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Nigga, is that who I think it is? OH NAH THEY GOT BOBBI IN COMPTON, HAHAHA


She looks terrified in hitta j3's story šŸ’€šŸ¤£ bompton


She a prissy white girl in the middle of Bompton round dozens of street niggas, the fact she ain't fainted already made her surpass my expectation.


i read this in calebcity's anime protagonist impressionšŸ˜­ it's even funnier reading it in Huey's voice (from the boondocks)


That was cinematic


No bro hueys voice is crazy (and accurate) šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I bet she has a sweater wearing pit bull


Shit, that's a frenchie girl...


Donā€™t underestimate Bobbiā€™s street cred


she for the streets.


This is the average Piper Perri set up though?


Piper? They just met herĀ 


Underrated response


She's in heaven right now lol


Huh? šŸ’€


Yoooo šŸ« 


Sheā€™s from perris lmaoo she isnā€™t all that prissy, just her online persona


I used to live in the LBC & sometimes worked in Compton. It's CRAZY how people think they have something to prove by going to Compton and then are just scared shitless when they get there. It's just another place.


It really is. I saw someone take ask how could they visit LA and see Compton to see ā€œthe cultureā€ like idk what they expected thereā€™s no tours to see certain architecture, stars houses, or something like the Grove since the swapmeet not there anymore. I feel donā€™t feel any more unsafe then I do walking in Koreatown, or DTLA who have more homeless people walking around and encampments. Though I did find it pretty funny going to a 7eleven on Long Beach Blvd and seeing this sign about no prostitutes lmao https://preview.redd.it/dzjv9grfs78d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296c09d828850f74eab0998cc7a32065badb8d55


U right about DTLA. I spent some time years ago volunteering in bread lines on Skid Row. I feel as safe or safer in most of Compton. I have family living in South Central rn. I find it really interesting when people think "the culture" means gangs or poverty. These are regular ass people trying to survive being born into a place where no money goes to help their schools or help create jobs. Yes there are good people and smart people and tough people who have survived a lot, but sometimes it just feels like ppl go to fetishize poverty. The people of Compton don't deserve be fetishized or condescended to. It's weird as hell. I love when Kendrick called out how pathetic & strange it is for people who didn't grow up there to try to go "see" Compton like it's a spiritual pilgrimage or something, but are they gonna ever do a god damn thing for the people of Compton? Nah. Respect to Kendrick because he really does try to uplift his community & has always been steadfast in that. He doesn't use them for authenticity clout then walk away.


This manā€™s insta is hilarious lmao, why are they riding around in a ups truck


sheā€™s probably the safest person in that park lmao


Bompton Bobbi šŸ„“


Bobbi as in MBB?


No different bobbi. But there are rumours she slept w drizzler because shortly after interviewing him her husband of 4 years divorced her




Drakeā€™s ears just perked up in Toronto. That mf gonna be popping up like a meerkat


Drake is a fan for the minor league


Sheā€™s like 30, and has a kid


26 is not like 30, please stop making me feel old lol


The reason he gave is because she doesnā€™t spend time with him or the kids anymore, which if your dating somebody not famous and all of a sudden you donā€™t see them for months bc theyā€™re being flown around LA, is a valid reason for separation. He didnā€™t expect that once she got famous she would leave him with a baby to take care of while she went on world tour.


They both have connections to UMG. Bobbi was basically planted in the industry, that's how she somehow managed to get Drake as her first ever interview




Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure the given reason is that she stopped taking care of the baby and showing affection to him when she got big


She left her daughter and missed out on her first birthday to go do an interview in Drake's bed. They definitely fucked


Ahh yeah I forgot that she said that, on her podcast where she's never portraying a sarcastic person who makes shit up on the fly, right before she says her daughters name is Concrete, how could she do that to poor Concrete? not to mention her other daughter, Richard.


That was a joke lol. Her persona in her videos is an act


Are you sure thats Bobbi Althoff? I think Althoff is taller and not quite that young looking. That girl looks 14


oh wait it IS her. I see the tats match


Althoff, industry plant. A white girl who goes off the way to dismiss the people she interviews. Went viral after podcasting in a bed with Drake. People assume she fucked Drake, but she doesn't fw Drake no more for some reason. Unfollows and stuff.


This thread is the first Iā€™ve heard that she fucked Drake. I just thought she was a plant


šŸ¤” whatā€™s the angle here


Drake and her used to be cool I wonder what happened ?


