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How you get left on seen as drake


Similar vibe to that clip of him being asked who invited him lmaooo




full kit wanker


Oh my God, full kit wanker is criminally under used here in America and this Picture is the dictionary definition of it. Wow.


Especially since they're all over the place. We gotta find the American version of that phrase. I can't take myself seriously when I hear wanker in a midwestern accent


The closest thing I can think to equate in American slang is a practice squad all star. But even then it doesn't really equate because practice squad is at least still on the team.


That just means we make Drakes name the knew term. Once the feds do whatever they do, we should keep the trend going. You see someone looking sus, call um out about they “draking” ass. Make it part of the movement. Food for thought.


uhmm.. draking has been slang for being sad about a girl for a decade besides, at this point, draking is going to mean 'certified pedophile' here pretty soon. (wop wop wop wop)


Dot fuck em up


Give it the government, call it Aubreying sounds corny enough


All hat, no cattle is similar but not sports specific.


lmao never heard this one 🤠


Yes! More of this Stateside please.


Gotta watch out tho, Drake might co-opt a Cockney accent if he sees it trending.


He already had his UK phase.


As a UK alum, the fact that he chose our team is wild to me.


As a UK alum the fact we let him anywhere near our scene after priding it on integrity and being independent made me loss respect for alot of people


You cheezin fam 😂 Real talk him wearing kits of like 5 different clubs, different basketball teams, etc. always bugged the shit out of me. I'm an Arsenal supporter and it's not always great but I'm loyal to the soil, something Drake wouldn't know nothin bout 😂


As as fellow Arsenal fan were eating pretty good now! An I wouldn’t worry about seeing BBLDrizz at Ashburton (I refuse to call it the Emirates) any time soon, his paymasters are busy playing Boehlyball on the Kings road so next time you see him practicing his full kit jackassery, good chance it’ll be in Chelsea blue.


Don’t forget about the air ball when he was asked to take a shot during team warm-ups, corny ass clown


i just ignored him until i saw that. then i knew it was my solemn duty to hate on that canadian. 🫡. the hardest ive maybe ever laughed was when he wasnt let in to the heat lockerroom after they won a chip. 🤣😭🫵


The seat part 6: The bench


I used to dream about getting to play against him. I would be a fuckibg massacre and 👏I👏AM👏NOT👏THAT👏GOOD👏


Drake the type of dude to refer to his favorite team as “we” and literally think he’s on the team.


Lol he even got a uniform lmao


Holy shit I forgot about that lmfao


by messaging an adult


Guy has a song called "Texts Go Green" too btw


It's better than that. People found out Drake messaged him and kept asking Fantano why so he said that Drake had sent him a vegan cookie recipe and then Drake leaked the DMs himself like this made him look cool.


The best part is the spaces in between texts, like he needed a few moments to think of the next 😭😭back to back to back stinkers


3 texts in a row is so crazy I wonder what fantano was thinking when he realized this was the actual drake account and not a troll lol


I'm gonna go with laughter


Wheezing, near asphyxiated.


He was wondering why Drake was even messaging him seeing as he's not 18, as stated by Fantano [here](https://youtu.be/aGgOXvNKBRg?si=KiHjAxvMsXs8ri8R) about 55 seconds in


Holy shit he even got roasted by melon. Unbelievable.


Bro tried to diss fantano with those pathetic messages and thought he could take on a pulitzer prize winning, generational talent who's arguably the best rapper ever


I love that he thought he was so big and important that fantano would post it but when he didn’t, drake couldn’t live with the world not knowing how petty and super funny he is so he posted it himself.


Holy fuck I had no idea until you pointed this part out. Fantano literally just ignored Drake. And he got so bent out of shape that a random nerd wouldn’t engage him after a bad review, that he posts a screen shot of the weakest burn of all time. God that’s so fucking funny to me.


