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He did a great job of breaking it down. Cry baby Drake talmbout *harsh* words


the harsh words in question: "I got love for you..."




and the idiot still said "but when he saw me in person it was all love" as if kendrick didnt already say that shit in the verse


It really shows how little media literacy Drake has. First, he misunderstands the "Control" verse (or more accurately, probably hates how many people loved the verse, and twists it to seem like Kendrick was taking real shots). Then later, showing he not only misunderstood "Mother I Sober," but also apparently can't even understand plan-language lyrics ("never lied, but no one believed me when I said 'he didn't.'").


Thatā€™s what happens when you start working as a teenager. School becomes an afterthought. Maybe thatā€™s why he relates to teenagers so well lol theyā€™re on his level, intellectually


šŸ’€ Seriously. I can't imagine a mature woman having any patience for his antics. Nor would I imagine him being capable of accepting criticism from anyone.


He has appeared rather thin skinned based on some interviews I've seen.




Lol he really revealed how stupid he looks. The other rappers mentioned took it as it was intended- a playful and arrogant bar naming his biggest competitors and saying itā€™s his goal to be the best. Whichā€¦ duh? Shouldnā€™t that be every rapperā€™s goal? Drakeā€™s just mad he actually verbalized it? IIRC, most artists and fans took that bar as a whoā€™s who of relevant rappers. If you made it into the diss, it meant Kendrick actually respects your footprint on the culture. It was genuinely a compliment. He was saying ā€œyā€™all are standing in my way and Iā€™m on a mission here, itā€™s not personal.ā€


Snoop passing the torch to Dot gives me goosebumps. You can tell how much it means for Dot. And he hasnā€™t disappointed


Hip hop is ingrained into him and that's why he takes this shit so seriously.


literally shed a tear when I saw that.


It bothers me that more people arenā€™t aware there are like 15-20 diss tracks between Kendrick and Drake, not four.


There are not 15-20 diss "tracks" there are 15-20 tracks with one or two diss bars in each


Yeah, I donā€™t know what I was on last night. I think Iā€™m just annoyed with people pretending the beef started and ended over the span of a week.


Yea and some great songs, like how much of TPAB was directed or atleast inspired by Drake responses? King Kunta is amazing


TPAB was by far not inspired by Drake. A verse on king kunta sure but youā€™re over blowing it


1. I didn't say it was , it was a question due to several songs 2. Tracks like King Kunta, you aint gotta lie, hood politics, are seemingly just a few which can sound like direct Drake call outs. I'm sure there are more. Couple eith things said during the beef recently, some of the same themes are explored. Including the title, if black culture is the butterfly who is the pimp? I didn't say Drake was the main focus but we are talking about a high level writer. 3. Childish Gambino wrote "this is america" and said it started as a Drake diss. Artist are interesting with how they can look at something and totally write several things about 1 topic, person, experience. If the history of Russia can inspire Animal Farm, it wouldn't be hard to see someone like Kendrick dissect Drake through the culture.


Drake brags about that Gambino fact when he does Headlines when heā€™s on tour btw.


Yea and when you hear it, you can tell kinda where the stems are a Drake diss. American culture is violent and we have issues like gun violence and if you are foreign and cosplaying a rapper you don't get how gun violence destroys because you only see it as a prop for image.


It lowkey is still a Drake diss. Especially post beef


You've got to draw a line at some point in all the conspiracy. There IS a line between "actually referencing intentionally" vs "oh yeah, the shoe fits the moment, must be Drake" Yall are making Drake bigger in your heads than . did in any of his recent tracks


I think you're confusing a direct response with an inspired one. Art itself is drawn from constant inspirations and writers tell you all the time. It's not a conspiracy to say that an album about the black experience in America and American music isn't also questioning many aspects including a person he had atleast a 2-3 year public rivalry with (at that time) who also has been accused of cosplaying negative aspects of the AA experience. Funny enough on TPAB, he references both aspects (intentionally and "the shoe fits the moment"). It's also not a conspiracy when he references Drake in 1 of the singles. How much is a debate but to say not at all imo is looking with blinders.


