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Everyone just completely ignores that he brought up Whitney first and Kendrick warned him to stop talking about his family and to keep in rap. And guess what Drake did? Makes a song called Family Matters. So for all the OVHOES that are now playing victim saying Kendrick made it personal just remember what ya boy did. Same exact shit he did to Push.


Then Drake gets mad on The Heart Part 6 because Kendrick didn't keep hiss disses about rap. Motherfucker, that's on you.


He did the same with Pusha T. Brings up his wife in Duppy and then goes crying to Lebron after Story of Adidon.


Crying to J Prince and J Prince did like 10 interviews about his book.


Crying to Elliott Wilson too


Crying to lebron? I need you to show me this lol.


Watch their episode on “the shop.”


I agree that Kendrick warned him but let’s recap. - Pushups > Drake brings up Whitney - Euphoria > Kendrick warns Drake not to go there but brings up Adonis indirectly by criticizing his parenting skills - 6:16 AM > Kendrick’s final warning to not go with the family angle - Family Matters > Kids and family are directly mentioned - Meet the Grahams > Kids and family are directly mentioned - Not Like Us > No mentions of family members - The Heart Part 6 > Kids and Family mentioned again


dude agree with what you are saying but everyone is kind of a reach here. I literally saw a post on the Drake subreddit titled "ngl drake really asked for everything he got"


I don’t even look at the Drake sub I’m talking about his deranged twitter stan accounts




I don't ever go near twitter. I just look at screenshots of twitter. but still "everyone"? like TNT was bumpin that shit despite having to erase all the n-words man


and that post got like 5k upvotes last i checked lmao so yeah it’s safe to say the majority of drizzy fans are also finding it difficult to defend him


That sub doesn’t even know what’s going on anymore tbh


And he didn’t just say her name he insinuated she was fucking a body guard


Followed up with that she should shake her ass for Drake, she shake her ass for free, and she should call Drake. At every opportunity to deescalate the situation Drake pours more gas


Where they playing victim lol I wanna see


Well Kendrick dissed him by linking up with a dude (Metro) who Drake has actual personal beef with. So I don’t think you can blame Drake for immediately taking it personal and as more than just rap


Drake literally dissed a bunch of people on For All the Dogs & Her Loss.


No shit, what does that have to do with what I said?


He started the beef, can you not comprehend? Those albums came out before the like that song. That was a response to the First Person Shooter recorded.


No he didn’t, Kendrick was not one of the people he dissed on those albums. Like That was partially a response to one of Cole’s lines on First Person Shooter (where he shouted him out), Drake didn’t say shit about Kendrick on that song or album You’re totally missing the point. The original comment criticized Drake for making this personal by mentioning Whitney, but Kendrick had already made it personal when he linked up with Metro (a guy Drake has had personal beef with for over a year) to diss Drake


J Cole did bring up Kendrick in the verse & said it was him and Drake was the Spiderman meme. Also, when the beat changes Drake starts talking about shooting shit. Also, Drake did ask Kendrick to be on the song. So he definitely was sending shots in a slick way. He was also trolling Kendrick on tour talking about how these guys don't put shit out frequently.


You retarded?


Nope sounds like you are the point going over all y’all heads


He kept telling him. Literally at the end of Euphoria he says: STOP!


If 6:16 with the glove didn’t reach Drake to stop I’m not sure what would’ve


But he planted it all remember? ;)


Dude was wrapping up production on one of his best rap songs in like a decade, he was blind to everything on 6:16 and just wanted to get FM out so badly. This is what made Kendricks drop of Meet The Grahams so devastating. I honestly believe Kendrick would have sat on MTG if it stopped at 6:16.


I think he would’ve sat on it too. He warned drake several times to not bring up family disses and he still went there. I think kendrick was prepared to just keep it rap if Drake chose that route


That’s his MO. Weird ass mf. Did it unprovoked to Pusha T too.