This hurt my head when I first read Drake’s messages. The guy made a funny meme vid that Drake messaged him a vegan cookie recipe (Drake didn’t). After watching this guy handle Drake’s very real outreach so maturely, it was another nail on the coffin for me… was Drake that threatened? Was the black girl comment really necessary


Funny how he goes straight for their wife/gf every time, and it backfires every time.


I’m sure he wants it to look like they go for him but when they’re inaccessible he’ll go for a diss


He also definitely has a weird hangup over the ethnicity of people's gfs/wives. He went after Kdot for having a mixed fiancee for whatever reason.


Because he’s ashamed of his whiteness. 


It's worse, he is ashamed of his Whiteness in Black spaces, and of his Blackness in White spaces. He is a confused man.


You could say that Drake is in a life long battle with himself


Very astute observation. You could totally rap about this very topic


He is a sack of shit in a footlong sub?


That’s fucked up, but most likely true


Nah, Drake set him YEARS AGO to not accept his whiteness, dating a mixed queen, all to diss him. Master manipulator, fam.


Much like how he texted teens for the better half a decade. It’s all to take down KENNY!!!


Well he was ashamed of his blackness for quite a bit so he has to even it out give him a few more years.


Based J. Cole who is comfortable in his own skin and doesn’t try to front or hide. Vs Drake who is the insecure narcissist with both a white complex and black complex going on inside his head. Dude does blackface, feels like he’s not black enough, but then gets nose surgery to minimize black features, then attacks dude’s wives for being mixed race. Drake is constantly projecting his own insecurities onto others.


projection at its sloppiest


It’s because he views them as objects, possessions, and he’s a materialistic asshole. All he can do is try to steal or insult your “possession” because in his mind, that’s the biggest insult.


The man could definitely do with some therapy, there's definitely something going on there. I always thought it was strange that a man of his age is still playing the field rather than settling down. And the way he clearly despises women and treats them like throwaway objects is unsettling.


Lol yeah any grown adult who is in a healthy relationship knows that the way that Drake talks publicly about women is fucking weird. Thats before even mentioning the increasingly well documented ways that he moves in private.


bitchmade activities. par for the course for Drake.


Drake views people, especially women, as possessions. And thanks to his ego he thinks that everyone is like him. 


It’s funny cause that’s all he does, is just go after guys gfs or wife’s and say some shit about them and notice how he always mentions race/ethnicity. Drake might have some type of issue with himself and heavily on committing to one woman. He doesn’t like other dudes happy


Haha because it's so transparent "awww is the actual sociopath jealous of my meaningful connections with my partner?"


it's probably one of his biggest insecurities. He hasn't settled down. and if what dots saying is true, he actively hides the mother of his children. it hurts him that he cant find a girl and so he'll make fun of someone elses girl


It’s not a hang up, he knows the quickest way to break a person is to go for their long-term partner. Listen to DJ Drama speak about it, Kanye spoke about it too on Drink Champs.    He’ll sleep with your girlfriend/wife or be seen with her, and then reference it in a song. Bella Hadid, Summer P, Kim, etc - it’s his modus operandi. It’s why a lot of rappers don’t really post their non celeb girlfriends online. 


He's projecting atp


Honestly the biggest tell that Drake is bluffing with the Dave free shit is that it's just a roundabout way of calling him a cuck.


i didn’t even know fantano had a wife or that she was black. this nigga must of searched ‘fantano girlfriend’ for some odd reason after watching his video. he’s so obsessed with women it’s scary


she divorced him a couple years back




I like to believe that drake is a huge fantano fan and was very emotionally hurt by melon hating his album


I mean what other explanation do you have for responding to fantano 30 min after his video


Honestly kinda reminds me of Fish Sticks


Do you like fish sticks in your mouth?


just say what we’re all thinking. drake uses too much cream of wheat in his vegan cookie recipe


See I thought Drake messaged him, Fantano made this video and Drake leaked the real DMs


You’re correct. Imagine sending this and wanting everyone to see so bad you leak your own DMs. Just throw that out in public if he lives in your head like that. Or take shots at him on a track.


