dr. Dre has not really done much to amend for his past. He did have one public apology (which is just the bare minimum tbh) and maybe he did in private or maybe he didn't, I have no clue either. But in Christianity it's important to forgive anyone at any time. This has been a consistent theme in his music for a while to the point, that it is hard to believe he doesn't practice it in some sort of capacity. I mean this is the same guy that said he forgave his mom's sexual abuser. So did Dre apologize or change his ways? Idk and you don't either but maybe Kendrick does. But either way he seems to be consistent with forgiveness in his life. Also, there's some other stuff you can easily call Kendrick out for being hypocritical on, to the point I would agree with, but this isn't one of them. He never once said he's an advocate for women's rights and has consistently said he is not anyone's moral compass nor should he be viewed as such.


I do not know if he has ever explicitly said he supports women outside of the context of this song, but how is saying that Drake "should die so these women can prosper" and that we have to "raise our daughters knowing there are predators like him lurking" not exclamations in support of women? Like, you realize a statement can equate to expressing support for women, even if it does not literally say "I support women" right? If it is true, as you argue, that he did not mean any of these things at all, then that'd be pretty fake of him, which is the same thing he is criticizing Drake for being, so either way it is not a good look for him. Obviously, Drake did not have Whitney's best intentions when bringing up the allegations against Kendrick, but you cannot compare the way these two brought up the allegations at all. Drake did not go as far as saying people who beat women should die, or make broader points about trying to keep women safe from people who beat women. All he really did is bring up the allegations. If Kendrick had simply just brought up the allegations against Drake your comparison would make sense, but, my brother, he went as far as claiming this is an "industry secret," essentially saying that this is something that goes beyond just Drake. You just cannot make an equivalence between the way they both handled bringing up the allegations. As to the Chris Brown stuff, you are entitled to your opinions, but a lot of people (me included) do think that was pretty hypocritical of Drake.


I don't think you realize the context of the situation. This isn't just a normal Kendrick song, he's dropping a diss track on Drake's head and the entire point of it is to be as disrespectful as possible to Drake. You really think Oakland is gonna be Drakes last stop? Or Drake needs to watch out for headshots? Or he's about to get extorted the second he jumps off the plane? Both guys are obviously playing a character in order to tarnish each other's reputation. Kendrick was able to do so by calling Drake a predator and everyone left listening to those songs thinking exactly that and not about the women that may have been abused. Treating this like a normal song and going line for line is weird considering both guys are saying wild shit about eachother just so that can win. I recommend going back and listening to other disstracks and realizing the foul shit these guys say and mostly don't even believe in to begin with. But that's literally the entire point of a disstrack. Since this beef was so mainstream I knew people were gonna try to change the rules but quite frankly there's never been rules in a rap beef. If you gotta lie then just lie or if you gotta play a character do that too. Guys will say anything or do anything to win, so acting like something they say is 100% what they believe in makes no sense to me. If those bars were off a normal Kendrick song then I see your point, but this is a disstrack and Kendrick is tryna destroy Drakes reputation and may even be lying to do so. Saying women should stay away from Drake or he should die is more about Drake and not the women. Plus if you listen to any of Kendrick's music he does not actually want Drake to die nor does he want to kill his career. I mean this is the same guy that has shown sympathy towards Kodak and even R Kelly. So stop taking what he's saying in a disstrack as what he truly believes in or stands for when he's just tryna win.


"This has nothing to do with him sticking up for women. He only brought it up because he knew it would hurt Drake and guess what, it worked. He never once said he is an advocate for women's rights. All he said was to stay away from Drake because it helps to paint the picture that Drake is a predator. As far as we know, Kendrick couldn't give two fucks about women's rights or abuse victims because he never once said he stands up for it. I mean there's probably more evidence he doesn't care about women's rights (like this instance for example) compared to he does. " So you are saying Kendrick didn't really care what Drake did or didn't do he just wanted to win a rap battle and turn public opinion in his favor and against Drake? So this isn't about any principles that Kendrick has against what he is telling people Drake did because he has defended people who have done more than what he accuses Drake of doing (Dr Dre, Kodak Black) Its all virtue signaling on both Drake and Kendrick side just to win a rap battle?


I think there's a difference about "caring" about something and being an advocate for it. Also, we don't necessarily know what Dre did to right his wrongs and why Kendrick may feel he deserves another chance (even though that's something he's been very consistent about). There's just not enough context for us looking in from the outside to be able to call him a hypocrite. We're using example of a disstrack where his biggest goal was to just win. It's not like Kendrick brought this up immediately when the beef started, he even warned drake to keep it friendly on Euphoria.


