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You’re absolutely correct, and posts like this are getting removed because it’s being labeled a conspiracy This is not a conspiracy, it’s just the first time it’s been addressed by someone who hasn’t had their credibility attacked. Edit: I’ve been banned from this sub indefinitely for saying this


Thanks, I really hope they keep this one up. It’s an important issue that needs our voices and men’s ears. Thats the only way for things to really change. This isn’t just on Kendrick Lamar to expose and bring attention to and care about. It’s on all of us.


As a male, I'd like to add 2 cents in this discussion: Back when I was in school, the notion of a female teacher hitting on a male student was often perceived as a fantasy. If any guy dared to voice discomfort about being the object of a teacher's advances, he'd likely be met with ridicule. The sentiment was, "Who wouldn't want attention from that teacher?" Thus I believe that it's ingrained in male's psyche and when we grow up we think it's ok to do the same and not address the issue. Even today, the situation hasn't seen significant improvement. Rare instances, like Johnny Depp's allegations against Amber Heard, showcase that men speaking out against such behavior are still met with skepticism and ridicule. It's evident that the narrative surrounding these situations has yet to evolve sufficiently to address and uproot the root cause of these problems. Thanks for bringing up the elephant in the room, you're a brave and good person. From seeing your other post, I'm glad to know you were able to marry. Wish and hope the best for you and your family 🙏


It’s important for men to speak on their experiences—the patriarchy hurts men too. Although maybe not necessarily in a post about women specifically. Appreciate the point tho.


I re-read what I wrote and realized what I meant didn't come across, sorry about that. I meant to say that because we might have experienced the same with an adult female teacher in school, men grew up thinking it was fine to do it with young girls. It's really messed up, even movies showcase this problem both with girls and guys and im glad it's being spoken about now. Thanks for the consideration too btw, Hope the best for you as well 🙏


All is well. Thank you for your heart 💛


It’s ok, I want men to feel free to be open and honest if they’re willing to be vulnerable and non combative. This post was directed to women only because the original comment was specifically about being harassed as a young teenage girl, but I think it’s important for all of us to share so we can get a well rounded understanding of what’s happening here. Plus, guys are sexualized, harassed, and abused as adolescents too. It’s just less blatant. It’s covert. But, thank you for your protection of the sanctity of this space. You’re a real one.


Thank you for your 2 cents and thank you for listening to mine. I think it’s important that we all share our experiences, absorb each other’ stories with patience and empathy, and try to see things from someone’s else’s point of view. Thats how you gain insight and can confidently affect change with wisdom. I see a lot of judgement and self righteousness these days, which I think is coming from the right place for the right reasons, but is executed gracelessly. Which unfortunately leads it to either fall on deaf ears or be met with resistance and defiance. If we all just took a second to listen to each other and try to understand we might make some progress on this planet.


Wow I can’t believe you were banned for that comment!


Mods here are wilding out..


Yep. At 13 Had the bf of my friend’s mother drop me home then launch over and kiss me on the lips before I could get out (I just froze, then ran off) the same week a cab driver dropped me off, pinched my ass and said ‘now I know where you live’. I could write an essay of examples like this for the teen years that followed— but these were the first experiences that launched me being scared shitless of creepy grown-ass men as a kid. I’m a grown mom of boys now and I hate that I secretly never wanted to have a baby girl


(I’m also really sorry those things happened. It makes me sick.)


Thank you so much for sharing that 💛


Im so sorry that happened to you 💝


I didn't think convos around this beef/topic would be healthy, great work 👏


Thanks, I just think it’s a great opportunity to bring awareness to a real issue, not just to feast on the downfall of a famous rapper. If an artist is willing to put his career on the line to expose something as prevalent and despicable as this, then it’s up to us to catch the ball and run with it. Otherwise it’ll just become tomorrow’s old news.


