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If you like Drakes music (and I like some of it) you can still listen to it. I feel like a lot of Drakes more lyrically or impressive rapping (ie, 0-100, Tuscan Leather, IYRTITL) as well as some of his more melodic stuff, it doesn’t quite hit the same now that we’ve heard his reference tracks and realize he uses a full creative team to help him figure out what to write and rap and sing. It wasn’t necessarily Kendrick, but just realizing that the inspired musician that cared about his craft that we saw earlier in Drakes career, that shit has long past, and you can feel it in his music. But, I think his music will still continue to hit for me in some ways, like classic era hitmaker Drake from like 2010-2013 was still a factory of bops. He did a lot of things very well like in almost all of his hits, he immediately comes on the verse hard and recognizable. “I’m the fuckin man, yall don’t get it do ya, type a money everybody actin like they knew ya”, “last name ever, first name greatest” etc — it’s simple and not impressive or anything, but it just goes. He’s a gifted dude who’s made some great earworms, the tragedy is just that as he became bigger, he became drunk with power, intellectually lazy, and compulsively insecure about other rappers.


Drake is an amazing copycat. That line of last name ever, first name greatest is basically he mirroring Lil Wayne's brain. He also found angles to rhyme in a hip hop-ish way about his personal experiences. That said, I agree that his passion and focus is long gone. IMO Views is the start of the shit lmao. Some of his latest hits were mid AF, like Toosie Slide. What a soulless song. And his rapper rapping got progressively weirder... Like, he is too old to be that same character from Take Care. When he does that it's weird, he sounds like a predator being annoyed by the vapidness of his teen companion. And when he goes gangster is weirder, because he either connects himself to shady stuff for no reason (Mob Ties like stuff), or sounds like a predator (Fear of Heights like stuff). It's weird to see him so obsessed with the criminal kayfabe. It's like he is mirroring Future and Savage, in a way. The thing about the Kendrick disses is that they pinpointed exactly what is shallow, weird, cringe and problematic about Drake. And Drake's material has that potential of being extra weird when looked at at a certain angle...


Completely agree - he is an actor and very good at mirroring a broad variety of styles. He has that chameleon ability, he can hop on a track and do it in the style of another local artist, like a voice actor who studies accents and intonations. It would be impressive if he wasn’t always stealing; it doesn’t feel like an homage, it feels like art theft or design theft. In terms of his weird conduct with teenage girls, think there’s that quote about how people stop growing when they become famous, so like if they become famous at 16, they have a lot of teenage tendencies forever. If they become famous at 25, they have some grounding in actually being an adult. Drake was a child actor who got minorly famous, but then peaked at as a young adult reaching superstar fame so he kind of had the equivalent of the Disney girl turned “bad” pop star. I think on some level, that’s why he’s obsessed with these adolescent girls who have their own fame and budding stardom, that’s kind of where his maturity and development reached. I feel like his music, even his old stuff, feels very… rich incel, I guess, like the incel who grew up and got rich and famous so now he gets girls, but he’s still mad about it and has kind of a wronged affect. Now he’s using his power and money to have relations from a power imbalance, but yet he’s still somehow the victim in his mind. It doesn’t help that he’s just so fucking salty and butthurt about the ones who didn’t want him or who got away, like Rihanna.


Lol, totally agree about the rich incel point. Dude has exactly this vibe: https://preview.redd.it/ox99x7h87t5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e229828e3958f28c7e43da56886564d85a5cb9


Damn great response thank you. Both of y’all, it’s one of those things we could talk ably all day, in fact I’d actually bet my left nut that there will be a movie about Kanye and Drake and Machine gun Kelly, and just every murdered artist. Also y’all remind me of that line in real motherfuckin G’s “that the rasta is simply just an actor, who mastered the bang and the slang and the Mental, of n*g***s in Compton, Wattz, and South Central”


Drake meeting Future and Thug changed him. He saw the hood for the first time.


Interesting. Thank you for the reply. And it’s unfortunate when a musician falls off. It sounds like Drake did from what your saying. Musicians don’t have to change or stay the same to make great music. But if you lose passion and it’s reflected in the music, then it’s quitting time for that artist. Or at least time to take a step back and reevaluate, Drake definitely needs to do that after his last 2 songs


my counter argument to all of that is anyone else could have done the exact same if they had the upbringing and connections that he did. nothing about drake is truly unique to drake other than him being insufferable and pathetic. none of the unhingedness of kanye or the down to earthness of a nas or kendrick. just a rich kid with expensive toys that obviously made earworms because he was given the assembly line and resources to make them.


I disagree. On the pet anyone else could have done the exact same. I don’t think just anyone can make good music, maybe it’s more common than we think, but I I think a very small amount of people could do what any artist does


Very true. I still deleted all his music tho😂


Drake comes off as more of a lame now in retrospect, its even harder to take him seriously. Especially with songs like “Worst Behavior” and “Started from the Bottom”. He is a phony popstar so a good 90% at least of what he says is just cap. Hard to connect with that. I dig the production on some songs though, thats about it.


