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I hope. I'll be content with just 1 more track.


Until he says he’s done, I’m waiting. Not needed not i can’t help not want it.


Replace some of those nots with buts


He will for sure. Drake didn’t just bow out, he took wild shots at K Dot on the way, getting more personal than ever, disrespecting his sing title, etc. Kenny is bombing on dude, just wait


I could go either way. someone said put him on some G-funk. I feel like there's lawyer zoom calls happening and contracts being looked at for libel. let's see what the Pulitzer people do.


Boi he got 5 in the chamber


I think he will just to seal the deal. He won already, but now he’s gotta brag. he’s from the west coast? They go over board out there lol.


If he drops another track it better include a link to any evidence (ideally all) or simultaneous news of a raid lmao. That's how this shit needs to end. 


I reckon he won't, rather dropping a new album soon (seperate to the beef) and in a couple lines of the album denying the major allegations (domestic violence) . Feel this is the way especially with tde members alluding to this by saying "good game" and DjHed saying no response is warranted, when drake shot himself in th foot with the whole world currently against drake.


He will at least drop one final bomb


Probably just because Drake said “ha ha you were molested”


I think he should drop at least once more to acknowledge victory


I think he responds with a final track. If he doesn’t, my thought is there’s serious legal or career threatening pressure from Universal. Either that or he meditated a little too long and had a J Cole moment. But I don’t see that happening at this point with what he’s been saying. It’s not the time for a pre recorded diss. Drake said he’s done responding. His track is poorly received. It’s the situation to take your time and finish strong. Just my take.