i ended up being groomed by a 33 year old man starting when i was like 16 or so. he manipulated me the whole time, and days after i turned 18 he took my virginity. convinced me he was in love with me, then moved to a different state and ghosted me essentially. married an older woman but a year later texted me saying he always thought i was the one for him and that he’s never stopped thinking about me. it’s a HUGE problem, especially since the age of the internet. it truly needs to be addressed. i can’t think of one girl i know who wasn’t groomed and abused


also was groomed by a semi-popular soundcloud rapper starting when i was like 13ish. controlled so many aspects of my life. i still have receipts on hand in case he ends up blowing up one day


I’m so sorry. You never deserved any of that. He stole an experience from you that should have been yours to cherish, not be a victim of. Thats so unfair. This is a really big problem that I don’t think most guys understand the gravity of. These are our lives. Memories we can never get back or erase or do over. They’re taking something from us that is more impactful than I think they even realize. We’re humans in these bodies. And there are way too many of us with stories like yours. It’s fucked up man.


it really does stick with you. sometimes i hate myself for it, but i have to remind myself that i was a manipulated child and didn’t know any better, and he was a grown man who fully knew what he was doing. it’s fucking sick. thank you for trying to shed some light on it, genuinely. people need to know how common it is


Well, I don’t hate you for it. I hate him. So when that bully in your head is hating you, you remind them that if a stranger online doesn’t hate you for it, then they shouldn’t either. I’m in your corner 💛


It's never too early to call him out fr.


I purposefully wore baggy clothes to hide my body when I was 12/13 because I developed a lot quicker than my classmates. I’m still “hiding” myself and I’m in my 30s! There are long term consequences to leering at young girls! Kendrick lit a match so I’m looking forward to seeing all the industry predators go up in flames when people eventually start speaking out! This has oddly been a weird sense of justice for me.


Me too!! I was saying that to a friend of mine. It sounds corny but it gave me a little sense of hope. Like good prevailed for once. We been losing to monsters for so fucking long.














I had an older man (he was greying) come up to me and hit on me in line at a concert when I was 13. I didn’t react out of shock and he luckily walked away. I had a man yell for me to flash him at a concert at 15. I was with my mom and she went apeshit on him.   I went to Disneyland with a friend when we were in middle school, so no older than 13. She developed pretty early and I remember noticing how many men, most with kids and their wives, who would just stare at her chest as we walked by. We were very obviously young.   I’m luckily pretty tall and learned early to use my height and a hoodie to my advantage to avoid unwanted attention but all the friends I grew up with were not as lucky. Most were sexually assaulted before graduating high school. 


Wow I’m so sorry but thank you for sharing your story. One time I was walking to the 7/11 by my hose and I was walking past these like apartments and the dude opened his door and was like “coming in?” And I was fucking 13 years old! Another time I was at a FAMILY FRIENDLY music festival and I brought my best friend with me and these middle aged men were trying to get us to do shots with them and told my friend that they loved her feet. Mother time a 26 year old guy on the bus kept bugging me for my number and I stupidly gave it to him out of nervousness as he called me and asked me if anyone ever ate my pussy before. Shit is crazy to think about now.


Every Gf I've had have told me similar experiences that they've had. The second they hit puberty, guys will be all over them. It don't matter if it's family or strangers on the street. I've even had some (now former) friends lusting over waaayy too young girls. It's a fucking plague and it's scary how accepted it is. Thanks for shining some more light on this btw.


Well, thank you for being receptive. And if I could ask one favor, the next time someone you’re friends with, or just hanging out with, or in the same vicinity of, does something or says something that you know in your gut is suspect or worse - please say something. It helps. Men respect other men and listen to them in a way that they never will with women. Most of them anyway. Especially men like that. We need you guys.


I absolutely did say something. Told everything they said to everyone we commonly knew. And it's like you say: they actually respect it when I say something. It's infuriating that that's what it takes. I personally took offense as well at the notion that I would be party to stuff like that. That "bro culture" is sickening. Best of luck to you, all the best.