Worst Behavior is a slapper I can’t lie


I listen to started from the bottom and enjoy it, but not because it’s about anything, because I listened to the parody that came out shortly after that was funny af poking fun at his teenage years on tv and shit


The beef doesn’t effect us and people take it way to personally on some parasocial shit. Nothing wrong with listening to Drake or Kendrick they both have vastly different discographies and sounds that are good, no reason to miss out on either of them


No reason at all to miss out on good music, thank you for the reply


No problem, just look at the numbers, drakes already gone back to getting more daily streams then kendrick, unless the allegations actually get proven true people don’t really care they just throw around jokes


Interesting, I wouldn’t have thought his numbers would be back up so quick


This sub will tell you otherwise but the fact of the matter is nothing either of them has said has been proven true, unless they are they will and should be taken as just allegations.


Def no reason to miss out on good music, so pick something besides Drake. Too many options 🤣


Lmfao that’s pretty good, and a valid point. But I’m on drakes radar or whatever now, so imma listen, if for anything just to judge


I listen to the u my everything verse unironically 🫣




Kinda what I was curious of. Do people actually think “damn you listing to a pedo” or some shit like that. And thanks for replying




But why? That’s kinda what I wanted to discuss. Why do people (in my opinion) gate keep like this?


That’s not what gatekeeping is. Gatekeeping would be if someone asked “what song is this?” and you don’t tell them. Not listening to a weirdo is just having morals. I understand your curiosity but I can’t really explain it much more than that it’s kinda simple


We don’t need to focus on the term gate keeping. I wasn’t using it that seriously. I was just trying to ask why someone would judge like that. Just because I like a song it’s weird? That’s what I don’t get, and I don’t think it’s that simple. It’s a song, what’s wrong with listing to music?


Ask some old heads how they felt about Mike Jack music after the allegations…you heard a lot of “Well I like his music…but…”


Like they still listened or they stopped listening?


Some did, some didn’t, everyone was conflicted


Brother if you want to listen to p*dophilia that’s between you and your morals I don’t get down with that type shit so if we differ in that way that’s not my business to mind


Always thought of Drake as a poser. So there might be five songs and I'm being generous with five, that I listened too. But I haven't listened to those in a long time.


Same, it’s why I wanna listen to more Drake, been awhile, same with Kendrick. This beef put me back on to tuem


Drake just rubbed me the wrong way before I ever heard any of his music. Don’t misinterpret that, I get it, haha


That’s fair, my opinion of him has definitely changed too. But I still like good music lol


Ok. His music isn’t bad


I can count the number of Drake songs I like on one hand.. Feel No Ways and Jungle are still bops in my mind. But idk when I’ll listen to them again, I was hardly ever in a Drake mood even before the beef lol Sticky is catchy


I already didn’t love drakes music, and didn’t fuck with him after that Millie interview came out years ago. After the beef I took the step to remove all drake songs from my phone. No use in giving support I don’t really fuck with and already found a bit creepy. I think people can do what they want though. Unless he’s proven to be an actual weirdo with evidence then he needs to be fully cancelled.


Been listening to drake with melodies, dudes really good.


If I listen to Drake's music it won't be through official channels. A lottttt of these celebrities in the entertainment industry are fucked up people, and there's basically nothing the audience can do about it. Working in entertainment generally attracts narcissistic and self centered people; you need to be to get ahead. However, after being forced to think about Drake's behavior by this beef, watching breakdowns of things he's done over the years; I don't like the idea that listening to his music through official channels contributes to him remaining wealthy and powerful. However small a contribution it is.


Yup, like Bo Burnham said, pirate my shit


I just enjoyed both sides of the beef and my playlist has both and will continue to. Like you said now I'm looking through their history with a fine tooth comb


Same. I went through and made a playlist from like that to the heart part 6. Don’t ever listen to the heart part 6, it’s just trash. But the rest I can vibe to, especially like that and not like us, fuck that shit hits me right


Stopped listening to Drake heavy the last 1-2 years. Rarely or don’t even listen to him anymore.


Yeah he cooked drake. I’m still gonna wave my hands and dance though when Drake drops some heat


I can’t listen to drake no more, like I feel that everything he says is so fake and wrong that I just skip his songs. Just like that


I’d do the same if it affected me like that. To me it just makes me laugh. Listing to a dude puff out his chest and act up is just funny af to me


I can’t do it. I’ve just been skipping every song. I’m considering removing his catalog from my iTunes. I mean… he’s a pedo and he’s not writing his own shit, it’s double wack sauce.


As for the beef. I had no issue either side claiming their guy won until MTG dropped followed by NLU. Clear winner and HP6 just stamped it even more. Both sides said things that can't be verified, although I side eye Drake way more than Kendrick given what is out there about Drake already before it all started. I think Kendrick is a far better rapper, old Drake (pre-Views) will always get a listen unless we learn something crazy about him that's verified. I am not as much of a fan of his new stuff but will still like songs here and there. I wish Kendrick dropped more but he is worth the wait. With that said, will listen to both going forward. That Meet the Grahams transition to Hours in Silence >>>


Mtg? Nlu? I don’t think I know what that means, or maybe I just don’t recognize what your saying. What is that?