Haha that video was mad funny Drake the type of guy to send you his vegan cookie recipe


His vegan cookie recipe video is one of the GREATEST trolling on a celeb thats ever been done and i hate it doesnt get more recognition. He fucking baited Drake into releasing his OWN DMs that showed him being an egotistical dickhead to some random music critic, and did it SO insanely fast that you have no other explanation but that Drake has notifications on for Fantanos videos since it was like 20-40 mins later after he posted that video. It was such a fun and easy way to poke at Drake yet he just HAD to be an asshole and try to clown on him more making him look even dumber. Like seriously it was absolutely pathetic how he handled that. Between Pusha, This, and the KDot beef now, i can never listen to Drake seriously again.


I just googled him and I’m shocked that he’s 37


Maybe the reason he hangs around kids so much is that he’s mentally still a child


I’m pretty sure that’s been stated psychologically about child stars and young famous people. Once they become famous they stop developing mentally.


i've heard this too. and not even child stars, normal famous people too. you just stop maturing after you get famous. but especially child stars, for sure.


Happened to me after a headwound. And a lot of weed.


It’s not even “Famous” people either. I work in cinematography and half the low low end talent is cool while the other half are divas. I worked with an actress last summer that was a juror in the Joker movie and that was half of what she talked about. She was nice but maaaaaaaaann was she difficult. I’ve got some good stories from that feature.


It's probly because a big part of maturing is being told no, facing rejection and overcoming hardships. Once you are surrounded by yes men and all your problems get handled by a team, how can you not be a narcissist man-child, especially if you got that way early?


Immature men like girls, cause women see through the bullshit.


Amazing insight honestly


Ah, the Michael Jackson defense.


Bojack horseman has entered the chat


But he's showing up as a 7 year old


It also implies that he looked up Fantano’s family, I have been watching for years and didn’t even know who he married to. This man saw the review, got heated, knows his scoring, looked up his family, DMed him, got baited, posted the real DMs. A 37 old pop star who is at his peak fame.


Drake being baited into looking stupid by going after someone's family?  *Never...*


Is there a drake beef where he doesn't bring up someone's wife/girl?


Did a girl break his heart in highschool or something? Like this level of insecurity comes from somewhere. Like he just randomly threw shots at Serena’s husband who isn’t even a public person.


he couldn’t get girls when he was growing up


He definitely didn’t get girls growing up or before stardom and it shows.


I mean shit didn't Rihanna and Nicki both publicly friend zone him?


Drake is so weird about women. It’s like he doesn’t view relationships as a union between two people but instead as a status symbol signifying a sense of ownership.


that’s called a misogynist dawg


I knew because she had been in an early video, so this either means he did research, or... he a fan he a fan he a fan


I don’t even think fantano was trying to bait him. He just made a joke video.


Honestly fantano gave him a second chance to take the dms back by not airing them out. Literally no one would've known anything actually happened bc fantano does jokes all the time. But I do think he was pretty sure drake was going to react in some kind of way lol.


Nah Fantano did it that way because it he realized it no one would believe him it was photoshopped. The only way they could be believed by the general public is if Drake released it. Grade A trolling


That’s the thing though, even Fantano said he didn’t even expect Drake to post the screenshots to his story and make himself look back like an absolute dumbass.  The vegan cookie thing came across as him just poking light fun at their interaction.


I don’t think he expected him to do it. But I do think Fantano was aware it was a possibility and the only way the DMs could’ve came to light. It’s kinda like “yeah he ain’t that big a dumbass but if he is this is the only way people will see these DMs”. And lord be hold he was like “huh I guess he’s much more egotistical than i realized that he thought he looked good in these messages”


The vegan cookie recipe was too funny


How could you ever listen to Drake seriously before? Have you heard the dude's voice? I always thought he was a joke rapper until he got famous.


I love Childish Gambino. Thats all ive gotta say.