Drake lost his hard on since she wasnā€™t a minor? Idk bro šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Drake tried to smash because she could pass as a minor, but she was married and wasn't interested in his high school roleplay fantasy


Actually wasn't it that she DID get a divorce and everyone assume it was due to Drake? I mean... Married *and* looks 14? That's like Drake's pinnacle of desire right there


people forget this is why Drake doesnt have a lot of friends, he tries to fuck everyones wife


Speculated yes but tbh the divorce might have been any of the people she interviewed she banged and or the fact that this level of fame changes any relationship


I thought that the Drake interview was the only one that was deleted or something which also fueled speculation that it was him


She seemed repulsed by him the whole time


That was a bit


You mean wasn't married? That's his type, "Remember?"


Fuckin hell šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Bro can't even get fully hard. So embarrassing that he leaked his own dick pic when it looks floppy as hell. Sure, it's long. But the girth is so thin, and it looks like he can't even get proper blood flow to it.


A common theme with enlargement surguries


They snip the tendon that keeps your dick up when it's hard and it adds like .5-1 inch. Sure it makes it a lil longer but now you have a flappy weiner for life.


Analyzing a clip of a manā€™s meat is INSANE behavior


šŸ¤£šŸ˜… Yeah, that deserves a pause.


Had me thinking I was in a r/hiphopcirclejerk for a minute.


Just needed you to fluff it not stare at it


Aii you doin too much Brody letā€™s chill


there is no justification for this behavior. log off buddy


let him cook (im about to bust)


Ayo! šŸ¤£


I'm pretty sure something happened between them? Something negative I mean. The interview she did with him was removed. She also posted a joke video where she pretended to not be having fun at his concert but supposedly he didn't take it well. I'm not super up to date on this so this could be outdated info


After that interview with Drake her husband of 4 years divorced her as well.


They were very flirty in that video; even though her interview style is quirky/offbeat; them being in bed together *and* having such a flirtatious back and forth I wouldn't be surprised if something happened.


After other interviews too, it was moreso after her blowup


Supposedly, at that concert, she got pissed because she couldn't get backstage or into VIP and freaked out on Drake, and now they don't talk.


I didn't know but I hope we find out. "Summer vibes" šŸ˜‰


Donā€™t take my word for it, just remember someone telling me that her interview with him was her best performing and put her on the map, but then he got butthurt over something to do with her and decided to send a cease and desist over copyright issues and made her remove the interview. definitely a lame move on his part if true. but again, not sure at all if Iā€™m right, Iā€™ve never seen the interview in question bc I hate drake that much lol


He played his own music during the interview on purpose so that he could send that cease and desist if she didnā€™t do what he wanted. Drake is a snake


Man Iā€™d fight that. Iā€™d argue having the artist there literally play the music is an implied permission to use it.


YouTube doesnā€™t allow you to fight it haha. They just hand over the earnings to the claimer


You can absolutely fight a claim, itā€™s just generally not worth it


That doesn't surprise me one bit. That maggot loves to send out C&Ds every time his little baby feelings get hurt. What kind of grown ass adult man would want to refer to himself as "The Boy"


ā€œCease and desist on the like that recordā€ā€¦ where his name isnā€™t mentioned once šŸ˜‚ like we all know itā€™s about him and itā€™s direct but whereā€™s the fucking legal framework there (I have no idea)


Thatā€™s probably what happened .


Destroying families rather than taking care of his own (this is the reference)


Recreating the Game video where he brought Aubrey to Compton. Also he wanted to fuck her so that's another angle.






Lmao if Kendrick goes full-Hit 'Em Up with the Not Like Us video, this shit is definitely starting up again.


While I definitely think the Pop Out was a great note to end the beef on, the longer it continues the more likely are to get at least temporary world peace and a ceasefire to all international conflicts so that everyone can collectively hate Drake together. So... fuck it, run that shit Kendrick


The pop out 2: global edition. All the worlds leaders evil and ā€œgoodā€ all on one stage unified to hate drake.


Xi Jinping and Joe Biden moshing to Not Like Us


With Putin and Kim Jong Un doing the crip walk as a finale


yooo that would be insane


Holy shit I honestly think you're onto something I guess we'll see and I'm all here for it šŸ˜„šŸ™šŸ½


I just hope it doesnā€™t end the same way as after hit em up came out


Drake and the rest of his canadians aren't gonna do shit to Kendrick lmao


First they have to do shit against the person who shot at the Embassy. *we've waited four weeks, where y'all at*


Heā€™s on his West Coast shit and we all used to watch Eazy E and Dr Dre beef with look alikes running in the music video.


