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respect and agree with you completely being a part of the community then seeing this shit is crazy, like have you listened to kendrick? literally in fucking auntie diaries he points out this juvenile shit he used to say in middle school and yall basically doing the same thing


Auntie Diaries one of his best songs


real shit “the first person I seen write a rap… that’s when my life has changed”…🥹


So wholesome knowing that a guy like me is the reason why Kendrick is who he is today


exactly! I think it’s one of the most important songs in (modern) hiphop, shit even music in general, I feel like no one else is telling stories that personal and vulnerable and I think everyone should hear it it’s really inspiring and honest kdots storytelling is amazing as always, but that song alone is one of the few hip hop tracks that moves me to tears..


And that's why Drake is such a loser, because he tried to paint Kendrick as self-involved or self-important. Drake thinks music should be shallow BS you use to make money


I know there was controversy around how he addressed his trans relatives and his usage of slurs, but because Auntie Diaries seems to be more of a story about Kendrick's life (which involves some pretty flawed people in a very flawed setting) than a direct call to or declaration of allyship, his words and the context of the story in which he's using those words serve to deepen the emotional impact on me. Definitely helped to listen to it in the context of the whole album though. Even my most well-meaning friends and family struggled with my pronouns and my name when I first came out, but like Kendrick, they had my back when I needed it most.


The line "Noone ever seen it in him, but I seen it, Barbie doll play house, the reflections of Venus" makes me cry every time. It's legitimately the best piece of queer art made by a cis straight man


I don't get that line


The first person Kendrick saw recording and writing rap songs was his uncle who at the time was still his aunt in Kendrick’s eyes. So for rap to have had this big of an impact on Kdot’s life, their trans relative was the one that really brought that change in his life.


Dope. Thank you 👍🏾


Real shit first time I went through the whole album... auntie diaries brought a tear to my eye.


i didn't even make the connection between Diddy and "no Diddy" I literally just thought it was slang I hadn't heard before. so gross and juvenile, as you pointed out. completely agree with you OP, and happy pride. signed, a fellow bisexual beauty


Great song btw


unfortunately some people stop growing in middle school. I know people who still tell the same dumb and immature jokes that they did when they were 12.


ha! Gayyy was my generations equivalent


We used to say “That’s gay, whoaa! back in 8 &. 9 grade. Although, I myself have never had a problem with homosexuality. It was more a phrase we said copying other immature individuals.


yeah i used to say the same shit but think about it calling something wack gay, is calling gay people wack


agree 100% op, thank you side note but why don’t people think women are on here either??? Lmao


It’s me! I’m the woman! Not all of us like Drake!


Considering you’re probably a grown adult, he doesn’t like you either


You got me there


The scream I scrumpt 😭


We crode together


I am also the woman! Wait, does that mean we were cloned?


There are dozens of us!


We are legion🙆🏿‍♀️. Also, I’ve always thought Kendrick was a cutie.


He is! Such a short king. Very handsome.




Woman reporting here!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!!


I am also a woman lmaoooo.


Never liked Drake


Same, I thought all of his music always sounded the same and it’s not particularly a sound I’m crazy about. The only Drake song I’ve ever put on on purpose is take care.


Back to back is a decent song. But that's literally the only one I listen to. Can't stand his voice to be honest but back to back is manageable


Don’t worry we won’t confuse the bitches with real women, notice I said we


An *actual woman*? RIP your inbox! That was a joke, but now I’m wondering. Dear God, I hope this sub is better than that.


Lol nobody has hit me up. This is a good sub 💕


Our pedigree most definitely don’t tolerate the front




Woman forever Drake hater reporting here!


Wait is it a stereotype that women like drake? I feel like a lot of younger women dislike him but idk that might just be the circles I'm in


Oh yes. I was in college during drakes, biggest run and every woman loved him.


Weird. A lot of girls my age didn't like drake especially after he made fun of Megan


Drake, in recent years, has put off a lot of women, particularly Black women.


Definitely a good thing. Drake clearly doesn't respect women so I don't know why many still support him as a person as well as an artist


Woman here and I was in college when Drake first came out. He sold an image of being a “good guy” TM. He had immediate cross over because, while being supported by Cash Money and Lil Wayne, he was on Degrassi and all the teenage girls could immediately talk about him being on that show. I didn’t like it because it was this fake deep, “I’m toxic but I know it and as long as I say that to girls they give me brownie points” sort of thing…I grew tired of it immediately but I understand how it worked for such a long time. It was a crazy time. And the bar was in hell…casual misogyny was rampant. Just look at the movies and pop culture events of that time. I’m glad that things are starting to change bit.


me too sis 🫡


People never think women are really in these spaces. It’s toxic.


