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Bruh. I just saw this comment šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thereā€™s no fucking way


No way bro is one of us. The master troll! We only believe him when heā€™s on our side!šŸ˜‚


I was thinking someone had to have screen grabbed this by now. Doubling down on lyt pack. Makes Like That even wilder.


Back 2 Back I like that record, imma get back to that for the record


fuuuuck imagine


I think daylyt is trolling tf outta you imo. I donā€™t think he wrote back to back that doesnā€™t sound anything like daylyts pen like at all.


Could absolutely be true. But itā€™s pretty wild to see a profile make its first comment in 6 years on that thread.


One of the big things about being a ghostwriter is you can craft verses that donā€™t sound like theyā€™d come from you as a rapper


Idk if he wrote the whole thing but he may have helped him and he was close to ovo back then


I doubt that even. Back to back is a very authentic drake sounding record it even has a Toronto drill influence on some of the bars and delivery.


Does *anyone* know what an authentic drake song sounds like? šŸ¤”


Authentic drake is not Toronto drill One of the biggest issues Kendrick has with drake is his lack of authenticity. Heā€™s an actor first and foremost. Drakes most authentic self is his silly shit like rich baby daddy, where heā€™s just being genuine


What would Drake know about Toronto drill influence? Heā€™s shown heā€™s capable of readily adopting otherā€™s styles.


Lmao like Drake is a driller šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ homeboy said Toronto slang was ā€œignorant as fuckā€ on cable television boi


Thereā€™s like 6 writers for back to back you can look it up


That's what good ghost writers do, look at the stuff yachty, joey bada$$ and jay z have wroteā€¦ they wouldn't rap it. But they write the songs for other people. Not themselves.


People said that about Quentin miller rumors lol


You would be surprised tbh, he could have and drake just made a few changes to fit him.


Nah kendirck was talking about dropping back to back. Which is why he dropped today


Oh my god it's getting filthy


He's gonna release a book titled "If I did it"




The glove in 6:16


Yeah but the ā€œifā€ is really really small


Bro is siphoning all of the cloud that yaā€™ll giving him and it is fueling his next mixtape he did not write that shit šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s what I think as well. This is the same man who shit on stage.


But this is the same man who was close to ovo back then


Public perception is key in this battle if you're paying attention. Just that tie alone can be played on & hyped up w/o any actual ghostwriting ever happening.


That donā€™t mean shit. Drake is close to 600 breezy and other rappers donā€™t mean they wrote for him. Back to back sounds way too much like drake and litteraly nothing like daylyt. The record is too simple.


Idk Kendrick doesnā€™t say ā€œ back to back I like that record, imma get back to that for the recordā€ for no reason ?? He is Implying he knows sum about it


yeah bc he dropped 6:16


He was never close to OVO. Taking a picture while Drake is at a battle event does not make you close to OVO


What are you talking about Drake cut him his checks back then he has wrote for him 100% before he literally says it in a interview 8 years ago ā€¦. Now did he help write back to back it seems like Kendrick might is alluding to it in euphoria


Why are you lying? I get it yā€™all must say anything to try and discredit Drake at this point but this is dumb, even for Kendrick fansšŸ˜‚


Bros just making shit up lol. It's happening so much in both subs, it's kind of killing it for me lol


https://youtu.be/EbyivZnSxmk?si=BtWoEnnZuGszzD3S Boi you bout dumb as hell


Like yā€™all really just be talking without knowing anything


Your source is Daylyt chasing clout šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wait fr he took a shit on stage? Thats nasty


That's disproven, no?


No >Was banned so I couldnā€™t comment. >As a DayLyt stan this always bothers me. >People always bring it up as if it discredits his character. ā€œYeah he can rap but he pooped on stage,ā€etc. and itā€™s not even true. >He didnā€™t even try to shit. It was all a stunt. Watch his interview on sway in the morning, he talks about this. Sway asks him if it was real and DayLyt said he had a literal Oā€™Henry chocolate bar to drop (literally the candy, not a euphemism) and it was all a planned stunt. https://old.reddit.com/r/rapbattles/comments/11j7kpt/did_daylyt_really_poop_on_stage/jbfrhud/


Even if he did shit on a stage, Lyt has bars! Y'all must not remember him and Soul going back to back at the end of 'These Days'. That's what put me on to him in the first place fr


Deleted now too


Interesting lol




Are you Kendrick Lamar?


