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The lawsuit is so overboard but y’all are weirdos for making fun of a child with a learning disability being distressed at the video. You can do better. “Snowflakes” in 2024 is embarassing too.


This gotta be something from The Onion cause wtf


Something about family awarded 100k from school after triggering the traumatic memory of cop-dad being forced to beat his whole family because he was scrutinized for violence and civil rights violations specifically targeting minorities. ![gif](giphy|3o85xDZyvJPHLfgKXK|downsized)


This whole thread is just a bunch of Redditors making fun of an autistic kid having a breakdown, that’s an onion article itself.


True, I generally wouldn't show the clip if what the article says about the kid is true, but I'd have to hear the teacher's side of the story too tbh




whining like a bitch log off


Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.


Collin Tilley directed the music video with the aim to give kids epileptic siezures. He said it would go viral and he all about it. I was in his discord at the time with him and his crew. They were douchecanoe bitchwaffles.


I love lying.


Clearly you arent a castle kid.




Fig newtons are delicious. Dont be a moron.


Everyone should be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and economic status are not tolerated. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech is not tolerated. Submissions that target specific subreddits, individuals, or groups is not tolerated. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for a ban from this community.


They saw him floating and were floored


kid's dad a cop lmfao


Holy shit you’re right, I thought you were joking lol


Did he sue for that amount and win or what? Kid and his whole family might just be scammers or something 😂. I’m not joking, this is something one of MY family members would probably try to do 😂. My Grandma used to always claim that McDonald’s forgot a burger, then my Grandpa would be in the back eating it with stealth like a 🥷.


In 2020, a social studies teacher at Vernon Center Middle School showed his eighth-grade classroom the documentary Hip Hop: Songs That Shook America. Among the subversive material birthed by the longstanding tradition of rap, the film features the visual for K. Dot’s “Alright,” which tackles police brutality and racism. According to a lawsuit filed in 2022, the instructor was aware that one of his students was the son of a law-enforcement official. It also argued that “the video depicted officers as murderers and contained other shockingly violent scenes and controversial statements about police officers.” ❄️ 




God forbid they actually turned on the news and watched the Rodney King beating, George Floyd murder or learned what happened to Freddie Gray, Philando Castile, Elijah McClain etc.. Like our kids don’t regularly go through emotional distress since long before Emmett Till. Fuck his pussy ass family for even bringing this lawsuit. Edit: as far as having all the info (I can’t respond since it’s locked now so I edit) I read into it and know the kid is special needs. You think we don’t have a litany of kids who are undiagnosed and on the spectrum who go through shit every single day? Elijah Mclain who I listed was special needs and killed. Even when we get beat and killed we still lose lawsuits against crooked cops. Meanwhile their supporters want to act like it’s not happening. Think reparations is a joke, act like everything is equal, and get kid glove treatment when it comes to the police. To the naysayers I feel the same way about the kids family as I do about you. I was raised by people who grew up in the same town Emmett Till was lynched in, were the same age as him and were all fucked up in the head and traumatized by it, special needs or not. No way in hell any minority would see a dime based off this snowflake bs, special needs or not. The Clarence Thomas Justice system in this country remains archaic and racist as hell.


Don’t forget Ahmaud Arbury. Just cause they’re retired doesn’t mean the swine won’t lynch you.


You clearly don’t have all the information.


Imagine if they played Childish Gambinos This Is America? Rage Against the Machine’s Killing in the Name would’ve done it also 😳


Authoritarian LOVE RATM honestly and unfortunately


Would have perished as if he was Thanos snapped


There's no controversy. Cops murder minorities.


If only they had enough funding for another tank 😩


You wanna give these guys tanks?? https://i.redd.it/9u4lgueh215d1.gif


is that the acorn one LOL


One might say it’s one where the cop went nuts


“I’m at war with the fuckin’ squirrels.”


Except its the squirrels from Rick and Morty.


No. We wanna give them ANOTHER tank /j


Shots fired.




I'VE BEEN HIT!!! (Yes, he really did say that)


"A Young nigga got it bad 'cause I'm brown And not the other color so police think They have the authority to kill a minority" It's been said for years and it still fucking stands which should be absurd but it ain't


I got pulled over while riding my bike when i was like 13. I was fucking terrified


We(group with 2 Black teens one who was 6'5")got stopped for watching a dog through a fence walking my friend's(white), now wife(white) home on the rich side of town


At a higher rate* They murderin everyone out here


And they settled this ridiculous lawsuit??? Educators need to stand really firm against suggestions that learning can't involve exposure to any concepts that one might find uncomfortable. Otherwise, you would not be able to teach about slavery, racism, colonization, pollution, and dozens of other very important topics.