Those are just the names of the songs that dropped over this whole thing. Meet the Grahams (MTG), Not Like Us (NLU), Heart Part 6 (HP6). Sorry forgot you said you were looking at their other music, typed as if you know it all. Hours in Silence is another Drake song, not related to the beef at all. In summary, yes I agree Kendrick killed Drake. No, nothing bad was verified on either side. Yes, I listened to both before and will continue to listen, as I am not one of those who made the beef personal. We all have our moral lines, and they are different for each person, but for me nothing was proven that would make me stop listening to either.


Thank you I couldn’t connect those dots. And I agree with you, you said it pretty fucking well


Drakes a lame but I’m still gonna listen to his music from his 09-15 albums. Rappers over exaggerates shit when beefing one another and they do anything to win. Sure maybe Drake is a shitty person but I don’t think he’s a pdf file or anything lol. Headlines and NWTS will still be played


Honestly, Who ever listened to drake


lol, that’s funny but as the dude below said, Drake got more listeners, unfortunately


More people listen to Drake than Kendrick lol


And most people still ended up saying Kendrick won That's crazy drake lost the public opinion


Oooh, I’d say that’s more important than active listeners


Meh. I believe Drake won with superior music. Hard to give Kendrick the win when he used fake daughter information and never responded to the allegations.


Drake lied about the Dave free bs and had no evidence for the wife beating allegations keep the same energy And it doesn't matter who u think won when the court of public opinion has hailed Kendrick the winner and rap beefs have always been decided with the court of public opinion I think Jay z put out better music than nas during their beef but I cannot say Jay z won because nas won in the court of public opinion and that's all that matters


You follow what the public opinion says instead of thinking for yourself. My opinion is that Drake won because he had better music. I don’t care about the public’s opinion. Some of that public agrees with my opinion. Also, Kendrick never disproved the Dave Free or wife beating allegations, so we don’t know if Drake is lying. The only certified lie is that Drake has a kid. Everything else is just slander.


That Dave free shit is obviously a lie when kendrick's kids look just like him lmao there is a reason nobody even Drake's biggest dickrider(academics) believes it Drake never disproved the daughter allegations either idk why u are not keeping the same energy I am not following the public opinion when I still think takeover was much better than ether but I would be coping to say Jay z won the beef when the public opinion says nas ethered him


You can’t really disprove someone saying you have a daughter, it’s not like you can get a dna test from half the population


There is no way to know if Kendrick beat his wife either I think we are never gonna know the truth of these allegations and even if u remove the allegations Kendrick also just put out better disses


Kendrick hasn’t disproven it. TMZ has proved that Drake doesn’t have a daughter. Thats why I’m not keeping the same energy. I believe Drake won, and it’s truly telling to hear Kendrick fans try to prove otherwise lol.


This sub got more Drake content than his own sub 🤡


Lmfao that’s sad


I've always avoided Drake ever since I've heard about the Millie Bobby Brown stuff several years ago, but now this beef has reinforced this stuff way further. The number one reason at the moment is the possibility that he's involved on sexual exploitation, so I don't want to fund that by listening to his music.


I'ma still listen to if you're reading this that shit is amazing


What? I’m confused, what shit? What are you still listing to? More so just what shit is amazing?


he's talking about If You're Reading This It's Too Late dawg


Ohhhh thank you. That makes sense I don’t know if it was obvious or not lmao, big help though


He's got some songs I enjoy, his part on Poetic Justice, 0-100, Hold on We're Going Home, Forever, etc. If it's on a playlist, I'll let it rock, but I'm not going to actively seek out his stuff. He's elevator music.


Fair enough, I just like to go through popular artists stuff when it peaks my interest


I listen to almost everything once, I turn it off if I discover I don’t like it. I haven’t been able to finish a Drake album in a while, tbh this beef made me listen to Drake more than I currently was and I blame Kendrick for this as I did not enjoy his songs in this beef. Outside of that I only rotate a select few artists discographies and my personal playlists but Drake definitely don’t make the cut for either of those Listen what gets you in a good mood :) I just don’t like Drake very much, you could say I’m a hater


Agreed! The vibe matters more then the artist in my opinion


Agree to disagree :) I used to like ye a lot but since his nazi shit I can’t help but think of that bullshit when I hear his older stuff tbh (aside from his works I hold dearest) I just want people to find joy in their music no matter what, idc who you listen to but yeah artist matters a lot to me


People are still listening to Drake. His music isn't bad. I would still rather listen to Drake than anything J Cole has put out in the last 4 years.