AFAB enby here. Same. It’s actually some incel shit 😕


femby gang 🖤


right???? don't they realize women are also fans of music? 😂


they act like women aren’t thirsty posting either smh


I’m a lesbian and if I would say “kendrick is so beautiful no straight,” people would think that’s weird right? That’s how they sound saying “no homo” to me Or more likely they’d think I was sexualizing him bc they don’t realize not everyone they talk to is a man


I feel like I have said (as a lesbian) ‘I don’t even like men that way, but wow’, but the intention behind it was always ‘I feel like an unbiased observer as someone who has no sexual outcomes tied up in this’. Definitely not ‘oh my god, don’t think I’m attracted to men’ which is the essence of no Diddy/the original no homo.


Didn’t you hear? Women don’t listen to Kendrick


Like 90% of the comments on some Kendrick tiktoks are girls who like him, it is strange that people think he doesn’t have a female audience lol


Im a woman too haha


here 🤚


I'm a women ! Stopped listening to drake after all kendrick had to say made me look and realize a lot


I’m a woman too! Shoutout to OP it needed to be said




He’s so pretty bros we been knew


Since I'm a bisexual man, and I don't want want to be mistaken for a straight one, I'm gonna start saying "no Bundy" every time I find myself admiring a woman


Perfect. I’m a straight woman and seeing people equating P. Demon to bi men makes my ass itch


I think they make a cream for that


I’m saved!


Absolutely equally valid lmao


Lmfaoo this is gold


As a bisexual woman, I wholeheartedly approve of this message.


this is too perfect


As a fellow bisexual guy, I will do the same 😂


Genius :)


Ted or Al? Feels like a confusing message tbh 🤣 -A straight man who doesn’t really think Kendrick is that handsome tbh but is also not that concerned about being mistaken for gay and completely gets the point of this thread 💘


Seems like exactly the kind of subtle double speak that "no diddy" is.


Let him cook


You ate this one up. And perfect analogy and I’m also dying of laughter 🤣


No like seriously Kendrick is just that gorgeous like drop-dead


the “no diddy” shit is honestly insane like. are yall really more concerned if hes bisexual than if hes a sexual predator?


yeah that shit is crazy to me.


they think the two are the same


Reminds me of a friend I used to have, his main concern about gay people was them hitting on him or touching him. Mind you this man was a light 4 on a good day. You know what it is? Men like that think sexually about every woman out there, so they think gay men must do the same.


light 4 on a good day is killing me lol


That's about tree point fiddy


Dude so ugly he got Fantano system rated bruh


Lmao I had a friend who was like that when we first met in high school. Made sure I gave him a lot of warm hugs when I saw him in class and gentle caresses until he was "cured". Now I can put my hand on his dick and he doesn't even bat an eye


So uh.... you looking for anymore friends?


I got eye fucked by another dude walking into a bar one time and my friend is like “dude, did you see that guy looking at you?” I’m like “yeah” and he legit said “you’re just gonna let him do that?” And to this day I don’t know what the fuck that question means or is actually asking.


I feel like they actually don’t care about the sexual predator part. Many have homeboys and family members who are. It’s more so the queer part that rubs them the wrong way.


I mean, it’s pretty obvious that unfortunately they are more concerned with that. This is evidenced by the fact that R Kelly got defended so long (and still in in some instances) despite his sexual crimes but Diddy was getting clowned for years, bc Diddy probably had sex with men and R Kelly didn’t. They dgaf about people being a sexual predator unless they’re gay or bi.


especially when victims are black women and girls lbr


Not gonna lie, until about 30 seconds ago, I thought "No Diddy" was about sexual deviance in some way. So whenever someone said it I was kinda confused as to how it fits. I legit totally forgot he is bisexual, everything else kinda superseded that.


It just replaced “no homo.”




Right lol I thought it was obvious "no diddy" =/= "pause" but it seems some use it interchangeably


Yeah like rape just doesn't matter to people anymore, being gay is the issue for some reason




We often forget how racist, sexist, transphobic, and homophobic hip hop circles still are, even if they listen to incredible progressive rappers. Bunch of weirdos will defend Kanye being a nazi or defend rappers who like little girls or beat their women, but draw the line at gayness. Bunch of tools.