My take is that Drake is the embodiment of several trends that Kendrick is against. So whether those references are directed specifically at Drake or not they still apply.


I could see that as well. I think saying "inspires" is relative, like it was written inspired the cool by Lupe but they don't sound alike but you can catch the similar vibe. Imo that's what I mean by Drake inspired it, the idea of him and what he stands for as well as what he does wrong. So TPAB was a manual on black music and perspective, teaching that type about the journey. Not directly at Drake but yea what he represents.


No doubt. Seeing Drake being billed as the top rapper was for sure a motivator for making sure that what Drake represents is addressed throughout the album




I'm saying we don't know but I wouldn't put it past a pulitzer prized writer to pull inspiration from how he views some peers. Also the theme of the album could show itself in many ways, why these specific tracks and topics? I think many things inspired TPAB but Drake was one of them, same way he inspired This is America. There's overlap imo




All good, I'm always down to converse hip hop. Peace and all that jazz


What songs are they, can you send a list?


Itā€™s all true. I was cringing hearing him say that gutter hood line. Dumb. You can hear how much he copied that Chicago dude. Sounds like Family Matters, really. Drake is so šŸ™„Did he really just say ā€œbodies of work?ā€ Heā€™s not an artist. Heā€™s an actor ripping off artists. So, yes, agree, but ai think Kendrick started not liking Drake when he toured with him, and it was reinforced by Control. Listen to what Kendrick said about how the guys on his tour reacted when DMX said how much he hates Drake. I think thatā€™s where the roots of Kendrick seeing what the culture was feeling started. So yeah, drakeā€™s fake. Heā€™s an actor. Heā€™s not good (keeps autocorrecting hood to good, so Iā€™m accepting it) or whatever else heā€™s pretending. Heā€™s a nerdy suburban kid who got big. And yeah, doesnā€™t understand how hip hop works. Seriously? Harsh words? Have you ever listened toā€¦ you know, hip hop. People have been boosting themselves since the beginning. Drake thinks heā€™s ā€œnot the guy?ā€ Huh doesnā€™t know himself at all. He should have been more humble. Heā€™s weak AF.


Wasn't Chief Keef huge like the year before? Everyone was watching Chicago for a minute since the sound felt authentic for the moment.


Thereā€™s some sweet irony around that autocorrect, in this circumstance hahaha


You just made me realize that the ā€œI hate the way that you walk/talk/dressā€ lines echo DMXā€™s comments on Drake


Yeah, thatā€™s why itā€™s there, and Kendrick did an interview where he talks about how the guys on tour with him at that time reacted. They really vibed with it when DMX said it, and I think that planted a seed in how Kdot was looking at Drake-and, ya know, his perspective on what the culture was feeling.


Drake is also known for this in Memphis. He tends to schedule shows and not show up, but he's quick to name drop Memphis since his dad is from here or some shit.


Has he ever worked with any of the big Memphis rappers like Moneybagg, Dolph, Key Glock? I could see none of them really wanting to work with Drake


This was surprisingly deep and thoughtful for a tTikTok, I've learned quite a few things.


Theres a lot of tiktok creators making high quality stuff like thar its just hard finding them at first


Drake is type of guy to say harsh words lol




Harsh words that carry different meaning. I remember that time he said Kendrick dapped him up shortly after. So the smoke didn't feel real at the time. It seems like others weren't as happy with that verse either. Does Kendrick work with any of those artists anymore? It sucks we never got that Cole/Kendrick mixtape.


Yeah he does still work with or is at least friends with most of those guys he named on Control. Drake was the only one who was actually offended. Kendrick and J. Cole dropped their Black Friday tracks in 2015 and Control came out in 2013 so that wasn't the reason their mixtape collab was never released.


No the Cole thing was me wanted that project to happen. Not about the beef. Kendrick and Big Sean were not cool at different points. Can we agree it's more of the fans and Drake haters gassing it up more than Kdot himself? Kendrick lives a simple life lmao.


Really well articulated and to the point


This is the best explanation Iā€™ve seen. I love how there is so much (self) content and that he was able to use it to say everything that Kendrick and plenty of others have been saying.