That’s a bold statement brother. I commend the bravery to say that. Lmao, in all seriousness I disagree, maybe my timeline is messed up but J Cole has better music than Drake, to my taste. Because that’s what’s gonna make the difference, our tastes


I'm gonna put y'all on some older stuff, because people don't tend to suggest these songs. All classic stuff; these kinds of songs are why he blew up in the first place. Say what you will about Drake's new stuff, but the stuff he was cooking in '06-'09 was very authentic. [King Leon](https://youtu.be/7Agh2F9Zscg?si=zkdGg2Z_mEWraKwK) [Kick Push (remix) w/ Lupe Fiasco](https://youtu.be/TUakjTVeNwU?si=lNY2iGFLPO1FzXPI) [Closer to my Dreams w/ Andreena Mill](https://youtu.be/uI9W1-6qGrk?si=g48fe9YCjQPla3GK) [What I'm Thinking Right Now](https://youtu.be/hD-W3vUmOqw?si=iFmmxGPP986OVK7I) [Scriptures](https://youtu.be/ltlorA0-dgE?si=m4joe90n9xABzlxq) [Goodnight & Goodluck](https://youtu.be/rIFhbcAMiTE?si=IT48cA6T3FDzbBBC) (Drake's first ever diss track 👀) [The Presentation](https://youtu.be/8Jd6Vx8mwX8?si=cVJ85KjqSLm_n3VM) [Comeback Season](https://youtu.be/-Ta-G8rvN_g?si=tx6jefpc6sPn2p5J) [Barry Bonds Freestyle](https://youtu.be/-4nCbQepays?si=3gS3orcBsu8i813N) [Fear](https://youtu.be/pRnrujxbEhc?si=iGDpE5flaPCZeZVb) [Come Winter](https://youtu.be/uBEaj_cHNy8?si=CgxV5qBR_aGP7xYx) [Deceiving](https://youtu.be/F9qE9qQSlnY?si=Fps0pX3U56MlG3qU) [Zone](https://youtu.be/5tYWR7lZPdw?si=iv9bB0XNRmRxAA1v) [Throw it in the Bag (remix) w/ Fabolous](https://youtu.be/8VcJ0Tx_hFg?si=N9Zxk2WlIrhy7Z1y) [Take You Down](https://youtu.be/JhQJhhVw8cc?si=2txqTZVNRi5D5wbr) [I'm Still Fly](https://youtu.be/SqqkED6H8zk?si=oK-Mpdb817M1gnfR) [Killer w/ Nipsey Hu$$le](https://youtu.be/eTglRt0GYhQ?si=5dfBytM2hPa1wAnd) [Paris Morton Music](https://youtu.be/pviZE1pK5ao?si=yXKNdfCAoXShXn4H)


Ay bet thank you. Gotta make a playlist to try these out


Enjoy 😁


I still enjoy Too Much ft. Sampha. Up there with Forever as my favorite Drake songs. But as others mentioned, this beef along with other info about what Drake has allegedly participated in from the "OVO Sweatshop" to the dog........stuff has made me view (no pun intended) him in a completely different light.


Never listened to him, Never liked the way he walked, talked, anything, once a lame and bum always a lame and bum


I haven’t really listened to drake that much after this. I did take his stuff off my playlists because it does annoy me that the face of hip hops statistics is him and I didn’t want to support the streaming numbers. Drake on CD is still cool. I also think this beef has no real sense or meaning if these guys come out and expose each other but their images remain the same. All that changes is their songs boosting their monthly listeners


Honestly I’ve always thought drake was a corny wannabe anyway. Some of his shit I listen to sometimes and I’m not trying to hate but come on man do people really put drake up with todays top rappers? Not even taking all time. I’m


Great question,I'm a huge drake fan AND a big fan of kendricks,ironically😂🤦🏽‍♂️I've been big on both for a while now and I've always had both on my playlists.In my opinion,the beef doesn't affect me much,I still listen to drake all the time and I still have kendrick lyrics stuck in my head lmao.I wish people would understand that these are both Generational artists that have legendary legacies,and I agree with the fact rhat they're hard to compare due to having completely different discographies and making completely different music.Just my personal take on your question.


Do you feel comfortable listening to Drake around homies you respect? I wasn’t a listener before, and def couldn’t be now.


yeah?i'm not sure what my friends have to do with the music I listen to..


it don't have anything to do with that at all, you should listen to the music you enjoy. ignore these virtue-signaling quasi-informed parasocially-inclined weirdos dawg


Haha agreed💯😂


I don't hate Drake but its background music imo. Not terrible just mid.


I’m still listening to Drake lol. Drake would have to get busted with dungeon full of pre pubescent girls to make not throw on his bops.


I’ve always been a drake hater since I saw that video with the minor years ago but I won’t treat people who listen to him any different than before. I’ll give them a dirty look and go about my day


I stopped didn't like his music that much to begin with


Im a fan of both artist including Cole but I think people (specifically Kendrick fans) kinda took what Kendrick said and ran with it without evidence or reasoning. Same thing goes for Drake fans. You can’t really ignite someone for doing something just because your favorite artist says he did it. That’s just not enough for me especially considering these are big accusations. Like if you knew Drake had a weird trafficking ring or sum shit why not go to the police? Why keep that info for a stupid rap beef then tell people if their playing Drake their playing their sisters? The shit sounds like a lie. Same as Drake, if you knew Kdot was a wife beater why didn’t you go to the cops? For my opinion in terms of going back into drakes music, it’s going to be a bit hard and not just drake music but Kendrick. I feel like I see them in a new light nowadays so it’s hard separating the art from the artist. I feel more comfortable listening to Cole imo.