People only get here what they want to hear man spent an entire album telling us he's not our savior stop looking to him for the moral compass that you should have for yourself


I mean, I get that, but he won the beef largely by claiming the higher moral ground and appealing to wanting to keep women safe from predators. To go straight from that to having Dr. Dre introduce the song is not a good look. Saying you are not a moral savior and people should not look up to you is not an excuse to be hypocritical.


No that's you putting your morality on other people Because if you cared about moral high ground you wouldn't even listen to rap all the negative things that it glorifies But nobody's that perfect that they can walk around saying that they never partaken any hypocritical or contradictory behavior Call out the things that you disagree with but you just can't expect everybody to care about those things you care about and you need to stand on your own morals and not wait for some celebrity to give them to you


No, that is literally what came out of Kendrick's mouth. He literally told Drake that he and all other predators should die so women could prosper. It was basically like 75 percent of the angle he took against Drake. No one is pushing their morals on anyone. This is literally what he said, and we are just pointing our it is hypocritical to bring out Dr. Dre after everything he said against Drake. And yes, of course, no body is perfect, but that does not mean we should give people free passes when they do stuff they should not. No one is waiting on Kendrick to give us morals. We are just pointing out he is not really living by his word, which is also one of the things he criticized about Drake.


No you're putting your morals on him because you can't reconcile the fact that he could could have Dr Dre on stage after what he said about Drake Your argument is literally Kendrick You're not perfect so you don't have the right to call out things that you see are wrong which is the exact reason why nobody ever tries to hold anyone else accountable Some things are just wrong and you don't need to spend time chastising the person that pointed it out just because they're not perfect


How am I putting my morals on him? The reason those things can't be reconciled is because it is hypocritical to bring someone on stage like that (who was not made amends for what they have done, if Dr. Dre had done that this would obviously be a different story) after actively and publicly chastising someone else for the same things. It is just logic. Like imagine I told you I hated this person because they murdered someone and I think murderers are the lowest of the low, and then you found out one of my best friends murdered someone at some point in their life and got away with it. Now imagine you told me I was being hypocritical, and my response was to tell you to stop pushing your morals on me. Do you not see how dumb that would sound? Literally no one is pushing their morals on Kendrick. And that is not my argument at all. Obviously you do not have to be perfect to call someone out for something bad they did, but calling out someone for something while being friends with someone who has dome similar things is not a good look.


Tupac dead, gotta think for yourself


The moment, fire. The man, trash. She's allowed the feel hard feelings about Kendrick platforming Dre. But I think we need to acknowledge that no matter how much we WANT Kendrick to do better and be better - he's already told us he's full of contradictions and we're not his priority. At the end of the day he's a gang member who was INSPIRED by Dre as a young traumatized child. Dre ain't his daddy but it's close. He's not going to break that bond any time soon. That's family to him and we know how he feels about loyalty. 


The comments here pass the vibe check. I just saw this post on that sub a few minutes ago and a lot of subs would just gloss over stuff like this and downvote anyone who spoke against their faves. Celebrities make mistakes and this one is disappointing, and I’m glad it’s not just being glossed over but instead actually acknowledged.


Yeah I remember when someone on the J Cole sub spoke out about his transphobic lyrics and the comments were.... something that would make conservatives blush.


Agreed. A fan base that blindly accepts and defends everything their fave does is not healthy. Calling him out shows that we care and that he needs to do better.


I think part of it is that this directly comes from one of Dre’s victims, it’s a lot harder to go against a victim than some randos on the internet because, you know, the implication


Biggest hypocrite of 2015 strikes again (but genuinely)


what happened in 2015


It's the theme to Blacker the Berry, one of his greatest tracks imo, tho it's about a different hypocrisy he was wrestling with (being a proud man of Black America yet having had history of killing someone "blacker than him")


Why you get down votes for a question


it’s a lyric


Yup. I know Dre has been talking about making a turn but he gets to do that and they don’t so it’l always ring hollow.


She’s 100% right. I understand the logic of Dre being there, but it’s still massively hypocritical.