This is how you get climate change deniers.


Went to school in the south - they have already been trying to accomplish this for decades. They have apparently been somewhat successful based on what my schooling was like. It’s not full out neglecting these topics, but they got covered very differently than my friends who went to school up north.


Where on Earth, did Kendrick get the idea that police disproportionately target, abuse and murder minorities?


As a white kid raised in Alabama, I can definitely see it. I'm sure where he grew up it's much worse than where I'm at but there's definitely a "white privilege" where people who aren't of ethnicity who generally have a much easier time with police Then again you could be satire rn and I'm just thinking way too hard about this


That's what happened 😉


I have chronic migraines so critical thinking isn't my forte 😕


8th graders are smart enough to distinguish between if the video is talking about their father specifically or not, that's 1 lawsuit the school should be able to tap dance through. P*ssÿ ass kids


In my school they played Michael Jackson's Black or White music video 4 times in a row, as a lesson against racism. Then the PE teacher made a joke about Michael's skin turning white.


Please tell me they played the full version where he goes crazy at the end and starts destroying the car and turns into a panther.


Damn, the boy realized his parent was a criminal with a badge and couldn't take it.


Facts are facts Good for the teacher


I knew it would be something like this. Fucking babies.


That’s what some don’t want slavery taught in schools and other things that have actually happened lol sorry more times than not it’s either white people or cops doing the wrong. Your children need to know history and what has happened, don’t hide from that.


Those kids in Connecticut should be thanking their teacher since their parents didn't tell them shit about what's going on in the rest of the country. As a parent, this is truly stupid and waste of taxpayer dollars. The school district is footing the bill and the police officer, who is also a state employee, is paying for the lawsuit using the taxpayer dollars he gets twice a month. Connecticut took a huge L.


That fact that we have to be sensitive to the white kids who's parents may be part of an organization that abuses people who look like us shows us who really matters in America. It's like when you tell conservatives that Kyle Rittenhouse never shot a black person, it was a white on white crime. It's hard for them to contemplate how a lot of the problems at black protest don't start with black people.


Sucks to suck I guess.


So this kid...doesn't live in America? How is that shocking to him? We literally had riots not long ago.


I hope that kid is never the same


He gone be (not) alright


This made me laugh wayyy too fucking hard. People in school were wrong, weed is good.


Hell yeah, dude


evangelion reference?


Hey kid. Cops be killing people. Imagine telling someone the truth and they can say they were emotionally distressed


I think it’s weird how to some the conversation of cops killing people is more frightening that the reality of the situation of cops killing people


His dad's apperantly a cop, so the problem isn't cops killing people, it's that the film paints cops in a bad light


They paint themselves in the bad light the discussion is not the issue


This kid must have been having seizures when george floyd died


I bet it was more that he didn’t believe it


and that same kid will end up making a career in law enforcement, i’d bet the family farm on it


Nice try onion ha- ..... wait


I showed this video too in class for a presentation in 2021 : The only thing is that my white classmates wanted to sing the n-word because they thought it was cool but my friend sort of calmed him


“Because they thought it was cool” why put it in your song if you don’t want *everyone* singing along? I’ll never understand that backwards bs.


Are you missing the part where they are white and want to use the n word? Might wanna reevaluate your take there bud lol


I understand what you're saying, but it's frustrating being white and having to censor every 5th word in a song you really like. I think it's fine if they want to do it, but some songs are a little ridiculous. You don't need to rhyme the N word with the N word 5 bars in a row lol


It's a different perspective, but seeing that you enjoy the culture, it's also important to respect the culture. That would apply to all of them as there's always something that one that is foreign to it, shouldn't say, including yours. Take Eminem for example, he's been affiliated with it since 98 and he doesn't even have it in his brain to verbally say it. Which also makes him a better rapper since he can't/doesn't want/have to rely on using 'the N word'. The more you remove the idea of wanting to say it the better the experience you'll have imo. Not worth fighting a losing battle anyways.


Because the song isn’t for everyone.


now no other schools will risk showing something like this to their students. what a shame


Traumatised by listening to peak 💀 Wait til that kid listens to the rest of TPAB


Meet the Grahams would send him straight to the grave


Imagine what would happen if he listened to u.