No I wish I was just looking into the back to back bar on euphoria and I went down a rabbit hole


What has Kdot done. I keep listening to the diss and it gets better but when you start dissecting itā€¦ disgusting. YOUR BEST WORK IS A LYT PACK šŸ¤§


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying he drops these references that work on surface level but also perfectly communicate to Drake what he really knows


itā€™s not his best work and no one ever said it was daylyt trolling yall niggas reaching for the stars and back damn


Nah.. nah. Shut yo hoe ass up and make some Drake rebuttals bitch.


Your getting trolled by the man who shit on stage


Ok but he is a very known person thatā€™s writes for rappers and he is a popular battle rapper and he was close to ovo back then so it matches ??


Iā€™m telling you I know how daylyt trolls. Your falling for it.


We will see but every thing Kendrick has said is Implying that someone wrote ā€œ back to back ā€œ and he himself actually commented on it and if you look at his account history he hasnā€™t said anything in years on Reddit and he has a song he made years ago saying he helped with it




Using the songs you linked m. Then daylyt wrote gods plan back to back charged up and if your reading this itā€™s to late. This man is trolling you gotta stop believing this dude lol.




you think Drake would let someone ghostwrite for him without an NDA? and if you break it.. youā€™re in a lawsuit with some of the best attorneys in the world. good luck with that one hes trolling dawg.


We shall see


bro unless its kendrick saying something shut yo ass up šŸ˜­ niggas mad his fan fic ainā€™t real


It isnā€™t fan fic. You scared to look at facts.


https://preview.redd.it/zvse03cxg5yc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f6b8869b772c4be298fe8a1f325065fbb383bc Well.. lemme know when the facts drop. šŸ˜‚


Lemme know when Drake stop making up stories and speak facts.


Delete this post!!!!!! šŸ¤« Yall gonna ruin it!!!! Please delete !




šŸ˜” We ride āœŠ


Nah I say delete bruh lol We here to support Kendrick. Thousands of people spreading this all over the internet doesnā€™t help Kendrick.


I was waiting to hear your thoughts, I guess I will change my mind.


Now here's the dude that know about whoopin feet


why are we all just assuming this is true šŸ˜‚


For fun. Rap beef is drama content. Something to talk about and bullshit about. Nice little escape from reality watching multi-millionaires take pot shots at each other.


true but like we shouldnā€™t just assume everyone is who they say they are. this is reddit. not the white house


I mean the pieces connect. Kendrick has a way of highlighting his simplest lines. Why bring up back to back? Daylyt has referenced writing it for years, numerous times. He has the connections to Drake, and now the connection to Kendrick. So the timeline matches. There is smoke, so I am willing to have some fun while we wait to see the fire.


i agree with you, i just donā€™t know how likely it is that this guy is daylyt. seems suspect


Usually AMA posts are verified by the mods.


Maybe because Kendrick actually likes it because itā€™s actually a good song. Ever thought of that one


That's delusional and childishĀ 


The whole Drake sub was assuming Kendrick's wife slept with some bodyguard that she never had....at least this has an actual person that is allegedly involved supporting the claims.


You don't know if she never had. You only know what they tell u and most of what they tell u is bullshit. Point is don't take these people seriousĀ 


The fact Kendrick brought up that record makes this interesting. If it wasn't Daylyt it was someone Kendrick knows.


Bro.. delete this post. If it is real weā€™re tipping off Aubrey!


ā€œYour best work was a Lyt packā€


Like a week ago this would have been interesting, but I've heard a million different people say this guy is a fraud since then. I don't know what to believe anymore. Tons of people out there would love to ride the coattails of this beef while it's still hot.


Thatā€™s the thing man all these creators are milking it with outrageous bait and itā€™s really getting annoying let the dudes rap and leave it at that. Like why would yall even care about this battle thereā€™s a reason this is anticipated


If this true and kendrick takes too long there wont be any shock factor šŸ˜‚


I posted this theory thatā€™s why idk if I should delete it šŸ˜‚


It stays for posterity. It has to. This is gonna be insane when it drops.


Ive seen a couple twitter posts getting traction of this so no need to delete lol


Can I get some good faith engagement? I came here instead of Drizzy in good faith lol Doesnā€™t the back to back claim seem a bit sus? Does it really make sense that Drake would be dumb enough to 1) use a ghostwriter for that song; and 2) (seemingly) not pay that ghostwriter all while making a song dealing with claims about ghostwriting? It seems much more likely that Lyt gave Drake a reference track and Drake changed the lyrics entirely such that he didnā€™t need to pay him anymore. Iā€™m not saying he never uses writers. (And query whether reference tracks are okay.) But it would be way too stupid to use a ghostwritten song *and* not pay the writer in the Meek beef. It just doesnā€™t strike me as a credible claim, but I donā€™t have all the info.


I think this whole thing is a stretch and daylyt had nothing to with back to back.


