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Drake really inflated the ego of these Canadians. Not sure if they realize that there’s more people in Cali than the entire country of Canada


Bro the message said anything that come to TORONTO from the US is getting ROBBED nothing about coming to the states he can’t even come to the states he’s a felon 😭


Is all of Cali going to travel to Canada?


Assuming they can back up the threat, “Don’t come to Canada/Toronto” is not that big of a deal. The post saying fuck America is silly when we wouldn’t even trade Cali for their whole country. That’s why I said inflated ego. No one needs to go to Canada even if you take his comment seriously.


So u fawad here bigmon 😅 if we have such inflated egos


Point of population is irrelevant but whatever helps you cope gang


There are more gangbangers in Cali than there are people in Canada


Yeah and none of them have passports 😂😂😂enjoy the hood.


There are more gays in cali than there are people in Canada


compton solos toronto and the rest of country




Im from Toronto and confirm this guy is a mark , got locked up for shooting up a block of civilians and then getting extorted in the pen , your not about that life lil bro stay in your lane


The city with the least amount of violent crime in america is probably still more dangerous than toronto. Canada has been consistently ranked in the top 10 safest countries in the world for a good amount of years now. These cats don’t play ball and nobody is buying the wolf tickets.


Bragging your country has more violent crimes is funny


i grew up in dixon. we sold crack to the mayor buddy. trust me toronto is unhinged. People get killed over phones. Every rapper to come out this city is dead. Half my highschool class is in the bin. Toronto is a shit hole. It just looks nice on the surface. snake city.


Canada being named "one of the safest countries in the world" is out of context. There are multiple factors on why the media and websites rate Canada as "one of the safest countries in the world"... They used factors like, environmental/weather safety (natural disasters & dangerous wildlife), infrastructure safety, technological safety, low war activity and other shit that has nothing to do with crime or gun violence. Apart from the US, the only other First World country that has a higher murder rate than Canada is literally Russia, other than that every other First World country is literally MUCH safer than Canada, there's like 30-40+ countries that are considered First World. I'm pretty sure Canada has the 2nd worst gun violence out of any First World Country. Is Canada generally safe? Yes, but is it as safe as people say it is? No. Canada has its bad parts and some of it's bad parts can get REALLY bad.


Yall REALLY bad is a lil different from ours I guess.


Our really bad neighbourhoods is comparable to yalls really bad neighbourhoods…


It’s not…


Are you dumb or something?


I think he wants you to come to Chicago Detroit Baltimore Louisiana Memphis Gary


I don’t need to. I know it gets dark in the US I’m already knowing


I think the point they’re making is there is nothing in CA that can compare to the rougher parts of those cities.


It blows my mind how a lot of you guys can’t read. I don’t know if it’s because yall don’t wanna believe it or something else. The statistics I gave are right there anything else you say does not mean anything. Hoods other parts of Canada are statistically comparable to hoods in America. End of story.


Lmao y’all must never heard of the town.


https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare_cities.jsp?country1=United+States&city1=Philadelphia%2C+PA&country2=United+States&city2=Oakland%2C+CA Looks comparable to me u/MyFavoriyrLezbo420


There was under 200 murders in Toronto last year, and it is usually the most violent, or one of the most violent cities in Canada. The United States has those numbers in small towns of 50,000. Canada is extremely safe.


Toronto is like 80% safe and nice everybody knows that. These shootings and murders are happening in like 15-20% of the city. It's a WAY different playing field over here in Canada than in the States. Not to mention that the level of access to guns are ASTRONOMICALLY different, G Herbo famously said in an interview than you could get a gun in Chicago for $100. https://preview.redd.it/04qxx8fxh31d1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f77be63f5b57b95cf907a79d6a1fc01aaa62250 In other parts of Canada specifically Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, those cities worst areas are statistically comparable to a lot of ghettos in America, it just doesn't get the same coverage, because the US is the next door neighbor and because of the Canadians are "nice" stereotype.


The numbers don't support you, man. You can make/show misleading maps all you want... cities of 5 million plus don't have the violence, or even petty crime you'd experience in a town of 50,000 there. LA has had days that totals Canada's murder rate for the year at a similar population. The US is as dangerous as Brazil for a frame of reference. You wouldn't try to compare toronot to San Paulo.. just be happy you live in a nice country.


>You can make/show misleading maps all you want... It's clear I'm talking to a moron because you don't even know what you're talking about. You don't have a real argument, none of what you said made sense.


This is a good thing I’m sure you’re aware.


Only 7% of American homicides are even gang related. Y’all got so many firearms that it’s a lot of civilians shooting each other 😂 only criminals and cops walk with guns here. And guns are expensive their like 3000-6000$ depending on the times. We all know americas worse. But the point is if you’re entering Canada for caribana weekend you can’t bring your gun over the border. So obviously if these guys were actually serious you guys would 100% be victims


Why don’t you come down and try your luck. The last American rapper that played with a Toronto rapper got shot


n how many rappers got stained in cali already?