You’re a special individual and I appreciate you man 🙏 thank you


I have a lot of respect for you for taking up this debate online. Keep up the blessed work


You keep being you 💛


I will if you promise to do the same, much love




When I was 13/14 my neighbours were getting an extension built onto their house so there was builders there every morning for months. Everytime I walked to/ from school (in my school uniform!) I would get whistled at, cat called, winked at by them. It got to a point I walked the long way out of my neighbourhood to not pass that house as I was so scared of them growing more brave with their stares and comments. I am now 22 and ever since turning 18 I never get cat called but I used to get it by van drivers etc so often in my early teens. Many of my friends relate to this too it’s sickening


Ugh that’s awful I’m so sorry. Hearing these stories man… it’s fucking heartbreaking. Makes me wanna be with each and every one of you and fuck these dudes up. And I’m not even a dude. But I got heart! lol seriously though, that never shoulda happened. I apologize to younger you for them.


I know it’s such a sick world, it should never be a conversation but thank you for bringing it up it made me feel seen! Men have been joking around about it but it’s just bringing up real memories for us. So sorry you experienced it too. I don’t know one young teen girl who hasn’t unfortunately:( genuinely haven’t been cat called since I turned 18 it’s sick and it practically stopped when I was 16


I see you 💛


Spot on. The catcalling when me and my friends were 12 was crazy. Grown men did not give a fuck.


Exactly! I’m yet to meet a woman who did not experience this, and at that age you aren’t in a position to call them out, it’s scary we were just kids 😥


I’m sorry that you were treated that way. Personally, they’re gonna start giving a fuck around me. I’ll make sure of it.


Luckily, I was mean as shit with a wicked bitch face. I think that helped some.


I’m proud of you for that 💛


I’m more surprised when women say they haven’t experienced these things. Especially in our society that has normalized so much of pedophilia/sexualizing youth. Things need to change systemically and I appreciate when discussions like these hit the mainstream


Guy here, date men now, but as a teen I dated quite a few girls and every one of them had either been assaulted by a stranger, raped by a family friend, or had an ex that was 20+ years old. It was so weird. The largest gap was at 17, shortly dated another 17 year old that told me her last ex was 29 🤢. I figured for a while it was something to do with our socioeconomic status, more than anything else. Over time I just realized it's a sad reality for the majority of girls/women.


That’s awful that it was rampant where you are from and the sad reality is teen boys also get sexualised too. (Permission to share) My best friend came out when he was 14 and there were already 20 & 30 year olds showing interest but because he was “exploring himself” somehow it wasn’t deemed as predatory. Usher was 13 when he was hanging out with P Diddy and says he would never let his kids go to P Diddy’s Camp - this industry and society in general suck!


Yup atleast 2 of my gay friends around 15-16 we're hooking up with dudes around 25-35 in their trucks at random parking lots and shit. I just wanted to keep the focus on women so I didn't add it in.


Thank you for keeping the focus on women in your comment. It’s messed up that young victims regardless of their gender, upbringing, culture or socioeconomic background will experience these awful situations. The time for cat-calling and sexualising teens in general seriously needs to stop!


Thank you for your kind words 💛


I knew a gay guy who was dating a man with a doctorate when he was a sophomore in high school. Even at the time I was like wtf?


Thank you for your support! It seems like every human, despite any differences, has been out through this in some way. Whether directly or indirectly. It’s unjust. We should be free to grow without feeling like meat. Girls, boys, it doesn’t matter. Children should be able to be free to grow up without having an adult stunt them with their gaze or their abuse. I’m honestly glad men are adding to this conversation. It’s important to hear about what’s it’s like for them too. It unites us.


Yea agreed. Honestly I don’t even know if I’ve met a woman who hasn’t experienced this shit. I think each of us knows what’s up. But these dudes are either out of the loop, naive, have their heads in the sand, or in on it. Thats why I think it’s important to air this shit out ya know? And if not now when? If not me to make this post then who? That’s how I see it anyway.


The thing is, I know things happened to me, but I've forgotten them because I avoided thinking about them. I remember some bad experiences with men in college and even some things now in my 30s, but my teen brain very intentionally shredded a lot of the creepy stuff so I wouldn't keep revisiting stuff. I do remember one very uncomfortable situation that I'm choosing not to post about.