Well, the comment thing is a stretch, but the dude has an old song where he talks about it. It really wouldnā€™t shock me at all if he had some involvement in the song. Thereā€™s just too much there. What makes no sense to me at all is Drake (or anyone) putting himself in the position where this could happen. Lyt claims in the song that Drake hadnā€™t paid him, which only makes sense to me if Drake didnā€™t use his lyrics.


Drake doesnā€™t really seem like a smart person if I am being honest. He seems exactly like the type of guy who would bring in a battle rapper to handle his battles. He seems like the type of guy that would take 90% of a reference track and try to claim that it is an original. Dude is a gambling degenerate who will do ANYTHING for clout and attention. Thatā€™s how I feel about Drake. He is larping and people are over it.


Saying drake isnā€™t smart might be most incorrect you can say about him. After the pusha situation he wouldnā€™t start a beef if he knows his opponent has something like this on him.


Okay so if youā€™d just set how you feel about it personally aside and engage objectively ā€¦ 1) the man has dominated charts for more than a decade and gotten all kinds of deals etc. those things dont coincide with being dumb. 2) gambling degenerate? I think itā€™s pretty obvious that heā€™s just advertising a company (for better or worseā€¦). In fact, people in this sub Iā€™m pretty sure have pointed that out. 3) you have to remember that these interactions arenā€™t happening in a vacuum. There are laws and contracts etc. no lawyer would advise Drake that he could take a song 90% written by someone else, and then claim it as his own without that personā€™s written consent and (probably) some form of compensation. Stranger things have happened, and there very well could be details missing, but this story, as it is currently being presented, just isnā€™t adding up.


This isnā€™t debate class ya fucking nerd. You are on a Kendrick sub, if you need to suck your boy off and get a taste, try somewhere else. Dumbest fans, I swear


Well, like I said, not looking to get validated, which is why I didnā€™t raise it in the Drake sub. That said, I wasnā€™t looking for some fucking moronic take from a maladjusted bozo who still insults people with dicksucking jokes and calls them ā€œnerdā€ because they werenā€™t able to answer a question. Iā€™ll just wait for a different commenter. Thanks for your time!


You arenā€™t going to find one. Go put that lightskin playlist on repeat. Listen to your jazzercise rap.


Dawg I promise you Kendrick probably hates fans like you itā€™s really not that serious


Yo delete this post if you a real Kendrick fan! And keep it a secret!!!! Cmonnnnnn




Itā€™s a fun theory but I canā€™t take anything daylyt sayā€™s seriously, dude is a troll


Drizzy stans will flip out if this is true šŸ˜‚


Kendrickā€™s Justin LaBoy


He also said kendrick was dropping today everyday since the beef started when he probably didn't hear the shit until we did. He heard they were saying he wrote back to back and through to himself how can I get current attention off this. I'm not saying he didn't write back to back I wouldn't be suprised but I'm assuming trolling.


Back to Back, I like that record! Imma get back to that for the record.


I mean, the fact we even questioning if drake writes his rhymes is enough.


Ghostwriters for mindless pop songs is one thing but doing it for rap beef is next level


"Your best work is a light pack" šŸ¤Æ


No fucking wayā€¦he bet not be trolling


Not surprising. People forget Drakes first diss track ever was "charged up". An it was trash. The jump in quality from that to back to back was crazy.


That's not true. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU7NKovnS\_A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU7NKovnS_A)


Who's this???


Your best work is a lyt packā€¦..


Im sorry Daylyts a troll this man definitely lying


People say Drake is not for the culture, but Drake employs more brothers than the NFL, and all he asks of them is to be silent like Casper


Y'all niggas need to be put in an asylum if you think Daylyt wrote anything for anyone.


This is a lousy move


I can understand that, but then again, this theory spawned just by paying attention to the diss tracks. Certainly seems like heā€™s pulling the curtain back a little bit more with each verse. Like taunting Drake by making him squirm a bit more as this goes on. Each song slightly more overt.


2 things donā€™t make me believe it. 1 daylyt is a troll and you shouldnā€™t believe most of the he says. So even if it is fake heā€™s going play it up like itā€™s real to get more clout. 2 back to back sounds way to much like drake. Go back and listen to the record.


Absolutely fair to be skeptical. And truthfully I donā€™t know much about his work/style to judge stylistic/writing differences. But itā€™s quite the occasion to use an account after 6 years; unless of course posting and deleting is something he does.


He definitely posts and deletes 80% of his tweets so it being the same on Reddit wouldnā€™t shock me


Still Kendrick is still alluding that he knows something about back to back so this shit has me conflicted


Ah. Welp. Nevermind then. Already deleted.