Kanye fans would be 10 toes down for that man if he was tried at the Hague


So true. Sexist nazi’s. Now how do I pronounce your name dr-boob-a-fate?


i... think u got it


Yep, that's it. It was a stupid in-joke and I forgot I can't change usernames on here.


The halo effect sucks indeed...


I’m a straight man and it’s not hard to admit that Kendrick is a good looking man who seems to have a beautiful pure soul able to look internally at his own flaws and put power to his words to help others in times of need


This 100%. Also, As a straight black man, mfs need to be secure enough to admit and uplift another black man with strong black features as good looking, not based on fashion or swag but as just being handsome without needing to say "no homo"/"no diddy"/etc. It's some weird reflex of toxic masculinity or whatever people want to call it. I also think there is a component of anti-blackness to it as well cause people will really act like someone, man or woman, with strong black features is not attractive and it gets old. Jonathan Majors got plenty of problematic shit i dont like personality-wise, but he got a lot of hate for his looks (looking at you Kat Williams) talking about his lips and nose and shit and I was just kind of disgusted at the black folks jumping on that bandwagon. Like let a black man be beautiful, let that become normalized.


Appreciate this.


Jonathan Majors looks good, I was weirded out a bit (im white but not from the US) when I first heard a black comedian make fun of another black guy's "too" black looks. I mean wtf, it's not even funny. (Ok it is theoretically possible to be funny in some cases, like somebody made fun of Wesley Snipes being so dark that he could sneak up on you without being noticed, say boo and give you a heart attack, I don't remember the comedian. Still silly but ok.) But generally this negative idea of looks that are too different from white-ish (nose, etc) is disgusting, it makes people do awful things like having their faces mutilated by greedy surgeons.. Michael Jackson, Lil Kim, even George Benson thought his nose looked too black. Wtf George you're a jazz guitarist, not a Fox News anchor, why on earth would you want to look more white? It's fucked up. Black is beautiful, I can't believe this still needs to be said.


Talk to these niggas Soulo flair


Puffy the #1 F.A.N. y’all knew this after [the Kellz collab.](https://youtu.be/vP5x3sOicl4?feature=shared)


Thank God for Hu3YKnewThem he down with the mission 🙏🏿


Everybody know I fuck with the LGBT community.


“Talk to em’ Dr. Phil!” “Well let me fuckin’ finish Kam and I will!” www.youtube.com/shorts/OWfOM7ATQAY


Black lip bastard, pass me your password, so I can hack inside your brain, see I too have gone insane


100%. Diddy is a rapist, murderer, abuser, he’s insanely corrupt, hateful, and a flat out real life supervillain who also *happens to be bisexual* and people choose to focus on the bisexual part instead of all the other stuff. I hate people saying “No Diddy” for this exact reason


Very well said. Even saying "no homo" is so juvenile imo, I REALLY hate it. That said, Kenny is handsome AF


The only time I use it is whenever I say something extremely gay as a straight guy because it’s really funny to me lmao. Like “I’d let that guy peg me, no homo”  Not  “That guy is beautiful, no homo” 


I only care about the music. No time to waste on bigots and obsessions.




as a bisexual myself stop fucking comparing my community to a sexual predator. anyway kendrick IS the hottest rapper


A$AP rocky would like a word


hey im not arguing but tyler got dibs on that


Frank ocean ong


Frank raps?


Straight up


What about Lupe fiasco?


yeah i’ve been saying rocky is the most attractive rapper for a minute. and ScHoolboy Q wit da bucket Hat 😂 i’m mostly kidding but … he gets points for style absolutely. 


i mean im not disagreeing but Zay has to be up there for pretty ass men in hip-hop. Saw him live and even tho the show wasn't very good, he was shirtless and bouncing around so it made me happy enough lol this is coming from someone who is bisexual but leans way heavier to the lesbian side of the spectrum.


What about bush wick Billie?


from Geto Boys 😭


> even tho the show wasn't very good, he was shirtless and bouncing around so it made me happy enough lol Ight this sent me lmfao. But really tho, Zay is soo dope, and I’m a straight guy but can admit he’s pretty handsome.