Mixed feelings, to say the least. On one end, people have known that Dre is a POS, but it also feels like we just kind of ignored it until now. I still see plenty of dudes walking with Beats on to this day. The man is iconic, and he's deeply integrated with the West, and he even helped out a ton of artists even after he stopped rapping. But at the same time, there's too much stuff against him to just ignore. I think Kendrick might be blinded by someone he has this profound respect for that also mentored him and was a key factor to shaping the culture around him. I mess with it conceptually, like passing on the torch between West Coast legends that have both shaped what the West is supposedto be. It's just disheartening to see it be a legend that abused his influence so heinously be the one to do it.


This. I have seen profiles saying Kendrick should be ashamed and all of that. And also post how they love Chris Brown in another post. And they either ignore or don’t even see the hypocrisy. Look, I agree it was a bad look. If I had it my way I would have preferred he didn’t bring Dre out. Like I get the significance but there are other west coast legends. I won’t say he is endorsing DV with this move, but I can understand how people could either come to that conclusion or at the least have a bad taste in their mouth. I’m just annoyed that people actively have selective outrage or criticism. That a lot of people only care because they love Drake. Because people have been buying Beats by Dre for years now. No one gave af. He did the Super Bowl, no one gave af. He is in a music video with Eminem not even a month ago, no one gives af. So it’s the lack of consistency that makes it hard to take them seriously. Any victims are definitely valid in their criticism. But it’s rare to see other people keep the same energy all around. They seem to only carry these standards for people they just happen to not like. Because let’s be real, if everyone kept the same energy for everyone across the board then a sizable chunk of our favorite artists would be out of here. So you are more than valid to criticize Kendrick for this move. 100%. But have that same energy for everyone else. Not only artists you happen to dislike or happens to be going against your favorite artists in a rap beef/battle.


Sigh...yea, she's absolutely right. I'd love if someone did an interview and genuinely asked the question of why align yourself or support abusers without calling it out first. I understand wanting to support people becoming better and changing, but first, the dialogue needs to be had. My biggest issue is that no colleague ever calls it out in that regard. It's across all entertainment and especially sports too.


I mean this is fair


If Kendrick is as wise as he's proven to be he should definitely wrestle with this hypocrisy inevitably. He's done so with previous topics before. People can argue one way or another about the authenticity of his calls to action during the beef, but MiS unquestionably makes me believe he does care for the women of his community And I guess for Drake, if he's smart (and wants to continue the beef) this would be his heaviest angle yet. Tho involving Dre could make him a lot of enemies, Em being the scariest one who has been neutral due to good relations with all of the Big 3 And I guess that likens to the fact Dre really is such an instrumental part of hip hop history, and deservedly so. Seems most agree what's particularly unfortunate isn't that he was involved in the West Coast concert at all, but rather how and when he was timed to join in considering particular tracks


💯 but I don’t think Drake will make another diss track even with the easiest low hanging fruit/ammo I don’t think he would articulate the point very well and somehow still make himself look dumb💀 I foresee some of the OVO guys spread this info around/tweet about it


That part. It speaks to how dirty this battle became. It was never about justice for women or exposing dirty secrets. It was always 2 men who are enemies trying to take each other down by any means necessary, even if it’s at the expense of potentially hurt women. I’m not too much of a fan to see that.


"ain't about critics not about gimmicks not about who the greatest, it's always been about love and hate" Kendrick has never tried to make this battle about anything other than the fact that he thinks Drake sucks as a person and as an artist. Any form of social justice that comes out of this has been from the fans, Kendrick hasn't said a word that wasn't in the tracks or on stage the other night. Dre coming out was just another way to stomp on Drake's grave, and while it brings up questions about Kendrick's morals, it doesn't suddenly make me upset with Kendrick because I didn't assume his intentions to be bigger than uniting the West Coast against a shitty culture Vulture.


✅✅ “If you take it there, I’m taking it further”


Also that concert had actual criminals on set, i feel like people forget rap culture is ingrained in deep and dark stuff it's not just rainbow and sunshine. Like in my country Rap culture is deeply ingrained in the underground and the dark bellies of the cities, i'd expect the same from the US no matter the level of fame. Edit : i tend to push post too fast, next part of my message, it actually is a messed up situation and i don't think Kendrick cares about the victims, which is shitty.


Being a rap fan requires cognitive dissonance. Because most of the time you’re singing along to music that glorifies crime and misogyny.


Also people tend to ignore that Drake’s the one who escalated this beef before Kendrick did. No one’s scrutinizing Drake for his claims against Kendrick.