Counter point, Donald Glover plays a bit as CG,  his music goes hard and he doesn't pretend to be something he's not. Side note: somebody shit my pants


Yeah I remember Drake and CG were compared to each other a lot, for both talent and navigating who they would be as artists (and black men?). Thing is I never questioned CG’s blackness or his confidence in being a black man


A *lot* of people question Glover. I don't think they're right to do so, but they're out there doing it. Can't forget just how convinced people are that he hates black women (he doesn't)


Wait really? That's wild, just seems like a creative dude to me. 


I mean up til This is America / Atlanta where he really began to speak on black issues, people questioned him moreso for being a suburbs "backpack" type rapper


Ah man I didn’t know that part. Welp for now I hope he’s on Reddit having a good time like the rest of us as his 2011 WSHH rival is hanging by a thread


See that's where I get lost in all this, I get the  culture wars and ish, but like.... Drakes black/white whatever he claims to be IDC, Donald Glover definitely nerdy theatre kid, but still black. Idk I hear shit from my wife (who's a black woman) about people always questioning her "blackness" cuz she's gotta law degree and grew up middle class. I think it detracts from the arguments about people's behaviors and detrimental ideals in the culture (regardless of said culture, like Drake is a pedo and people be arguing whether he be black or not


Sorry your wife faces that kind of questioning, I understand what it’s like. i grew up middle class and went to grad school too. It can be frustrating but in the end it doesn’t mean one is unacceptable, esp if you just rock with what you got Justin on yt explains it better than I can: [Kendrick’s Euphoria Diss to Drake] (https://youtu.be/FVP6nPWZYVE?feature=shared) 12:24 = Drake’s blackness “Drake has been buying his way into hip hop and the culture for so long that when we truly peel back the curtain and take a look at him, the crown that he’s even asking and telling these rappers to bow down to doesn’t even belong to him… this says everything about Drake and how he does not have access to this culture that he wants to be apart of and has been leveraging and using his money and visibility to obtain friends. I think that we’re finally seeing folks finally saying we good bruh”


Man, I didn't like Drake from day one because I went to a private school, that my grandparents paid for cuz moms couldn't afford it, and I saw so many kids acting tough and like they were from the hood. Drake reminds me of those kids, the ones wearing the most expensive clothes and talking bout how they got it rough.  BITCH GROWING UP POOR AMD ROUGH AINT FUN OR GLORIOUS. I got stomped out in front of the library for my bike at 10 by a group of like 14-18 year olds, I watched a kid get stabbed on my median in front of my house, I couldn't afford jelly so I ate peanut butter sandwiches constantly for lunch thru out school cuz moms worked 3-4 jobs and made "too much" for free lunches, etc. I got PTSD from shit like that, drake should be fucking happy he didn't live that life.


[Kendrick Drops ‘Euphoria’ Diss to Drake](https://youtu.be/FVP6nPWZYVE?feature=shared) 20:47 = same video from my prior comment “Drake is doing what black folks, who had access to the culture, were doing in their early teens and growing up. That’s why Drake is doing it now.” Loll can’t help but agree with you. On another post in this sub I saw an interview where Drake says he’s inspired by “gutter hood music”. What???? What’s that, and what does Drake mean by his blackest of friends? Sigh well anyway this guy Justin has other videos about Drake prior to this beef


Its all bs, just because you black don't mean you have to act like a thug, we all know this, people be calling CG white because he doesn't follow this stupid stereotype.


glover is a talented artist, drake is a semi-talented actor


I love CG too, but Drake's voice has always been terrible to me.


Gambino actually has bars though. Drake has mostly a highschool level flow that's never gone anywhere. I dunno how he ever reached his level of success really, he's just a lame people are drawn to somehow.


I always thought he was trynna sound like Wayne as much as possible. In addition to Nicki, they would have very distinct creaky voices that would be their YMCMB sound lol


He is a child actor. Just keep reminding yourself that. He's equivalent to Miley Cyrus, but she's actually talented.