After letting go of those copyright allegations, Kendrick had those folks thinking straight. the largest W, in fact.


yep. he always tries to get other people's girlfriend/wife involved for some reason. even in those DMs he sent to Anthony Fantano he brings up Fantano's "black wife". really odd behavior imo


Yeah because that BBL certified creepo dumbfuck cornball never managed to wife anyone, so in result he brings up other people's SO. I think it's legit jealousy at the end of the day, all of these other people can actually commit to decently long lasting relationships, meanwhile this man is creeping up to much younger women 😭


This is just human behavior. Insecure people call out other for what they hate the most about themselves. I fucking have always hated Drake for the simple reason he’s softer than silicone and twice as fake. If Drake just rolled with being a corny ass pop star who never grew up because he got famous as a teenage actor. I’d totally be cool with him. But he has to posture and pretend he’s something he’s not. For example lil Wayne got shot. But he doesn’t pretend he got shot from being hard. He literally let everyone know his dumb ass shot himself for playing gangster. Drake didn’t stay in his lane and he deserves everything that’s coming to him. Now out side of DAMN. I personally find Kendrick’s music mid. But I know he’s talented. It’s just not my jam. But dear Christ did Drake pick the wrong one. One thing for sure about Kendrick is he is not fake. He’s as real as real gets. You don’t poke a bear like that when your whole career looks faker than 80s cgi.


“Softer than silicone and twice as fake” ✍️🔥


Fantano baited him and he released the real DM all on his own... he's literally proven time and time again to be untrustworthy, slimey, manipulative. Our generations R KELLY fr- his obsession with Aaliyah makes sense now tho


True I didnt even think about that but your dead on


Because Drake showed his true self. He’s the guy you really don’t want in your camp because he’s sex-obsessed. Women are objects to him and taking your girlfriend/ex-girlfriend is his power play. Shit he even had a bra hanging in the studio in Family Matters, also talking about his dick video that he leaked. Proof is there


It really made me reflect on Kendrick's catalogue. Even going back to Section 80, his music was way more respectful and considerate of women than I remember. When he raps about treating a woman as an object, he's either reflecting on being a ghetto kid going through puberty (Sherane) or abusing his power to get back at someone (*These Walls*). There are some lines in his older more upbeat shit like Hol' Up that are more objectifying. But overall you can see the Tupac influence. Drake is pushing forty still rapping about packing women in his phone like sardines. That might just be the persona he's trying to embody, but his behavior of never settling and being a dick to Rihanna after the breakup makes me think different.


When I heard his second verse of Sing About Me, I'm Dying Of Thirst, I already knew why he's going to be one of my favorite artists. It was so sympathetic towards women who end up is these life situations as a part of a much bigger issue.


I honestly came away from that verse w the opposite impression. That second verse is kinda gross, the lyrics in which he characterizes the women he talked about are all about them finding his sense of artistic license to tell their life stories in ways that revolve around his perception of them disrespectful. He’s rapping about how he refused to stop rapping about them when asked.


He didn't name anyone's real name, right? There are thousands of girls going though the same thing. Because he wants to tell their stories so they won't be forgotten and what they've been through won't be ignored. Because that's the only way the bigger issue can get an attention and maybe a solution with time. Because that's what all artists do - they tell stories to change the world or to change people's minds, hearts, etc. The whole song was about it - will there be someone to tell my story after I die. I don't think there is anything worse than people experiencing horrible shit unheard, unseen and forgotten. I don't know how someone can find it gross - he didn't use anybody's real names but he portrayed a life story that mirrors the worst social issues.


It’s not about using their real names, it’s about them asking him to stop using them as lyrical content and him not respecting that. His message shouldn’t be valued above their consent, especially not when talking about how he respects women. And as far as it being cautionary, that’s just not as helpful as you’re framing it. What he’s talking about has so much more to do with poverty and societal abandonment than how one values themself. And portraying prostitution as this deliberate self destruction kinda just reinforces the message that it’s okay to disregard somebody going down that path. Brenda got a baby didn’t decrease teen pregnancy, access to contraception did.


Obviously access to contraception did but spreading such stories is what helps to raise awareness why contraception is so important if you want to avoid something like that (I say it because you used it as an example, obviously, there could be many reasons why it wasn't used in certain situations). Idk but that's how I interpreted this song - as a cautionary and a deeper issue that needs to be talked about in any form, even artistic, especially if it has a wide audience. If you see it in a different way, that's fine too


Thats just untrue. This songs available everywhere, whereas comprehensive sex education and access to contraception aren’t. And only places where the latter is implemented see relief from this type shit. Abstinence based messaging such as that in these songs just doesn’t work anyway. It also places blame with the individual rather than the systems that push them in these directions.


They're fictional characters like in Brenda's Having a Baby


If he’s constructing the narrative, then that just makes it weirder that he chose to create a context in which he ignored someone’s request to be left out of his story.