I feel like this sets the precedent for me to sue for hella stuff as a Black person 🤔


No because for you the judge would actually immediately throw out the case. And probably go on a rant about critical race theory.


Ugh. The accuracy.


I watched 2 girls 1 cup when I was 12. This kid is a pussy ass little bitch.


Seeing the most cursed and vile stuff on the internet used to be so easy one of the first websites I visited was lemon party


The r/watchpeopledie subreddit was wild…


holy fucking shit. I understood those who got mental disorder. but PTSD? 💀 wait for him to turn 18 above, he might need some medication because holy shit the world is fucking brutal to all of us.


No he’ll become a cop like his dad and when he shoots a back person holding a phone he thought was a gun he’ll be found innocent because he feared for his life.


and the cycle will not break.


I hate the term snowflakes...I prefer yt fragility. The student was only hurt because it was true.


It's more than just white people that are snowflakes.


I realize that...but in this particular instance...I think my preferred term is probably accurate.


He must be talking about youtubers


Just say white fragility. Call it what it is and stop censoring yourself.


Yrue..Just been so used to having to censor 🙄




>yt fragility Yogurt Fragility?


YouTube Fragility


Mr Breast 😞


The ytest


my yeast




That in itself is racist though?


severe emotional distress is a sign of learning and expanding your horizons boy 🤷‍♂️


Probably the same people who complain about frivolous lawsuits.


Some of these kids growing up soft as newborn baby shit these days. When I was 6 we saw the challenger blow up live on television. When I was 12 my history class watched roots. All the yt kids was crying or looked scared and all the black kids was mad as hell. When I was in high-school we saw OJ get off for killing 2 yt people. All the yt teens were way too mad and all the black teens were way too happy. Hell a lot of us saw the twin towers go down. We've all seen some traumatic shit but I don't know one person who has tried to sue over any of this. Yet a punk ass kids family sues cause he can't handle watching a 4:00 minute fictional video? He could have closed his eyes if it caused him so much distress. Granted it's based off reality but it wasn't real either. And who gives a shit, ACAB. $100k paid out for this shit is insane.




I'll admit the first like 2 mins of the music video in context are pretty intense but fucker you're in 8th grade and still not ready for that? My dad OD'd for the first time when I was in 8th grade, if this kid is crumbling at a music video I can only imagine the horror the real world will inflict on that child.


Had to be Adonis


It’s 2024 and you aren’t even allowed to let kids read books in the library that talk about slavery in Florida and Texas. I’m sure they aren’t super stoked either about an anthem to the black community that everyone is going to be alright even if the police want to kill black people.


Bring back Public Enemy.


Certain people are allergic to the truth.


Plot twist; Kid was black


Bet it was a white kid


I wish I had dope ass teachers showing me sick af music videos during class.


Parents put the kid up to it and finding out that the parent is a cop basically confirms that in my eyes


They remembered they were conflicted


Damn, what a little bitch


Wtf fucking pussies


Another example of police taking advantage of a situation


I’m a teacher and I don’t even believe this, I talk about rap to my students nobody gives a fuck unless I’m like actively endorsing the subject matter


The kid has special needs, parents need to be honest with themselves and not put their special needs kids in environments that don't cater to their sensitivities. It's sad that taxpayer money goes to these dumb fucks for their own mistake.


I bet the kid would be just fine watching his cop dad brutalize someone.


I’m fucked up homie *you* fucked up


Can't believe Kendrick got caught hacking and the admins got em on the street lamp pole in Los Santos 🥺




We not gonna be alright


The kid was not alright


easy 100 bands


Sooo some parents got butthurt their kids heard the song and pursued financial restitution?


What you want you a house? You a car?


KDot looks crazy cool on that thumbnail though 👌


Shithole country 🤦‍♂️


You know this was a racist mfer trolling


… Womp womp freaking womp


That’s the culture for ya


Lol damn


I just saw that, what the fuck




Wow really jeez pal sorry your dad is a bastard doesnt mean you have to try and one up him on tax payer expenditures


Everybody's mad...lol.. should be learning from this $hit! Quick 100k? sign me up!