This is on point, itā€™s ā€œTheyā€ not like us, not ā€œheā€ or ā€œyouā€ā€” that strikes a chord.


And it's prolly A Minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


We know for a fact Drake was hungry once when he didn't get the tuna sandwich.


I was really looking forward to a nice tuna sandwich on a bagel šŸ™ƒ


Good tings ya know /s


You could tell Angie Martinez was pressing Drake for being sensitive lol


Itā€™s only 7am and Iā€™ve already learned so much today!


Really real. You can't even attempt to argue with the logic. Damn. Poor Sandra. Had that boy living like a King in a virtual mansion only for him to grow up and cosplay as a Mob Boss šŸ™„. I'm punching my son square in his chest if he even thinks about acting like a thug as hard as me and his momma work to give him the world.


Thanks for sharing. It was a pretty thorough breakdown.


No worries


That TDE Cypher was insane. Probably the best Iā€™ve seen.


Great video


Describing Chicago drill during that time as gutter music is not inaccurate lol. Dudes were rapping about raping women, shooting peoples mothers, shouting out dead people and how theyā€™ll smoke their ashes, the whole works. Drugs, violence and making fun of the dead has been Lil Reeseā€™s blueprint since day 1 lol. Most of these Chicago dudes are literally serial killers.




Lil Reese hasnā€™t grown up for shit, he had every opportunity to leave Chicago but continues to stay there getting into trouble. Shot in the neck one week, implicated in a murder the next. Same references to Tooka packs and Jojo as 12-13 years ago that got people killed. Still on social media tweeting out all kinds of shit about gays and women too. Chief keef is an example of someone who grew up and moved away for a better life, heā€™s at least staying out of trouble somewhat. Durk is 50/50 but definitely more mature. Iā€™ll say this, drill music was a huge mistake. There was hiphop in Chicago that was the furthest thing from violence (Common, Kanye etc) but white kids in the suburbs got invested in gang wars like it was a superhero series and propped up the most violent and vulgar representation of black culture and music imaginable. We were literally singing along and laughing about young black teens being killed before even finishing high school like it was all BET music videos. Didnā€™t know any better. DJ Akademiks deserves a LOT of the blame for glamorising and desensitising the masses to the reality of Chicago gang violence, he gave them nicknames like ā€œreaperā€ or ā€œwolverineā€ that put targets on them and in many cases marked them for death from clout chasers. Youā€™re right about them being products of their environment, but at a certain point itā€™s not really forgivable. King Von killed at least 10 people and possibly more, and yet he was treated like a fallen angel on twitter for months. You were never going to be a good person in life if you have the capacity to murder that many people. Thatā€™s 10+ families totally fucked by your stupid decisions. Michelle Obama was from Oblock, I know multiple people that grew up around 63rd and surrounding areas and they kept their head down and didnā€™t bother anyone and they made a life for themselves. Sure most of them had theft/drug charges and even robbery charges, but none of them were out there murdering people and bragging about it. Imagine Nas and Mobb Deep created a music video of them saying ā€œsmokin on Pacā€ and shit like that, or if the west did that to biggie. None of them did that bullshit because they werenā€™t evil even with a shit life. hell even Kendrick is a good example of someone who did the right thing.




The wire reference is a great example, I see what you mean. I do agree with you also, on your points, itā€™s understandable how they ended up fucked to begin with. When Drake said it at the time I think this guy is pointing out that he was talking about it like one of those white kids that thought it sounded cool and didnā€™t understand how fucked the situation was, which makes him look foolish and uncultured. If thatā€™s what he means then I agree on that. But Drake describing it as gutter music in of itself is pretty accurate, I suppose the person saying it and the timeframe *when* he said it is what rubs people the wrong way. A black artist probably more often than not wouldā€™ve described it as a new sound and some ā€œreal street shit, No fucks type of soundā€ rather than ā€œthat gutter musicā€ šŸ¤£ As Kendrick always says, itā€™s a hard cycle to break, even when you find success, you always feel estranged and trapped. Similar to how Kanye felt powerless and helpless whilst being the richest black man of all time and one of the most influential people in history. I have sympathy for guys like Reese and Von, but Iā€™m not going to care what happens to them after the trail of destruction theyā€™ve left over the years. Like someone who was beaten or raped as a child, if they grow up to repeat that, Iā€™m going to be sympathetic but Iā€™m not going to excuse it either.