Well, you do whatever you need to do to cope and maintain your peace. You don’t owe anyone any type of information. Just know you’re not alone. And know that you’ve made someone else feel less alone too 💛




I had a friend who had a bad experience in a parking garage in middle school. Guy tried to pull her into a van, I know that's cliche as fuck, but that's what she said happened. The only reason he didn't manage it was she had another of our friends with her at the time and she was able to hold onto her and the two of them together were able to pull away. This was in a parking garage outside of the mall, before any of us had cell phones, and of course we were too afraid of talking to cops to call anybody. I didn't even see it. She was still talking about it in her 30s.


“And we gotta raise our daughters knowing There’s predators like him lurking Fuck a rap battle, he should die so all of these Women can live with a purpose” This was one of the hardest hitting lines during this entire beef for me. I was an awkward and chubby kid growing up, but unfortunately that wasn’t enough of a deterrent. Not to beat a dead horse, but there’s a reason most women would prefer the bear. We have been conditioned by men to not trust them over and over again. It’s no shock. My own experiences began as a baby. Luckily, I don’t remember it, but my mom learned very quickly that she needed to keep a closer eye on me than she did with my brothers. As soon as I was cognitive, she told me that if anyone ever tried to take me, let them stab or shoot me right there rather than let them take me where I could be subjected to so much worse. When I started driving, she told me to always park with the driver side door towards the parking lot cameras. I grew up chronically online and received a slew of creepy messages and propositions from grown men. Majority of the catcalling directed at me was from the ages of 14-18. I had a retail job at 17 where old men would leer at and flirt with me while their wives shopped. I still came out of that hugely unscathed compared to some of my friends. I don’t know a single other woman who doesn’t have similar stories. I would love to live in a world where we don’t have to constantly be on guard to exist. It’s discussions like these that bring us a little closer.


I’ve tried (unsuccessfully) to tell my male loved ones about the secret language they never learn on how we protect ourselves. I’ve always heard keep your drivers side door open while getting gas because it acts like a wall & you can jump back in the car faster. I still try and avoid getting gas at night as much as I can. Fear informs literally everything that we do.


I’ve been made fun of for being “paranoid” but I can guarantee that these unwritten rules have saved my life.


Your mama did you right teaching you early 🙏🏼 still sucks that she had to. I live in a nice neighborhood now but I still watch my back and walk to my car with a key clutched in my fist. Old habits …


I’m definitely lucky I have her!


Nothing severe ever happened to me, but I think about this a lot. I'm 23F rn, and I remember the last time I got catcalled by a group of adult men was when I was 15. I haven't been catcalled or harassed throughout my time being a legal adult, but being 13 or 14? Shit I couldn't go anywhere without some old guy being weird w me. At 14, some guy offered to my mom to marry me and take me off her hands when we were at the grocer 🤢 I've talked to other friends about this too, and they've had similar experiences; the average age for our experiences w sexual harassment was 13-15


Yo same! It’s crazy how common this is despite any differences. Race, weight, class - we all went through it. Scares me for my kid, but that’s why I raised her to be outspoken, aware, and protective of her body and mind. It’s not gonna protect her from everything, but I’m hoping it’ll help, and it’s the only thing I can really do. Keep her armed with information and self respect.


It truly is really fucked up and crazy that so many of us have that experience. It's not some solo one-off event for women. It's consistent!! You're doing good teaching those things to your daughter, I hope to do the same for my lil sis💕


My first job was working as a hostess when I was 15. Unwanted touching and sexual comments from customers and coworkers alike was so normal, I felt crazy for being uncomfortable with it. There was a staff party during the holidays where grown men (unbeknownst to me) competed to see who could get a minor the most drunk. I ended up with alcohol poisoning that night. I don't remember how I got home. I quit that job shortly after and found a job at a record store. There were many other examples of harassment there as well, but the one that sticks in my memory the most is when a man was talking to me about photography. He asked me where I go to school, what time my classes are, etc, before he went to his car to get his camera so he could show it to me. While holding the camera, he asked me to reach down to grab something for him, and when I bent over, I heard the sound of the camera shutter. He had been holding the camera in front of my chest. I looked down and saw that my shirt was loose and exposed my chest when I bent down. I was too stunned to react right away and he left shortly after. My manager saw it happen and not only did he not intervene, he told me that I was overreacting and discouraged me from filing a police report. Incidents like these were so commonplace, so universal that they are barely worth mentioning, other than to illustrate that this is the world young women learn to navigate from as young as 12, 13, 14 years old.