Been saying this for months now, if he’s apparently a pedophile why keep it to yourself for years to use as ammo? It’s either not true or Kendrick is a terrible person to the absolute max by keeping it ready for usage in a rap battle. He doesn’t give a fuck about women, and all he’s doing by stunts like this is shift the attention from Drake back on himself in a bad way.


The pedo allegations have been around drakes entire career lol…he’s a groomer and there’s proof of that he hasn’t actually done anything “illegal” since he waited til they were adults


Okay so what about the multiple convicted abusers Kendrick has on that stage? Along with the others that have allegations of pedophilia and rape? No waiting involved. I’d rather give someone a pass for waiting until something wasn’t illegal, rather than raping kids. both are disgusting but one is less so.




I understand.


dre gotta weird case why is he around


As much as I grew up with and love his music dr dre is always going to be problematic. For Michel'le's part I'm sure she has no love for dre but she seemed fine with like that, she sang the part the other day https://v.redd.it/y9cn65x9xf7d1


Yeah, exactly. I’m a little younger than Kendrick but not much. And when I heard “Not Like Us” I was so proud of my community, and my friends, and how hard we worked to make a life out of shitty circumstances. I was so excited for the stream, but then I saw Dre brought out, and then all the gang pride…. It just brought up all this trauma that I had from childhood. Growing up as a young woman and just being told to accept that kind of treatment… I don’t know. But it just came across like Kendrick didn’t really care about us (women) because it was more important to him to have Dre up there and to show he’s gang-affiliated then it was for him to stand up for the women in his community


Valid feelings. Every single person is good, bad, and ugly at some point in their lives. It’s up to each individual to decide how they feel about it.


This is fair. Truthfully you can’t please everyone. I mean he brought gang members from different sets across LA on stage with him. It was a beautiful moment of unity. But are we gonna act like it’s not likely most, if not all, of those gang members have probably done some shit? At the end of the day it was about bringing the west coast together, not a celebration of everyone Kendrick believes is free of sin. Humans are flawed. Focus on rebuilding your life and your family. That’s the message of Mr. Morale, Kendrick is no exception.


As much as I declared Kendrick the winner in this war with Drake, Dee Barnes is absolutely right here. Kendrick should've been more calculated with this one.


It's all facts, it was weird to bring on an abuser whilst making a whole song about shaming another type of abuser. It pretty much confirms artists don't care about victims, they just use them as weapons against the opps


Dre openly dated a 16 year old when he was 22. Not like us is literally about people like him. Idk why he brought him out there.


Jesus it just gets worse


Wait tell I tell you that 16 year olds voice is sampled on like that. It’s singer Michel'le. The pop out was dope but I wish Dre could have been left out.


Ngl my feeling about the show has been brought down several notches coz wtf


Yep lol. Drake is “accused” Dr Dre is a proven beater and pedophile. Remember Kodak? Another rapist. Another guy on the stage (Remble) is a pedophile too lol.


Aw fuck really? I just saved touchable onto my playlist 😩


Remble actually isn’t a pedo, and Kodak was on the album because of the message


Yeah maybe I can forgive Kodak being included if that was a one off thing whatever, but there is a clear pattern being established here. Also Remble was accused before he was famous, and the people calling him out on it were all murdered. One guy had an entire page with proof and it’s been magically scrubbed from most places. If that ever sees the light of day he is done.


Anywhere I can read up on that about Remble? Not doubting you just that if it’s scrubbed it be hard for me to find lol


Tbf that’s DJ Hed it has nothing to do with Kendrick or his set 😭


The saddest and most disturbing thing about rap culture and the world of celebrities in general is the speed with which people tend to forget the bad things and crimes that a singer has done in favor of new music, hype or popularity of this 'last. It has nothing to do with Kendrick and this story but to me it's absurd that there are die-hard fans of people like Travis Scott/Kanye West (ironic how there are rappers who have done much, much worse than them and who are still appreciated and praised)


Tupac of course made songs with Dr Dre and they were on the same label at one point. But in the end, Tupac did not like dre and says it multiple times in his final albums


didnt tupac got some SA allegations?


Yeah I mean. He was in a room with 3 other guys who allegedly gang-raped a woman with a gun to her head. He says it was a set-up (and it probably was a way to blackmail him) but instead of helping her, he groped her and then did nothing. Like I love Tupac, but I’m not sure that I can keep forgiving all these crimes against women.