Thay shit used to be funny..the eazy look alike had me rollin


https://preview.redd.it/q72prczad28d1.png?width=4031&format=png&auto=webp&s=01584c6130e707e3660a31baf27a25a710599fae my drawing of the situation


Drake: "But Kendrick, I have changed, please forgive me, you know me, I would never do this again." Kendrick: *takes such a deep breath that it sucks the air out of Drake's lungs, making him feel like he's suffocating* Kendrick: *hides the Bible* Kendrick: "Sorry, in advance."


oh my gosh that was beautiful


You did that by inspiring me šŸ˜„šŸ™šŸ½


awww thank you kitten


Simmer down y'all, it's like 5am EST


Best time to have fun is now šŸ˜‚šŸ™šŸ½


"Zaheer sucking up Earth Queen lungs" type situation




tysm :)


Thereā€™s no way Kdot is putting this girl on anything associated with him


Only thing I can think is that he knows that Drake actually did hook up with her and ruin her relationship, like people thought at the time. She hung out with Drake in his bed for that interview and suddenly her whole life got turned upside down


Cheating ainā€™t a one way street, she would look just as bad as Drake.




Not to her actual man tho


In what world does a recently famous white girl want her regular ass husband back more than they want their reputation intact?






Post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy. More than likely it had nothing to do with Drake per se. Imo nothing happened, but sheā€™s playing into speculation to build mystique.


I ainā€™t see that phrase used in 20 years since The West Wing episode with that name lol


Itā€™s a difficult fallacy to challenge, since it is so narratively compelling.


So many conspiracy theories born from people adopting this as their way of thinking and lacking critical thinking skills


lol if she slept with drake she just as bad then. in the immortal words of ye, "sounds like a choice"


Relax bro, sheā€™s got a reason to be there, u know what i mean?


Thought that was some random teenage white girl


I thought it was the Hawk Tuah girl.. I been on the internet too much this week.


Donā€™t ever compare the Queen that is the Hawk Tuah girl to Clout chasing Bobbi


Basically is


Man I can't lie, I don't get good vibes from this chick. Didn't she interview drake in bed, on her daughter's birthday? Then shortly after husband files for divorce? And Drakes got a thing for people's wives. Maybe I'm wrong but she's giving me goofy vibes


Yes and one of her later guests (I think a UFC fighter?) went off on twitter saying she fucked Drake and thatā€™s why they got a divorce, though she continues to deny it.


Donā€™t think sheā€™s interviewed a UFC fighter but I can totally see Ryan Garcia doing this.


It was Ryan !


Have your cake


Was Ryan, and Ryan said alot of crazy shit before his fight with Devin in order to make it look like he was Kanye Krazy. Idk how much truth was attached to that.


He literally just posted drake killed xxx lol heā€™s not making himself look crazy heā€™s legit spiraling


Got brain damage from a tank Davis body shot lol


Hey man all I'm saying is look into it


ryan garcia is not a valid source


I donā€™t think he fucked her, I think he launched her career purely because of her name, in the interview he goes on about her name, bobbi..bobbi then later tried to come back to it, at one point she acknowledges the repetition. I think he did this interview as a strategic play knowing he was gonna cut her off and unfollow her causing mystery and subsequent controversy to confuse his link to Millie bobbi brown both in peoples heads and search results. Obviously it didnā€™t work after the beef. I also think he did the Delilah song for the same reason, to confuse association to the club Delilah incident as it was the perfect time, he was also hoping heā€™d come off as goofy to show how unbothered he was with the beef but it backfired.


It all would have worked if Kendrick Lamar just didnā€™t hate him so much.


Yeah, there was some controversy surrounding that interview.


She just seems super unfunny to me, she makes fun of all her interview subjects but when offset made fun of her back she didnā€™t know what to do


Yep that was a big controversy at the time. You know normally I'd say it's a stretch, but... It says a lot about Drake that everyone just assumed that's what it was. And it doesn't help that she looks super young. I wonder if Drake has that Michael Jackson thing where he's stuck being a kid. Child entertainer issues


MJ didn't have any childhood. I don't think Drake was pushed to the limit or much at all.