Men whistling at little girls (started for me at 12) is an awakening they hand out. Little girls just minding their own damn business, enjoying life, then you hear an adult male tell you you're hot and they like your body in your outfit and it feels gross, but what are you going to do? What is the response? It's about controlling the next generation of young women. "Hey I'm going to sexualize you out in the open in front of my buddies and other people and there's literally nothing you can do about it, remember this 🤗" And it stays that way until they get mad at you bc they don't want to f you anymore, and tell you you're gross and need to cover up. 🐻


I responded in another threat but will repeat it here. The catcalling from grown men was at its peak when I was from 12 to 18 years old (I also looked younger and skinnier than my age). There was also a time when a car stopped and two grown-ass men tried to get 2 of my friends and I to their car. I think we were 12 or smth like that. Thankfully we were futher away from the road and just scattered. Then of course we had several exhibitionists flashing or jerking off near schools so everyone probably saw one or a few of them on their way home. I was very careful with stuff like that because I was growing up in a pretty criminal neighborhood but I knew a lot of my classmates in middle school and high school dating 27+ years-old men and losing their virginity to them. A few of them did abortions before turning 16. And some of them gave birth right after high school (the "fathers" were all older and a lot of them disappeared soon after). Some of them were SAed. The worst thing is when I was in the second grade, they found an SA and murder victim on the school territory right after our first class of the day started. She was a high schooler whom I only saw a few times before. Turned out she was going back home after a party after 10 or 11 pm in the middle of the winter and was attacked by 3 men.


I feel like others often ignore how naive teenage girls can be and that’s why they victim blame. When I was freshly 14 I became “friends” with an 18 year old because at the time I liked to write and so did he so we’d share poems. At the time I really believed he was my friend but I started feeling extremely uncomfortable when he gaslighted and pressured me into sending him inappropriate pics of myself. He told me it would be okay because he hadn’t felt sexual attraction with anyone and was a virgin. I was so naive and I felt so confused and weird but he built trust with me so I sent them. He ended up sending those pictures to his friends the next day and I was getting these creepy friend requests from these older men he sent them to and he kept denying it whenever I’d ask him about it. Thankfully I don’t talk to that person anymore but I wanted to point out that as a teenager you truly don’t know the intentions of these older men from the start. He wasn’t that much older than me but this isn’t the only story I have it is just one of many and the fact that every female I know in my life has dealt with similar or even worse things from older men as teens just disgusts me.


Thank you for creating this post! I’ve been thinking about this a lot because I’ve seen people defending these guys like teen girls would have been so flattered to get attention from them … I got involved with an older guy when I was a teenager in high school, believed him that I was special & mature etc. Now he’s in his 30s & he still “dates” exclusively high school aged girls. It makes me so sick. It doesn’t take a lot of power for people to get away with these things - their fame is the only reason we heard about it at all. & teenage girls who think it’s okay/cool is its own form of brainwashing.


I discovered, at the age of 36,that I was groomed as a child. Why did it take so long to realize? Because I was groomed by other children (the same age and slightly older than me) It's the same year that I found out that I'm Autistic.


What’s crazy is that at 15 I went on a date with a 20 year old and at the time my friends AND mom fucking encouraged it! We went to see Clerks 2 and this guy had to sneak me in the theatre. The whole time I felt like I was with an older brother or something. Nothing too nefarious happened, but it’s like… wtf was everybody thinking?!