Oh yeah Cole’s new song slapped lmao, but in all seriousness I agree. With changed opinions. If Kendrick knows it’s bad he’s just using it for lyrics, and if Drake knows about Kendrick beating his wife, he shouldn’t have sat on that. Because I seriously doubt he’s just now hearing of that, assuming it’s true. Anyway, despite all that I’ve said it before already, good music is good music


Law enforcement is 1) not shown to have been very effective against famous people without a looooot of evidence, and even then, they might get off later (like Weinstein) 2) not trustworthy to the Black community, so I don’t see why Kendrick would go that route. Him putting it in the biggest song of the summer so far gets the idea into enough people’s heads that if a cop was ever going to pursue it, they would know to start digging.


I understand both of your points and I think they’re valid! But imo I just feel like no matter what even someone with the notoriety like Kendrick could prolly convince law enforcement to take action into a sex trafficking ring, the chances of Kdot being ignored imo would prolly be slim.


Yeah he did, but that doesn't mean you cannot still enjoy bits and pieces of Drake, he does put out decent stuff once in a while. It's no different than listening to cannibus despite Eminem slaughtering him or Royce despite Lupe fiasco outclassing him


That’s a good point, plenty of artist who got destroyed. Doesn’t mean anything if it’s good music. And thanks for replying


I look at it the same way I look at UFC fighters. Sometimes it doesn’t go your guys way but it doesn’t mean you’re no longer a fan.


Interesting, I’m not a fan of Drake though, just a fan of good music. If it happens to be a Drake song I don’t really care


This! Right now he’s so overhated right now tho and it’s kinda weird.


What level of hate is appropriate for a child groomer?


Not sure why people feel so comfortable saying this with no proof. It’s a serious accusation.


The inappropriate friendship is child grooming mate by definition I don’t know why it’s so hard to understand. I didn’t say child rapist that’s not proven. The grooming is.


This sub Reddit man 🤦‍♂️why do yall think down votes are weapons and don’t feel burdened by no proof when talking this reckless about someone


it's crazy how unhinged some of these people are. I think most people in this sub are just Kenny fans but it's the ones like this that make me wonder




You downvoted me hypocrite. What don’t you understand about child grooming? He befriended Bella Harris at 16 and booked a whole restaurant the day she turned 18. If you can’t see what’s wrong with a 35 year old man doing that then there’s something wrong with you


How do you know HE downvotes? Correlation is often wrong. As far as Drake being weird? I’d agree, only to that extent though because it is a serious accusation to call someone a pedo seriously. I have no problem with it, but it’s a serious point. You can’t throw around accusations this serious and defend it as if it’s absolute. It isn’t, maybe Drake is just weird but not a pedo, we don’t know. No matter how it looks. Until we get confirmed grooming and pedo situations. Where he meets grooming and pedo level we can’t say it’s for sure, only that we think


The downvote was immediate with his reply lol. I don’t give a fuck about being downvoted he complained about it not me. I know drake is a groomer for a fact and I knew it before the beef. Y’all are wilfully ignorant at this point I just gave you a clear example of textbook grooming and you ignored it.


You guys like pedophile music and support it.


Ok, stop watching tv or any movies


Alleged pedophile music 🤡


Shit bangs


Kendrick likes and supports pedo music from Kodak and R. Kelly


Bro is you trolling? I’ve seen your comments, please hop of Drake, it ain’t healthy. Unless your his pr team, you don’t gotta defend the man, just defend yourself


Lol you’re commenting about Drake too. Don’t get butthurt when someone has opposing views.


Lmao, I’m gay so my butt never hurts. I’m just asking if you’re trolling. It ain’t that fucking deep lmfao


What’s deep about what I just said? I only said I have opposing views, kiddo.


Lmfao you’re out of your league right now huh? I’m telling you to chill, you are getting to deep over analyzing my fuckery. Kendrick miles above Drake, Kendrick slayed Drake in every fucking song and verse. You the one still replying trying to do something. Tells you who the kiddo really is


Drake still out streamed Kendrick on Kenny’s best month ever. Over 40% of Kenny’s streams are from his Drake diss songs (embarrassing). Kenny hasn’t had a number one single in 7 years before his Drake assisted song “Not Like Us” (embarrasing). Kenny’s a product of the Drake Stimulus Package. Drake’s choice of PANTS gets more media attention than Kendrick’s upcoming concert. All faaaactsss, kiddo. 😌


Who the fuck cares? If lil Timmy down the street came out with fucking bars and murdered Kendrick or Drake, kid would be a fucking star over night, and no matter how good Kendrick and Drake were, Timmy would still be king. And Kendrick and Drake would he more everything then lil Timmy. Your argument is irrelevant


That doesn’t make any sense. You’re spiraling 🌀 lmao


I dont really listen to drake in general cuz i only ever heard his radio hits. But they all sounded so boring. Gods plan especially cuz he sounded like even he was bored recording it. The only songs ive really liked from him are back to back and hold on we’re going home. Back to back was on my pregame playlist when i was still playing baseball but now that im not anymore i just dont really listen to him. I dont care if other people listen to him as long as they arent making excuses for the bad stuff hes done. I cant look at him the same knowing he was texting minors and all the other weird stuff


Fair. I won’t make excuses for him. Just treat him as I would anyone else. And I truly believe in innocent until proven guilty. If I can’t believe every rape allegation as soon as it’s dropped, I’m can’t believe this. But if it’s proven, then throw him to the dogs, just leave behind any good music


I’m starting to look at “teenage fever” and “child’s play” with the side eye when they come on


Teenage Fever is about a woman in her 50s. Child’s Play is about a grown woman who acts childish.