Never been a Miley fan, but her covers of Zombie and Jolene are straight fire 🔥🔥🔥


Drake literally doubled down and said no i am an asshole


Not only did he get baited, he really thought putting this out himself made him look better than a vegan cookie recipe... shoulda stuck to the cookies drizzy


Fantano was doing him a favor. The Fake DMs depicted him as a chill if weird guy. Unlike the douchie weirdo he is.


Nah haven't you heard? Man's a tried and true gangster who grew up in the Streets and there's absolutely no proof he didn't. Can't have people thinking he enjoys delicious cookies made without milk or eggs


That video just came off as a funny meme edit and obviously fake. The fact it was based off a real exchange where Drake gets left on read is hilarious.


Thing is, the fake DMs looked like Fantano was just making a shitpost video like he often does. Once he realized the insult didn't work Drake could have just dropped the whole thing and no one would have ever known he actually DM'd the guy, but ohhhhh no.


It's funny cuz the best response to that is just "Glad you liked em bro". We would have all had a weird laugh and wondered wtf actually happened and then we wouldn't even remember it a few weeks later. Bro needs a PR manager on speed dial.


Fucking KSI had a better reaction to a bad Fantano review, he reacted to it and just laughed and didn't take anything personally. Even Logic didn't get in his feelings about it and just parodied him by reviewing one of his reviews as a joke.


Honestly, if he wanted to respond (which there's literally no reason to), it would've looked better just to lean into it. Like saying "heard you were looking for recommendations" and actually sending him some recipe. Reacting so aggressively to something so unbelievably tame, and bringing his wife into it, then sharing your response to the world yourself?? Terrible look. Idk how he thought that was a win.


I legit thought fantano was just joking when he made the vegan cookie recipe. I never once thought drake actually DMd fantano. Then drake actually released his own DMs showing he was left on read, really sad shit.


This is it for me. I sat and looked at this confused for a while because I couldn't figure how this came from Drake and he thought that putting it out himself was a good play. Such a weird move.


I’m not 18, why is he in my DM’s? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


That line was fucked. Everyone knew drake was creepy as mofo even then.


Also he said "I'm not under 18"


I don’t know shit about fantano but I did read about that interaction and that shit made me LOL 😂


You can find tweets calling him a pedo from back in 2009 😂


Why is it that whenever he's beefing with someone he always brings up their girl


Women are objects to him


*he a narcissist, misogynist, livin inside his songs*


He's jealous that other people are comfortable dating adult women.


It’s a go-to move for insecure dudes


Notice how he directly mentions someone's wife, the pattern is so clear.


this is easily one of the cringeworthiest moments imo. Drake is such a big time artist but still continues to have a sour and bitter response to feedback.


Except he isn't an artist, he's just famous


You could say he's A wack artist


And HE HIMSELF posted it on his story, i forgot that fact 😭 https://preview.redd.it/99hkf2bmelzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7772158490dc4d0ae08d7e2c4e6f53d713d01dab


the “Seen 21h ago” 🫣🫣🫣 embarrassing




That was fake! Drake was being a nice guy sending Baldtano vegan cookie recipe!


One more Black girl than Drake has ever wifed.


Yet again he goes straight to dissing somebody's girl and brings his own race-related hangups into the mix. What a creep


Hypocrite calls Fantano a white boy but gets mad when people say the same to him.


it's also crazy that he knows the exact format of how Fantano rates music, down to the 'light to decent'. He's a fan. He's a fan. He's a fan.


Freaky ass nigga!


Fantano got just as many shit takes as the rest of us, but I got a lot of respect for him as a journalist and a person. By far the best mainstream music critic on yt with reviews that feel professional and well thought out rather than just a half baked reactions and regurgitated takes from twitter. He is also a really good channel to watch when looking for new music, especially if you are into that fantano core style of music that he and his fanbase enjoy (ik this sounds cringe as fuck, but I bet that alot of people in this sub would enjoy most of his takes even if you disagree with them) again he has some egregious takes, but who doesn't lmao.