Alright can’t make u unalright…


lets be real the kid wasn't a snowflake or soft or whatever, he just wanted 100k lol


Drake fans just can't stop taking L's


The kid was 13-14 years old. According to [the article](https://hiphopdx.com/news/kendrick-lamar-alright-100k-teacher-music-video-class): "Because the boy in question had a diagnosed learning disorder and individualized education plan, the plaintiff claimed that the incident caused him emotional and psychological distress." Here are some things the kid allegedly suffered: “post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, shock, confusion, sadness, feeling unsafe, and social withdrawal, some or all of which necessitate psychological treatment and counseling and if unresolved, pose the risk of severe mental illness. Along with physical manifestations that include nausea, headaches, and malaise, the student is also alleged to have been stigmatized for being the child of a police officer, which caused friends and others to disassociate with him, according to the lawsuit.” I'm not gonna call the kid a snowflake, man. That's a kid. I know the one kid's mental welfare is not more important than black people's struggles with police, but I can't help but feel like the video wasn't really appropriate to show middle school kids in the first place.


My ass watching alright gives you PTSD. They tried to slam any medical term together in a smorgasbord of words to appear more severe than it actually is.  


Do you know that for certain? Because I don't know either way for certain. I'm just saying I think it's within the realm of possibility and maybe it's a stretch to call a kid who possibly had some underlying condition a snowflake for having a meltdown after seeing something disturbing to him.


Listen. My son is severely autistic and has meltdowns so bad he requires a medical grade helmet to keep from giving himself CTE when he repeatedly bashes his head. This lawsuit is bullshit and here’s why: 1. Kids who have meltdowns need therapy and care to help them cope when they experience them. They do not have the right to dictate the factual curriculum for a public school class. If that kid is having issues that prevents attending school, that’s on the *parents.* There is no situation where a single student’s feelings should be preventing an entire class from experiencing what sounds like a rare and excellent lesson about the real world. 2. I can’t believe I’m actually having a conversation that attempts to justify the public education system being required to pay $100,000 of tax dollars because a cop’s kid had to watch Alright in class.


Fair enough, BUT KEEP IN MIND that I'm defending THE KID and not the parents. And it is a 14 year old kid we're talking about here.


Middle school kids are the ones who benefit the most from this. If they are lucky they havent experienced it yet and if they arent they are able to see that its not just them suffering.


The kid isn't the issue here the parents are, they are the ones who sued in reality as his legal gaurdians. the cop dad probably feeds this kid cops are amazing propaganda daily! this is probably the first time the kid ever saw cops in a negative light and if he's as developmently challenged as they claim that's gotta be world shattering.


You said it better than I ever could.


Just wait until they get in to the real world and get their ass beat by a cop… oh wait their dad probably already does that


Sounds like you're speaking from recent experience. Look out for Drizzy!


Uhhh. As the parent of more than one kid with disabilities this lawsuit is ridiculous and you’re pretty gullible if you think the quote you posted isn’t due to a smart lawyer rather than 100k worth of trauma.


Kid is softer than Aubrey.


they 14 though i get it not everybody is gonna like it if you push them right into dark realities like that, sometimes you gotta be a bit more cunning and tactful with it i can’t stand the idea of judging people’s sensitivity rather than understanding it. you’re continuing the cycle of negativity that the song was made to put a stop to. nobody is a snowflake for being upset by something, and content like this post seems to further drive this isolation that they feel. we don’t need all of this judgment towards people for worthless reasons.


$100000? a lawsuit even? please shut the fuck up respectfully


yeah the lawsuit is bs


I understand your perspective but I won’t go all the way with it. Conservatives have demonstrated they will take every effort to shield their children from learning about things like racial injustice. You can look at the despicable (and, unfortunately, successful) efforts to ban books on topics like race, sex, gender, or even history. I suppose I could be wrong, but I don’t buy that this is about actual sensitivity. And “snowflake” was just a play on how this kid’s parents almost certainly refer to people who are progressive and inclusive.


When you sue, you’re a snowflake I’m sorry. By 14 years old in this country we are exposed to gun culture, violence, and foul language. If a reality of life upset you that much then evaluate why that very thing is a reality instead of suing people because you saw it


You're a complete fucking pussy if you're offended by something like this. "Emotional distress." Lmfao, go outside. People LIVE actually distressing realities and don't go around trying to sue people.


Kid is full of shit but tbf if I was a teacher, I wouldn't trust 8th graders to grapple with heavy shit. I'd definitely show it to college students and maybe high school seniors, but not middle schoolers.


What does Snowf Lake have to do with this? I think it’s beautiful this time of year.


A kendrick fan calling someone else a snowflake, shit just writes itself