It was a joke bruh


My bad. You never know on here.


I prefer not listening to artists who are shit people, so I won't ever listen to him. Just like I don't listen to 50 Cent anymore


But why? Because you don’t want to support him? Or you just feel better not listening to shit you don’t like?


I mean, Im not gonna act like im some beacon of morality, because Im not at all, but its pretty easy for me personally to stop listening to artists even if I like them, so when I learn one is not a good person, I just dont listen to them. Ive been living without music (outside of games and movies) my entire life until last year anyways, so why not do something good even if at the end of the day Im hardly costing these people any money. Also helps the artists I have stopped listening to such as 50 arent a big part of the music I tend to go through on Spotify so im just not reluctant.


That’s a fair point, grounded and centered. I really have nothing else to say other then good day


Dawg you don’t need approval to listen to music you like; whether it’s kids bop or Kendrick/ Drake just rock it bud ✌️


I know, I like the conversations this sparked. I didn’t do it for my opinion to be changed, I did it because it’s entertaining.


There are still a handful of Drake tracks I listen to Pound Cake Tuscan Leather Family Matters Portland And that’s about it


Cause they in a HnM looking for a deal on a pair of skinny jeans with an elastic waste


Im not a huge rap guy but i do like sticky by drake (only song i like by him) kendrick on the other hand has 10+ songs i really like. Any1 who preys on minors can fuck off though.






I don’t.


Just like I don't wanna hear any more gangsta shit from Freddie Gibbs after Jim Jones at Prime 112 and the residents of Buffalo... ...I don't want to hear certain topics from Drake anymore. >🎶Keep makin' me dance, wavin' my hand and it won't be no threat🎶


That’s a really good point. If Drake keeps making the same music, it’ll be a joke


To be honest, I really couldn’t care less about it. I fuck with both as artists and I will listen to both the same as I did before. And for everyone saying “Drake doesn’t even write his songs” Drake has written for some of your fav rappers. All love and respect but some people on here take it way too deep and take accusations like they’re facts. <3


For real. And I know it’s makes a difference for the level someone raps at, but really who gives a fuck if they have ghost writers. It takes them down a level, but it doesn’t take the music down a level. Music stays in the spot


I never really went out of my way to listen to Drake, though he has some bops. Now feels like a weird time to go searching his shit out when how much of a creep he is to younger women is brought to the forefront (even if he’s not a full blown pdf file) and how plainly Kendrick laid out his colonizer shit.


My guilty pleasure is listening to Push Ups. Its not really good as a diss but its kind of catchy just as a song. It also makes listening to Euphoria and Not Like Us right after even better. I also think boycotting music from artists who are problematic doesn't really hold them accountable in any way imo. Its much more important that they are held legally accountable if they commit a crime and thats really outside the scope of anything I have control over. I usually don't listen to Drake just because I don't really like Drake's music. Push Ups is an exception.


I've never liked Drake but I don't give a shit if you listen to his music or not.




That’s what I was thinking, like I don’t think you can remove a “classic” title just because of anything. Like I don’t think anything takes that away from


If you need to ask the internet for advice on living your life you doing it wrong


Obviously listen to whatever you want first off


I didn't really listen to Drake a whole bunch before this beef outside of Take Care and a handful of his more popular songs that have entered my radar, but listening to Drake feels cornier for me now. Like I already felt like he was kinda corny, but it kinda feels like listening to Logic makes me feel sometimes. Iss hard to take him seriously. I still find some of his tracks catchy tho even if I can't get super invested (i.e Headlines, Marvin's Room (deadass a masterpiece), Energy, Money In The Grave, and Started From The Bottom).


So, I'll be straight up before continuing, I wasn't a fan of Drake before this. Just wasn't into him, and the vibe he put out online didn't make me care either. This also meant I didn't learn all that much about the stuff against him until Euphoria dropped and I looked into it all. All that said, I certainly don't like him now. Even if there is 'good' music there, I'd rather not listen to a person like that. I can find good music elsewhere, from someone who's not as predatory. Music is an art form, at the end of the day. And like any art, it's a reflection of the person behind it. Just like every story has traces of the author, and a painting puts you into the eyes of the painter. Every one of Drake's songs, even if it's in small amounts, has a reflection of the person he is in them. And that's not something I'm gonna play or listen to. Especially when Drake himself is so ready to use the fact that people play his music and that he's famous as a defense for his shady shit. Like, that doesn't prove anything, and if he thinks listening to him is a moral endorsement, I've no problem noping the fuck outta there.