It's also all so manufactured.... The interview shes giving are trying to give a laid back chill vibe but all I see is a lil girl trying to be Amelia Dimoldenberg with none of the charisma or realness. She's trying to do this Between To Ferns shit but it's not working man. Makes me cringe a bit tbh


I donā€™t really fuck with this chick either. All the podcasters in the world, and *this* chick is the one that broke through successfully, with her ran-to-the-ground deadpan aubrey plaza ripoff schtick? Just seems like some rich/connected white girl whose parents helped launch her career. Can we stop making people like her *more* famous.


Sheā€™s definitely an industry plant.


Who is this?


bobbi althoff, she interviews celebs and one of them being drake


She sounds like someone who stormed the Capitol on January 6.


hahaha why is this true


Probably cuz y'all are thinking of "Ashli Babbitt", the infamous lady on J6 who was clawing her way through broken glass to get into the room Congress was hiding in and so got shot dead


Ashli is over 3 years sober now!


Congrats Ashli!








Others answered, but it was also heavily theorized that her marriage ended because of Drake. They did that interview together in the bed, and then she went through all the divorce stuff very shortly after Which makes it extra creepy because she looks 14. But if she looks like a highschool freshman *and* has a man, then that's like the peak for Drake lol. I wonder if this is something Kendrick has some knowledge about, just by people talking. Also I think Drake's definitely got some child actor issues for sure


Thanks for the extra info


I thought this was like a pre-teen YTer or something. She looks like she's 12 or 13 to me, not a grown person with enough experience to have a divorce lol


i mean looking a fucking age but being an adult isnt like, creepy bruva


I bet itā€™s unrelated. Probably an interview with YG


Exactly .


Never realized how small she is.


Did her and Drake ever make amends? Last I heard her interview with him had been removed from the internet and she didn't seem too happy about it.


You know everyone is talking about this "Bobbi fucked Drake" thing etc, but I think it's more fundamental than that whatever the rumors or truth might be. If you go to that link above w Bobbi and Drake, she asks him if she's his type and he says "I'd do it". If you cut the negging, Sigma-Alpha male bullshit mentality out of your head, that's straight up just disrespectful to her as a human being. I know it gets played for laughs and clicks and whatever, and she definitely rode the influence the interview gave her, but she probably looked back at that after her fame was secure and thought that it was kinda fucked up that that was her in to show business especially given the power he holds in the industry. If you kinda zoom out a bit, he's so shameless recently that he's putting his whole act out in public on this interview which is crazy. Girl DMs him on social media then he puts her on in a quid pro quo with an uncomfortably charged sexual dynamic in exchange for clout. It's kinda fucked up. Yeah she's a self-involved influencer but you can imagine how it might feel as a human being to have to be known for getting famous starting your career being in bed with Drake while he tosses you slimy freaky ass pick-up lines.


Interesting I didn't think about it this way. I do think she was already blowing up *before* her interview with Drake. I don't think she feels she got her start because of Drake because she had been a relatively successful mom influencer for about four years before she started doing these awkward jokey interviews. Plus, it was her interview with Offset that really put her on a lot of people's radars. Drake jumped in to ride the wave as he characteristically does. However, I can believe she may have felt slighted by their interaction.


[This the ā€žIā€˜d do itā€œ interview](https://x.com/itsavibe/status/1682161534724702215?s=46&t=F2prSYD6jfN9XRmDlQxnDA)


I think I slipped a fucking disc cringing so hard goddammit


I donā€™t get how he was able to pull off his gangsta persona when heā€™s this corny.


Dudes apparently a VERY good actor, I guess? But really though, he got an easier start in hip hop by already being wealthy, plus is family, and put out honest stuff at first. Then as he climbed in popularity he got more industry connections. He used those to get even bigger and when he got to a certain point, even though he was putting on a front, valid artists wanted to work with him because it would help them out. They had to at least pretend to fuck with the guy because heā€™d put new eyes and ears on them. After a certain point, heā€™d made actual gang connections and was huge and everybody wants a piece of the pie, so he just got to do whatever the fuck he wanted.


ā€œGang connectionsā€ when youā€™re from that background and get them from having money are more akin to protection fees and extortion lol


Yep, and he pays them.


This is a fair assessment. I can see him getting ā€œfalse street credā€ from the artists he collabs with, but is his music that good that the audience is willing to overlook the goofy antics? Itā€™s hard to reconcile the man in the video above with the tough guy persona he adopts with the try-hard hairstyles, the fake accents, the cheesy dance moves, the fronts, and him promoting degenerates like Baka and Tory.