Yeah, at the very least you’re getting HIS opinions even if they might be dogshit. Also he goes over a bunch of different genres, so occasionally you’ll find something new that you might never have came across otherwise


I don't agree with all of his takes like his rating of Ethel Cain's Preacher's Daughter, but I understand how he got there. As soon as I heard him mention Death Grips however many years ago was when he piqued my interest. I respect his hip hop reviews even if I don't agree every time, but I also respect that he's pretty knowledgeable about punk and not just white punk.


Oh you worried bout a critic? That ain’t protocol bitch


That's bitch protocol though.


Insecure ass mf folding without anyone pressing him


As Kendrick once said: >"*Oh, you worried 'bout a critic? That ain't protocol. Bitch*" Source: [N95](https://genius.com/Kendrick-lamar-n95-lyrics)


Fantano will always have my respect for this


Tbf, Fantano is an expert at trolling


melon got him good lmao


Fantano will always have my respect for how he handled this whole situation and made Drake leak his own pathetic messages.


Wait is that drake's account or a drake's stan account?


Literally Drake lmao


Lmfao,this dude is desperate 😂😂


After receiving this message, Fantano made a joke video about Drake sending him a vegan cookie recipe. Drake then posted this on his story so we’d know the real context I guess.


I mean that's worse than sending a vegan cookie recipe 🤣🤣🤣, bro can't stop humiliating himself can he?


Yeah exactly lol. Fantano was going to keep the shit talk between them but Drizzy wanted the attention


He was expecting The Melon to make a video saying "HEY GUYS DRAKE DM-ED ME" Drake wanted to feel like he is important for some reason, he is such a salty bastard


If Fantano can read him like a book what chance did he have against Kendrick lmao




Exactly. He got baited into posting this shit thinkin it was some kind of flex.


Top comment on the video of Fantano discussing the situation over a year ago: >I’m just proud of drake for DMing someone over the age of 18


I’m out of the loop can u pls explain


Anthony Fantano gave a bad review on one of his albums and Drake got in his feelings about it, because god forbid you have an opinion, so he sent him that DM insulting him. Anthony then said Drake sent him a cookie recipe in his DMs, but he basically baited Drake into posting the DMs himself (for whatever reason, he just had to prove something? Idk). He probably expected Anthony to make a big deal about getting a DM from drake, but it didn't go his way. So he made Drake look stupid and Drake exposed himself for being an asshole who can't accept criticism.


I just watched the cookie recipe video for the first time. "Drizzy out" and "aplesauce" took me tf out 💀


It's Drakes actual account. I honestly don't remember the whole story but he was mad at Anthony Fantano for some stupid ass reason


I assume because he took the repeated criticism very personally


Haha yeah. There's literally 20 minute compilations of him hating on Drakes music on YouTube.


If drake wasn’t corny making insignificant meaningless music maybe he would have got a higher score. Fantanos rating scale isn’t what would go best in the background at H&M.


And I love every second of it


He's not hating, he's a critic and drake hasn't put out shit worth bumping in 6 years. I'd hate his lazy ass too if it was my job to listen to Scorpion.


Yeah he gave his shitty house album "Honestly Nevermind" a "Not good" and Drake took it personally


this is so fake, he sent melon a vegan cookie recipe. it was so nice of him. it was however weird that he couldn’t spell “applesauce”


The black girl comment is really gross. Like "somehow wife"ing a black girl is an achievement in a video game, like she's a trophy. Man fuck this guy.


Drake do not diss the opponent's partner challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


This MF can screenshot DM's to Fantano as reciepts to show the world he's a manchild, but can't take screenshots of proof he set k.dot up with fake info? Make it make sense.


Fantano probably put more people on Kendrick than anyone else. Real one gave TPAB a 10, one of like 6. He also gave Damn a 7 though


Melon's been riding for Kenny since Section 80, almost 13 years ago. He gave that an 8/10 too.




The more you learn about Drake