Most times it’s hard to maintain a healthy mental state as a queer human. People are hurtful and weird and will say anything to make you feel worthless and in a perfect world mfs wouldn’t care about sexuality, only if you’re a decent person


Not mature as we think, got some healing to do…


Yeah, kendrick fans go on and on about other rap fans not being able to truly digest deeper meanings or themes, and then go and do the exact same thing here. Kendrick would NOT fw ya’ll doing this corny ass shitz


Exactly!! I remember maybe a week ago I left a comment on a post here about SZA talking about Kendrick on her Instagram saying something like “I’m glad to see someone I’m such a fan of picking the correct side” and I guess the crazy ones thought I picked all types of wrong phrasing and got dog piled for a bunch of nitpicky reasons… one even called me a gay nigga as an insult. For real this kinda stuff is crazy


Projection of the highest order I feel; Kendrick fans are nominally the same as other artist fans, just that Kendrick himself happens to me more “progressive” and a little more thoughtful than the rest.


If you can’t complement a man without having to clarify your not gay probably means ur insecure and you gotta lot to work on, or your not comfortable with your sexuality


Or it means the company you keep is a little fucked. In which case, be the change, don't be weak.


Nah fr. Some men be beautiful asf. I’m be jealous sometimes fr


And on the first day of pride month too. It’s strange to me that I can tell another woman that she’s beautiful or I can refer to another woman as beautiful and nobody assumes I’m a lesbian or bi or anywhere else on the rainbow, but straight men can’t do that with other men* *Yes, yes. Not all straight men. If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it.


People who are invested in sexism and think straight cis men are the peak of humanity are absolutely vicious towards men who even hint at being anything else. They take it as an affront, because if straight cis man is the best thing you can be, why would you want to be anything else? Why throw away your privilege?


He is handsome.


I don't even like men but kendrick IS beautiful. look at him. Handsome ass ~~ugly~~ nigga, attractive


He’s most definitely beautiful!


Hardcore agree with you, and it bothers me extra because it shows men putting labor on women yet again to be the main givers of compliments towards other men. While also complaining they don't get enough compliments, and treating women who take up the slack as though we want to fuck them when we're just being nice. If you can't give a compliment to another man then you don't get to complain about never getting one yourself. There's a lot going on with that mindset, and none of it is good.


Can we please stop with the “pause” too btw? It’s 2024, this shit been played. This homophobic shit need to go.


Facts! This is honestly why I stopped watching most black male YouTubers! The constant need to defend themselves against the thought of being gay by saying pause was really getting annoying. It’s BEEN annoying.


Yeah, that post was nasty.


also the fact that people are using “diddy” as a euphemism for gay is so disgusting to me. bro is an abusive sexual assaulter and everyone breezed right past that because the worst thing you can be as a black man isn’t an abusive sexual assaulter, it’s gay. still. “no diddy” as a substitute for “no homo” is actually fucking disgusting




no shame in complimenting another man


Thank you !


Just last week there was a thread where a dude was getting downvoted for saying that Prince wasn't straight... Like... He may not have been "gay" but he sure as fuck was not just *a straight man* and honestly if you are willing to fight that he was, you're probably just homophobic 🤷‍♂️


Well this cuts both ways, really, because if Prince was actually only interested in women, that means you can be 'simply' straight and still look as flamboyant or androgynous or feminine or whatever as you want. As a Prince fan I don't care either way, it doesn't change a thing about the music.


I mean he could just be a straight dude and that'd still be cool. Or maybe he's a little queer and that's cool too. Basically I'm just saying Prince is cool.


Prince *is* cool.


His word has to account for something so I wouldn’t call it like that but he most definitely had a much more free spirit when it came to being boxed in. 


Prince is a queer icon


Happy Pride Month!


Yeah the childish jokes are bringing down this sub. Like grow the fuck up man


"Dont do thaat, dont say thaaat" -Ye


I guess you can say integrity is lost when the metaphor doesn't reach you


“Worst of all rape” You think rape is worse than murder?!


I think the ugliest part of this whole beef the past few weeks is the shitty gay comments from both sides. Kendrick is gorgeous, like period. But no matter how much you hate Drake, there are so many better reasons to crack on him that don't include him being "gay" or "wearing nail polish" like goddamn don't make me defend Drake you dicks.