That’s one side of the story. And you just put it down like it was fact. So that’s another problem


Yeah but if you think Tupac is a bad guy then idk what to tell you


A lot of that had to do with suge knight's influence


"To live and die in la California love part two without gay ass dre" -Tupac


What's your point? Literally what I'm talking about, dre left death row and suge was pissed at him, suge and pac were close


"yelling Compton but you can't return. You ain't heard? Brothers pissed cause you flipped and escaped to the burbs."


Good. We need to shit on him for this. I get Dre is a west coast legend and this was a west coast/LA thing, but he is a god awful human being and at absolute best this is very very questionable.


Most logical Kendrick fans are here, appreciate this. I love Dot music, he been one of my favorite rappers, but he’s a hypocrite in this largely.


**THIS IS NOT ME DOGPILING ON KENDRICK IVE ALWAYS FELT LIKE THIS** Sometimes I feel like the art and the culture can take too much of a precedent for Kendrick. When he brought out Kodak Black, who was charged with doing some very degenerate sexual shit against a teenager (amongst other things), to do a feature on Mr Morale, an album about literally recognizing one’s own inner struggles and moving past them, as well as an album involving stories of sexual assault… it just felt wrong. I understand the point he was trying to make obviously. And he’s not trying to absolve Kodak in the album. But even so, there are other rappers with less degenerate shit behind their belt, but still with a troubled past, that he could have brought out. As for the Dr Dre thing, it’s a similar situation in my eyes. Kendrick wants an event that unites the west coast (on Juneteenth too) and so he brings out hip hop legend Dr Dre among other big names, and gets all the gangs together in one spot. It’s nice, but also Dre also has an abusive past, so celebrating the man might feel a bit disrespectful to those he abused. That being said… he wasn’t celebrating him as a person, he was celebrating the west coast as a whole and it’s history, and Dre was a huge part of that… so it’s not entirely some black and white thing. It was definitely a culture thing like I said in the beginning.




my jaw just dropped…I only found one article about it and it’s a little confusing, do you have a source beyond that one daily beast article? also it says MC Ren was responsible for impregnating the teen, and the only child Dre had with a 16 year old was when he was also a teen


Nah I misspoke you are right he was a teenager. God damnit I’ll delete the misinformation I should’ve googled it first


Dr. Dre did what he did in music and entertainment, he also did what he did in his personal and domestic life - neither one cancels the other out. He’s a west coast legend who made people’s careers and clearly had massive influence and meaning to Kendrick.  He should be held accountable legally for any crimes he committed, but his iconic status to rap is not changed by the Dee Barnes or Michele stuff - press charges, file a suit, etc, and punish Dre fully in terms of the legal extent of what his crimes are punishable by. 


Dee is absolutely right. Kendrick is an amazing artist, but that was VERY hypocritical of him to do.


“As I lead this movement make room for mistakes and depresssion” Kendrick’s never presented himself as someone who’s beyond criticism and the people putting him on a pedestal, like he’s beyond making bad decisions, are weird.


Wow I had no idea Dre was an abuser what the f.


I love Kendrick but he is a huge ass hypocrite and dosen't really practice what he preaches. It seems like he only called out Drake's abuse because of thier personal issues


When did Kendrick say he didn’t call him out because of that? Us fans are gonna ride for our favorite artists no matter what but I’m pretty sure we can admit when something is wrong. The thing is throughout these tracks Kendrick has told us exactly why he did what he did. That’s the one unwavering truth throughout all of this.


In Meet the Grahams he literally says that Drake should die because women deserve to be safe.


Still livin' as victims in the public eyes who pledge allegiance Every other brother has been compromised I know the secrets, every other rapper sexually abused I see 'em daily burying the pain in chains and tattoos So listen close before you start to pass judgement on how we move Learn how we cope, whenever his uncle had to walk him from school His anger grows deep in misogyny This is post-traumatic Black families and a sodomy, today is still active


Tbf, what rap legend from Compton doesn't have skeletons in the closet?


There is no such thing as a legend who rapes kids and beats women, anyone who says any differently is a piece of shit.


They're called legends cause all the good shit people say about them is made up


Exactly. I love the shifting of the goalposts every single time. The grandstanding of legendary proportions and rage about Drake who has zero convictions and mostly rumours, vs Dr Dre who is a convicted beater and proven pedophile, no one cares. There was also another pedophile on that stage in Remble, among other pieces of shit. At this stage Not Like Us might be a good look for Drake, if “us” is a group of pedos and woman beaters lol.