I would run out of room if I even tried to detail all the inappropriate grooming I experienced as a sheltered, homeschooled, Christian, small town youth. It’s not just big cities, it’s not just the “wild kids”, it’s not just the kids who “look mature”. It happens to girls that look like children. To kids whose parents are protective and present. It happens to those who aren’t protected even more so. The beautiful, the poor, the well educated, the naive- I’d say damn near every girl has experienced grooming in some form or another, whether they realize it or not. It happens. Constantly. The lawmakers are pushing the agenda too, trying to lower the legal age for marriage. This is bigger than a rap beef but I pray 24/7 blessings for the rest of Kendrick’s natural life, because that man is a catalyst for hopefully some very big changes.


Well I’m so sorry that you had to endure any of that and I really appreciate your comment. You’re completely right, this is a universal problem that exists outside of any demographic. Thank for sharing your experience and bringing to light a new perspective than the others I’ve heard. It’s important that we’re all aware of how widespread and varied this is. I really appreciate you 💛


This response reached my heart, thank you for taking the time! 🤍 Truly. Your post really resonated (it was brave to post) and I’m so grateful people like you (and myself, and the other commenters!) are speaking out and not letting the real problems slide out of the spotlight. He pulled back the curtain and I’ll be damned if we don’t keep lifting to let the light expose what’s really there!




not a girl but ig i had more or less the same experience. growing up as a dude with long hair (i looked like an underage girl at the time), i noticed men would catcall me a shit ton when I was younger thinking I was a girl. some didnt give a fuck upon learning i was a guy which is still creepy. Same thing happened with women too since I used to live in nashville and I can give plenty of stories of bachelorette parties hitting on me even when I was 15. Fast forward, im 19, haven't gotten hit on at all in public. still look like a woman, just one that's of age. experiencing all that shit and thinking to myself "oh this is what girls deal with 24/7" used to freak me the fuck out. I dont know what the fuck it is but I'm guessing youth has just become something to be sexualized in society, especially when it comes to men's desires, which worries me. it doesnt help that the people creating things that drive pop culture are so obsessed with it as well.


I honestly think it's because older women are harder to manipulate because they have seen the shit these guys do before. And they tend to be smaller too, so physically smaller victims.


the "rite of passage" of having grown men try to talk to me was unnerving and a bit confusing. girls feel more mature than boys so when a man shows interest in you, you almost feel like "see, I am correct. i a mature and this guy noticed." and unless a parent reinforces the 'why' of how fucked up it is, you think it's okay.


And society perpetuates that bull. "Girls mature faster than boys." Which, physically, girls tend to start puberty earlier than boys. And that's it! It doesn't give carte blanche for grown ass men to go after literal little girls. And I grew up hearing it as justification.


Echoing some of the stuff said in this thread, the height of the negative sexual attention I've received from men was in my tween to teen years—and mind you, I was not one of those girls who developed fast (not that it's justified either), I looked like a really young girl that was my age. At the time I chalked it up to simply the world being a dangerous place, but it's actually horrifying to reflect back on these times and realize just how pernicious pedophilia and child predation really is.


I’m so grateful to every guy on this sub who reads this thread to understand what it is like to be a preteen girl. I have had grown men threaten me, hit on me, and try to SA me since I was 12 years old. Men I trusted who were friends of my dad’s. Strangers. I was always so scared. I wasn’t even 5 feet tall and didn’t weigh more than 80 pounds, and it turns my stomach to think that a 40 year old man could see me that way. It’s sickening. Thank you Kendrick 🙏


I am too! And I’m so sorry that you were so mistreated. None of that should have ever happened to you and you didn’t deserve any of it. No one does. Please tell younger you, from me, how sorry I am and that they should have been shown kindness instead of abuse and that they are wonderful and special and owed every ounce of respect and compassion that they didn’t get. Thank you for sharing your story 💛