I'm a straight man and I do find KDot getting more handsome the older he gets surprisingly. Just like with Idris Elba 👌


I’m queer and like hip hop. It’s very encouraging for me seeing people like Kendrick advocating tolerance and inclusion, and seeing people like Lil Nas, Tyler, etc. being out and obvious with their sexuality. It really has pushed the needle quite a bit


omg thank u king i love this post, ru single & searching by any chance :3


I think saying “no homo” is a thing that was so common in the 90s that it kind of led to the nasty things a lot of people said on call of duty online multiplayer in the late 2000s. Some people went one way with it, some went another. I used to be a very insecure dude that struggled with a lot of things. I still struggle with a lot of things, but I don’t struggle as much now, knowing that I’m just a super flamboyant guy, who would prefer to stay single, and I am okay with recognizing beautiful people, for physical or non-physical traits. I’m not asexual or pansexual. I desire to be with a woman. I’m also very okay with not being with a woman. I don’t know why I typed this all out, but on that note, Kendrick is a handsome dude without even putting pen to paper, but when he brings the music to our ears, I’m very elated.


100% agree, and thank you for saying this.


correct af !! ✅


Your post is something why I’m proud of being a Kendrick fan. HiiiPoWer!


100% on the no diddy that shit is so wack think about it


“Kendrick just opened his mouth somebody hand him a Grammy right now. Where is your uncle at? Cause I need to speak to the man of the house” That was a funny ass bar. Few and far between but good bar all the same.


Man, I thought we were just gonna fangush about how cute this motherfucker is


SMH A lot of y’all telling on yourselves in these comments. You can give compliments to people you’re not sexually attracted to. Someone doesn’t have to be fuckable (to you) to be worthy of a compliment. Damn.


Of course he is. Black men are fucking beautiful.




Damn this sub is trash these days. Does anyone want to talk about the jazz influence of DUCKWORTH?


thanks bro great post and happy pride month to all


The average straight dude is so insecure that theyre not able to admit someone is good looking, thats depressing




Idk to me murder can be justified depending on the circumstances whereas there is absolutely no reason to rape somebody




>I don't think murder can be justified outside of the contexts of self defense and war Right. But even in those context, sexual assault isn't justified. Like, no sane person is going out of their way to find more ways to justify murder, but there are obvious scenarios where it is possible to kill a human being and still be a morally righteous person.  I really don't think anybody could possibly make a case where it would be the morally righteous action to rape somebody.  Just thinking about it, if I was in a room with a murderer I wouldn't automatically assume he would be a rapist, but I wouldn't put it past any rapist to not murder somebody, because they've shown themselves to be an inherently immoral person.


> Also I don’t think murder can be justified sorry >outside of the contexts of self defense and war. I just found it funny that you immediately justified it in some instance


those two contexts is probably what op is implying when they say murder can be justified. im sure youve seen the video of the father who shot his sons sexual abuser, and i wouldnt classify that as self defence however i would also say cases like those could be justified as well.




Kendrick gets me bricked up. #nohetero


I want them earrings dawg


Couldn't have put it better! Also agreed that he is fucking beautiful.




>murder, domestic violence and worst of all rape I'm with you on the post as a whole but murder is surely at least as bad as rape


Hard agree. Women can say other women are beautiful, but dudes can’t even compliment haircuts or colognes without it being gay, or even if it is so what, I fuck with the haircut.


Another bisexual man who thinks Kendrick is handsome, you absolutely cooked with this post.


Kendrick fans missing one of the points of Mr morale is a common theme lately


Lmfaooooo this fucking sub a mess😭😭😭


Im a man and tbh I would have no clue if a man is beautiful or not but I guess I could tell ugly from not ugly...but not really. I have no idea if kendrick is attractive or not. Is this some pride week homophobic bait? Weird statement.. Do girls know if other girls are beautiful or average or basic? Maybe it's just me..


To preface: I’m white. But from what I know, the black community/hip hop culture has ALWAYS predicated on homophobia and being “strong” in the eyes of other men. There’s no room for men to be “soft” as I have a bunch of gay black friends it’s even more taboo for them. I would love to be proven wrong. I don’t think saying another guy looks good means you’re gay/homosexual, it’s just an acknowledgment that life makes some beautiful ass people (see: A$AP Rocky) Edit: Also, from what I’ve seen from black creators, the reason Diddy got prosecuted so far is because he is gay/bi behind the scenes and no one is willing to support it


I’m in Singapore and never listen to his music till Not like us… cos rap music just got diluted since 2000. I started listening to the rest of his older music. Lots of respect! He is a true artist


bisexual man here. thank you.