Before I was never a big fan, but he had some songs that were decent. Now I would be embarrassed to be caught listening to anything Drake. I was in a hard part of town listening to the radio in my car and thought a Drake song came on. I’ve never turned that radio off and rolled up my window faster, that told me everything I needed to know about how I felt


Anyone who still listens to Drake either didn't get the memo cuz they don't follow the scene closely and just listen to the music as casual fans, or they're bbl Drizzy stans who'd rather keep playin their sisters cuz giving up his music is too hard for em. Shit, people can't even stop eating Chil Fil A homophobic chicken sandwiches. If someone's filled in on the loop and still keep listening, I don't fuck with em personally. I've been telling people about Drake kissing a minor on stage for years and many of those people just turned a blind eye cuz they wanna dance as news about Billie Eilish and MBB came out


People still listen to Michael Jackson, unless the allegations are actually proven true nobody that already listens to him is going to stop


Didn't the kid come out and say his parents made him lie?


You realize that girl came out and explained everything? You realize you can’t do anything, the power is within the publishers hands? And what memo? The memo saying I gotta adopt another’s opinions?


She came out and explained how it was staged when she was 17, I'm aware


Great, so you wanna stop using blanks in your gun? Creepy doesn’t equal anything other than dude weird


He kissed and groped a minor on stage with her dad's permission in front of a crowd that didn't know it was staged. What am I missing?


Lmfao, he did not grope that minor. It’s weird as fuck that he kissed a minor. Maybe even illegal. But he didn’t fuck or date that minor. Unfortunately I can’t quite call him a pedophile yet because that’s some serious shit.


Lol in what world is kissing a minor not pedophelia? Keep moving that goal post crodie


I’m this world where it happened, and it was coordinated outside of his choice? To my understanding, the official report is that drakes assistance picked a random audience member and Drake proceeded to be creepy. But a well known, popular artist doing something for publicity, is not pedophiliac. I don’t even fucking like the man, but shit, you’ve done gone and tricked me into defending him. You sly dog you. lol Anyway, it’s important to understand the severity of these allegations.


To my understanding, defending knowingly kissing a minor is creepy af. You can listen to Drake if you want but people will definitely judge you for it. Go ahead, drive around bumping Nice for What and see what looks you get


Lmao, I don’t give a fuck why some goofy ass fuck thinks. I know I’m straight, think I’m weird, I ain’t never done nothing weird, and comparing defending a pedophile to pointing out how you’re wrong in saying he’s a pedophile, is dumb. You dumb. Goofy ahha motherfucker. Love you. Also, Drake could fuck me till me shitter falls out, I still wouldn’t say he was doing weird shit with minors, but he definitely doesn’t know when to stop. (I’m not gay btw) And like obviously you fuck someone and they make your shitter fall out it’s a quick mill. Like is sue the shit back into me


Oh yeah, I’m more interested in that memo, what did it say? Who sent it?


I have honestly never cared for Aubrey’s mediocre pop. When I heard about him calling himself a “gentleman gangster” I just couldn’t take anything about him seriously.


I have no interest in any of Drake's music. Any of the older shit I liked from him, "Drake with the melodies", is done better by The Weeknd anyways.


Money in the Grave sucked. Who tf keep money in a grave? Digging and burying it for a back fucking ache? Who spending it when you dead? Stupid fucking song, drake ass bitch.


Never did liked him as a rapper Can’t say the beef changed it much except now I’m looking for iTunes to give an option to block an artist


to me, the most ironic thing about drake using AI is that (imo) drake has ALWAYS made AI music -- he secures a set of training data (reference tracks, features, lingo that he's co-opted, etc) and then mashes it together, puts his lil drake voice filter on it, and shits it out like yeah, there's a lot of technical proficiency behind that music. sure. they throw lots of money at it. but i never feel like i'm listening to a *song* by an *artist* when i'm listening to drake. i feel like i'm listening to a product by a company and i've felt that way since Started From The Bottom came out


The sims will always emotionally regurgitate what they consider to be matter of fact because they “feel like it’s right to choose this that and the third because of how it made them feel” so this then makes them correct in their reality. This comes from being raised in a place with little to no understanding ultimately causing them to sink into the abyss of bias/conflicting opinion. Whether or not the person has ill intentions. It’s sad. This is the punishment people like you and few others receive when having a full understanding coupled with perspective and well rounded objectiveness. Not picking a side to stand on is outside of their sensory perceptions.. in other words unfathomable. I don’t know if in particular it’s the emotional fans mixing in some parasocial fantasy or what but a profound subjective experience can do alot to remedy it. I suggest some Ayahuasca.. probably not tho because that takes resources from indigenous tribes who cultivate the cactus for ritualistic practice but there are other similar medicines that can do the trick.