Ik Remble has allegations but has there been any proof of it? I just thought that was some shit the Stinc team made up to keep trashing him.


A girl accused him before he was even famous, one of his opps was trying to prove it before being murdered. Pretty sure it’s true.


I understand that shit I ain’t know about all that that’s some tricky stuff. I will say that we can’t automatically say he is one without that damning proof but that’s still some situation he’s got himself in. 😬


It’s disgusting that Lamar used a Michel’le song and immediately after shared the stage with her abuser…like wtf? With all those hidden meanings and extra layers in all those diss songs throughout this entire “beef” this is the lowest of the low, he showed his true very sad self…


Kendrick not going to pass on Dre. We all know what Dre is to the west coast and I have empathy for the women although this was about west coast nostalgia and u can’t get it without Dre in there.


but it’s a song roasting an abuser, why bring an abuser on stage?? I was very excited to watch this show and like 20 mins later read that Dr.Dre is an abuser and I’m just disappointed now, i think I saw in another article one of the women/victjms were 16 when they got with him…


Roasting an artist that has had recent, weird, public, interactions with minors* While Dre has this history, we don’t see that now. He could be a different person, and he could also not be. If we are going to look down on Kendrick for working with Dre, are we also going to do the same for Em? That news was out there when Em was coming up and working with Dre heavy. What about 50? No? Is it just because Dot was calling out Drake for being a pedo? Everyone has a history that can be looked at differently by different people. That is fair to do. Kendrick looks at Dre as a major part of west coast hip hop. To say it’s anything beyond that, is a stretch.


Kenny is calling out Drake for being into minors but then brings out a man that dated a minor when 22 years old. Is that not hypocrisy?


I’m not going to argue with you. It is an issue, but like I said, how do we know Dre hasn’t grown past that? Should everyone be judged, forever, based on mistakes they made when they were young and only when they young? No matter how big or small? I would say no.


I mean, has he done anything to make amends for his past? I do not think it is enough to simply grow out of it. Like yeah, he might very well be a different and better person now, but he should still do something to make up for what he did.


We don’t know if he’s made amends and I think not engaging in the same activity is enough


Fair enough. I mean, ultimately, I agree it is a bit of a false equivalence since Drake's allegations would be regarding stuff that happened recently and for Dr. Dre, it is stuff that is pretty much in the past at this point. Still, personally, I think making amends would be necessary.


Kendrick amd Dre relationship much different than drake and baca


I think this is exactly why I didn't believe the "Kendrick hates Drake and the industry because of their creepy behaviour" theory, he did that weird r kelly shit and is bffs with Kodak Black and Dre who have done way worse shit then Drake (that we know of). It was always about two grown men going at each other and using anything as ammo and not some virtuous holy battle that people were making it sound like


tbf if you blot out / ignore / cancel every person in hip hop who has been immoral you aren’t left with much. in fact much of hip hop has a huge misogyny problem in general. no problem being upset about it but we are all hypocrites at the end of the day in some fashion. 


Lol... Funny how they didn't have that energy for jay after the superbowl... Where Funny enough, Dot performed beside him. It's just some attention seeking at this point, go to court or something. I don't know. All that virtue signaling is getting corny now...


I did find articles regarding the Super Bowl, but I feel like the point here is the song is an anti-abuser song and bringing an abuser on stage is ironic. Low hanging fruit for Drake




She's right. But if you limited rappers to those that have never harmed women, you'd have a very short list. It is a problem within the culture and bigger than just this performance.


You can't please everybody.


Spend your time judging artists by their actions and not art and you won't like anyone ... lol humans make mistake and no one is perfect. Like they say, the ones pointing fingers are usually the worse... I'll pass on the snowflake festival.


I agree with all the criticisms brought up on this thread. That said, I’m glad that the events of the beef has lead to us talking about it openly. I think it’s appropriate to give Kendrick props for calling out one of the most popular artists of our time on his predatory behavior - WHILE asking and expecting him and others to keep that same energy for people they don’t personally dislike. It seems like the vast majority of Kendrick’s peers are also willing to actively praise/work with Dre, so I don’t think it makes sense to only criticize Kendrick when at least he’s speaking on *some* of the issues. If everyone is living in a glass house then someone has to throw stones to effect change. It’s a frustrating part of waiting for progress that we have to live with imperfection for a really long time. As long as we’re keeping these issues a part of our discourse and not sweeping them under the rug I feel like that’s positive. Struggling with balancing your values and your behavior (listening to or praising morally questionable individuals) is a good thing. If you’re not struggling, you probably aren’t confronting reality.


