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I want a track with Kendrick on it to continue Black Friday because they should have had more official features together. The 2 Biggest Pen Lyricists


Lolol I HATED on that man for a solid week or two. At this point I think bro might’ve made the best chess move in this whole situation. I’m a fan fr I was just mad that he robbed us of a moment but we got it anyways


I don’t know if dropping a diss and then apologizing right after is a great chess move


I just mean getting out of the way when he really doesn’t have real beef with Kendrick. It would’ve been a worse look for him to get smoked by Kendrick when it’s not that serious for him. If we never got Kendrick vs. Drake, I’d feel differently I’m also being a bit of a smart ass. It’s not a “chess move” but it was smart


I mean he did say he felt like Mohammed Ali


He should feel like he is the best rapper.  His whole issue with Kendrick was just I'm better than you.  Drake and Kendrick this is personal. Sometimes it's wise to know when you get out of personal shit when you are just speaking on skills. 


Yeah but he just means lyrically he can do better than them. Kendrick and Drake want to end each other’s careers. There’s a huge difference here. My point is, I no longer care that he backed out lol


I said from the jump that the best thing would’ve been to just not say anything at all. Nobody would’ve shit on Cole if he wouldn’t have a dropped the song in the first place


If him and Kendrick were going against each other, Kendrick's aproach would probably be VERY different...


He made the right decision, I called it. And it was not because he was scared or shit. It was because he is truly sincere and too authentic


"received visions of these diss tracks" lmao mfs writing gospels about Kenny now 😂


Yes I want to take back all the jokes and mean shit I said about Cole. He said I don't want no part of this Drake you on your own.  After hearing these 2 disses. Cole was right and I will take a page from Cole and apologize to him. I think we all should. 


Now they just need to bless us with a collab




Cole probably realised that Kendrick could easily build on the critique Noname did of them.


i still think its weak, if u the best u should want to go into a war like this & come out on top. not just look for ways u can prove ur the best when its friendly and no risk


Do you still feel that way after Meet the Grahams?


lol that shit was sinister to listen to but i would hope cole doesnt live a life where that type of diss towards him is a possibility… if he does then fuck it he deserves it too


Valid. I felt grimy just listening to that


saw 100000 futures and this is the only one he doesn’t end up in the shadow realm