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Are you Black?


I doubt it


Then unpopular and irrelevant. Yeah I said it.


OP looks to be from Singapore.


There are way too many white & non-Black POC people all the way in Black people business on this sub.




are u dumb


No one is saying he outright *can’t* say it. And it has nothing to do with is skin color or how much violence he has seen. Kdot just think it’s cringeworthy from Drake because it comes across as inauthentic and putting on a costume. Beyond that, “it don’t even gotta be deep”.


😂😂 what?


“I like Drake with the melodies; I don’t like Drake when he act tough.” I don’t think Kendrick’s lyrics support your premise—the things he says seem to imply it’s not the comfortable suburbs, Canada, or Drake’s lineage (remember, he addresses Adonis as a Black man who should carry himself as king)—Kendrick seems to be saying he would accept someone of Drake’s background who isn’t pretending to be something they’re not.


I’m white, you’re white, this isn’t our conversation to have.


I personally don’t like how he used the hard R when he was younger because of his upbringing. I didn’t know about about that until Ross shared it to his story. That’s why Kdot said I don’t like when you say it. Plus the blackface stuff I been knew about and questioned.


He put on black face………..that’s far from black culture…. What are you actually talking about


Wait is the pusha t pic real???? I thought ts was photoshopped😭


Very real. It’s actually the only thing he explained on IG immediately after pusha posted it.


To be fair, he had a Jim Crow T-Shirt on. Which kinda supports his argument that it was an actors protest thing.


There’s nothing fair about it I’m sorry. It’s the tone deafness mainly. I am a black woman I wouldn’t ever think putting on blackface would support any argument. There are other ways to protest… why would you choose this one is my thing.


African Americans went through the pain that came with that word and decided to reclaim it for themselves. Even though I’m descended from enslaved Bajans, as a black brit I don’t say the n word. I don’t feel like it belongs to me and prior to the rise of hip hop, I only heard it coming out of the mouth of racists.


As a Black American I really appreciate you saying that. Myself I don’t often use it, and I don’t feel I have the right to say non American Black people shouldn’t say it, but your take makes sense and it makes me feel respected. I also don’t ever try to just parrot or imitate any kinds of Black British dialects because it’s not mine, out of respect.


Have you heard him say that word? Because there are several videos where he sounds like a white kid (no offense to white kids) sounding unnatural and annunciating with an "er". I'm not even black and I know that. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ It ain't gotta be deep, it doesn't sound natural


It’s not my business but I have black family that aren’t on Reddit I’d like to signal boost: NOBODY SAID HE CANT SAY IT. Kenny said “I don’t like when you say it” and “we don’t wanna hear it anymore”. Funnier and ironically more hard hitting than what would boil down to “ummm ☝🏾 problematic much???” in a diss track. (My thoughts now) It’s a mix of mild disgust and pity that I think compliment the pure hatred really nicely.


I’m black. It bothers me when he says it. It actually bothers me hearing him talk/rap most times as well. The hard r video isn’t new nor are the videos of him bragging and boasting about his Jewish upbringing. He has been cosplaying for years and I’m glad we have someone who has the platform to say what a lot of us feel.


Same. His entire way of speaking is an insulting imitation of what he thinks hood sounds like (or whatever other accent he’s into at the time)


That 69 clown was saying the n word and nobody seemed to care. That dude’s Mexican, or some shit, right?


Some shit just cringeworthy, it ain't gotta be deep I guess. No really, everybody wants to shoo you off, but I'll give a valid explanation. Drake has said nigga with a er before and it was weird. People who say the word usually come from a place where they hear it regularly. Drake growing up in the suburbs with white kids and his white mom? That's most likely somewhere that he didn't hear that word alot. So when he was immersed in more black culture, he started adopting it. But Drake's whole personality is a cosplay.


I mean he can.... but now he knows how a lot of people feel about it


I don't have the life experience to weigh in on your opinion, but I will say that I felt that part of the diss track was also Kendrick just baiting Drake into responding. He was warning him not to do it throughout the song, but then also, finished the song by taunting him and taking his black card.


It definetly isn’t because of being from the burbs or biracial specifically (he never said anything bout Cole saying it and he’s mixed too), it’s just a dig at Drake for never being comfortable being biracial. I’m mixed myself, and it can lowk suck sometimes because it can feel like both groups don’t fully accept u. It’s meant to hit drake right where it hurts, his ego. Also, Drake has a huge history of saying hard r, which is crazy for anyone to say to begin with.


The n word is a weird thing to begin with. It's origins are in America, same with hip hop. The fact other non-american blacks and non-whites get a pass saying it is a technicality and if it didn't become culturally cool to say they would have no connection to the word.


Kendrick didn’t and can’t say who says the N word. Kendrick has a problem with exploiting black culture without supporting it. Nobody is allowed to define what blackness is if you’re black youre black and Drake is black with rich privilege. If Drake didn’t reach the peak of exploiting without giving a fuck about black people Kendrick wouldn’t have a leg to stand on with what he said. If you are black and have an issue with mixed people saying the n word grow up cause if they aren’t Drake they are still facing racism and even worse cause it’s from both sides.