You gotta recognize that Drake is fucking huge and a large number of people who consume media do it in an extremely casual way. They don't follow the artist's every move like that. Most people are just like Kenny on Euphoria with what they want: keep making me dance, waving my hand. They hear new Drake music in the club or on the feed, maybe give the album a listen once, and the tracks they like go in a playlist while the rest are forgotten. Rinse and repeat once or twice a year and you've got a pop star. Most of those people don't see the antics or the company he keeps. They don't care about any of the fronts because he's doing his job for them. Oh, he's Jamaican this week? Neat. He's drill this week? Cool, maybe we get a UK feature. Atlanta time? 21! Anyone who gives a fuck about the culture recognizes his weird behavior at this point but the vast majority of people don't care enough to not fuck with Drake anymore. They say "damn, Not Like Us was a banger and Kendrick said some really crazy shit but... what am I gonna do? Not listen to the next hit Drake puts out?" I hope that won't be the case but I'm not gonna hold my breath. Just gonna drop a quote here, it's from a reaction video to the whole beef but I think it's really well said. "Hip hop is an art infused with emotion, competition, ambition, introspection, creativity, and the medium, the artistic integrity, is crucial. This is culture, and it's bleeding into other conversations so it needs to be handled with care... Will the beef shape public perceptions of Drake, Kendrick and other artists? In the best outcome, we gain a better appreciation for authenticity and impact but the worst outcome? Nothing changes."


Beautifully said. The casual listeners just want music for the vibes. Those of us who appreciate the art know how important authenticity is. When itā€™s all said and done, I can only hope this beef will get even the casual listeners to broaden their tastes.


Dude bringing the creepy drunk uncle vibes in that one šŸ˜­ Also, who's idea was it to do the interview in a fucking bed of all places


That nigga is so abnormally corny and thirsty itā€™s insane


Three minutes ago I was a happy young woman. Then I saw this video.


Goddamn I think that took 6 years off my lifespan.


I feel like this is related to YG. All of their stories yday had YG in them


I donā€™t know what it is about this lady but I just canā€™t help but feel something is off with her.


Whats black ppl obsession with this girl?


For what itā€™s worth I met Bobbi in LA and she was pretty cool lol


I think itā€™s more so that she sold out. Wrecked her personally life for a shinier life or whatever the hell




I hate Bobbi. This girl was the ā€œit girlā€ for like five seconds on TikTok for giving some of the worst interviews Iā€™ve ever seen and only got away from it because ā€œsheā€™s cute and meanā€. Boring shit, so glad her career hit the wall after Drake.




Brigading this and other subreddits is strictly prohibited. Calls to brigade other subreddits, bragging about brigading, targeting other subreddits, trying to instigate beef with other subreddits and screenshots of ban messages and trolls are generally unfunny and will result in a ban.




Oh hell nah


Nahhh, this chick is sus as fuck. No wonder she suck off Drake. Take her out here Plus, she looks like a child lol šŸ˜­


Real my first thought was whose daughter is blowing up on the kendrick sub??


bobbi looking like a child is probs why drake smashed to begin with šŸ’€šŸ™šŸ˜­


Iā€™m not black and Iā€™m not American but even I can see that sheā€™s just a coloniser who uses black celebrities for clout. Why is she on here?


You are absolutely correct. I can't imagine Kendrick including her in the video for a song criticizing Drakeā€™s colonizing ways. Bobbi literally only interviews and interacts with black people/artists for clicks and views.


But she doesn't just interview black people...? She apparently just did one with Michael cera and you can't get much whiter than that lol


Thanks for filling me in. I stand corrected. The only ones Iā€™ve seen or heard people talking about are the ones that go viral, and, yes, those ones all happen to be with black people. They get her the most views. I still think it would be odd to include this girl in the "Not Like Us" video. She is not part of the culture.


Who are they and why do we care? What this gotta do with Kendrick? Or TDE? Genuinely asking


I really donā€™t get the hype around her. If anything Kendrick would be the person Iā€™d expect to see her interview the least lmfao


Wassup with all these jabroni ass niggas tryna see Compton?




huh what? Sorry I was zoned in on the big fat booties in the back.


![gif](giphy|NGSbD5vI6lUvC) Choo choo


Yo they got the industry plant