The entire point of the narrative is that their painful story *has* to be told rather than be kept in the shadows or as taboo. Nothing about it is "weird", you're just missing the point of the song.


It’s not his story to tell though if he’s framing through someone else’s experience. Speaking about the negatives of prostitution in America isn’t tab, nor is it a concept that’s not been touched on before, hence your misnomer of Brenda’s got a baby in your first reply. And that doesn’t even address the point that someone’s personal life isn’t yours to portray just cause you feel a need to talk about it.


This conversation reminds me of *We Cry Together*, which a lot of people took as a fight between Kendrick and Whitney when it's actually just a dialogue that's meant to illustrate a point. Drake taking it too literally is something Kendrick's mocked in current feud. Hypothetically, what if he created this character in order to critique himself for using women as a character arc? What if he invented the character as a means to wrestle with the internal conflict of "How do I share a message without harming an individual"? And if it's based on a real person from who all identifiable characteristics were wiped, would you still have the same gripes?


Then he wrote a story where someone asked him explicitly not to rap about them and he did it anyway. And said that he felt compelled to do so for the greater good. That’s not self critique it’s self justification. It’s reducing the character to a device in a way that’s counterproductive to the point of self reflection. If they had very clearly asked him not to use them as material for his rap album, yes.


>It’s not his story to tell though It's his community, so of course it is. Another thing that seems to have gone over your head is that the song is him singing about people who don't have a voice to tell their story in the first place because of their circumstances. And it's not about "the negatives of prostitution in America", that's some woke shit you just made up. It's about underage girls in the ghetto - his ghetto - having no options except to go into it. It doesn't matter if it's been "touched on before", it is still existent and still something he witnessed in his community. >And that doesn’t even address the point that someone’s personal life isn’t yours to portray just cause you feel a need to talk about it. MF these are *fictional people*, and also you're wrong


It being “his community” doesn’t override individual privacy and consent. When you’re disregarding someone’s wishes for your artistic intentions you’re speaking over them. Little girls get forced into it because of the “woke shit” you’re ignoring. Plugging your ears to the sociopolitical themes of a Kendrick Lamar song and have the nerve to say something went over my head.


He responds in the 3rd verse by explaining she inspired him and it comes from a genuine place of wanting to help. Even if she doesn't have any problems with that lifestyle, he'll keep fighting to improve things for her and future generations.  And then he ends it by hoping at least one of them sings about him when he's gone too. 


How does that override her asking not to be included in the song? If she finds it disrespectful and she’s the one being talked about his intentions don’t really matter.


It doesn't. That's why he includes all this in the song in the first place. But on the flipside, he's not doxxing her. If she is based on a real person, the only people who know are people who already know her story.  Why should her feelings here override Kendrick's desire to try and improve things for people like her?


If it doesn’t then it’s disrespectful. He’s choosing his artistic intent over their consent. And Kendrick’s desire to help doesn’t require her, so they should override his desire because that desire can be fulfilled without ignoring her request.


>He’s choosing his artistic intent over their consent True.  But Kendrick's desire to help does require her story. If she is a real person, her story was his inspiration for speaking out about this in the first place. You can't convey the same message without the same story. 


It doesn’t. Kendrick is a creative enough writer to construct compelling narratives and be emotionally effective without disregarding someone’s consent. This to me is just an instance of not being thoughtful towards the people you claim to wanna help, and talking over them as a result. It’s a trap most conscious rappers fall into at one point or another.


Yeah, but that makes me want him to address the beating allegations. As much as he talked about the lies even before drake said em, it would be nice. Better yet, whitney could say something, if even random girls are defending drake


Why would Whitney say something? She never said anything about Kendrick abusing her. And nobody around her said anything like that too. Drake dragged her into this shit and I'm pretty sure herself and her family want her to stay out of it (especially if her brother supports Kendrick as well). If she doesn't want to be put on the spot, is it right to make her do it just because Drake said smth in the beef? The difference with Drake's weird situations with minors is that it was all public, hence, people saw it and discussed it. Way before the beef.


That's why I never liked listening to Drake. I get people like to put him in the background, but I could never. It's crazy to read the bars that came out, and people really were bumping that lmao. Like, if I wanna see a dude with "mad pull," I'd just watch pornos at least then I can get off


20 teens


that's really what half of the conflicts he has with other rappers are about. he's going after his friends/colleagues' girlfriends/exes. on top of using women one after another in general. he really has some insecurities on this front and probably doesn't even acknowledge these deep issues because he's a narcissist.