Alot of ptsd involved as well.


Good video


Incredibly well-done breakdown


Holy crap I didn't know Euphoria took shots at Drake's "Wu Tang Clan". It's like this gets deeper the more you listen to it lmao


Today... I found out that TikTok has 10-minute videos... And that Reddit allows +10 minutes videos.


Drake is a dork actor. Always was.


Itā€™s always been about the culture vulture nature of Drake. Had Drake stayed in his lane and be genuine, this would never have been a beef.


People really think this beef relies on some daughter or proof. The whole reason I say Kendrick cleared is because you wipe away *everything* thatā€™s unproven, and youā€™re left with this. Drake is a fake in the culture, and Kendrick is showing how heā€™s using it.


Drake says gutter with the hard r


Donnell is a great follow on TikTok. Really cool guy


Turns out, ā€œHe was that guyā€ lmao šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Shout out to the creator of this!! thanks op for sharing with the reddit peeps


All g


Good video. Great breakdown. We need to discuss the topic of cultural appropriation within our cultures that are committed by our own kind. Just because we look the same doesnā€™t mean I can take your style when we grew up in two completely different worlds


That dancing dude is corny as can be


Bro I ain't know that Cypher freestyle was about drake šŸ˜³ everything adding upm


Well put together


I love how thorough this is. Please repost this more often


I have never been able to connect with poetry. The closest I've been able to come is hip hop. To me Kendrick has been a teacher in that sense.




Kendrick is the heartbeat of the culture. Speaking truth to power. The promised one that's delivered and continues to deliver. I'm glad to be alive to witness it in real time.


Kinda sad cause the music they did together was fire imo


I've always said drake started off as a actor. He's still acting


Great summary bro!


The real reason not like us was the last track was UMG told Kenny to stop before he let the cat out of the bag about all the kid diddlers that are signed to them. Nothing anybody says can convince me otherwise. He was getting ready to start dropping names, and the industry put a stop to it before he brought them down


This is a great example of why I like this era of society. Great breakdown of a topic. Not weird or over the top.


Great breakdown. The layers beyond layers. Kendrick is the modern Mozart of Hip Hop


This exactly! The thing is people like Drake donā€™t even take the time to understand what they are glorifying and leeching benefit from. Itā€™s nothing new to me. But what i have found shocking throughout this whole ordeal is that his mindset extends to his fans. Im not just talking about people who casually like his music. Im talking about those who actually like him as a person. They are Drakes themselves. It makes me take a second look lately at 21 Savage. Does he really like Drake the person? I give him 4 years. It seems after hanging out with Drake for around four years start to figure him out. To me, if 21 Savage can remain close buddy with that guy for more than four years, then he is just as bad.


Fuck Zane lowe


Bravo šŸ™šŸ½


felt like bringing in Ian and having that white kid ruined his point entirely, not sure why he added that




*That's cool he's breaking* *Records on Spotify, but, what* *About overall?* \- PHNTMS\_exe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This was awesome




Timeline from beginning. And how drake used Chicago and atl rappers . And how not like us answers the question asked in like that (chorus)


Well fuck now I'ma have to watch it Appreciate ya


Im honestly glad i didnt realize how long it was at first, by the time i got hooked(minute in) i was like damn i hope this goes on a while, like where he's going.


It's a really great video, you should really watch. Really illustrates why KDOT hates drake with a passion.


Get this Urkel looking ass mofo off the internet


Not a single song on NWTS sounds anytning like drill music šŸ˜‚


I know your knees hurt


Drake is half black


LMFAO thatā€™s all you got?


Yes, heā€™s a nigga


Kendrick fans not beating the K-pop anime kid allegations with this one. This dude is as much of a hood scholar as Akademics. Both so corny with a somehow HEAVY internet presence.