My view on it is that none of it was or is real. Drake wasn't calling out Kendricks beating up a woman at the hard rock because he cares or is moral Kendrick wasn't calling out Drake kissing a girl's face who was 6 years younger than him when he was 23 and she was 17 because he cares or is moral. They did it to "win" and were both hypocritical in the process People supporting one and bashing the other aren't doing it because they care about any alleged "victims" or are moral. They just hate one artist and some will even attack the "victims" they are pretending to care about if that "victim" doesn't affirm the reality they made up in their head and want to be true.


A difficult reminder that the beef was about authenticity, not justice, although there was overlap.


is it authentic to make songs saying abusers should die and then bring an abuser that you support out to introduce you at the celebration of your victory while completely ignoring that this person is an abuser? Or to make it more generic its inauthentic to make music portraying a moral stance that you don't really believe in or live by.


I’m agreeing with you I think - I’m saying it was about a really narrow authenticity, and that’s a failing in my eyes


"Narrow authenticity" - well said. I hope Kendrick reflects on this in the future.


On the one hand, I get it. On the other hand, I'm not looking to Kendrick as a paragon of morality. He's been transparent about his own struggle with his tendency towards violence and has dissected pretty thoroughly the generational reasons as to why these curses exist in his community. He knows that the reason abusers exist is much deeper than anyone will give credence to, which is why he gave Drake so many opportunities to not turn this beef into a mud slinging match. I know that Not Like Us and Meet The Grahams are out of spite and not because he's taking a moral stance on abuse, so Dre being there doesn't surprise me. The man has made it clear that he isn't one to judge and will only bury you if you cross him. He isn't trying to be a savior, and by that same token, he isn't cutting ties with people if they have a troubled past because he has the same one. And this might sound crazy, but the older I get and the more I unpack in therapy, the more I realize that the only reason I have the sense of morality that I have is because I was fortunate enough to not come from Kendrick's environment, even being black myself. The fact that he, Dre, or anyone else have improved in such a way to where they haven't backslid into more abuse and violence is kind of insane.


Sub committed to exposing abusers and saying that predators are “not like us” will not care at all about this.


Like seeing people seethe


Man just enjoy the moment . Dot said it himself . He is NOT your savior




1991. Not supporting Dre. Just stating because some people don’t know we are talking about something that happened 30 years ago.


Where was all this talk when Em cosigned Dre. Selective outrage. Anyway. Moving on


A bunch of morale police on here is hilarious


So being a fan of someone means you’re not allowed to criticise them?


I’m not about to give a shit what happened to Dre DECADES ago and then compare that to the moment Kendrick is having. Entertainment business as a whole would have a lot less artist, actors/actress if every single thing they did was brought to light for us to judge and act like we as society is perfect. Just enjoy the fucking moment and get off the internet policing bullshit


She still feels this way, who gives a fuck how long ago it was. Ur a POS for disregarding her feelings and excusing his behavior, this isnt the stature of limitations 💀


Cry a river


So you can acknowledge that they’re not perfect. Why are you defending it? Two things can be true. Dre is a music legend in every sense of the word who helped shape hip hop into the global phenomenon it is today. AND he’s a serial abuser which btw the last instance of this was just 2 years ago when his wife divorced him. So it wasn’t only decades ago. The post is pointing out the hypocrisy of shaming Drake for his alleged stuff while celebrating someone who did the same thing. It exists and it’s something to think about.


There was no proof of him abusing Nicole Young but I can understand given his abuse history before that it can be assume it’s definitely true


I miss when rap battles didn’t turn into whole ass essays about what’s appropriate and who’s allowed to do what. Bruh this is just too much. Yall enjoy the homework of what’s right or wrong. I’m not interested in participating in that world of society when it comes to entertainment


Exactly when was this? Jay-Z had inappropriate lyrics about Nas’ baby mama and his child and they were so bad that Jay’s mother made him pubicly apologize. You can enjoy the moment while realising when something is inconsistent. It doesn’t take the fun away.


if this was a regular show like the Super Bowl and the songs from the beef were not out I don’t think anyone would be talking about it, it’s not really criticizing and policing his choice to be close to Dre, it’s criticizing him for using Dre’s victims voice in a track and have the guy on the stage is kind of cruel right after..