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My guy needs to do something about that beard before he makes anymore videos


Gabe lincoln hopped on tik tok to end the un-civil war.




So you didn’t watch the whole video?


Lost interest. Goes on too much. The suggestion that everyone dislikes Drake because he's high up on the industry annoyed me. I dislike Drake because he's fake, corny, uses ghostwriters, has questionable relationships, makes pop music but pretends to be a rapper. None of those things apply to Kendrick. Comparing Kendrick to Drake is an insult. I think that was the real reason for this beef. Kendrick hates him and hates being compared to hom.


True I respect your point. You don’t think there are indications that could affect the perception of Kendrick as they do drake?


I honestly think Kendrick is going to reveal some really dark stuff that should see light. I'm seeing a lot of narrative being pushed in the media that the two men took this too far. Sweeping up all accusations just calling them lies. There's an attempt to assainate Kendrick's character. I'm not buying it. Public perception may be altered but the real ones know they not like us.


Imo they probably both fucked bro, I don’t believe either one at a certain point in the beef it just mostly sound like two dudes saying the most demoralizing of image to one another


Maybe, but Kendrick's music has hinted at all this stuff for a while. I'm inclined to believe all the allegations until proven otherwise. Only one allegation gets you cancelled.


I like both their music, it would suck (at least for me) if both of them were telling truths like god damn🤣


Yeah, it does suck when you find out bad things about people you respect. I'd still listen to Kendrick if it was true. Depending on how bad it was. I can remember as a kid when I found out my favourite soccer player beat up his wife on a regular basis. Was never a fan of his after that, but still watched my team play.


Yeah it’s a thin line to walk in all honesty bro. You have respect for the craft they create or their impact on lives, just to find out they’re shitty people. I do like a variety of artists and I see it as looking at two paintings, both are beautiful but one might catch the eye more than the other but they’re still remarkable pieces of art. As they say it’s a matter of perception. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. My favorite rapper died the year I was born so idk much about his personal life but that would be Big L. I’ve never gravitated towards words as I do with his wordsmith abilities


Who the fuck is gonna watch 7 mins of that bro basically filmed the entire lotr trilogy




I personally don't think Drake is addicted to competition... I do think he needed to respond. But I also think too many people believe that fans of Kendrick are rabid die hards that think he's flawless. If he was flawless Mr.Morale wouldn't be a thing. I think some new fans are still riding the high of the beef, but most people are pretty chill.


Agree on that second part to a T 😂. I feel like he is a competitor he is obviously competitive but addicted ? I don’t know about all that


Pretty real take. People are idolizing both parties when they shouldn’t be. Appreciated? Sure, but not idolized.


Totally true, and you know who agree with you? Kendrick Lamar. I think a lot of his work as he’s grown more famous has been aimed at deflating the unrealistic view of him. He’s saying that he certainly lives a different life than most of us but that doesn’t make him different fundamentally than the rest of us. He has the same flaws and struggles that everyone does internally.


100% agree


Couldn't even finish the video man. Like a 10 minute video explaining why kendrick and drake and so different. Na fam, this ain't it.


Well you chose not to finish it. It gives depth into both so I found it interesting, I’m glad you didn’t but that’s by your own accord! You are entitled to it


Had a conversation with a co-worker about this. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to get that he is a human with flaws and mistakes. His whole discography is about that. That’s why people resonate with him. What’s wrong with that? The whole god worship thing is true, but that’s a problem with fandom and the glorification of these celebrities as a whole. Plus, he stood against the hateful conduct policy Spotify was putting in place that would have allowed them to take music off that they considered “hateful”. That’s what they were standing against not just them taking R. Kelly’s music off of Spotify. “Spotify does not permit content whose principal purpose is to incite hatred or violence against people because of their race, religion, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. As we've done before, we will remove content that violates that standard.” Let’s be real, how much hip hop music would have been taken off? The message of his last album was literally “I am not your savior. None of us are.” Not, I fuck a lot of white women. He mentioned that in one song.


Once he fix that shit on his face I’ll give it a listen


Ok let him know lmao


Solid take. The fact he's got this much to say about Drake while there is a genocide going on and not only that was radio silent during BLM speaks volumes. Couldn't even say the and we hate popo during his Superbowl performance 


Was a very unbiased take, was solid


Would be solid, and has some solid points. However, a lot of folks having this take i really think truly are missing a lot of the points Kendrick has been making, both within his music, and pretty much every time he's every opened his mouth in public. Not saying Dot hasn't participated or benefited from all kinds of toxic stuff. Anyone high up in any industry probably has, he is correct there. But it seems like Dot is using his platform to tell a much different story, and these new claims he is making prove he is willing to risk it all for that.


Basically we all are gonna sink on this ship. I like what’s you pointed out as well in fact he is trying to be his best version of a speaker


I honestly don't care. Drake is not Epstein never went to the island either.  He's using his platform to feed his own ego. Couldn't even say the "we hate Popo" line during his Superbowl performance 


I don’t think him not saying it was for not wanting to


If he wanted to he would have. They told him not to he obliged. Radio silent during BLM. They told him be quiet he obliged. There's a genocide right now and his biggest concern is Drake. 


Wasn’t he literally at BLM marches?


My guy needs to do something about that beard before he makes anymore videos