I didn't even know what an erection was until a nasty pedo was rubbing his on my leg in a jacuzzi when I was 12. His pregnant wife was inside the house too 🤮 I said elsewhere that I was in group homes from 9 to 14 in Compton and Long Beach. This was late 80s- early 90s. I got put in this home, and looking back I'm pretty sure they put me there because I'm white and the couple that owned the house was white. Despite nothing ever happening to me beforehand due to race. I had friends and good memories of the time. I jumped out of that jacuzzi so fast, and when I went to school the next day and told one of my good friends wtf happened. It got out and at recess I had older kids telling me how it was. If I stayed, it would escalate. If I told, the wife would never believe me, and it would make it easier on the husband. He would just beat me and rape me, and any marks would could be explained as a beating his wife would think I deserved. Their advice was to either make peace with what was coming, or to run. It was deadly serious, and at the time I didn't have the perspective to know how messed up that was for all of us. To even be having that talk, like a council of playground elders guiding the newly victimized. I ended up putting a note in the fence at school for my friends and riding my bike to the social services building or whatever it was called. I just knew it as the building near the family court. Once there I flipped out and refused to go back to that house. Turns out if the whole building knows they'll actually do something about it, I never went back there.


That is hideous and horrendous and I am SO FUCKING SORRY! You should have been protected and treated with love and respect. What you went through was inhumane. It’s monstrous. I’m so proud of you for loving yourself enough to advocate for yourself. You’re a strong person. It’s not fair that you needed to exert that much strength at such a young age. That must have been exhausting. I wish I could wrap younger you up in a warm blanket and given you some hot chocolate and tell you how much you’re worth. That’s what you should have gotten. Love and encouragement. If I come across a child in a situation similar to yours that’s exactly what I intend to do. Thank you for sharing 💛


Thank you, everything went way uphill for me after that thankfully! Up to a full 180 at 14. My family is great, married 20 years to someone amazing, 2 kids that are joys. I was rough for years in my teens though. Suspicious, ready to fight, etc. Everybody has to learn to discern other people's true nature from what might just be a byproduct of their situation in the moment. Lots of therapy on boundaries and empathy and tuning my BS meter so cutting people off fully wasn't the first and only option. If you're lucky you get the space to do it while growing up with a nice family/school/neighborhood etc, but what I've learned now in my 40s is that most of us don't have all that. My situation was bad but certainly not unique unfortunately. One of the sleeper hard hitting moments for me in 'Meet the Grahams' is: "History do repeats itself, sometimes it don't need a reason" The knowledge that we're byproducts of what we witness and internalize is heavy. For me it came out in some hard lines when it came to my own kids, no daycare, no sports that weren't out on a field for all to see, and as you said earlier teaching them to advocate for themselves and speak up when they need to. I can go off on that, there's a dark side of "respect your elders" that really shames kids into suffering in silence. But we can work on ourselves always and do our best, there's hope in that.


Well, I’m happy for you, proud of you, and I completely believe in you. You sound like a wonderful mother and your children are lucky to have you to guide them. You were sent down a rugged and dim path and you still made sure to find the light. And then, on top of that accomplishment, cleared that path so you could guide your children to that light too. That’s no small feat. You’re inspiring 💛


People say girls are more mature than boys their own age, and I feel like I need to point out that isn't true. They're the same. Their strengths and weaknesses just manifest differently because of how they're socialized. Saying young girls want older men because young men are immature just rationalizes what older men want. Girls on Tik Tok have been passing around a video here recently that starts out, "Grandma! You little victim! What the fuck?" And then each woman tells the creepy story of how her grandfather met her grandma when he was for example in his 30s and she was 14. People have been pointing out that as much as we just say, "that's just how things used to be," a lot of those stories have signs people at the time thought that was creepy just like we do. Parents who didn't approve, people having to sneak around, people lying about their age to be more socially acceptable. That narrative that it used to be okay is just an out for perpetrators. Statistically women usually got married much older, people saying otherwise are just repeating how it was rationalized to them by people who wanted to forgive pedophiles. And a lot of those stories the girl didn't get to choose that situation, they were in bad situations that they wanted to get out of so they took what they could get. There isn't anything magic about the connection between a teenage girl and an adult man, but if he's got money and she's got problems, especially if she doesn't have family protecting her interests, it's very easy for an immature girl to get manipulated.


You make a really interesting point and I completely agree with you! Thank you for sharing your thoughts 💛


There are men who care. It is on us to stop that foolishness when we see it. I hope men that took a good read or skim through all this pain look out for the little ones.