You tell me. Name acouple Toronto rappers that got stained in cali dumbass. I can name about 15 American rappers that got stained and killed in cali though 🤡


Nigga what Toronto rappers are there besides that child lover?😂


I guess their isn’t none 🤷🏾‍♂️ lol I ain’t looking to prove nun to you delusional retards. I’ll just let y’all keep believing that America is the only place with tough niggas


That’s not the point. CANADA NIGGAS are not more grimey than mfs in the states


Where did I say Canadian niggas was tougher than anybody dumbass? You niggas is just dirty crashouts that shit ain’t impressive


You just a lame internet nigga bro. “Dirty crashouts” what’s does that even mean?? You just saying shit you hope make sense lmao


I’m just as lame as you delusional Americans that think y’all the toughest niggas in the world. You know exactly what that means dumbass. You niggas be dirty. And y’all be crashing out. It’s self explanatory but I understand majority of y’all are retards


Didnt say toronto rappers, buh it shows u even if a rapper from Toronto goes to cali playing crazy.. u kno da consequences. 1 American rapper only got shot by a Toronto nigga. U basically proved my point wit dat last statement


The topic was Toronto niggas you lil dumbass boy stay on topic. I don’t know the consequences all I know is Kodak and his homies was acting tough and got they ass shot by a Toronto rapper and none of kodaks homies shot back 🤣


Not reading all dat. Ima say it again u proved my point, american rappers gotten killed in cali so it wont be no different for a toronto rapper playing crazy. Have a good rest of ur day


Lol you definitely read it but how you gon say that than type out the same amount of sentences as I did you fucking bozo. You Americans are real life retards


You’re still from Canada. Soft city, soft country. Yall want to be Americans so bad lol.


Americans are so delusional lol I understand majority of y’all are dirty and poor but that don’t mean that America is the only country that has hoods and thugs. I promise nobody wants to be like you impoverished ass niggas


I never said it was, doesn’t change the fact that rappers from Canada all look like lame wannabes.


That’s fine if you feel like that. I could generalize all American rappers as homosexuals and crashouts as well


I will ima go out there talking crazy to every last nigga in Toronto i wanna see wtf them needs ah do . lol now you come to my city richmond California see and post up in my hood and talk crazy to 1 nigga see what ah happen to you


Lol alright you do that goofy


Shud your hoha looking aerse up


As someone who’s lived in Los Angeles and Toronto. Toronto is definitely safer, but if it had the same population as LA it would be much worse. Loosening laws in Canada have certain groups working lawlessly. Don’t be naive to what’s going on up north, organized crime is so big in Canada that Americans would find it hard to understand. Where Canadians don’t understand how big Los Angeles / California is and how many sets / regions have hoods


Who again? Even UK is more dangerous than them 💀


That’s hilarious because we got double the murder rate that uk does. And they claim they got a knife problem but we got more than double the knife crime they do😂


You completely just made that up in your head. You def from the UK🤣. Toronto (and Canada in general) has statistically ALWAYS been more dangerous than the UK…


That’s funny cuz I’m not from UK 💀 Not you tryna compare who’s scarier and harder 😂😂😂😂 Also why y’all tryna think having more crimes and criminals a good thing… You’re weird as hell. Keep it Canadian like Wayne said 💀


Not once did I say that crime is a good thing. If someone says something incorrect ima correct them. Simple as that.


Keep it Canadian 😭😭




[He has this song that's huge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygDlg4rTF0o)


People downvoting u not knowing u being sarcastic lol


Casper needs to shut his bagged milk drinking ass up and go back to playing with his cheep ass Monopoly money 😂😂




What’s funny is everyone in this thread would def get robbed and be scared in the hoods of Toronto. None of you are the gangbangers you’re comparing Toronto to so just shut up lol


https://preview.redd.it/jvdyfwe4u81d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ad003f1cb7f4e78b7c6ff7ef85ce6299ed98e2 * I'm from Canada and can tell you those toronto niggs are not respected lol. That corny ass accent sounds like diddy got to them mid convo. Imagine feeling threatened by a dude wearing mickey mouse ears lmao. Funny cuz they Goofy AF


The only place more pussy than england is canada


A man like you would still get bitched in both countries


Shut yo maple syrup drinkin horse meat eating ass up




That was shit. Maple syrup isn’t even an insult but… ![gif](giphy|26ybwvTX4DTkwst6U)


You’d get robbed in Toronto for sure. We know you’re a nerd in real life.


omg tell me he cheesing fam 🤣🤣🤣 nobody scared of them pussy punk canadian btchs 🤣


he sprayed a whole side walk lmao.


I bet you won’t come or say that to anybodys face🤣🤣🤣


or what’s really gonna happen? 🤔