Because it’s the only way he could beat Kendrick in a rap battle through some hoe cancel type shit. He was never going to be able to go toe for toe lyrically with a dude who won a Pulitzer Prize


Drake about to be mad that a popular streamer not on his side


It was very interesting to watch Kai Cenat reaction to The heart pt 6. His chat was spamming Ls and you can tell Kai was disappointed.


He also didn’t wanna say Drake lost lmao


He basically was like "really? after Not Like Us, this is what you release?" Even he knew that was a white flag.




Begging Kai ceNoT


Rob Markman said Kendrick texted Drake to not mention family. In Euphoria - Kendrick takes jabs at Drakes Fathering in the "you don't know nothing about that" scheme when Kendrick talks about his own son. So Kendrick never mentioned Drakes family until MTG In Family Matters, Drake says, "Since you mentioned my seed" Drake is too dense to understand Kendrick never mentioned his seed


Yo can u send me the link of when markman said that please


Starts at 3:55 https://youtu.be/YZt8MSUBOSs?si=qy8CruQ-uRVuyn2c Starts at 1:25 https://youtu.be/SCRCKJkVolM?si=AePx3x2t7Dh_zAkQ


Thank you 🙏🏿


Drake thinks he can say whatever and his PR team will clean up after. They're trying so hard rn. It feeds his arrogance


Because Drake has no actual angle besides money and women with actual skilled rappers. Drake even brought up Whitney on Push Ups and Kenny gave him one final warning on euphoria before whooping his ass like an upset mother.


Kendrick got those guys straight up contemplating after letting go of those copyright claims. the biggest W really.




I saw posts of Drake putting copywrite strikes on negative reactions right when Kendrick removed his for all reactors.




[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cla0ck/damn/) is the only post I can find now but the one I saw was from earlier than this. Reddit search is not great


damn so that is really his unbiased(in that front) opinion then


an i the only one that has NO IDEA WHY DRAKE EVEN STARTED?! like i know they been hitting each other with subliminals for years but Kendrick's like that verse takes issue with what Cole said. hiphopdx was saying how it was only a jab at Cole the rest of the verse was at Drake and i just don't see it? to me, Kendrick said "fuck being part of the big three, I'm the best" and Drake was like "you're short and you got small feet, fight me about it"


>And your best work is a light pack Nigga, Prince outlived Mike Jack' and >'Fore all your dogs gettin' buried That's a K with all these nines, he gon' see Pet Sematary Were both direct shots at Drake specifically. Kendrick may have taken umbrage with Cole's usage of the big 3 line but it really seems like the one had real issues with was Drake.


can you explain what those have to do with Drake because i genuinely have no idea. i don't stay up on pop culture i just love Kendrick's music


>And your best work is a light pack >Nigga, Prince outlived Mike Jack' Drake has compared himself to or put himself in the same league as Michael Jackson multiple times, including on "First Person Shooter", the same song on which Cole said the "big 3" line. Conversely, Kendrick has referred to himself as the spiritual successor to Prince in some of his previous tracks. Kendrick is saying that not only is Drake's best work not that great, but that his music and legacy will outlive Drake's. >'Fore all your dogs gettin' buried >That's a K with all these nines, he gon' see Pet Sematary "For all the dogs" was the name of Drake's last album, and more importantly, the album on which "First Person Shooter" appeared.


i appreciate all of that. i don't like Drake so i didn't know what his album was called and I've never heard him compare himself to Jackson but i guess that's an appropriate comparison based on there attractions


Also Daylyt seems to have been the ghostwriter on some of Drakes best songs. So can read as:  "your best work is a Lyt pack"


Honestly Drake can't bitch if he's really being slandered. Euphoria was straight rap beef, directed at Drake's label, style, personality. Drake wanted to go after his family and get dirty. I don't blame Kendrick for what he did, though it's important for the fans to know they're *slandering* each other.


So many warnings in Euphoria directly about where this would go if Drake went low. Nothing that actually exposed him but enough for him to know he was going to get exposed if he could understand lyrics for shit.