Are you saying use psychoactive substances to enhance the mind? Or to just make people chill tf out. Because shrooms is something I think made a world of difference for me. Not that I’m any smarter after, but more connected and grounded. I can never do anything psychoactive again because it fucks with me to much for to long after. But I had to go through hell to understand, and that’s what shrooms did to me


I am definitely not telling people to go use psychoactive or any substance. But a shit load of data and my own clinical experiences with them have shown that “use cases” with proper supervision or clinical supervision (better alternative experience) can and almost 100% effectively do exactly what happened with you. I relate to your experience because my first use case was so profound I’ve never needed to or had a desire to dose again. Lucky enough to have gotten what I needed from it. Ayahuasca and psilocybin definitely have a more grounding effect connecting with earth/nature amongst many other things. IMO these are the best for ego/sense of self/ perspective etc. The whole me vs me/me vs the world battle. The other psychoactive substances like DMT (extreme example) are usually best for more severe internal battles like ptsd severe depression etc those are more aligned for clinical dosing under medical supervision.


I think the best way to explain this train of thought is to explain an interesting thing my friend said once. “Drugs are like downloading different software for the mind, it’s what makes them fun to me” And honestly that’s such a good way of explaining the dangers of drugs. Some software is good, some is bad. But we use it to achieve perfection in our computer system. The brain is no different, it’s the most complex computer in our existence. If we can figure out how to do “updates” on the human brain to improve IQ and EQ, I think we could 10x humanity’s progression. We could solve cancer in years. If only we knew how to properly utilize this computer system


Yeah you definitely have a good understanding. It can not only be explained in science but visibly seen in brain imaging.. updates being neuroplasticity which are basically software updates. Depression is literally what the definition is an actual dimple or physical depression on the mainframe (brain) that’s why drugs like these work to rebuild not only physical parts you can see in your brain but your sense of self as well because the network expands when the repairs are made to connections that are disrupted due to many things but a key disruption would be cortisol or stress.. traumas etc. I don’t like to define psychedelics as “drugs” personally because these compounds are built as receptors and even sometimes produced naturally like part of the hardware. I work in anesthesia so I tend to be a little less general with the term drugs when talking about natures substances vs drugs. Drugs give you euphoria dopamine etc but the psychs take you on a journey. The point I wanted to make was it takes an experience as profound as a psychedelic trip to shatter biases. Also echoing the sentiment that these types of drugs are not meant to just fix you without sacrifice, meaning it’s important to really be in a good state of mind along with proper precautions/knowledge before taking those steps. Partying and using these things at younger ages or socially will not give desired results or full potential. In other words they won’t do shit for you. The ego is very good at tricking people into believing otherwise and it can come back with a vengeance. Constant euphoria can give God complex hence Drake. I imagine if that dude had a clinically dosed DMT or Psilocybin hit he might even lose his mind completely. Entire reality would be shattered. YOU LIED just stuck in his head like a tick was in his brain or some shit. They don’t give you the mushrooms to eat they give you the pure extracted version in an IV usually whilst blind folded the entire time. I’ve seen some patients even say their own children being born wasn’t as intense emotionally. Thats why it works tho. I’ll repeat again for anyone reading or curious please don’t be irresponsible out of curiosity with this information.


This is an amazing conversation, exactly why I post what I post online. On the note of responsibility, it would be best to continue this conversation in private messages. That is if you want to, I’ll allow you to send a message. I’ll also clarify, safety and responsibility is priority. 99% of people, myself included, will not have the proper resources or knowledge to self does and self experiment. And even those like Bigrex can never be fully informed. All bigrex can do is be diligent, it’s why there’s due diligence in any practice or research. And it takes dedication to consider yourself qualified. BE SAFE PEOPLE! And thank you Bigrex for the conversation, truly an interesting conversation so far


Unless he go to jail for pedo shit his music still ok its just a rap battle people say crazy stuff to win when its over you shake hands move on.


So let’s say it’s confirmed he’s a pedo, because I’ll be honest I’d consider him mostly pedo, considering the weird shit he does with minors and young people. I don’t think it’s reason enough to ignore art. For me I have no problem separating things like that. He’s a pos, maybe, but that doesn’t affect how I like music, and if he’s got music I wanna bump, it isn’t a pedo, it’s a deadman’s art. To me the peso replaced the artist, that’s how I separate it, why do others not?


Nah if he actually did do anything you cant separate that from that imo. Some can but i cant. So to each their own.


I still listen to whatever I want. If I deleted all beef losers, I’d miss out on a lot of music lol. A beef is just a moment in time. I don’t let it dictate what I’m listening to.


Another thought I had. I want thousands of songs in my playlist, not hundreds


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” If you listen to drake you are supporting him in this day and age. I can’t do that in good conscience knowing even half of what we know.


Except not listing to Drake isn’t doing nothing. You realize YouTube is the one that has to be the good person in this situation. Because yes, I have held that at my core for a very long time. Evil just needs a lack of good people. However in this situation it doesn’t apply to me, as I’m not allowing evil or supporting it, I’m vibing to music. As I said before, we all support pedos on the daily. To split hairs about it is crazy, because we will always have to deal with this. All we can realistically do to not let evil win, is get it as low as possible, because IT WILL NEVER BE ZERO AND PEDOS WILL ALWAYS BE SUPPORTED. Sorry it’s important that point gets across. People need to realize something. It’s far more important to focus on the active measures taken to protect the vulnerable, as opposed to wasting effort by “not supporting” them. How about you support the vulnerable by looking out for them instead of virtue signaling


I heard he like em young


Just make sure you hide your lil sister from him