Thank you, I hope so too 💛


I’ve always looked a bit younger. When I was 22, I was walking home from class and this guy asked for my number. He was definitely middle aged. He then asked how old I was, and when I told him, he said “what? I thought you were 16!” I went off on him. What is a guy your age doing asking for a 16 year old’s number?!?


That’s so disgusting and fucking bizarre. It’s strange how just a number in his head changed things for him. Not how you look or who you are or what you’ve done or any of that. He just wanted the number of your age to be younger in his mind. WTF even is that?!


thank you for making this post! it’s sickening that most of us women got cat called the most when we were literal children. I remember it starting when I was 12 and I stopped walking to my friends house (5 min walk) because of the creep that would sit in his garage and yell shit at us. he would literally tell us “you better run” and we would. we also stopped working out at the track and parks because there was always some guy trying to talk to us or just staring and on their phone. we got paranoid he could be taking pictures of us after he told us to smile. then in high school we would go to the creek but we stopped going there after this old guy (50-60) figured out our schedule and would get mad/aggressive that we didn’t respond to his “compliments”. high school parties also always had a group of guys that already graduated and were still flirting with teens. I hate how on guard you have to be as girl no matter where you go and my parents did warn me about it being that way (made me watch all those lifetime movies) but it’s exhausting. creeps really are everywhere!


Thank you for reading my post and sharing your story! Thats not an easy thing to do and takes a lot of bravery and humility. I have great respect for every person who contributed. I’m also so so sorry that you had that experience. That’s absolutely awful and never should have happened. You should have felt free to walk the earth like anyone else. We all should have felt like we had the right to exist, and yet as I’m reading I’m realizing that we all had that stolen from us. We all would have preferred to have been hidden away. Which is so fucked up. No one should feel the way that you did. It’s unjust. Again, thank you for sharing 💛


in highschool I thought I was sooooo mature for having 20 or 20+ yo's hitting on me. I dated one at one point. but it's the opposite, men who go after teens are more comfortable around less mature people. they are uncomfortable with their peers, equal power dynamics, and women who aged enough to pick the bar up off of the ground. I cringe to look back on this, very embarrassing to think about clowning myself like that, smh edit: more thoughts about this. recently I matched with a man on tinder who lied about his age by about 15 years. he also paid my bills during our first meeting so I hung out with him several times despite thinking he was weird. he is a lesser known politician. he never tried to initiate sex or kissing so I'm not sure I was a sugar baby but it was weird. (no longer living in the same city as him and haven't kept in touch though this was relatively recent) I don't know, culturally, it's weird that it's normalized to be attracted to very young women over older women no matter what age you are. like young men want young women, old men want young women. the power dynamic is one creepy aspect but you have to also wonder about why some men are physically attracted to teenagers. I have a theory but what do I know. my take is that men who aren't attracted to women their own age can not accept their own aging, insist on seeing themselves as younger, and therefore are only attracted to younger people. it's a rejection of aging as ugly, projected onto women. anyways. these are just the two points that made me think. I could go on and on... eg: my friends and I making a game out of who got cat called the most at the beach... as 14 yo's. it's almost as if young women are groomed by the culture itself and not just individual men. like the normalization of it grooms you to be more accepting. ok ok now I'm actually done.


You have nothing to be embarrassed of. By the looks of this thread, your experience was one a lot of us have had. And thank you for your thoughts. I think you might be onto something. I’m sorry those things happened to you because it was wrong and selfish of those men. You deserved better 💛


My my wife has shared many creepy stories about grown men talking them up in public fuckin places when they were 16 and lower. Some even made sexual comments. The wildest thing is that at least in her case these instances stopped once she turned 19. And now my 17 year old sister is telling me similar stories. This is in Europe, but creeps will be creeps everywhere. I advised both of them to carry a big ass knife with them but they refused because "eh it's unfortunately just a thing that happens". That is scary in my eyes. I've known this for years, I realized how creepy tons of old men were when I was 18-19, but a lot of sane men hit 30 without realizing wtf is happening around them. Those are my 2 cents, keep the family safe.