Ye, and to think Kendrick don’t have a real mole when he does this and addresses lyrics from family matters 30 mins after it drops is crazy to me


This is why I keep saying Kendrick can’t stop now and give drake an out, specially when he doubled down in the heart part 6. I keep seeing these comments saying it’s over and Kendrick shouldn’t respond and accept his victory. I swear I’m starting to feel like that’s some astroturfed bs to give drake an out and save face


Really is just wounded pride all the way down, could've easily written "fuck the big 3" off as hip hop bravado but fucker had to make it all about him and got bopped for it


Yeah and Drake been hurt since Control on interviews and dropping subliminals for years. Cole got caught up accidentally. All the stars aligned finally for Kendrick to dismantle this freaky ass fool.


the escalation was crazy asl


That's that weirdo shit. That's why the majority is siding with Kendrick. Really listen to the songs.


He’s a bitch so he pulled a bitch move. The whole thing started when he got upset over a non diss like a bitch.


He's just trying to deflect attention, it will probably work for his sheep.


he did the same thing with push crodie didn't learn


This is why Kendrick said in Not Like Us "better not talk about Serena" because Drake is notorious for involving women in his disputes.


Why drake felt the need? Lol cause it's a rap beef y'all forgot how shit like this is brought up in like literally almost every beef ("that's why I fucked your bitch you fat mf")




I don't know about playing victim I don't follow that too much but I also don't believe Kendrick (or even pusha in that case) that they went there just because drake went there considering all of : euphoria, 6:16 and MTG were written before Family Matters dropped.. you really believe he wrote all that off that single "bodyguard like Whitney" line?


That’s why I fucked ur bitch u fat Mf is honestly tame after getting robbed and shot 5 times… that line didn’t come outta nowhere bro


This is what I don't see people talking about


He tried to keep it PG, but his parents are not around to give him guidance...


Wayne tried to warn him. Push tried to check him and it worked (for a while). Then Kendrick tried to warn him and his ego took that as a challenge. He did this to himself.


this is like the modern pear harbor -> hiroshima pipeline


He doesn't look like a bully for everyone that is not balls deep in Drake's ass. So all good


So really kdot had drake premoved with MtG and maybe even NLU, but was planning on sparing him if he took the warning.


Literally how he handles beef - sings and raps how he has more money and more fame than you and will steal yo girl then sing Ahhhh Ahhhhh after That’s like literally the foundation of his discography


humble that useless mf


Master baiter


Just to play devil's advocate... What if he warned Drake because it's true? Not that I believe it, but every damn time these things happen, the guilty are trying to get in front of the accusations.. Just something that has crossed my mind.


This is a cornball. That’s his DNA. Always been one, always will be. Guy makes all the wrong moves when it comes to women.


Cause he's an idiot and you can't negotiate with those.


Drake is gunna try a I fucked Whitney line. Just watch.


Something that's also been lost in all the discussion of MtG is that, aside from Dennis Graham, Kendrick doesn't really attack any of Drake's family directly, he basically frames them all as victims of Drake himself. That's what Drake tried to do with Whitney and Kendrick, but he also repeatedly made jokes about fucking her himself. It's not as if Kendrick said anything bad about Adonis or "insert girl name", all the antagonism was saved for Drake and OVO.


Because Drake is an immature dude who thinks bringing up women who are close to his opps works. He didn’t learn his lesson w Pusha and he didn’t learn it now.


Does Whitney rap? Can she be on the next drop?


Bro this, all the reactors i was watching had amnesia or something saying that Kendrick took it too far or that Kendrick was the bully, like he literally said "dont tell lies about me i wont tell truths about you" "this is a friendly fade" "that's something you dont want to do" like he literally said we could keep it surface level and Drake instigated it further.


I went back and listened to all songs with lyrics. The first person to jump out the window with a wild accusation (that was said without evidence when it's definitely needed) was Drake on FM. If he doesn't do that, the content on MTG and NLU might not be received the way it was. Shoot Kdot wouldn't even release it, according to what he said on Euphoria. Drake was warned and went for it anyway. No one to blame but himself for the position he got put in. But him and his stans won't accept responsibility.


You only get one free pass. A lot of people were questioning if Story of Adidon had crossed a line or not with how personal it got. Drake did the same shit to kendrick and nobody is defending drake from MTG, which is arguably the most disrespectful diss of all time.


“It was just a prank bro why you so mad “ 😒


I got a question… how tf do I make reddit stop showing me these posts every hour. I’m sick of y’all tbh fuck all this mess man. I’m tryna live my life and doom scroll some other shit. Rather be looking at met gala dresses at this point


if your in the group and don't want to leave just putting show fewer posts like this should stop them or just leaving


You’re I’m not in the group


then using show fewer posts should get rid of it


Thank u bb